Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 63: Sensing Spiritual Herb Talent! Refreshed intelligence, solution! [Please vote for recomm

Youzhou border.

Linshan City is thirty miles away from Qingcha Mountain.

"Where did the Three Corpse Gu King Jars go?! Who took my treasure!?"

A tall old man with snow-white hair and a ruddy complexion looked at Lin Tong's charred corpse in the ruined temple, his eyes like a vicious snake, and a terrifying aura spread from his body.

Beside Su Tianhai, seven young men with strange auras stood aside in silence.

"Master, get out and look for me!"

"If we can't find the Three Corpse Gu King jars within three days, everyone will die!"

Su Tianhai waved his sleeves, and immediately, the seven disciples rolled down several feet like gourds on the ground, rolled up and scattered in all directions.


Su Tianhai was extremely angry.

The Three Corpse Gu King Jar is related to whether he can advance to the true innate realm of martial arts!

No room for error!

These bitches are so courageous. They are not dead yet, they are just having a crazy attack, and they are starting to take advantage of the master's treasure?

If these bitches hadn't been of some use, I would have crushed them to death with the Zimu Gu!


"Baby! Why are you here? Where is the Three Corpse Gu King Jar?"

Suddenly, Su Tianhai saw, near the ruined temple, a finger-thick, three-inch-long, snow-white Gu silkworm slowly crawling over. It was the 'Sniffing Spirit Gu' stolen by the young disciple Lin Tong. The Sniffing Spirit Gu was Now, where are the Three Corpse Gu King jars?

The sniffing spirit Gu quickly climbed onto Su Tianhai's hand, and its long tentacles continued to expand and contract, pointing in the direction of the green tea collection at the foot of the mountain.

Su Tianhai was overjoyed when he saw this, and immediately picked up the Sniffing Spirit Gu and rushed down the mountain.


Fifty miles away.

Hongye Town.

Night, seven o'clock.

In a quiet three-room large tile-roofed house, Qin Wang looked at his sister sitting cross-legged with disbelief in his eyes. "Sister, have you started? So quickly?"

"Yes, I practiced it twice and I felt the air flow."

Qin Xuemei blinked her beautiful eyes and looked very surprised.

"Sister, it seems that you have a good talent for cultivating immortals!"

Qin Wang looked at his sister and was shocked.

What spiritual root talent is this?

To know.

He has practiced the Five Elements Gathering Technique no less than ten times, but he still hasn't sensed Qi!

"Wangzi, it's just a coincidence. If you practice more, you should be able to sense Qi soon."

Qin Xuemei comforted Qin Wang and said.


Qin Wang nodded. It seemed that his sister Qin Xuemei's spiritual roots were very good. He would practice it a few more times to see if he could get started.

Early in the morning.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information! 】

[1: You inspected the Five Elements Divine Light Jar yesterday and obtained information. Su Tianhai, the leader of the Voodoo Gang, rushed to Baiyun Temple. He did not find the Three Corpse Gu King jar, but met the returning 'Sniffing Spirit Gu'. If you follow the trace, you will be traced to Hongye Town in 15 days. Su Tianhai is currently half-step to the innate realm of martial arts, and he is bound to get the Three Corpse Gu King Jar, because this is the key for him to step into the true innate realm of martial arts. 】

[2: You inspected the Five Elements Divine Light Jar yesterday and received information that Su Tianhai, the leader of the Voodoo Gang who once owned the Five Elements Divine Light Jar, suffered from a manic attack and took Yang Qingyun, the youngest son of Jinzhou Qinglong Association leader Yang Yuting, and the two accompanying guardians. Yang Yuting searched for the murderer but couldn't find it. 】

[3: You practiced the Five Elements Gathering Gong yesterday and obtained information. Murong Jiuhua, the founder of the Five Elements Gathering Gong, resisted foreign humiliation for the human race in the Great War of All Spirits. He turned his back on all living beings, ruled for eternity, shed the last drop of blood, and finally reincarnated. . 】

[4: You observed the spirit stones yesterday and got information. Wanhuamen, one of the three major immortal sects in Da Cang Kingdom, discovered a spirit stone mine in the Tianyin Mountains. Ba Daomen and Spiritual Medicine Sect came to force them to share a piece of the pie. Wanhuamen It is difficult for the family to defeat four people with two fists, and they are forced to agree to jointly mine the spirit stone mine due to the situation. Shangguan Haitang, the leader, thinks that under the current situation, the only way to break through is to break through on his own, or to receive the help of talented fairy seedlings to strengthen and break through. It was too difficult, so he decided to recruit more disciples again, hoping to gain something. 】

[5: You inspected Master Qingyao’s storage bag yesterday and obtained information. Master Qingyao’s storage bag contains spiritual stones, magic swords, and elixirs. 】

[6: You watched the Fire Spirit Sword Spell yesterday and got information. The Fire Spirit Sword Spell was created by an elder of the Ba Dao Sect and requires the Fire Spirit Root to practice. 】

[7: You paid attention to Qin Xuemei yesterday and obtained information. Qin Xuemei was worried that she would be holding you back. She was thinking hard about how to solve the problem. At the same time, she practiced hard and quickly became an immortal. Because she took three-hundred-year-old ginseng tablets, she awakened the ability to sense the spirit. The talent of medicinal herbs. 】

[8: You wore the mysterious fragment yesterday and obtained information. Since the mysterious fragment has the effect of calming the mind and increasing the spirit, in the long run, your spiritual awareness will far exceed that of monks of the same level in the future. 】

[9: You obtained the relics of Master Qingyao yesterday, obtained information, and intercepted Master Qingyao. Zhao Yulong is currently the foreign affairs elder of Xiaodanshan. 】

[10: You practiced the Five Elements Gathering Gong yesterday and got the information. You will get started with the Five Elements Gathering Gong in 7 days. 】

"Has it been refreshed?"

Qin Wang looked at the panel with expectation in his eyes.

"The leader of the Voodoo Gang, Su Tianhai, is half-step innate in martial arts. With the help of the Sniffing Spirit Gu, he will find Hongye Town in 15 days?"

Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information and frowned deeply.

I am currently in the middle of the second-rate, and Su Tianhai is already half-step innate in martial arts. If he encounters him, he will definitely die!

"His grandma's."

"No, we can't passively wait for people to come to our door. We must find a way to deal with Su Tianhai!"

Qin Wang looked very gloomy.

He hated the feeling of being hunted! He hated it very much!

At present, he could only rely on the intelligence panel.

"Huh? Su Tianhai had a manic attack and sucked the brain of Yang Qingyun, the youngest son of Yang Yuting, the leader of Jinzhou Qinglong Club, and the two accompanying guardians?"

Qin Wang quickly glanced at the following intelligence, and when he saw the second intelligence, his eyes suddenly lit up. This intelligence might be used to let the Qinglong Club and the Voodoo Gang fight each other, so that Su Tianhai would have no time to hunt him down!

Qin Wang came to Jinzhou and had a little understanding of the underworld forces in Jinzhou.

There are three major underworld gangs in Jinzhou.

They are the Voodoo Gang, the Qinglong Club, and the Shahu Gang.

These three gangs are distributed in the 46 counties of Jinzhou and are evenly matched.

If the leader of the Qinglong Club knew that his son Yang Qingyun's brain was sucked by Su Tianhai, he would definitely fight Su Tianhai.

After reading the second intelligence, Qin Wang had a clue in his mind.

Continue to read the rest of the information.

"The founder of the Five Elements Gathering Yuan Gong is Murong Jiuhua, the Wanling War?"

Qin Wang looked at the third piece of information and was very curious about the Wanling War.

This is the second time that the panel shows the information about the Wanling War.

He didn't expect.

This Five Elements Gathering Yuan Gong has such a history!

"The Wanhua Sect, one of the three major immortal sects in Da Cang Country, recruits disciples?"

Seeing the fourth piece of information, Qin Wang's heart moved slightly. If he wanted to practice steadily, joining a sect was the best choice.


Qin Wang was going to Xiaodan Mountain, but with this news, the Wanhua Sect was a better choice. He would have to brush up on the news of the Wanhua Sect later.

Skip the 5th and 6th.

"Sister took the 300-year-old ginseng tablets and awakened the talent of being able to sense spiritual medicines and spiritual herbs?"

Seeing the 7th piece of information, Qin Wang was shocked.

No wonder his sister sensed the qi after practicing the Five Elements Gathering Yuan Gong three times. It turns out that she has the talent of being able to sense spiritual medicines and spiritual herbs!

"Because I wear the mysterious fragment, my spiritual awareness in the future will be far superior to that of the cultivators of the same level?"

"It seems that I have to pay more attention to the remaining fragments."

Qin Wang looked at the 8th piece of information and calculated in his heart.

One piece of fragment has such an effect. What will be the effect if all 50 fragments are gathered?

The 9th one is omitted.

"Will my Five Elements Gathering Yuan Gong enter the stage after 7 days?"

"So, I have spiritual roots."

Qin Wang looked at the 10th piece of information and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although entering the stage after 7 days is much worse than my sister, it's okay to be able to cultivate immortals. With a panel with liver proficiency, you can always stand out.

"The first thing to do is to inform Yang Yuting of the news that Su Tianhai sucked the brain marrow!"

"Get rid of Su Tianhai!"

Qin Wang calculated in his heart.

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