Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 62 Master Qingyao's skills are obtained! Last words, Feng Zhi's heart is still uns

The next day.

Qin Wang held the preliminary solution of Master Qing Yao's elixir in his hand and continued to search for Master Qing Yao's cave on both sides of Yingchou Stream.

Until it got dark, I still found nothing.

The siblings had already prepared to spend the night in this mountain crevice.

"It's worth noting that I took Master Qingyao's elixir for the first time today, and finally got the information."

In the early morning, Qin Wang's eyes suddenly lit up when the information was updated.

[5: Today, you took the first solution of the elixir and went to Yingchou Stream to search for the cave of Master Qing Yao. You obtained information that the place where Master Qing Yao was seated is located five feet below the three green pines on the left cliff of Yingchou Stream. A cave covered by vines. 】

"Three green pines five feet below! Vine!"

Qin Wang took a deep breath and looked forward to it. He and his sister were on the cliff on the left. Moreover, a hundred feet away from him, there were indeed several vines as thick as an adult's arm, with three green pines on them.


Under the vines was the bottomless Yingchou Stream. He didn't see a foothold or a cave. Qin Wang didn't dare to go down in a hurry. He had to wait until daybreak.

The jet is so dark that if you don't get the immortal skills, you will be doomed if you fall down.

The next day.

The morning sun passed through the gap and fell on Qin Wang like a sword. When he saw that his sister was still awake, he immediately took off his robe, covered her body, came outside the gap, and looked at the vines.

Because it's winter.

There are only a few leaves on the vines, only dense vines hanging on the cliff, and the stone cave covered by the vines cannot be seen clearly.

"A stone recess with a foothold."

Qin Wang observed carefully that there was indeed a stone depression on the cliff, but it was covered by vines.

Qin Wang looked at it again and again, and decided to grab the vine and slide down. He took a look and saw that the roots of the old vine were as thick as a bowl and were deeply rooted in the cracks of the stone. It should not be a problem to bear his weight.

"Wangzi, be careful!"

At this moment, not far away, Qin Xuemei woke up and stood in the gap of the stone wall, with deep worry in her beautiful eyes.


Qin Wang nodded to Qin Xuemei, grabbed the vine with both hands, stepped on the first stone recess on the cliff, and slowly slid down the vine.

"Stone cave!"

Qin Wang slid down five feet along the vines. Following the gap in the vines, he saw a cave that was more than ten feet high. The space inside seemed to be quite large. Qin Wang immediately grabbed the vines, jumped down, and landed firmly at the entrance of the cave.

Qin Wang held the shocking knife in his hand and slowly approached the entrance of the cave.

Following the sunlight coming in, he saw that the inside of the cave was man-made. It was a stone room three feet in diameter. There was a stone table in the middle of the stone room. There was a mummy sitting on a stone futon against the wall, with eye sockets. Deeply sunk, darkened, and scary-looking.

On the stone table.

There was a gray package and a dusty, two-foot-square black wooden box.

The package was weathered and torn, revealing some long white strips inside.

"This should be Master Qingyao."

Qin Wang looked at Master Qingyao, who had become a mummy, and then carefully checked the layout of the stone room. After confirming that there was no danger, he looked at the black wooden box on the stone table with hot eyes.

Intelligence shows that the place where Master Qingyao sits and transforms has its own cultivation techniques.

This technique is an immortal technique!

Qin Wang used the Shocking Knife to pick up the box, and came to the place where the sun shined at the entrance of the cave. He hid aside and carefully picked it open. When the box was opened, no poisonous arrows were shot out. There were only two books and a letter inside. , and a gray palm-sized bag.

Qin Wang looked at the two books first, and his heart was pounding suddenly!

This is clearly the Immortal Dao Kung Fu [Five Elements Gathering Skill] and [Fire Spirit Sword].

There is a signature on the letter: The words are left for a destined person.

"Leave it to a destined person?"

Qin Wang put on his animal skin gloves and opened the letter and took a closer look.

[Love rises with the wind, but it is difficult to calm down when the wind stops]

Turning to the first page, there is this sentence, followed by the name of Master Qingyao - Jiang Fan, who was visiting relatives in the secular world and was intercepted and killed by Zhao Yulong, a close friend of Xiaodanshan. Although he escaped, he was seriously injured and on the verge of death. .

The most regretful thing in his life is that he could not grow old together with the love in his heart, Zhang Panpan. Now he will give the spiritual stones, the exercises he practiced and the storage bag to someone who is destined to have a destiny. He hopes that the destiny person can help him go to the elixir gate and inform Zhang Panpan. In his mind, there was a regret!

The letter didn't mention anything about helping him get revenge.


The letter mentioned that the spiritual consciousness needs to be born in the middle stage of Qi refining. I was worried that the destined person would not be able to open the storage bag when he first entered the immortal path, so he put the skills and some spiritual stones on the stone table.

"Senior is really an infatuated person. If one day I can meet the one I love, Zhang Panpan, I will definitely tell him my true feelings!"

Qin Wang deeply clasped his fists at the remains of Master Qing Yao.

Master Qing Yao is indeed thoughtful.


He is currently unconscious and cannot even open the storage bag.

“With this, you don’t have to worry about having too many things to carry!”

Qin Wang immediately looked at the gray bag, took a deep breath, and murmured.

The letter mentioned that this gray bag is Master Qingyao’s storage bag.

I have more stuff now.

A large bag of Five Elements Divine Light Jar, Soul Gathering Bowl, Treasure Bowl, Shocking Knife, Qingyou Small Sword, Gold Jewelry and Silver Invoices, Chiyang Magic, First Solution to the Pill, Yellow Jade, etc. It would be inconvenient to carry it. It’s so convenient if you have a storage bag!


You still need to cultivate to the fourth level of Qi Refining.

Inside the weathered package on one side were 50 low-grade spiritual stones left by Master Qing Yao. The spiritual stones were about two and a half inches long and one inch wide, exuding a strong aura of pure spirit.

“This trip has indeed yielded a huge harvest!”

Qin Wang immediately put 50 spiritual stones, letter paper, Five Elements Gathering Skill, and the Fire Spirit Knife into the bag he brought with him. He immediately picked up the Frightening Knife, cut some stones on the stone wall, sealed the cave, and carried the harvest on his back. Return the way you came.

The terrain here is special and it is impossible to bury Master Qingyao in peace, so the cave can only be sealed.

"Wangzi, slow down, be careful!"

Qin Xuemei stood in the gap on the top of the peak, watching Qin Wang climb up the vines, with her heart in her throat.


Qin Wang agreed, grabbed the vines, and used his strength on the cliff wall, like an ape, and landed next to Qin Xuemei. Qin Xuemei quickly grabbed his arm, as if she was afraid that he would fall.

"Sister, it's done, let's go!"

Qin Wang's face was full of satisfaction.

This time it was fruitful.

He planned to go to the small town at the foot of the mountain, rent a small courtyard, and learn the Five Elements Gathering Skill first.


Qin Xuemei nodded and followed Qin Wang down the mountain.


Fifty miles away.

Hongye Town is a town with a population of nearly 10,000, somewhat similar to Qingniuji.

Qin Wang took his sister and rented a three-room large tile-roofed house at the back of the town. There were yards at the front and back where they could grow vegetables. It was very quiet.


In the kitchen, the aroma of broth came out.

"Between heaven and earth, there are spiritual energy such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The energy of the five elements enters the body, which is the gathering of the five elements."

Qin Wang sat cross-legged in the room. In front of him was the Five Elements Gathering Technique. He followed the formula above and silently visualized it.

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