Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 78 The fourth level of Qi Refining Stage! Open Master Qingyao's storage bag! [Please su

time flies.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

Cuiyun Mountain.

Thirty miles away in the heart of the mountain.

Qin Wang sat cross-legged under the stalactite, absorbing the stalactite.

He felt that the mana in his body was gradually increasing and becoming stronger, and in his mind, the cultivation proficiency on the panel was also rising rapidly.

The cultivation proficiency on the panel has also reached the extreme.

[Realm: Third level of Qi refining stage (2998/3000)]

And there is still more than half of the stone bell spirit milk left in the stone recess in front of me!

As he practiced and absorbed the stone spirit milk, Qin Wang felt that his spirit was very sharp and excited. When he looked inside, he could vaguely see the movement of meridians and mana in his body!

The control of the magic power in the body is more precise than before, and it is more like an arm!


Suddenly, Qin Wang felt a jolt in his Dantian and a surge of mana all over his body. In an instant, he felt that his consciousness was extremely happy and his energy was particularly good!

He discovered that even if he didn't look behind him, he could still 'see' the scene one foot away from his body!


He also discovered that his Dantian had doubled in size instantly!

The Dantian space can accommodate more mana!

"It's finally the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage! Divine Consciousness was born!"

Qin Wang felt the majestic magic power in his body and the birth of divine consciousness, and was extremely pleasantly surprised.


Divine consciousness can only extend one foot outside the body, but this is also a huge improvement!

You can now open Qingyao Master’s storage bag!


The buried storage bag of Zhao Xuanting can also be opened!

Qin Wang was looking forward to the storage bags of these two people.

"Forget it, let's absorb all this stone bell spirit milk in one go!"

Qin Wang's heart skipped a beat and he continued to absorb the spiritual milk in the stone recess.

After advancing to the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage, and then to the fifth level, the proficiency increased from 3000 to 4000.

In a cave on the mountainside.

Silence fell again.

Early in the morning.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information! 】

[1: Yesterday, you absorbed the stalactite to advance to the fourth level of the Qi refining stage and obtained information. The stalactite was formed by the air of heaven and earth absorbed by this mountain over the years and dripping down the stalactite. This grotto on the mountainside was once a road. Underground underground rivers, caves formed by changes in the earth's crust. 】

[2: You did not return to cabin No. 88 yesterday. After receiving the information, Gao Yuan and his daughter saw that you had not returned for so long, thinking that you had been killed by the monster, and sighed sadly. 】

[3: You have not returned for more than 6 days, and we have received information. According to the usual practice, Xiaodanshan Foreign Affairs Hall will deal with the monks who have been missing for half a month as if they were dead monsters, and take back the things in the monks’ huts, as well as the rented spirits. field. 】

[4: You have not returned for 6 days and are not aware of the changes in Xiaodanshan in the past few days. After receiving the information, Zhao Yulong, the elder of Xiaodanshan Foreign Affairs Hall, decided to increase the rent of casual cultivators in Xiaodanshan. 】

[5: You have not returned for 6 days. After receiving information, Zhao Haifeng, the son of Zhao Yulong, the foreign affairs elder, learned that you have not returned for 6 days and intends to rent your spiritual field at half price and occupy the spiritual valley you have planted. 】

[6: You have not returned for 6 days, and I have received information that Zhao Haifeng, the henchman of the Foreign Affairs Elder Zhao Yulong’s family, is planning to go to your house tomorrow to see if he can gain anything. 】

[7: Yesterday, outside the cave where you practice, an adult black boar demon was looking for spiritual energy and obtained information. The black boar demon's lair has four second-order firebird tail feathers and a piece of copper. The tail feathers are refined fire attributes. An excellent material for magical instruments, copper sheets are a mysterious thing. 】

[8: Yesterday, outside the cave where you practice, an adult black wild boar demon was looking for spiritual energy and obtained information. The black wild boar demon’s partner gave birth to twelve little black wild boar demons yesterday. 】

[9: Xu Ying, a demon slayer at the early stage of the fourth level of the Qi refining stage who you stroked the demon-inducing psychedelic sachet yesterday to obtain information and sell you the materials, was attacked by Zhao Xuanzhen at night, and his storage bag was snatched away by Zhao Xuanzhen. 】

[10: You absorbed the Stone Bell Spirit Milk in the cave yesterday and obtained information that there are 4 snake eggs in a snake cave thirty miles away from you. 】

"Uncle Gao saw that I didn't go back. Are you still worried about me?"

Qin Wang felt warm in his heart when he looked at the second piece of information.

I have to say, there are still good people.

"Good on you, Zhao Haifeng!"

"You actually want to take advantage of me? It's your uncle's fault!"

When Qin Wang saw the 5th and 6th pieces of information, murderous intent suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Zhao Haifeng, he doesn’t know.


Zhao Yulong knew it.

According to the information obtained from Master Qingyao's preliminary explanation of the elixir, Zhao Yulong is not a good guy. As Master Qingyao's best friend, in order to pursue Zhang Panpan, he plotted against Master Qingyao, who was in love with Zhang Panpan, and intended to dominate Zhang Panpan.


Intelligence showed that Zhang Panpan was practicing at the Spiritual Medicine Sect and not at Xiaodan Mountain, which meant that Zhao Yulong had failed.

As far as Qin Wang knows.

Zhao Yulong's cultivation is at the ninth level of Qi Refining Stage, and he is already on the verge of establishing the Foundation. He is just waiting for the Foundation Establishment Pill. Such a person is still the steward of Xiaodan Mountain, and he cannot afford to offend him for the time being.

"The boar demon's nest has the tail feathers of a firebird?"

"And a mysterious piece of copper?"

"How mysterious?"

"And there are twelve little wild boar monsters? It would taste good if they were caught to make roasted suckling pig!"

Qin Wang looked at the 7th and 8th pieces of information, his eyes flickering.

When you get out, you can go and have a look.

"Demon Slayer Xu Ying's belongings were taken away by Zhao Xuanzhen?"

"It seems that the iron piece was also taken away by him."

Qin Wang looked at the ninth piece of information and calculated that if he wanted to find the iron piece in the future, he would have to start with Zhao Xuanzhen.

"I have to go back first, otherwise, my cabin will be taken away."

Qin Wang looked at the remaining half of the stone bell spirit milk and made secret calculations.


It's early in the morning, not the time to go back, so I take advantage of this time to open the storage bag I got from Master Qingyao. With the storage bag, everything can be put in it, including these stone stalactites.

Thinking of this.

Qin Wang immediately took out the storage bag from Master Qing Yao from his carry-on package.

This storage bag is gray and has a small drawstring on it, which is as big as a palm and light.

Qin Wang immediately held the storage bag in his hand, closed his eyes, and his newly born consciousness slowly extended towards the storage bag.

Qin Wang obviously had his eyes closed, but he saw a gray bag, which was a storage bag!

His consciousness fell on the storage bag, spread over, and wrapped the storage bag.

The next moment.

Qin Wang felt his eyes light up. He found that his consciousness 'saw' a space with a radius of two feet. It was filled with things, various medicinal materials, elixirs, and a bookshelf against the wall. There were many books on it. Few books and books.

In the middle of the space, there is a table with a wooden box on it. Inside is a spiritual stone, estimated to be several hundred yuan.

“Big catch!!”


"I didn't expect that Master Qingyao left me so many spiritual stones!"

Qin Wang looked at the spiritual stones and classics in the storage bag with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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