Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 84 The beast tide in Cuiyun Mountain, Jin Shifeng's despair! Zhao Haifeng collapsed [Pl

[10: You used the rusty copper bowl yesterday and obtained information. If you want to resolve the rust on the bowl, you need to go to the Witch Clan to resolve the curse. 】

"Jin Shifeng is planning to leave for Cuiyun Mountain this morning?"

Qin Wang looked at the second piece of information, thought for a moment, and immediately sorted it out and prepared to go out. Once Jin Shifeng found the hidden stone wall, he would definitely be able to trigger the monster-inducing psychedelic incense. At that time, the monsters near Cuiyun Mountain would Everyone will come crazy!

A full psychedelic fragrance that lures monsters!

The tide of beasts attracted would definitely crush Jin Shifeng to pieces!

Especially that sniffing spirit Gu!

Qin Wang knew that the Sniffing Spirit Gu was the reincarnation of the soul of Lord Gu. Such a powerful demon must crush it!

Qin Wang was very curious.

How to deal with the sniffing spirit Gu.

"The Soul Gathering Bowl is an ancient magic weapon whose spirit has been wiped out?"

"Thousands of feet below Cuiyun Mountain, is an arm of a powerful demon from ten thousand years ago buried?"

Qin Wang looked at the third and fourth pieces of information with a thoughtful look on his face.

The ancient magic weapon has been wiped out of its spirit. Currently, it only has the ability to absorb the souls of people who have just died nearby.

As for other functions, we can only wait for the refining ban to be explored.

Under thousands of feet of Cuiyun Mountain.

With his current strength, he couldn't get down. Even if he practiced the art of escaping from the earth, it would be very difficult to get down a thousand feet. Another thing is that an arm of a powerful demon from ten thousand years ago, it is not known whether there is any remnant of that powerful power in it.

Don’t think about it for now.

I can only wait until I become stronger in the future to give it a try.

"The soul in the soul-locking jade is the most enlightened swordsman in the history of the Wu Family Sword Domain?"

Qin Wang thought about this and reached into his storage bag. A piece of yellowed jade, three inches long and one inch wide, appeared in his hand.

Qin Wang took a look, decided to come back at night to figure it out, and put it away immediately.

Qin Wang packed everything up, locked the door, and prepared to wander around the outskirts of Cuiyun Mountain to see the size of the beast tide before making plans, but he saw Gao Yuan and his daughter also preparing to go out.

"Xiao Qin, are you going out?"

Seeing Qin Wang going out with the Shocking Knife on his back, Gao Yuan smiled and said hello.

"Yes, Uncle Gao, I'm going to wander around Cuiyun Mountain to see if there are any magical herbs or herbs."

Qin Wang looked at Gao Yuan and Gao Wenjing, his eyes flashed, and he asked. "Uncle Gao, are you going into the mountains too?"

"Well, our demon hunting team lost several fellow Taoists, and fellow Taoist Ouyang was also seriously injured. Therefore, Jingjing and I can only hunt the little monsters outside Cuiyun Mountain."

Gao Yuan sighed.

The team was attacked in the mountains last time and suffered heavy losses. Ouyang Long, who had the highest level of cultivation, was seriously injured. It would take at least half a year to recover. The demon hunting team was almost disintegrated.

"The journey to becoming an immortal is really difficult."

Qin Wang also sighed and said suddenly. "Uncle Gao, I heard from someone from the Demon Slayer Alliance yesterday that there has been a tide of beasts in Cuiyun Mountain in the past few days. You should pay attention to your safety."

"Well, let's just walk around the perimeter. Thanks for the reminder, Xiao Qin."

Gao Yuan waved to Qin Wang and led Gao Wenjing towards the outskirts of Cuiyun Mountain.

Noon, one hour.

Cuiyun Mountain.

The east wind ruffles the treetops.

Ten miles away from the wild boar demon's lair, there is a hidden stone wall thirty feet away.

An old man in black robes, about fifty years old, with money spots on his face, was hiding behind a big stone, holding an alms bowl. There was a snow silkworm in it, and its two tentacles were constantly expanding and contracting, pointing towards The stone wall ahead.

"Is it there?"

When the old man in black robe saw this, his eyes showed caution, and he tightened his grip on the Blood Spirit Thorn in his hand.

Previously shown in Secular.

Later shown in Xiaodan Mountain.

Now it is displayed on the stone wall in front. Could it be said that the person who took away the Three Corpse Gu King Jar is hiding in this stone wall?

Jin Shifeng was silent for a while, placed the alms bowl on the ground, and spoke to the Sniffing Spirit Gu. "Baby, go over there and have a look!"

The snow silkworm seemed to be able to understand people's words, and immediately crawled out of the alms bowl and quickly crawled towards the stone wall.

Not long after.

Snow Silkworm climbed to that hidden stone wall and slowly climbed up. It climbed to a height of one person and saw a three-foot-sized stone cave. It looked around at the entrance of the cave and followed the path. Got through the cracks in the stone.

Not long after.

The snow silkworm got out of the stone cave and lay down at the entrance of the stone cave. Facing Jin Shifeng, its two tentacles continued to expand and contract.

"In that cave?"

Jin Shifeng's eyes lit up, and he immediately walked towards the hidden stone wall that was taller than a person. When he came to the stone wall, he looked at the cave, took out the Blood Spirit Thorn, and carefully picked out the stone blocking the entrance of the cave. Suddenly, he saw Risi Ye Xiang's Three Corpse Gu King Jar.

"It is indeed my Three Corpse Gu King Jar!!"

"Finally lost and found!"

Jin Shifeng looked at the jar in the cave, which was his own jar of the Three Corpse Gu King. He was immediately overjoyed and used the Blood Spirit Thorn to pick it out, only to find that there was an earth-colored hemp rope tied to the ears of the jar.

"Why is it tied with a rope?"

Jin Shifeng frowned and did not cut off the hemp rope immediately. The hemp rope tied to the jar was obviously unreasonable!

Who would have put this treasure here and tied it with a hemp rope?

Could it be that this is a trap set by others?


At this moment, I suddenly heard a stone rolling down farther away, making a banging sound.

"Is there anyone nearby?"

Jin Shifeng held his breath and tightened his grip on the Blood Spirit Thorn, alerting himself to an ambush and plotting against him. At the same time, he prayed that the falling stone would not alert any nearby monsters.

Although he was at the sixth level of Qi Refining, the monsters nearby were comparable to those at the fourth or fifth level. He was not afraid of three or four, but he could not withstand more, not to mention that he was still injured.


Jin Shifeng did not see it.

A spark ignited under the stone in the distance, igniting a huge cloth bag below, which burned silently in an instant. Strangely, there was no smoke at all.

"Fortunately, the monsters were not alarmed!"

Jin Shifeng waited for more than ten breaths and saw that no one appeared. Moreover, the falling stones did not alarm the monsters. He immediately cut the hemp rope on the Three Corpses Gu King Jar, put away the Sniffing Spirit Gu, and prepared to leave.




At this moment.

The earth shook, and a strange sound rang out all around. The howling of the black wild boar monster came, accompanied by the commotion in the jungle from all directions. The black wild boar monster, python monster, rabbit monster, armored monster, and monster bird swarmed in from all directions.

"Oh my god?!"

"So many monsters? Why are they all coming for me?"

Jin Shifeng looked at the monsters that swarmed in an instant, and was immediately shocked, his soul flew away.

Although he was at the sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage, he did not dare to swagger in, and could only come in carefully, not to mention that his cultivation had not yet fully recovered. Now that monsters were rushing in from all directions, he immediately put away the Three Corpse Gu King Jar and used the Wind Control Technique to escape.

But it was too late.

The monster pythons, monster wild boars, monster rabbits, monster insects, armored monsters, and monster birds that rushed in from all directions were densely packed, as if they were crazy. In the distance, there were more, like a tide of beasts covering the sky and the sun.

No matter how Jin Shifeng tried to avoid it, he was eventually overwhelmed by the monsters that covered the sky and the sun.


Jin Shifeng screamed in fear and despair, and his body was torn to pieces and trampled into mud.

At the same time.

Cuiyun Mountain.

Twenty miles away from the hidden stone wall where Qin Wang set an ambush trap.

On a cliff.

A tall, middle-aged monk with a big belly, carrying a long sword, hugged a pretty female monk who was about 30 years old and charming, very ambiguous.

These two people were Zhao Haifeng and Liu Lan who came to Cuiyun Mountain to have fun.

"Lan'er, the scenery here is beautiful, and there is a big crack on the cliff below. It must be exciting for you and me to have fun in that big crack!"

Zhao Haifeng's belly was so big that he couldn't see his toes. His eyes swept over Liu Lan's charming body and held her hand.

"Brother Feng~~~~"

Liu Lan's voice was soft.

"Ah? Why are there so many monsters rushing over!?"

At this moment, Zhao Haifeng suddenly found that there were black masses of monster birds, monster beasts, and monster snakes in the distance, as if they were crazy. He was immediately scared to death, and his passion was extinguished on the spot. He spread his body and ran desperately towards Xiaodan Mountain.

There was no time to care about Liu Lan.

"Brother Feng. Ah!!!"

Liu Lan had her eyes slightly closed, but when she realized something was wrong, she opened her eyes and found that Zhao Haifeng had left her behind and appeared twenty feet away, and under her feet, there were long and short demonic snakes everywhere!

Demon birds in the sky!

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