Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 69: The sad and tender Fengling incense! Introduction to the Fire Spirit Sword! Kill Chen Ku


"These siblings actually came to Yunzhou! How great!"

"When we catch them, we must capture their neighbors and acquaintances, and cut them into pieces together! Peel them and cramp them! Only then can we relieve the hatred in our hearts!"

Next to Chen Kun, Zhuo Yijian, dressed in white, echoed, with expectant eyes.

"With one sword, let's head to Longjing City!"

Chen Kun rubbed his hands together, and the letter paper in his hands turned into powder, as if what he was rubbing was not the letter paper, but the Qin family siblings!


Zhuo Yijian nodded, signaled to the two guards around him, and the four of them headed towards Yunzhou.

At this time, Zhuo Yijian didn't know that Yunzhou County had changed.

The next day.


Yuntian Mansion.

Fifty miles away.

Qingshi Town, this town is similar in size to Qingniuji.

Qin Wang sat cross-legged on the couch of Fuyun Inn, holding the last 300-year-old ginseng slice in his mouth, silently working on the Five Elements Gathering Gong.

"Currently, all my spiritual stones and ginseng are used up."

"After killing Chen Kun, we are going to Xiaodan Mountain."

Qin Wang looked at his package and made secret calculations in his heart.

According to his estimation.

Yunzhou Mu Zhuo Qiuhang's family was wiped out overnight. Rumors are probably spreading across Yunzhou County. This matter is too big. If Zhuo Qiuhang dies, Yunzhou cannot be left without an owner for a day, or it will be appointed again by the Da Cang court. A state pastor came over.

Or, Yunzhou Governor Zhang Shiqing takes control.

However, these have nothing to do with him anymore, Zhuo Qiuhang has been eliminated.

Qin Wang looked at some useful information from this early morning with a thoughtful look on his face.

[1: Yesterday, you used the Beisu Powder Incense on the first-class Yunzhou Mu Zhuo Qiuhang, but the effect was not good. After obtaining information, you obtained the method and solution for the preparation of the Beisu Fengling Incense, which is stronger than the Beisu Powder Incense. Medicine, please click '●' for details. 】

[2: You killed Zhuo Qiuhang yesterday and obtained information. Zhuo Yijian, Zhuo Qiuhang’s son, got the news that you were in Longjing City. He and Chen Kun rushed from Jinyun County to Longjing City, vowing to kill you. The corpse was broken into thousands of pieces, skinned and cramped. 】

[4: You killed Zhuo Qiuhang yesterday and obtained information. King Cang Tianxiong of Jin was fully expecting Zhuo Qiuhang, the shepherd of Yunzhou, to offer Yunzhou. However, he learned that Zhuo Qiuhang was assassinated, and the warlord Zhang Shiqing, the governor and governor of Yunzhou, took control of Yunzhou. I am extremely depressed about the news in Zhouzhou, and I vow to find you who killed Zhuo Qiuhang and ruined his major event. 】

[5: You observed the Three Corpse Gu King Jar yesterday and obtained information. Jin Shifeng sensed the exact location of the Sniffing Spirit Gu. He will recover some injuries in a month and find the Sniffing Spirit Gu to track the Three Corpse Gu King Jar. 】

"This Sorrow-Sealing Spirit Incense can actually seal the mana of a monk below the fifth level of Qi Refining Stage for an hour!"

"This comes at a great time!"

Qin Wang looked at the secret recipe revealed by the intelligence and felt very satisfied.

Sadness Sealing Spirit Incense: It is composed of the poison of the first-order monster Moon Demon Spider, the poison of paralyzing moths, red snake essence and blood, and thirty-six kinds of medicinal materials. It is flammable and effective after becoming incense. It has five layers of Qi refining period. After the monk heard this, his magic power was stagnant for an hour, his limbs were paralyzed and unable to move, and he gradually recovered after an hour.

"This is very powerful. It is the poison of the first-order monster Moon Demon Spider. These medicinal materials are not available in the world. You can only get them by going to Xiaodan Mountain."

Qin Wang looked thoughtful.

I am even more looking forward to going to Xiaodan Mountain.

"Chen Kun is coming to die?"

"Prince Cang Tianxiong of Jin wants to find me?"

"Jin Shifeng will find the Sniffing Spirit Gu in a month and track down the Three Corpse Gu King Jar?"

Qin Wang looked at the remaining three pieces of information, thought about it secretly, and decided to kill Chen Kun first and deal with it completely. Then, he went to Chiyong County, got Su Tianhai's materials for refining the magic weapon, and then went to Xiaodan Mountain.

at present.

Chen Kun is rushing to Longjing City, and he only needs to ambush outside Longjing City.

Two days later.

Jin Palace.

In the middle is a gilded hall.

Dressed in white clothes and wearing a crown, the imposing and handsome man sat in front of the case, looking at the successful report in his hand, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes as he murmured. "General Tianyun Li Jingzhong has completely captured Youzhou! Very good!"

"As long as Zhuo Qiuhang completely surrenders and Yunzhou returns to Jin, I will control the territory of eight states including Jinzhou, Youzhou, Yanzhou, Liangzhou, Yunzhou, and Cangzhou!"


Cang Tianxiong was in a very good mood.

Of the thirty-six states in Da Cang, he occupies eight of them. Snow Lotus Sect and Taiping Dao each occupy three states. Rebels of various sizes have sprung up in other places. Emperor Da Cang Yun only really controls sixteen states.

"Report! Your Majesty, the Yunzhou spy Condor sent a message!"

At this moment, a general wearing black armor walked in quickly, knelt on one knee, and walked with the strides of a dragon and a tiger.

"Oh? Could it be news from Yunzhou Mu?"

Cang Tianxiong's eyes lit up, he reached out and grabbed the letter in the armored general's hand, and opened it immediately.


"Yunzhou Mu Zhuo Qiuhang was assassinated? The whole family was wiped out?"

After reading the contents of the letter, Jin Wang Cang Tianxiong's face suddenly darkened.


According to his expectation, after Zhuo Qiuhang's misdeeds were revealed, public sentiment would drop sharply, and the Detective Division would also investigate him.

In this way, Zhuo Qiuhang can be forced to make a decision and surrender to him. But now that Zhuo Qiuhang's family has been killed, the warlord Zhang Shiqing, the governor and governor of Yunzhou, has been sent to take control of Yunzhou. If he wants to get Yunzhou, he will have to spend more effort to attack it. .

"Zhang Wu, send a message to investigate who killed Zhuo Qiuhang!"

Cang Tianxiong slowly stood up and looked in the direction of Yunzhou with murderous intent in his words.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

The armored general Zhang Wu turned and left.

"I actually killed Zhuo Qiuhang at this time!"

"Destroy this king's great event!"

"Damn it!"

Jin King Cang Tian's male eyes contained murderous intent, he exhaled a deep breath of depression, clenched his fists together, and made a rattling sound.

South of Longjing City.

Thirty miles away.

Baishi Mountain is the only way to Longjing City from Jinyun County.

Qin Wang was carrying the Frightening Knife on his back and sitting cross-legged in a mountain valley. In front of him was a Fire Spirit Knife magic book. He was at a high place and could clearly see the official road in front of him.

[Spell: Fire Spirit Knife (Introduction)]

[Progress: (1/800)]

[Effect: The magic gathers the fire spirit into a knife, shoots it out in the air, is extremely sharp, and burns with flames. It can be completed in 5 years. 】

time flies.

Suddenly, Qin Wang's panel trembled, prompting the Fire Spirit Sword to enter.


"I'm finally getting started with the Fire Spirit Sword!"

Qin Wang looked at the Fire Spirit Sword displayed on the panel with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

This is his first spell.

According to the records in the Fire Spirit Knife, this spell can be used to condense a spiritual sword with mana, and fly out to kill people. It can also attach the spiritual power of the Fire Spirit Knife to the magic weapon to increase the sharpness and burning power of the magic weapon. Burn lethality.


At this moment, Qin Wang suddenly saw four horses galloping towards him on the official road ahead!

The leader was a man in red clothes and a feathered hat, followed closely by a man in white clothes. Both of them were carrying swords. Behind them, there were two old men in gray clothes who were about fifty years old.

Not long after.

The four of them approached the official road at the foot of the mountain.

"Chen Kun! It's really him!"

As the four people approached, Qin Wang discovered that one of them was Chen Kun, the head of the Chen family in Yanyun County!


Now Chen Kun is a first-class master.

However, Qin Wang is now a second-level immortal cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage. It is certainly not a problem to kill Chen Kun, who is only at the first-level level. However, even if a lion fights a rabbit, he must use his full strength!

He still lit a Beisu San Gong sachet in his hand, flashed his figure, used the Flying Eagle Movement, and headed towards Chen Kun and the others.



At this moment, Zhuo Yijian's eyes were bloodshot and he was extremely anxious. He had just received the news from Shenying that his father and eldest brother were assassinated by a mysterious man late at night and the whole family was wiped out. He was the only one left in the family.


When Zhuo Yijian saw a young man in gray clothes with a sallow complexion flying down from the rocks, he immediately reined in his horse and stopped.

Because the four riders were too fast, the white horses neighed and the men stood up!

"Who are you?"

"Why are you blocking my way?"

Zhuo Yijian looked at the sallow-faced man in gray clothes in front of him with a gloomy expression.

Something big happened at home.

He was rushing back to Yuntian Mansion, and this person was looking for death if he blocked the road!

He just wants to ask clearly before killing him!

Although he felt that the strength of the person in front of him was not weak, he was not afraid. He had his cousin who was at the first-class early stage beside him, and there were two guards who were also top-notch masters among the Yunzhou Yunting Guards!

"Haha! Chen Kun, you have been hunting our siblings for so long, it's time to end now!"

Qin Wang ignored Zhuo Yijian and looked at Chen Kun, who was throwing the incense towards Zhuo Yijian like lightning!

He calculated that Zhuo Yijian had the lowest cultivation level, and his two guards would definitely come to rescue him, which would dispel his sorrow!

As Qin Wang expected, Zhuo Yijian's two guards saw this and quickly drew out their swords to block it. However, the cloth bag exploded in mid-air, causing sparks to fly and cover an area of ​​several feet!

Cover Zhuo Yijian and the two guards!


After hearing Qin Wang's words and seeing sparks flying from the cloth bag that Qin Wang smashed, Chen Kun suddenly shook his body, with a look of resentment in his eyes, trembling all over, and shouted. "Spreading poison! Cousin, get out of the way! It's the Qin family's little beast!"

Chen Kun reacted and immediately stepped back ten feet to avoid the range of the cloth bag.

He looked at Qin Wang from a distance, his eyes wide open and his murderous intent revealed.

He didn't expect that.

The person who has been searching for the genocide is right in front of him.

"Little beast!"

"You gave me such a hard time! Do you think you can deal with me with poison? When the poison is gone, I will cut you into pieces! Use your flesh and bones to rot, and then kill all your relatives. Relatives! To honor the souls of more than a hundred members of my Chen family!"

"You little bastard!"

Chen Kun stood more than ten feet away, his eyes filled with hatred, and the sword in his hand was full of energy!

at this time.

Zhuo Yijian and the two guards retreated after hearing Chen Kun's reminder, but it was already too late.

The incense of Beisu powder is poisonous quickly!

Zhuo Yijian's legs immediately weakened and he fell to the ground. However, the two old guards felt the stagnation of mana in the Dantian, and their bodies were sluggish for a moment. After their meridians turned around, they felt that the stagnation had subsided a lot!

Right here between the lightning and flint!


With a sword roar, Qin Wang's frightening sword was unsheathed!

The mana-infused Shocking Knife suddenly turned red, drew an arc of light, and slashed at the two first-class guards!



Two first-class guards were cut in half on the spot and died!


Zhuo Yijian's eyes widened. The next moment, a flash of red flashed in his eyes, his throat hurt, and his consciousness gradually dissipated!

"How can this little beast be so strong?"

Chen Kun left the range of San Gong Poison far away, and saw the light of Qin Wang's sword killing two first-class guards, with a look of horror in his eyes.

He knew it.

With his early first-class realm, he could not display such a blade light!

He knew that he was no match for Qin Wang!

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