Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 68: Killing people and destroying their hearts! Destroying the entire Zhuo family! King Jin


Longjing City.

Early morning, at the gate of the county government.

"Oh my God! No way? Who is spreading rumors! Lord Zhuo is an honest official who loves the people like his own children! How could he... embezzle 30,000 taels of silver? Kill three people and dump their bodies in a dry well?"

"That thing was as short as three breaths? The favorite concubine Huang Ying and the eldest son Zhuo Yidao had an affair? Lord Zhuo's youngest son is actually his grandson? This is incest, I don't believe it!"

"Who is so bold? How dare to slander Lord Zhuo?"


Nearly a hundred people, including Jianghu people, looked at a piece of paper on the wall and talked about it.

In recent years, Lord Zhuo, the governor of Yunzhou, has a very good reputation in Yunzhou. He is fair and honest. Once Yunzhou was hit by a flood, he rushed to the front to fight the flood. He didn't sleep for several days and nights and fainted from exhaustion. He wore very simple clothes and never took a sedan chair when traveling.

How could such a good official embezzle 30,000 taels of silver?

And kill three people and dump their bodies in a dry well?

At this moment, more than a dozen police officers came over, tore off the paper and took it away.

The same scene.

Nearly a hundred of them appeared in conspicuous places such as Longjing City's wine shops, teahouses, crossroads, city gates, and vegetable markets.

For a while.

The whole Longjing City was talking about it, and most of the people did not believe it.

Yuntian Mansion.

Afternoon, three o'clock.

Zhuo Qiuhang, wearing a black gauze hat, was sitting at the desk to handle the case files.

"My lord. It's not good!"

At this moment, the master came forward, handed over a notice with both hands, and stood aside respectfully.

"What is this?"

Zhuo Qiuhang saw that the master's expression was a little wrong today, frowned and took the paper. He looked at it for a while, and suddenly stood up, his whole face was gloomy and scary.

"Master, this. This. Where did you get this notice from?"

Even though Zhuo Qiuhang had been an official for many years and had good skills in nourishing qi, he couldn't help but pinch his bones with his hands, and the powerful momentum of the late first-class realm swept over.

"Sir, this is from the Dragon. Longjing City Divine Constable Division sent here by a divine eagle. It is said that someone posted hundreds of notices on the gates of the government office, taverns, restaurants, and the city gates last night."

At this moment, Shi Feng only felt a terrifying aura emanating from the lord, which made him step back several steps and remain silent.

"In Longjing City! Who spread this news? What is his purpose?"

"How did this person know these secrets?"

At this moment, Zhuo Qiuhang's eyes flashed coldly, and he thought rapidly in his heart.

This paper pointed out that he accepted bribes of 30,000 taels of silver, secretly surrendered to King Jin, was wavering in his mind, and molested three women and hid their bodies in the dry well of the other courtyard. He knew in his heart that all of this was true, but how did this mysterious person know it?

The most important thing is.

The matter of secretly surrendering to King Jin was exposed, and the Da Cang Divine Constable Division would definitely investigate.

He also exposed himself and was wavering. He was ready to bet on both sides. King Jin would definitely not be happy. This time, he was not pleasing both sides, which was the most fatal.

"Huh? Expose!!"

"Qin's siblings!"

Zhuo Qiuhang narrowed his eyes. He suddenly remembered that Bai Xiao Shenjun and Tianji Pavilion had appeared in Yanyun County. He exposed Zheng Kecheng!


Zheng Kecheng was killed and burned when he investigated and exposed his suspect Bai Xiao Shenjun. In the end, the spearhead pointed at the Qin's siblings!

In other words, Bai Xiao Shenjun was disguised by the Qin's siblings!

They are in Longjing City!

"You are simply looking for death!"

"If you dare to slander me like this, you will be torn into pieces!!"

Zhuo Qiuhang thought of this, expressionless, and slowly spoke. "Come here, notify Yun Tingwei to go to Longjing City and investigate this matter thoroughly!"

"Yes, sir!"

Shi Feng respectfully clasped his fists, stepped back three steps, and then turned and left.

At this moment.

He only felt sweat on his vest.

As the master's advisor, he knew that the calmer the master was, the more terrifying he was.

Time passed.

In a blink of an eye, it was two days later.

Three o'clock in the afternoon of that day.

Yunzhou County Government.

In a secluded small courtyard.

"Finally, I have reached the second level of Qi Refining!"

Qin Wang sat on the couch and suddenly opened his eyes. After absorbing all the remaining spirit stones, he finally broke through the second level of Qi Refining as he wished.

At this moment.

From his body, a powerful wave of mana emanated!

He slowly stretched out his hand, the Five Elements Gathering Yuan Gong was running, and the red mana was like fireworks, lingering around his palms!

It looked mysterious and strange.

"Zhuo Qiuhang! Tonight is your death!"

Qin Wang stood up, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, and began to organize the Soul-Shocking Knife, Soul-Gathering Bowl, Rain of Pear Blossom Needles, Sadness and Dispersion Incense, etc.

Because it was still early.

Qin Wang disguised himself as an old man, walked towards the long street of Yunzhou County, and entered the 'Yunzhou Clay Pot' restaurant.

I chose a can of black chicken and turtle soup and ate it with relish.

I have something to do tonight, so I have to eat my fill.

The taste of this clay pot soup is very unique, the chef's cooking skills are good, and the diners are almost queuing up.

"Have you heard about the incident this morning where nearly a thousand people picked up silver in the manor villa on Yunzhou East Road?"

"Picking up silver? How could that be? I have lived for thirty years from childhood to adulthood, and I have only picked up three copper coins!"

"It is the mysterious man who exposed Mr. Zhuo, it is true! That is indeed Mr. Zhuo's villa, and the silver ingots in the basement are piled up into a mountain. They were blasted open by several mysterious people, and the silver ingots were thrown everywhere, and many people went to pick them up!"

"I never thought that the upright Mr. Zhuo would embezzle so much silver. The ancients said, 'Three years as a clean magistrate, 100,000 silver coins', it is true!"

"That's not all. Three dried bones were found in the dry well in Lord Zhuo's private courtyard!"

"So, is it true that Lord Zhuo secretly surrendered to King Jin? Is it true that his son became his grandson?"


Qin Wang was drinking chicken soup, and heard the discussion of the diners at the next table.

"Zhuo Qiuhang, let's see how you turn things around!"

Qin Wang sneered in his heart.

Qin Wang's plan.

Is to make this old guy lose his reputation first, and then assassinate him!

This old guy, just want to lean on the thigh, step on me to get to the top, it's simply courting death!

At night.

Eleven o'clock.

Yunzhou County Government.

The lobby was lit.

Zhuo Qiuhang, dressed in a brocade robe, sat at the table, looking at one of his sons, Zhuo Yidao, in front of him, and asked calmly. "Yidao, have you found out who opened the basement of the East Road Villa?!"

The mysterious man broke the notice yesterday.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the East Road Villa was blasted open, and 30,000 taels of silver ingots were exposed.

This matter is too important, it concerns the future of the Zhuo family, and must be dealt with first.

The matter between Yidao and Huang Ying can only be settled later.

"Dad, it hasn't been found out yet. I only know that five men in black killed four guards and blasted open the basement of the villa with palm power, spilling the silver, attracting the people to rob"

Zhuo Yidao respectfully clasped his fists. At this moment, he was panicked and dared not look into his father's eyes.

The matter between him and Huang Ying was exposed, and his father seemed to be fine, which made him feel very depressed.

"This is forcing me to make a choice!"

Zhuo Qiuhang sighed, took a deep breath, and made a choice in his eyes.

This exposure, the silver was dug out, and the reputation of integrity that he had built for many years collapsed. He had no choice but to surrender to King Jin openly.

"Zhuo Qiuhang, you don't need to make a choice, I'll take you there!"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded, and with the voice, a thin figure appeared at the door, wearing a black robe and a black mask. He carried a long sword on his back, held a cloth bag as big as a bowl in his left hand, and held a fire starter in his right hand.

"Who are you?"

Zhuo Qiuhang and Zhuo Yidao were both shocked, their eyes were alert, they shouted, drew their swords, and their powerful aura spread out.

"Aren't you going to catch me, skin me, and lick the stinky feet of Chen Yi of the Immortal Sect?"

Qin Wang spoke lightly, and the fire starter in his hand shook, and the cloth bag was instantly lit.

The flames ignited, and Qin Wang swung it, and the cloth bag flew into the hall!

"Is it you?!"

Zhuo Qiuhang's expression changed when he heard the words, and at the same time he handed out a sword, trying to pick out the cloth bag. He knew that the Qin family siblings would have a kind of power-dispersing poison, but before the sword touched the cloth bag, the cloth bag exploded and turned into countless sparks, scattering in all directions!

The next moment.

Zhuo Qiuhang only felt the internal force of his dantian stagnate. He quickly held his breath, and the first-class realm of skill was activated, instantly dispelling the stagnation. The sword flower sprinkled with qi and swept, locking Qin Wang's three major acupoints!

"Not bad!"

Qin Wang smiled, the Soul-Shocking Sword was unsheathed, and the magic power swept. Suddenly, the blade of the Soul-Shocking Sword turned red, and the Eagle Body Movement unfolded, turning into a red light and killing Zhuo Qiuhang!


With a crisp sound, Zhuo Qiuhang's 'Hongxing' sword met the Soul-Shocking Sword wrapped in magic power, and was immediately cut off at the handle. The Soul-Shocking Sword continued to move, and a red blade light passed through Zhuo Qiuhang's legs. His legs were cut off at the root, and the whole person was shorter and fell to the ground!

Blood spurted!

At the same time

Zhuo was hit by the Sadness Powder Incense. His cultivation was only at the second-rate level, and he could not dispel it with his internal force like his father. He immediately collapsed to the ground, watching his father being cut in half with horror!

"Martial arts innate! How... how is this possible?"

Zhuo Qiuhang looked at Qin Wang with deep horror in his eyes.

He did not expect.

The Qin siblings were actually martial arts innate!

With his first-rate cultivation, plus the magic sword "Hongxing", they were actually cut off with one sword!

At this moment.

Zhuo Qiuhang was filled with regret. In order to make friends with the immortal sect Chen Yi for the Zhuo family, he eventually ruined the entire Zhuo family.

"Zhuo Qiuhang, you want to make friends with Chen Yi, but you deserve to die if you step on me to climb up!"

"Don't worry!"

"I will kill all of you with the surname Zhuo! Let you reunite in the underworld!"

"Go down!"

Qin Wang looked at Zhuo Qiuhang who was struggling in pain, his eyes were grim, and he cut his throat with a knife, and his head flew up!

Qin Wang stepped forward.

Another blow of the knife blew off Zhuo Yidao's head!

Qin Wang wandered around Zhuo's house again, killed other Zhuo family members, then lit a fire and left.


Jin Wang Mansion.

Although Jin Wang Cang Tianxiong has not yet ascended the throne, his Jin Wang Mansion is built like a small palace!

In the gilded hall in the middle.

The lights are still bright in the middle of the night.

A handsome man in white clothes, wearing a crown, with extraordinary momentum, is sitting at the desk, reviewing the case files.

"Your Majesty! The matter has been settled!"

"The 30,000 taels of silver of Lord Zhuo, the governor of Yunzhou, are exposed to the sun and are snatched by the people."

At this time, a man in black bowed forward, knelt on one knee at the door of the hall, and reported.

"Very good."

"In this way, the governor of Yunzhou can submit to me without any scruples."

Cang Tianxiong showed satisfaction in his eyes and nodded.

Although Zhuo Qiuhang surrendered secretly, he had been watching and waiting. He was very dissatisfied. This time, he got the chance and immediately helped him, cutting off his retreat. Next, Zhuo Qiuhang would definitely surrender.


Jinyun County.

In an inn.

"The Qin siblings appeared in Longjing City?"

A middle-aged man in a red robe, with a white face and no beard, pinched his orchid fingers and held a letter, and his eyes suddenly burst into murderous intent!

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