Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 66 Zhuo Qiuhang! Yunzhou wanted! Send Su Tianhai on his way! Spiritual roots! [Please subscr

"Blood Spirit Thorn? Jin Shifeng, the immortal master behind Su Tianhai, was seriously injured by Chi Lianxian and fled to Yunzhou in panic?"

Qin Wang looked at the third and fourth pieces of information and shook his head.

Jin Shifeng is an immortal master. Even if he is seriously injured, he is only at the first level of Qi refining stage and is not someone he can covet. He should go to Yunzhou Wanhuamen safely!

"Cang Yuyan, the daughter of Emperor Dacangyun? Accepted by the Wanhua Sect? Amnesty for the world?"

Looking at the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th pieces of information, his eyes looked thoughtful.

If he joins the Ten Thousand Flowers Sect, he might be in the same sect in the future.

"Chen Kun's two spiritual light shields, are you reluctant to use them?"

"When my strength reaches the second level of the Qi Refining Stage, these two spiritual light shields will be mine!"

Qin Wang looked at the 10th piece of information and thought to himself.

"Early tomorrow morning, set off for Yunzhou!"

After reading the information, Qin Wang took a deep breath and lay down with his clothes on.

Five days later.

Jinju border.

Yulin City.

A drunken building in a small town.

Qin Wang and his sister Qin Xuemei disguised themselves as a dark-skinned young couple. They sat by the window and ran all the way until they could finally eat something good.

The two ordered a plate of stir-fried dried fragrant rice, roast chicken, scrambled eggs, braised pork, and a three-fresh soup.

"Wangzi, eat more."

Qin Xuemei kept picking up food for Qin Wang.

"the same as you."

Qin Wang also picked up vegetables for his sister. She was also very thin, with shoulders almost as sharp as knives, and she also needed more nutrition. Along the way, she never complained about hardship, and her perseverance was indeed tenacious.

"Have you heard? Yesterday, the county government added two new wanted criminals! It seems that they are a pair of siblings named Qin Xuemei and Qin Wang. They are said to be good at using poison. They killed more than a hundred people in a county town called Yanheyun in Youzhou. People are simply vicious!”

"It's hard to survive these days. There are so many wanted criminals like this. Is it any wonder?"

"Brother, you didn't hear me finish. These two wanted criminals are not ordinary. I heard that Mr. Mu Zhuo of Yunzhou issued a wanted order and offered a huge reward of 100 taels of silver for any information on the arrest of these siblings! Capture one of the most important criminals. Rewards of five hundred taels!”

"What? A heavy reward of a hundred taels for providing information about the arrest? If I know where these siblings are, it will be enough for me in my lifetime!"

"Yes! I heard that many people in the world are looking for these siblings!"


Just as the two were making concessions, suddenly, the voices of the diners at the next table came to their ears.


Qin Wang and his sister looked at each other and frowned.

Neither of them spoke, just immersed in eating.

Two-quarters of an hour later, Qin Wang and his sister took the package and left.

"Wangzi, how come we are wanted by Yunzhou for a heavy reward?"

"Are you still offering a reward of 500 taels?"

Qin Xuemei's beautiful eyes showed doubts.

My younger brother destroyed the Chen family in Yanyun County. It makes sense to be wanted in Youzhou, but why Yunzhou?

"Sister, if I guessed correctly, it should be because of the Chen family!"

"As far as I know, Chen Kun's uncle is Yunzhou Mu named Zhuo Qiuhang. Because Chen Kun's youngest son Chen Yi entered the Immortal Sect, Zhuo Qiuhang did this to get hold of him in advance. We are wanted to show Chen Kun!"

"Zhuo Qiuhang, this old guy, I think he thinks he has a long life!"

Qin Wang clenched his fists, his eyes turned cold, and he whispered.

Now that Yunzhou is wanted, you have to be careful on the way to Yunzhou.

Originally, he was planning to wait until he entered the Wanhua Gate and then deal with Zhuo Qiuhang when he had time. Now, while heading to Yunzhou, he had to pay attention to the news about Zhuo Qiuhang and use the intelligence to kill him.


State mansion.

An old man of about fifty years old, with a medium build, wearing a black gauze hat and a belted brocade robe, stood in the study with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky in the distance with a worried look on his face.

"Master, are you worried about Yijian?"

At this moment, a graceful woman in yellow clothes, about thirty years old, came behind the old man and asked softly.


"I heard that the Qin family siblings are good at a kind of poison that dissipates power. It was with this poison that they wiped out more than a hundred people in the Chen family!"

"On the one hand, I want to practice with a sword, but on the other hand, I am worried about his lack of experience."

The resentment on Zhuo Qiuhang's face became even more intense when he thought of the Qin siblings who had wiped out all the more than 100 members of his sister's family.

This time.

Using Yunzhou Mu's identity to reward the wanted Qin siblings, he came to avenge his sister.

Secondly, I have formed a good relationship with my cousin Chen Yi.

In the future, my great-nephew Chen Yi will return from Xiu Xian, and if he sprinkles water on it, it will be enough for the Zhuo family to benefit from for a hundred years!


The daughter of Emperor Dacangyun was accepted as a disciple by Wanhuamen, which made him jealous of King Jin who secretly took refuge in her.

"Master, don't worry. Aren't there two first-class guards beside Yi Jian?"

"They have enough experience to ensure that nothing happens."

The woman in yellow comforted her.

"Yeah, that's true."

Zhuo Qiuhang nodded.

The next day.

Yulin City.

In the early morning, Qin Wang was eating breakfast, looking at the three useful pieces of information on the panel, and fell into deep thought.

[3: You paid attention to Wanhuamen yesterday and got information. Wanhuamen’s exercises are only suitable for female cultivators. It is a purely female cultivator sect with iron rules. It only recruits female disciples and does not accept male disciples. 】

[4: You paid attention to Su Tianhai yesterday and obtained information that Jin Shifeng, the immortal master behind Su Tianhai, has arrived in Chang County, Yunzhou. He has given up on Su Tianhai and plans to find the Three Corpse Gu King Jar and find a puppet to help him recover from his injuries. 】

[10: You paid attention to Su Tianhai yesterday and obtained information. Su Tianhai was being hunted by Yang Yuting and the Chief Inspector. He will be hiding on a hill at the fifteen-mile intersection outside Yulin City this morning. He is dying from his injuries. shoot. In a secret treasure house in Jinzhou that only Su Tianhai knew about, there was a piece of spiritual material used by the Golden Pill monks to refine magic weapons. 】

"The Ten Thousand Flowers Cultivation Technique is suitable for women to practice? Is it a purely female sect?!"

"It seems that my plan has to be changed!"

Qin Wang looked at the third piece of information and thought to himself that he didn't expect it.


He was also planning to join the Ten Thousand Flowers Sect with his sister. Now it seemed that after sending his sister to the Ten Thousand Flowers Sect, he would have to go to Xiaodan Mountain according to his original plan.

The exercises are only suitable for women, and it is not suitable for a man to enter.

"Jin Shifeng is in Chang County, Yunzhou?"

"Are you ready to retrieve the Three Corpse Gu King Jar?"

Qin Wang looked at the fourth piece of information with a thoughtful look on his face. Fortunately, Wanhua Sect was recruiting disciples in Longjing City, Yunzhou, which was in the opposite direction from Chang County.


This Jin Shifeng is an immortal cultivator. Even though he was seriously injured by Chi Lianxian, he is still not something he can compete with now. He must be careful!

"Su Tianhai is about to die?!"

"It looks like he needs some help!"

Qin Wang looked at the 10th piece of information and felt something in his heart.

Su Tianhai is about to die, which is a good thing. However, the intelligence also reminds that Su Tianhai has a piece of spiritual material used by the golden elixir monks to refine magic weapons in his treasure house in Jinzhou.

The spiritual materials of the golden elixir monks are of great value.

Because the information did not show the detailed location of the treasure house.

Therefore, after Qin Wang prepared to leave the city, he passed by the intersection to help Su Tianhai and make contact so that the intelligence panel could generate information about the treasure house tonight.

"What? The Wanhuamen technique is only suitable for women? Only female disciples are recruited?"

"Then what should I do with Wang Zai?"

Hearing Qin Wang's words, Qin Xuemei was stunned. She was planning to join Wanhuamen to cultivate immortality with Wangzi.

"Sister, this is a martial art that is only suitable for women. There is no other way. I have thought about it. After I send you into the Wanhua Gate, I will go to Xiaodan Mountain. Besides, I have the skill and can't enter the Ten Thousand Flower Gate. It’s not just practice as usual.”

Qin Wang kept comforting Qin Xuemei.

"Oh well."

After some persuasion from Qin Wang, Qin Xuemei finally accepted Qin Wang's trip to Xiaodan Mountain, but she seemed unhappy.


Fifteen miles outside Yulin City.

"According to intelligence, Su Tianhai should be nearby!"

Qin Wang asked his sister to wait a hundred feet away, and he came to the intersection. He found that there was a hill on the left side of the intersection.

The hill was covered with dense thatch that was ten feet high, and Su Tianhai was nowhere to be found.

"Yeah, there's blood!"

Suddenly, Qin Wang saw a little blood stain on the ground about a foot away in front of him. He immediately stepped forward and followed the blood trail towards the hill. He found that there were signs of separation of the thatch on the hill. Three feet deep in the thatch, there was a man with white beard and white hair and a pale face. old man, lying in the thatch.

It was faintly visible that his left arm was broken at shoulder level and covered in blood.

When Qin Wang saw the old man, the old man also saw Qin Wang, and he suddenly looked shocked. When he saw that it was a young man in his twenties, he immediately struggled to sit up and said intermittently. "My little friend, I encountered a bad guy. Can you save me?"

"Su Tianhai?"

Qin Wang looked at the old man with a broken arm and shouted.

"you you.!"

When Su Tianhai saw Qin Wang shouting his name, his expression suddenly froze, with despair in his eyes.

The people in front of me knew his name.

Either the Divine Catcher, or someone from the Blue Dragon Club!

Dead end.

"Su Tianhai, aren't you chasing me for the Three Corpse Gu King Jar?"

"So, I told Yang Yuting and the Chief Inspector that you sucked people's brains. Now, I'm here to see you off for the last time!"

Qin Wang chuckled, took out the fire stick, and lit the dry thatch. Su Tianhai was lying in the dry thatch. It would be best to burn him to death with a fire.

Qin Wang didn't dare to get close.

Su Tianhai was covered in poison.

"It's you! Pfft!!"

Hearing Qin Wang's words, Su Tianhai's eyes suddenly widened. He did not expect that the young man in front of him was the murderer who killed the young disciple Lin Tong and took away the Three Corpse Gu King Jar!


I was brought to seek revenge by Yang Yuting, and was hunted down by the God’s Catcher, all because of this man!


Su Tianhai was so angry that his chest rose and fell rapidly, but the fire instantly rose and drowned out his voice.

A scream came out.

Su Tianhai screamed for a quarter of an hour as he was being burned, and finally stopped.

"Su Tianhai is dead, let's go to Yunzhou first!"

Qin Wang looked at the flames soaring into the sky behind him, then turned and walked towards his sister a hundred feet away.

As for Su Tianhai's treasure house, he can only get it after he sends his sister to join the Wanhua Clan. Information shows that it is a secret treasure house that only Su Tianhai knows about, so he is not afraid of being taken away.

time flies.

Eighteen days later.

Yinxian Terrace outside Longjing City.

The square with a radius of ten miles is paved with bluestone slabs. On the high stone platform, there are three big characters of "Yinxiantai" with dancing dragons and phoenixes. On one side of the Yinxiantai Square, there are rows of magnificent halls.

This is where Wanhua Sect selects disciples with spiritual roots every year.

at this time.

In front of the Immortal Introduction Platform, there were thousands of girls queuing up in a long queue.

A plump woman in palace attire wearing a white dress and a fairy-like temperament was sitting on the immortal platform. Five female disciples with peony patterns embroidered on their clothes were standing behind a black wooden desk.

On the desk, there was a round stone as big as a millstone, as crystal clear as jade.

In the middle of the stone, there is a palm print.

One after another, the girls stepped forward in turn, placing their hands expectantly in the palm print of the stone as big as a millstone.

"God bless me, let me have spiritual roots and ascend to Sendai!"

"I heard that if you stretch your hand up and the spiritual detection platform lights up, it means you have spiritual roots. The brighter the light, the better the spiritual roots!"

"People with spiritual roots are so rare that only seven of them have been admitted so far. The best spiritual roots are Princess Cang Yuyan and the dual spiritual roots of wood and fire!"


Qin Wang and his sister Qin Xuemei stood in line in the crowd. They did not change their faces. They just darkened their skin and put on hats. Qin Wang had considered it. Once his sister was accepted by the Wanhua Sect, it would definitely not work to use a pseudonym. .

A famous girl stepped forward to test.

Ninety-nine percent of people have no spiritual roots, and there is no response when they put their hands on them. They all come here in excitement and leave disappointed.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was Qin Xuemei's turn.

"Sister, it's your turn."

Qin Wang pushed his sister, Qin Xuemei nodded to Qin Wang, walked forward, stretched out her hand, and pressed it on the stone platform as big as a millstone!


The moment Qin Xuemei's hand pressed the palm print on the stone platform, the millstone suddenly vibrated, and a flash of blue light shot up into the sky!

It’s ten feet high!

"Oh my God! Such a strong light!"

"What kind of spiritual root is this!"

"Single spiritual root!"


The light aroused by Qin Xuemei immediately caused an exclamation in the Yinxiantai Square. The shock was inexplicable and there was a lot of discussion.


"Wood type Tianling root?"

Liu Bihong, the steward who was sitting on the immortal platform, suddenly stood up when she saw this green light, and suddenly appeared next to Qin Xuemei, with a look of surprise in her eyes. She grabbed her hand, took her aside, and asked in a low voice . "Girl, what's your name? Are you willing to join my Wanhua Sect?"

"Senior, my name is Qin Xuemei, and I am willing to join Wanhua Sect!"

Qin Xuemei nodded respectfully.

"Okay, okay! Great!"

Liu Bihong looked at Qin Xuemei's eyes with excitement and satisfaction and said. "Xuemei, come with me."

Liu Bihong was in a very good mood because she had recruited a Tianlinggen disciple.

After taking Qin Xuemei into the hall and recording it in the book, he decided to end the recruitment of disciples early and return to Wanhua Gate to report the good news.


In the main hall behind Yinxian Square, Qin Xuemei looked at Qin Wang and hesitated to speak.

"Sister, you should practice well at Wanhuamen. Don't worry about me. I will go to Xiaodan Mountain then. There is a Xiuxianfang City under the jurisdiction of Lingyao Mountain. In the future, you and I can still meet."

Qin Wang looked at his sister whose beautiful eyes were full of sorrow and comforted her.

Qin Wang secretly made up his mind, next, there will be revenge, Zhuo Qiuhang, Chen Kun, Zheng Lingyun... none of them can be missing!

"Okay, Wangzi, let's make an agreement that we will fly into the sky with our swords together then!"

"Sister, I saw that Master Liu can fly into the sky with a sword!"

Hearing Qin Wang's comfort, Qin Xuemei nodded and said.

"Well, it's a deal!"

Qin Wang nodded.

I have a proficiency panel, as well as information, and the Immortal Cultivation Technique and the Five Elements Gathering Technique. Going to Xiaodan Mountain is the same practice.

after one day.

Yinxian Terrace.

In a side hall.

"Wangzi, this is my farewell. I don't know when we will see each other again. The world is dangerous, so you must take care of yourself!"

“Don’t be brave in everything, it’s important to save your life!”

"do you know?"

Qin Xuemei gently adjusted Qin Wang's clothes and smoothed out the wrinkles on his clothes, saying with deep reluctance in her beautiful eyes.


"Sister, the same goes for you!"

Qin Wang nodded.

Along the way, the siblings embarked on the path to immortality, which was not easy.

Right now.

Outside, above the Immortal Platform, a green flying boat with a length of more than thirty feet appeared. The flying boat was majestic, full of restrictions, and surrounded by lavender light. This was the purple electric flying boat of the Ten Thousand Flowers Gate.

"Wangzi, I'm leaving, take care!"

Qin Xuemei hugged Qin Wang reluctantly, turned around and waved, heading towards the flying boat.

"Take care of yourself!"

Qin Wang stood in front of the flying boat and waved to his sister.

The flying boat soared into the sky, turned into a purple light, and was swept into the clouds. Qin Wang saw that his sister's eyes were red and tears were falling.

Asking for a monthly ticket

PS: Thanks to Qingfeng Xiaoyu for the reward of 500 starting coins!

Thanks to 20220329095731940 for the reward of 200 starting coins!

Thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins!

Thanks to Feng Longyin for the reward of 1,000 starting coins!

Thanks to phillip9494 for the reward of 100 starting coins!

Thanks to Mumumu Wutong for the reward of 100 starting coins!

Also, thank you to all the brothers who voted monthly, thank you!

Bow down and thank you! or2 or2 or2

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