Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 65: Trap Su Tianhai to death! Blood Spirit Thorn! No plan, intelligence updated! [Please sub


Jinshui City.

In a luxurious villa hidden by a purple bamboo forest.

A tall, square-faced middle-aged man wearing a tiger-print brocade robe, with his hands behind his back, stood in a yard covered with bamboo leaves. This man was none other than Jiang Jinhu, the leader of the Shahu Gang, one of the three major gangs in Jinzhou!

At this moment, Jiang Jinhu looked at the thin old man in green clothes in front of him and asked. "Military advisor, what do you think of the information sent by this mysterious man?"

"Gang Leader, from what I have seen, this mysterious man should have a grudge against Su Tianhai! This is a great opportunity for our Evil Tiger Gang!"

"We can make two preparations and wait until both Yang Yuting and Su Tianhai are injured before taking action."

"The opportunity is fleeting, as long as you seize it, you will be able to dominate the world of Jinzhou in just a short time!"

Ji Wuyuan's eyes showed a wise look. He glanced at the letter in his hand and suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu.


"Just follow what the military advisor said!"

Jiang Jinhu's eyes burst into light, and the powerful aura spread out from his body.

This military advisor, Ji Wuyuan, was originally a master in Yanyun County, Youzhou. However, some time ago, a civil uprising occurred in Yanyun County, and the county magistrate Chen Hao was executed by the rebels. Ji Wuyuan relied on his wit to escape to Jinzhou and defected here. Using a brilliant plan to help himself, Qinglonghui suffered three big losses in a row and gained a lot.

As if he had found a treasure, he became a military advisor.

"Okay, first gather the manpower, divide into two groups and secretly go to Fengyuan City to wait. At the same time, the Fire Oil Guards and Poison Guards are lurking, waiting for them to lose both sides and destroy them with one force!"

Ji Wuyuan spoke in a deep voice.

"Come here! Summon the altar masters to come here to see me!"

Jiang Jinhu spoke in a deep voice.


County government.

A middle-aged man with an elegant figure looked at the majestic middle-aged man in brocade clothes in front of him with an embroidered spring knife hanging on his waist, and said in a deep voice. "Brother Cao, someone sent five letters yesterday, saying that Su Tianhai, the leader of the Voodoo Sect, practiced Voodoo Kungfu and became a demon. On the night of the full moon, his madness could be relieved by sucking human brain marrow. There were more than 80 quilts in Luliu Villa in Chiyong County. The innocent corpses he mutilated are of great significance, please take someone to see them!"

There have indeed been too many people missing unexpectedly in Jinzhou recently, and the investigation by the Detective Division has also pointed to Chiyong County.

This mysterious man sent five letters and gave the exact location, Green Willow Villa.

Zhang Rui knew in his heart that Jinzhou was the fiefdom of King Jin, and King Jin was now at the height of his power. If this matter was not resolved in advance, it would be bad if it caused public resentment.

Once the King of Jin is blamed, he may no longer be able to wear his official hat.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry. I'll go there in person. The Voodoo Gang is doing evil and there is really no need to exist anymore."

Cao Peng patted his chest, nodded, clasped his fists at Zhang Rui, and turned to leave.

time flies.

Jincheng is the county seat of Jinzhou and the seat of the Prince of Jin's palace.

Fifty miles away from Jincheng, Qingshi Town.

【Qin Wang】

【Lifespan: 18/75】

[Realm: Qi Refining Stage 1 (258/1000)]

Qin Wang was sitting in a courtyard room with three large tile-roofed houses, looking at the panel in front of him.

"Finally, all my inner strength has been refined and turned into magic power."

"However, we still have to work hard. Currently, the mana at the first level of the Qi Refining Stage is too little."

Qin Wang looked at the panel, stretched out his hand, and performed the Five Elements Gathering Technique. He saw a mass of red air appearing on his palm, flowing through his entire palm, like a flame wrapping around his palm, exuding The smell of terror!

He refined all of his second-rate middle-level cultivation with the Five Elements Gathering Skill. At the same time, he consumed 10 spiritual stones. In the end, his cultivation level proficiency reached 258 points.

He did the math.

After absorbing a spiritual stone, it can increase the cultivation proficiency by 20 points, and the other 58 points are obtained by refining and purifying the second-rate middle-level cultivation.

"In other words, if I want to upgrade to the second level of the Qi Refining Stage, I will need about 37 spiritual stones!"

Qin Wang thought about it and thought to himself.

"Try the magical power of the first level of Qi refining stage."

Qin Wang held the Fright Knife in hand, came to the yard, found a large bluestone, and used his magic power. The red magic power surrounded the long knife, making the Fright Knife look like a black and red treasure, and it made a clanging sound!


The shocking knife cuts down!

There was only a soft sound, and with the blessing of red mana, the Shocking Knife cut through the big bluestone like a red horse and cut into the mud like tofu!


Qin Wang looked at the masterpiece of his sword with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

If there is no magical power, this knife can also cut through the big bluestone, but the big bluestone will fall into pieces!

Qin Wang felt confident, so he went back to his room, sat down, held the spirit stone, and continued to practice, hoping to advance to the second level of the Qi Refining Stage as soon as possible.

Fengyuan City.

To the east of the city, there is a manor with white walls, yellow tiles, and landscape trees.

"Yang Yuting! You provoke me again and again! Do you think I am afraid of you?"

Su Tianhai, who had white beard and white hair, stood on the roof, looking at Yang Yuting who was like an angry lion outside the villa, his expression was extremely gloomy and his white hair was dancing.

Today, he was asking the 'Sniffing Spirit Gu' to track the location of the person who took away the Three Corpse Gu King Jar. Yang Yuting led people to kill him and fight for him.

He remembered that he went to Panli Lake to look for the 'Sniffing Spirit Gu', but he went crazy early. He immediately grabbed three people on a boat and sucked it. Later, he learned that the person who sucked it was actually the youngest son of Yang Yuting of the Qinglong Society. He felt troubled. Su Tianhai fled on the spot while no one was watching.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yuting tracked down Green Willow Villa and found 86 corpses in the basement, making his story of sucking people's brains known to everyone, putting him in a disadvantageous situation.

After all, Yang Yuting's strength is half-step innate in martial arts!

He didn't want to fight Yang Yuting without advancing to a true martial arts talent.

one more.

Through the 'Peeping Gu', he discovered that there were innate martial arts masters from the Divine Catcher Division outside the village. It was probably the brain-sucking thing that attracted the attention of the Divine Catcher Division. He didn't even dare to fight Yang Yuting. If he was injured, he would probably be dead. !

At this moment, Su Tianhai was anxious and thinking hard about how to escape.

"Old beast!"

"Kill my son! If I don't skin you and cramp you today, my surname will not be Yang!"

Yang Yuting gave a sharp shout, and like a crazy lion, his long sword fired out a sword energy that was more than ten feet long, and like a horse, it came towards Su Tianhai!

"Yang Yuting! You are seeking death! I will help you!"

Su Tianhai's expression changed, and with a wave of his hand, a cloud of gray mist poured out, covering a three-foot radius!

next moment.

Su Tianhai backed up, crawled into the villa, and disappeared instantly.

Yang Yuting did not expect that Su Tianhai ran away with loud thunder and small raindrops, and immediately chased him into the villa.

Thousands of feet away from the villa, in a forest.

Ji Wuyuan, who had a slim figure and wise eyes, frowned and said as he looked at Su Tianhai who had disappeared into the villa. "Gang leader, Su Tianhai is too cunning. He doesn't want to fight Yang Yuting and went into the tunnel. We can only act according to the situation."


Jiang Jinhu nodded.

Fengyuan City, inside the villa.

The figure of Su Tianhai with white beard and white hair flashed and came to the back hall. He walked to a corner and pressed on the wall. Suddenly, there was a crunching sound, the wall shrank, and stone steps descending step by step appeared. Facing the front is a long corridor that is one foot wide.

The ground is paved with bluestone slabs.

The walls on both sides were inlaid with luminous pearls, illuminating the basement as bright as day.

Su Tianhai's figure flashed and he jumped down the steps.

There was a crunching sound behind him, and the entrance was closed.

Su Tianhai walked along the corridor to the end and came to a mahogany door. He knelt down respectfully and said loudly. "The villain Su Tianhai bows to the Immortal and begs the Immortal to take action!"

As Su Tianhai spoke, the door slowly opened.

Revealing the scene inside.

A hall with a radius of ten feet has nine stone pillars carved with dragons. Sitting cross-legged among them is an old man in black who is about fifty years old and has a gold spot on the left side of his face. He exudes a mysterious aura.

In front of him was a five-foot stone platform, with a three-foot-long Mitsubishi Thorn on it that was covered in crystal-clear blood, exuding a sharp edge.

"You didn't find the Three Corpse Gu King Jar, and yet you attracted so many martial arts geniuses?"

"Causing me trouble?"

The old man in black, Jin Shifeng, had a gloomy look and a bad tone.

"The Immortal, the Three Corpse Gu King Jar has been revealed, but I don't know who told Yang Yuting about the villain sucking brain marrow, which attracted experts from the Evil Tiger Gang, the Divine Catcher Division and other parties to ask the Immortal to take care of the villain. For the sake of doing your best, help! ”

Su Tianhai knelt in front of the old man Qianban and kowtowed.

"The immortal masters sent by Emperor Yun and the immortal masters invited by King Jin are all in Jinzhou. My blood spirit stab is almost successful. I will attract them and waste all my previous efforts!"

"For your hard work, I will give you a Wind Talisman. You should leave here first!"

Jin Shifeng waved out a khaki-colored talisman with a wind-shaped symbol painted on it and flew out and landed on Su Tianhai. Suddenly, Su Tianhai's white hair was dancing in the wind.

"Thank you, Immortal!"

Su Tianhai also knew the seriousness of the matter and immediately turned around and left the basement.

"I hope you can lure them away. The Blood Spirit Thorn is about to succeed. Don't make any mistakes!"

Jin Shifeng watched the mechanism in the basement close with anticipation in his eyes.

If his injuries were fully recovered, he would not be afraid of Emperor Yun and King Jin's immortal masters, but for now, it was better to avoid them for now.

Qingshi Town.

Early in the morning.

Qin Wang was sitting in the small courtyard, silently practicing the Five Elements Gathering Skill.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information】

[1: You paid attention to Su Tianhai yesterday and obtained information. The monk Jin Shifeng was seriously injured in a battle with others. He hid in the secular world to recover. He first taught Su Tianhai the method of absorbing human essence, blood and brain marrow, and then absorbed Su Tianhai's essence to heal his injuries, causing Su Tianhai to suffer from four diseases. His hair turned gray when he was more than ten years old. In order to advance to the level of martial arts genius, Su Tianhai would not hesitate to turn gray hair. 】

[2: You paid attention to Su Tianhai yesterday and obtained information. Su Tianhai was sought revenge by Yang Yuting in Fengyuan City. Because he discovered the Divine Catcher and was surrounded by the Evil Tiger Gang, he sought help from Jin Shifeng, the monk behind the scenes, and escaped from the villa. He was killed by the Divine Catcher. Cao Peng was seriously injured and lost an arm. He was chased by Yang Yuting and was hit by Mo Yun's hand. He fled to Yunzhou, with Yang Yuting and the Chief Catcher in hot pursuit. 】

[3: You paid attention to Su Tianhai yesterday and got information. Jin Shifeng, the master behind Su Tianhai, refined a 'Blood Spirit Thorn'. This thing was sacrificed with the blood of the demon toad. It is extremely powerful. It is below the fifth level of Qi refining period. The monk will definitely die if he is stabbed, and there is only one last step left. 】

[4: You paid attention to Su Tianhai yesterday and obtained information. Su Tianhai’s voodoo gang was destroyed by the Qinglong Society and the Evil Tiger Gang, which attracted Chi Lianxian. Jin Shifeng, the master behind Su Tianhai, was seriously injured by Chi Lianxian and fled in panic. Xiang Yunzhou. 】

[5: You paid attention to the situation in Da Cang yesterday and obtained information. Cang Yuyan, the daughter of Emperor Da Cang Yun, was accepted into the Wanhua Sect because of her good spiritual roots. Emperor Da Cang Yun will grant amnesty to the world and declare a great destiny on this day. 】

[6: You paid attention to Wanhua Sect yesterday and got information. Liu Bihong, the Yunzhou steward of Wanhua Sect, was worried because she did not receive a disciple with particularly outstanding spiritual roots. 】

[7: You followed Wanhua Sect yesterday and got information that Wanhua Sect elder Su Qianyun entered the cave where the casual cultivator Ma Yu had retreated three hundred years ago in Tianyao Mountain yesterday and gained a lot. ]

[8: You followed Wanhua Sect yesterday and got information that Wanhua Sect manager Liu Bihong learned that the elders of the sect received Cang Yuyan, who has a good spiritual root, and she was envious. ]

[9: You followed Chen Kun's news yesterday and got information that Chen Kun and Zhuo Yijian have come to Jinzhou to track down your whereabouts and vowed to cut you into pieces. ]

[10: You followed Chen Kun's news yesterday and got information that Chen Kun often took out the two spiritual light cover talismans he carried to observe, looking forward to the early return of his youngest son Chen Yi. 】

"No wonder Su Tianhai has white hair, it turns out that the cultivator behind him sucked his energy!"

"With Yang Yuting and the people from the Divine Capture Division chasing him, Su Tianhai can't survive!"

Qin Wang looked at the 1st and 2nd pieces of information, his eyes were full of satisfaction, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, Su Tianhai was solved. The next step is to go to Wanhuamen.

PS: The information setting is 10 pieces, and then the brothers said that there are too many waters, so try not to use useless information later. Even if there is useless information, just write [omitted]. Brother Wang, please understand, thank you!

Ask for a monthly ticket! Brothers

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