Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 61 Eagle Sorrow Gorge! Qin Xuemei's strangeness [Please recommend! ]

Baiyun Temple is more than ten miles away from the nearest green tea market.

The incense has long since ceased.

Almost no one comes here.

Although the green smoke rising here attracted the attention of some nearby people, no one came to check because it was too far away.

The fire in the ruined temple burned until darkness fell.

Qin Wang was still waiting aside and did not go to get the Five Elements Divine Light Jar.

time flies.

Early in the morning.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information! 】

【Today’s information】

[1: Yesterday, you killed Lin Tong, who had been chasing you, and obtained information. Lin Tong was the youngest disciple of Su Tianhai, the leader of the Voodoo Gang of the evil sect in Jinzhou. He took advantage of his master Su Tianhai's madness to steal the three-corpse Gu King jar. , his master Su Tianhai was furious after he regained his consciousness, and sent his disciples to look for the traitor Lin Tong and the Three Corpse Gu King Jar. 】

[2: You burned the three-corpse Gu King jar yesterday and obtained information. Its former owner, Venerable Gu, was surrounded and killed by the righteous powers because he cultivated the evil Gu King. His body collapsed, and the human Gu merged into one, transforming into the 'Sniffing Spirit'. Gu' Nirvana and rebuilding. 】

[3: Yesterday, you were worried that Lin Tong’s corpse and the Three Corpse Gu King Jar of the Voodoo Gang were poisonous, so you burned them. We obtained information that the Three Corpse Gu King Jar had been burned for an hour, and there was no poison on Lin Tong’s body anymore. After the poison was burned out, Su Tianhai will rely on the breath of the corpse of the poison planted in Lin Tong to find Baiyun Temple in 10 days. 】

[4: You paid attention to Chen Kun of the Chen family yesterday and obtained information that Chen Kun and his cousin Zhuo Yijian, two first-class bodyguards, had tracked them to the Maple Leaf Valley black market. 】

[5: You wore the mysterious fragment yesterday and obtained information. The fragment of the same origin closest to you is located in Qingyun Fairy City. 】

[6: You burned Lin Tong’s body yesterday and obtained information that the ‘Sniffing Spirit Gu’ that Lin Tong kept in the Three Corpse Gu King jar has escaped. 】

[7: You paid attention to Qin Xuemei yesterday and obtained information that Qin Xuemei has started practicing the Flying Eagle Body Technique. 】

[8: You read the preliminary explanation of the elixir of Master Qing Yao yesterday and obtained information that Yingchou Stream, where Master Qing Yao was seated, is located in the Yulong Mountains in the northwest of Jinzhou. 】

[9: Yesterday, you read Master Qingyao’s preliminary explanation of the elixir and obtained information that Xiaodanshanfang City, where Master Qingyao once stayed, is located in the Yunwu Mountains at the junction of Jinzhou and Yunzhou. There are The forbidden formation is shrouded in heavy fog all year round and is listed as a forbidden area by Da Cang Kingdom. 】

[10: You used the Shocking Knife to chop wood yesterday and obtained information that its former master, Ba Dao Yue Tianyang, has embarked on the path to immortality and has made great achievements. 】


"Lin Tong's master Su Tianhai is looking for the Three Corpse Gu King Jar? He planted the poison in Lin Tong's body. Will he find it here in 10 days?"

Qin Wang looked at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd pieces of information, which were mixed.

The bad news is that Su Tianhai will chase him to Baiyun Temple in 10 days. Is it possible that he will chase him?

However, by the time Su Tianhai arrives, he may have arrived at Yingchoujian.

The good news is.

The poison on the Three Corpse Gu King jar has been burned clean by fire and can be taken away safely.

Think of this.

Qin Wang immediately stopped to check the information and came to the entrance of the ruined temple.

Lin Tong had been burned to char, and among the ashes three feet away from his body, there was a black amphorae about one foot high.

Qin Wang put on his animal skin gloves, stepped forward with a stick, put it through one ear of the pottery pot and lifted it up. He carefully observed the ruined temple, dealt with the traces, and walked away after feeling that nothing was missing. .

"Now, we can go to the northwest of Jinzhou and the Yulong Mountains with all our strength!"

Qin Wang looked at the 8th piece of information with expectation.

I am about to get the immortal cultivation technique and embark on the path to immortality!

"Huh? Xiaodanshanfang City is at the junction of Jinzhou and Yunzhou? I'll wait until I learn how to cultivate immortality, and then I can find a way to go to Xiaodanshanfang City!"

Qin Wang looked at the ninth piece of information and made a secret plan.

Qin Wang used the Flying Eagle Body Technique and galloped all the way to Qingchaji outside Linshan City.

Linshan City is rich in tea.

There is an endless stream of tea merchants coming to the Green Tea Market.

Qin Wang returned to a small farmyard where he and his sister Qin Xuemei stayed.

The room was lit by a dim sesame oil lamp.

Qin Xuemei had fallen asleep at the table.

Qin Wang took the quilt, covered Qin Xuemei's body, and began to count the packages, preparing to go to Yingchoujian early tomorrow morning.

The next day.

After Qin and Wang finished breakfast, they bought some things in the town and headed to Yingchou Stream.

"Wangzi, since you gave me a few slices of those 300-year-old ginseng to hold in my mouth, I noticed something strange."

Qin Xuemei followed Qin Wang, feeling uneasy thinking of the strange things that had happened to her in the past two days.

"What's weird?"

Hearing this, Qin Wang slowed down.

During the long journey, his sister's bones were weak, so he thought of cutting a few slices of three-hundred-year-old ginseng for her to hold in her mouth on the way to replenish her health.

"After I took ginseng slices, the 'two leaves' birthmark on my arm appeared early and has not faded."

"I remember in the past, it only appeared when the moon was full, and faded away at other times."

"Moreover, I have been dreaming every day for the past few days. I dreamed that I was standing in a huge elixir garden. Many elixirs in it can transform into babies. They are all very sticky to me."

Qin Xuemei's beautiful eyes showed confusion.

"Then I'll stop eating the ginseng slices and see if the birthmark fades."

Qin Wang looked thoughtful and said.

He originally wanted to nurse his sister back to health, but after all, it was hard work on the road. If there were any abnormalities in the body after taking this ginseng slice, he could no longer eat it.


Qin Xuemei nodded.

Yulong Mountains.


Shrouded in white mist, there are thousands of dangerous peaks with green pines on them.

A deep stream that is more than ten miles long appears under the dangerous peak. Occasionally, there are white birds flying over and the sounds of beasts.

The sun is shining brightly.

Qin Wang and Qin Xuemei stood on the left side of Yingchou Stream, under a green pine.

"Wangzi, is that mysterious senior's cave you mentioned right here?!"

Qin Xuemei held a wooden stick and looked at the Yingchou Stream under her feet, with shock in her beautiful eyes. The air here was much better than other places.


Qin Wang nodded.

Intelligence showed that the cave where Master Qing Yao was enthroned was located in Yingchou Stream. However, Yingchou Stream was more than ten miles long, with steep peaks and no place to stay. It would take a lot of time to find it.

The two of them trekked all the way.

"Sister, it's too dangerous here. Can you wait for me in this gap?"

Qin looked at the misty Yingchoujian and said to his sister.

He decided to go find it alone.

Not far away, there is a gap in the mountain wall. My sister has no internal strength, so she feels more at ease staying inside.

"Well, then be careful!"

Qin Xuemei also knew the danger, her beautiful eyes showed worry, and she warned again and again.

"Ok, I know."

Qin Wang placed his sister in a gap in the cliff. Then, he used the Flying Eagle Body Technique to search along the Yingchou Stream.

Until dark, Qin Wang could not find the cave where Master Qing Yao lived.


Qin Wang was not discouraged.

He also knew that the methods of immortal cultivators were unfathomable, and the caves where they lived were certainly not easy to find.

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