Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 77 Stone Bell Spirit Milk! The third level of Qi Refining Stage! [Please subscribe! ]

In the next few days.

Qin Wang practiced in his hut, absorbing the spiritual energy from the spirit stone and increasing his proficiency in cultivation.

Reminded by Qin Wang.

Gao Yuan and his daughter Gao Wenjing declined to go to the depths of Cuiyun Mountain, but the rest of the team went. On the way back that afternoon, they were attacked by unknown people, and four people were killed, and Ouyang Long was seriously injured.

Gao Yuan went to thank Qin Wang for his reminder.

Zhao Xuanting, who had perfected the fourth level of Qi Refining in the Demon Slayer Alliance, died in Cuiyun Mountain. His body was gnawed by monsters, and his magic tools and storage bags were missing. The Demon Slayer Alliance felt that it was the people of the Dan Alliance who plotted against him, and a small battle broke out between the two sides.

The murderer is still being sought.

[Realm: Third level of Qi Refining (28/3000)]

"Consuming 63 spirit stones, I finally reached the third level of Qi Refining!"

Day 8.

Qin Wang looked at his panel, with satisfaction in his eyes, and murmured. "There is only one more level left. As long as I take one more step, I can open the storage bag!"

Qin Wang is getting closer and closer to the fourth level of Qi Refining, and he is also looking forward to it.

At this moment.

Qin Wang feels that the mana in his dantian is twice as powerful as before, and his physical strength has also increased a lot.

He also discovered one thing.

After advancing to the third level of Qi Refining, the increase in cultivation proficiency by absorbing a spiritual stone has become 14 points.

This is the result obtained after he consumed 2 more spiritual stones after the breakthrough.


There are 25 spiritual stones, 3 bottles of Yunling Pills, and 4 bottles of Buqi Pills left in his package.

"Try these two pills to see how much they can increase."

Qin Wang picked up the pills he got from Liao Bi Da, Yunling Pills have 5 pills in a bottle, a total of 15 pills.

Buqi Pills also have 5 pills in a bottle, a total of 20 pills.

As far as Qin Wang knows.

The Soul-Enriching Pill is sold at the Dan League for 3 soul stones each, and the Qi-Replenishing Pill is sold at 2 soul stones each. These pills are worth 85 soul stones. Liao Bi Da didn't know how many low-level casual cultivators he had harmed before he collected these 7 bottles of pills. It was a bargain for himself.

These pills.

They have all been purified and refined by Qin Wang with the treasure bowl, so you can take them with confidence.

Qin Wang took these two pills one by one, and he found that 1 Soul-Enriching Pill can increase proficiency by 42 points, and 1 Qi-Replenishing Pill can increase proficiency by 28 points. In terms of conversion, it is almost the same as the proficiency gained by absorbing soul stones.

7 days later.

Early morning.

"I still need 1792 proficiency points to break through the fourth level of Qi Refining Stage"

Qin Wang looked at the progress of cultivation on the panel, his eyes showing a thoughtful look.

[Realm: Qi Refining Stage 3 (1208/3000)]

In the current state, it is necessary to convert 128 spiritual stones to advance to the fourth level of Qi Refining Stage and have spiritual consciousness. At present, there are only 25 spiritual stones on hand, which is not enough.

"Make two more sets of psychedelic incense to attract demons and go to the place where the male demon wild boar is!"

Qin Wang thought about it and made up his mind secretly.

After he lit the psychedelic incense last time, those demon wild boars, demon rabbits, and armored demons were like crazy, rushing to the place where the psychedelic incense was.

If he encounters a wild boar, he will light the psychedelic incense to attract demons, lure away the demon beasts, and take the opportunity to leave to ensure safety.

Thinking of this.

Qin Wang immediately got up, locked the door, and went to the demon slaughtering shop to buy the materials needed for the psychedelic incense.

2 portions of the psychedelic incense for attracting demons consumed 10 spiritual stones, leaving Qin Wang with only 15 spiritual stones left. He prepared everything, and headed for Cuiyun Mountain with the Soul-Shocking Knife and the Sad and Succulent Sealing Spirit Incense.

Cuiyun Mountain.

Thirty miles away, under a cliff, was the small cave discovered by the male wild boar demon, which was also the information Qin Wang had obtained in the past half month.

The sun was rising.

There were many monks entering the mountain, all in groups, and there were also lone travelers like Qin Wang.

At noon, the sun was blazing.

"It should be in the crack of the stone wall ahead. This demon wild boar is a bit of a hindrance!"

Qin Wang hid all the way and finally came to Cuiyun Mountain thirty miles away, under a cliff of a mountain, hiding behind a huge rock, looking at a demon wild boar in front of the crack of the stone wall ahead, his brows furrowed tightly.

At this moment.

The demon wild boar was in front of the crack under the mountain stream, sticking out its nose to sniff in the crack.

Qin Wang saw that the demon wild boar had thick skin and flesh, and was covered with a layer of black iron-like mud armor. It was obviously an adult demon wild boar. With his cultivation, he was not enough to deal with this adult wild boar.

Although the demon-luring psychedelic incense could be used, it cost 5 spiritual stones for one portion, and Qin Wang was reluctant to part with it. He decided to wait behind the big rock until the demon wild boar left.

Until two hours later.

The demon wild boar shook its head, swung its tail, and turned to walk away.

"Damn wild boar, let me wait for 2 hours!"

"I must eat your meat when my cultivation level improves!"

Qin Wang watched the adult male wild boar demon leave, took a deep breath, and when the male wild boar left and drilled into the jungle, he unfolded the flying eagle body method, like a bullet, and landed under the cliff, in front of the crack.

This crack was covered with vines, about two feet wide, very deep inside, dark, and a faint spiritual energy emanated from it. Even if he wanted to go in, he had to turn sideways.

"Go in and take a look!"

Qin Wang's eyes flashed, and he went in sideways with the Soul-Shocking Knife in hand.

As he walked four or five feet deeper, Qin Wang discovered that after turning a corner, there was actually a cave inside, and it was like a maze, and the spiritual energy was much richer than outside.

Qin Wang immediately took out a sesame oil lamp that he had prepared and lit it. Suddenly, the cave was clearly visible.

Qin Wang walked more than thirty feet inside and found a cave space with a radius of five feet. There was a stone stalactite about ten feet thick with a tip as big as a fist hanging upside down above the space.

Underneath the stalactite, there is a stone depression as big as a sea bowl, and the stone depression is filled with milky white spiritual milk!

Streams of rich spiritual milk spread from the stone recess!

"Stone Bell Spirit Milk?!"

Qin Wang took a step forward and looked at the stone bell spirit milk in the stone recess, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

With so much spiritual milk that is rich in spiritual energy, if you absorb it yourself, wouldn't you be able to advance to the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage?

Even the fifth floor is conceivable, right?

"Forget it, I'll hide here and improve my cultivation later!"

Qin Wang stepped forward, looked at the spiritual milk carefully, and thought to himself.

Inside, the wild boar demon can't come in, and no one will bother him. It's best to wait until he reaches the fourth level before going out.

Thinking of this.

Qin Wang immediately sat cross-legged next to the stalactite, took out the treasure bowl from the package, and scooped up half a bowl of spiritual milk. No matter what he took, it was safer to purify it with the treasure bowl first. Qin Wang had become a habit.

The stone bell spirit milk was put into a treasure bowl and disappeared instantly.

About an hour later, the stalactite spirit milk appeared in the bowl again.

Qin Wang took a lick first, swallowed it, and began to use the Five Elements Gathering Technique to refine the spiritual milk into magic power.

Xiaodan Mountain.

The entrance to cabin No. 88.

Gao Yuan, who was wearing a tiger skin robe, came back from outside and saw a lock hanging on Qin Wang's door. He looked at the sky and asked his daughter Gao Wenjing behind him. "Wen Jing, I thought I heard you say this morning, which direction did you see Xiao Qin going??"

"Dad, when we entered the mountain, I saw from behind that he seemed to be going to Cuiyun Mountain."

Gao Wenjing's beautiful eyes were also very confused.

I haven't returned to Xiaodanshan yet, so I'm a little hung up.

It's even more dangerous outside Xiaodan Mountain at night.

"This is Cuiyun Mountain."

Gao Yuan frowned. Cuiyun Mountain was a place where monsters roamed. Why would he go there if his cultivation level was low?

Could it be that he was looking for his uncle's remains again?

Ever since Gao Yuan escaped death by not going into the mountain because of Qin Wang's reminder, he was grateful to Qin Wang. If it hadn't been for Qin Wang's kind reminder, he and his daughter would have died following the demon hunting team into the mountain.

Therefore, Qin Wang has not come back yet, and he is also very worried.

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