Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 70 The aura shield talisman is obtained! The material of the magic weapon! The thoughts of K

At this moment.

Chen Kun was extremely shocked.

He really couldn't understand how a kid who couldn't survive in Qingniu Group could have such a strong strength?


At this moment, the only thought in Chen Kun's mind was to escape!

Originally, he wanted to take revenge, but just now he saw the sword light that Qin Wang used, flashing red light, powerful and terrifying, with his cultivation, he couldn't use it at all!

Staying here is just to die!

It's better to find Yi'er in the Immortal Gate!

Let Yi'er kill this kid!

Thinking of this.

Chen Kun's figure flashed and he rushed away in an instant.

"Chen Kun!"

"Where are you going!!"

Seeing that Chen Kun wanted to escape, Qin Wang shouted, and the Eagle Body Movement was launched to chase Chen Kun.

The two were one in front and one behind, more than ten feet apart, crossing hills and rivers.

Qin Wang used the Flying Eagle Body Skill, which was performed with magic power. His speed was much faster than Chen Kun. In less than a moment, Qin Wang was only ten feet away from Chen Kun!

"What should I do! It's getting closer and closer!"

"How did this little beast practice?"

Chen Kun felt that Qin Wang was getting closer and closer behind him, and he became more and more panicked. He was running all the way, and his internal strength was gradually exhausted. Thinking of this, Chen Kun showed a look of pain, reached into his arms, and took out a three-inch long talisman paper with a circular halo symbol engraved on it.

"When the immortal rewarded me, I said that as long as I hold this spiritual light shield in my hand, when I encounter danger, it will trigger a protective shield halo, which can save my life once!"

Chen Kun remembered what the immortal said when he rewarded me, and held the spiritual light shield talisman tightly, and ran as fast as he could.

"You run pretty fast!"

"Kill him early and get it over with!"

Qin Wang looked at Chen Kun who was running desperately, his eyes flashed coldly, took out an iron cylinder, and pressed the machine expansion on Chen Kun's back!

Suddenly, a burst of cold light from the rain of pear blossom needles shot out!

"Chi Chi Chi!"


Suddenly, Qin Wang found that a light yellow halo flashed on Chen Kun's body, which looked very mysterious.

The rain of pear blossom needles shot up, but they all bounced off and fell to the ground!

Chen Kun was not hurt at all!

"Spiritual light shield!"

Seeing the light shield flashing on Chen Kun's body, Qin Wang immediately remembered the information shown in the intelligence. This was given by the elders of the immortal gate when he left. His footsteps did not stop, and he continued to accelerate and chase, saying in a deep voice. "Chen Kun, this is given to you by the elders of the immortal gate, right? So what if you have a turtle shell? Hehehe, I want to see how long your internal force can last!"

"Is it that God wants to kill me, Chen Kun?!"

Chen Kun's heart sank when he heard this, but he didn't dare to look back.

As Qin Wang said.

His internal force is almost gone.

This spiritual light shield can protect himself from harm, but how long can it last?

The internal force is exhausted, but he still can't escape. How to resist this little beast?

The two of them galloped all the way.

Soon they entered the mountains, surrounded by lush trees. Chen Kun held a sword in one hand and a spiritual light shield talisman in the other. He leaned against a big tree by a mountain stream and panted like a bellows. He looked at Qin Wang with despair.

His internal strength had been exhausted and he really couldn't run.

His body was still wrapped in a light shield, and Qin Wang couldn't kill him for the time being.

"Chen Kun, you run!"

Qin Wang looked at Chen Kun and didn't continue to attack.

Chen Kun had a spiritual light shield on his body, and he couldn't break it even if he continued to bombard him, and it was a waste of mana. He also tried to snatch his spiritual light shield talisman, but the spiritual light shield talisman was held in his hand and protected by a layer of light yellow light shield, so he couldn't get it at all.

Qin Wang had no choice but to stay aside and wait for the spiritual light shield to dissipate. Anyway, this place was already deep in the mountains and no one would come. When the spiritual light shield dissipated, it would be the time for Chen Kun to die.

Chen Kun stared at Qin Wang with a venomous look in his eyes, saying nothing.

"I want to see if you live or die!"

Suddenly, Qin Wang's heart moved, he reached into his bosom and took out a fist-sized cloth bag, and then took out a fire starter and shook it, instantly lighting the cloth bag.

Then he held a knife in one hand and a cloth bag in the other hand to Chen Kun's nose.

"Qin Wang!!"

"You, you beast! You will not die well! Ahhhh!!!"

Chen Kun looked at Qin Wang and actually stuffed the power-dispersing poison into his nose, and his eyes were immediately horrified. He tilted his face to one side in anger and struggled desperately to get up, but he was so weak that he fell down every three steps. He struggled to crawl forward desperately.

"You can scold me, you have a turtle shell, I don't believe I can't drown you!"

Qin Wang strode forward, grabbed the two feet of the weak Chen Kun, and dragged him towards the mountain stream!

The spiritual light shield protected Chen Kun from harm, but what about holding him in the water?

Can he drown?

Chen Kun, who had already collapsed, rubbed his entire face against the rocks beside the mountain stream, causing the spiritual light shield to flicker.

Qin Wang took two steps at a time and dragged Chen Kun to the mountain stream, pressing him into the three-foot-deep water, and the spiritual light shield flickered.

"Little beast, you and I will become ghosts. Uh... Uh."

Chen Kun kept struggling, but he ran all the way, his internal energy was exhausted, and he was powerless. After just a few struggles, he was pressed into the water by Qin Wang. He struggled for a while and then stopped moving. Qin Wang stepped forward, but found that Chen Kun had died.

The talisman in his hand fell and floated in the water.

"It seems that the time for the spiritual light shield has come."

Qin Wang picked up the spiritual light shield talisman and found that it was useless. There was no ring on it, and it was completely a blank yellow talisman paper.

"Intelligence shows that Chen Kun has another talisman!"

Qin Wang thought about this, when Chen Kun, who was about to die, turned over, groped in his arms and found a cloth bag. He opened the rope of the cloth bag and saw a pile of banknotes and a Light yellow paper charm!

This talisman is about three inches long and two inches wide. There is a ring on it, emitting mysterious light, and it looks very extraordinary.

"Aura shield!"

Qin Wang looked at the talisman, took a deep breath, and put it away.

After checking again, he was worried that Chen Kun was not dead, so he cut him in half with a sword and blasted a pair of moves, and then walked away.


Jin Palace.

Cang Tianxiong, the king of Jin, dressed in white, stood in the square of his residence with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance with his eyes full of thought.


"We found out that it was a brother and sister who killed Yunzhou Mu! The sister's name is Qin Xuemei, and the brother's name is Qin Wang!"

"According to the fact that they once exposed Master Zhuo in the name of Baixiao Shenjun and Tianji Pavilion, he is good at a kind of dispersing poison. My subordinates speculate that there may be a hidden force behind them!"

At this moment, a general in black armor stepped forward quickly and clasped his fists respectfully.

"Those things about Yunzhou Mu, they actually knew to track down the siblings first!"

"I am very interested in Baixiao Shenjun and Tianji Pavilion!"

Cang Tianxiong's eyes flashed and he spoke in a deep voice.

All the hidden things about Yunzhou Mu Zhuo Qiuhang have been exposed. If he could get in touch with Tianji Pavilion or make a deal, wouldn't it be much easier to deal with Da Cang's ministers?

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zhang Wu clasped his fists respectfully, stepped back a few steps, turned and left.

Half a month later.


Chiyong County, the former site of the Voodoo Gang.

After a battle with Yang Yuting, the Voodoo Gang disappeared. They were uprooted by the Qinglong Society and the Evil Tiger Gang, and their territory was divided up.

Early in the morning.

Qin Wang sat cross-legged in the room of Jinsheng Inn, looking at his panel.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information】

[1: You have been caressing the spiritual light shield talisman that you received from Chen Kun recently, and you are worried that it has the tracking mark of the Taiyi Sword Sect elder. You have obtained information that the spiritual light shield talisman conveniently given by the Taiyi Sword Sect elder is the lowest level talisman. For For the elders, it is a complete burden and takes up space in the storage bag. It was given conveniently. It has no branding and can be used safely. 】

[2: You stroked the aura talisman yesterday and obtained information. The aura talisman was made by Jiang Mu, the talisman master in the late stage of Qingyun Sect's Qi Refining. Jiang Mu was killed by Fei Bin, the demon foundation builder, and Fei Bin was killed by the golden elixir master Uncle Zhang. The dragon swallowed it, and finally, Jiang Bingyun, the elder of Taiyi Sword Sect, killed Zhang Long and obtained the talisman. 】

[3: The news of your killing of Chen Kun and Yunzhou Mu Zhuo Qiuhang spread, and information was obtained. Zheng Lingyun learned of your news and vowed to cut you into pieces one day. 】

[4: You went to the old site of the Voodoo Gang yesterday and obtained information that the treasure hidden by Su Tianhai of the Voodoo Gang is located in the basement of No. 18 East Street, Chiyong County. 】

[5: Yesterday, you touched Master Qingyao’s first solution and storage bag of elixirs, and obtained information that Master Qingyao’s storage bag was purchased at Xiaodanshan Duobao Pavilion. 】

[6: You sorted out the treasures yesterday, looked through the Chiyang Magic Technique, and obtained information that Li Qiye, who gave you the Chiyang Magic Technique, has obtained immortality and entered Xiaodan Mountain. 】

[7: Yesterday, you touched the cloth bag that your sister Qin Xuemei sewed for you and obtained information that Qin Xuemei has become the direct disciple of Mu Qianxue, the head of the Wanhua Sect, and obtained a large number of spiritual stones, elixirs, magic weapons, and storage bags. Qin Xuemei is very worried and misses you. 】

[8: You stroked the Three Corpse Gu King Jar yesterday and obtained information. In order to recover from his injuries, Jin Shifeng swallowed the essence of mortals and attracted the masters of the world. He was worried about alerting Jinzhou Chilianxian to pursue him, so he decided to hide in the mountains for another month. 】

[9: You touched the storage bag yesterday and obtained information. The entrance to Xiaodan Mountain where Master Qingyao purchased the storage bag has been guarded by low-level monks Hu Shihan and Ding Feng for the past month. 】

[10: You touched the ancient parchment scroll obtained from Jiang Hanyun yesterday and obtained information. The secret of the parchment scroll requires special methods to be revealed. 】

"This spiritual light shield talisman is really twists and turns!"

Qin Wang looked at the first and second pieces of information and couldn't help but sigh.

He was relieved that there was no brand.

He killed Chen Kun's family. If there was a brand, and the Taiyi Sword Sect elders followed the brand and chased him, he would definitely die.

"Did you find out the exact address of Su Tianhai's magic weapon materials?"

"Li Qiye obtained the fate of immortality and entered Xiaodan Mountain? Isn't he so lucky?"

After reading the information, Qin Wang stood up. Now that he knew the location of Su Tianhai's magic weapon material, he naturally went to get it early and then headed to Xiaodan Mountain.

My sister has gained a lot of resources at Wanhuamen, which is a good thing.

You have to work hard yourself.

In the early morning, the sun rises.

Golden light fell on his body like a sword, as if coated with a layer of golden light.

"Is this the material for refining magic weapons?"

"It's just that, it's a bit difficult to refine the magic weapon, right?"

Qin Wang stood on a river embankment in Chiyong County, looking at an irregular dark iron-like object in his hand that was as big as a fingernail and murmured.

This thing.

Although it is small, it weighs about five kilograms, which is quite strange. No wonder it was collected by Su Tianhai.


Qin Wang looked at the rising sun on the horizon, took a deep breath, and galloped towards the Tianwu Mountains at the junction of Jinzhou and Yunzhou.

Intelligence display.

The entrance to Xiaodan Mountain is in the Tianwu Mountain Range.

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