Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 85 True Man Zixia! The miserable Gu Venerable, Zhao Haifeng is wilted [Please subscribe! ]

Liu Lan quickly used the wind control technique to escape towards Xiaodan Mountain, but it was already too late.

Her figure was instantly submerged by demonic birds and snakes!


Liu Lan let out a shrill scream, and instantly his body was gone.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhao Haifeng climbed out of a wild pond ten miles away from Xiaodan Mountain in embarrassment. He wiped the water from his face and looked at the densely packed monster beasts in the distance with lingering fear and trembling lips.

The reason why he was able to save his life was because his cultivation was already at the sixth level of the Qi Refining stage, and he discovered the monster riot in advance. He used all his strength and consumed many defensive talismans in his storage bag to get into the wild pond to escape. , and then he desperately escaped.

"damn it!"

"Why did so many monsters suddenly appear? A tide of monsters?"

At this moment, Zhao Haifeng looked very ugly. Originally, Liu Lan proposed to do things in Xiaodan Mountain, but he felt that it would be more interesting to leave Xiaodan Mountain and go to the wild Cuiyun Mountain to have fun, without having to worry about being raped by Liu Lan's Taoist monks. Discover.

After all, the attack power is higher in wild combat.

No matter where you want it.

How unlucky it was to encounter a beast tide!

He was frightened just now, and his good things were interrupted, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

"Why did the beast tide suddenly appear?"

"These demonic beasts, demonic birds, and demonic insects all seem to be going crazy. Why have there been so many beasts recently? Is there a demonic beast deep in Cuiyun Mountain that is about to break through to the third level?"

"There was also a tide of beasts a few days ago. This time it was more violent than the last time! Could it be that they were going to attack our city?"

"Oh my God, our leader went to Cuiyun Mountain today! This"


at this time.

On the plain between Xiaodan Mountain and Cuiyun Mountain.

Nearly a thousand monks gathered, all looking at the tide of beasts in the direction of Cuiyun Mountain, and talking about it.

"It is indeed a 10-part psychedelic fragrance that lures monsters!"

"This power is much more powerful than last time!"

"Jin Shifeng should have turned into mud, right?"

Qin Wang stood among the many monks, listening to the discussions of many monks, with anticipation in his eyes.

So many monsters.

People flying in the sky and people crawling on the ground swarmed up. That place would definitely be plowed over, and Jin Shifeng would definitely have no bones left.

"The Three Corpse Gu King Jar is currently in the trap. It is an extraordinary treasure. These first- and second-level monsters should not be able to break it."

Qin Wang looked at the roars coming from the faint Cuiyun Mountains in the distance, with a look of thought in his eyes.

This is a place where countless monsters gather and trap, and they will definitely not leave for the time being.

However, Qin Wang has a way.

At that time, by creating another beast tide in another place, the monsters in the trap area can be lured away, and he can go there to find the Three Corpse Gu King Jar.

further away.

A man in his thirties, wearing colorful purple clothes and a mustache, stood on a small hill with his hands behind his back, looking at the beast tide in Cuiyun Mountain in the distance, his brows furrowed deeply. "What's happened recently? There's been a wave of beasts. Could it be that there are monsters inside that have broken through to the third level?"

"Don't let anything happen during these five years!"

Master Zixia looked at the shocking roar in the distance, her eyes full of worry.

He was sent by the sect to guard this remote Xiaodan Mountain for twenty years. He has already guarded it for fifteen years. He only needs five more years to successfully return to the elixir sect.

He also wants to return to the sect to practice as soon as possible. Who is willing to guard the monsters in this remote Xiaodan Mountain?

More than ten years ago.

There was also a beast tide in Xiaodan Mountain. It was a monk who took the egg of a monster deep in Cuiyun Mountain that was about to advance to the third level. As a result, the monster advanced and brought hordes of monsters to attack Xiaodan Mountain. Danshan Formation.

But now, all the monsters in Cuiyun Mountain are gathering in the middle of Cuiyun Mountain!

The monsters are gathering in one direction. The most likely reason is that some monsters have broken through to the third level, which is comparable to the monsters in the foundation building stage!

This is what worries him the most!


Qin Wang returned to his cabin No. 88.

"Xiao Qin, the beast tide has been abnormal recently, so we should try our best to go into the mountains as little as possible."

"Wen Jing and I are also planning to rent and plant more spiritual fields so that we can be more stable."

Seeing Qin Wang come back, Gao Yuan, who was dealing with a demon rabbit at the door, gave a warning.

"Thank you, Uncle Gao, for reminding me. I try not to go to the mountains recently."

Qin Wang was very grateful for Gao Yuan's kindness.

at night.

Qin Wang sat cross-legged on the bed, took the elixir, held the spirit stone in his hand, and began to improve his cultivation proficiency. At the same time, he took the time to practice the fire spirit knife, explosive flame technique, wind control technique, wooden shield technique and other spells.

Early in the morning.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information! 】

[1: The trap you set was triggered by Jin Shifeng yesterday, and information was obtained. Under the impact of the dense monster beasts, Jin Shifeng, who was on the sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage, was trampled into mud and died. 】

[2: The trap you set was triggered by Jin Shifeng yesterday. Information was obtained. The 'Sniffing Spirit Gu' incarnated by Lord Gu was trampled by a rhinoceros demon. The Gu's body was severely injured and broken. In panic and desperation, he got into the body of a black boar demon. Inside his body, he wanted to control the black boar demon to take away the Five Elements Divine Light Jar, but he found that the black boar demon seemed to be crazy and uncontrollable. In the end, Venerable Gu fell into a long sleep in the black boar's body due to the weakness of his soul. What would happen unexpectedly? Fusion with the black boar demon, the Five Elements Divine Light Jar was stepped into the soil a foot deep by the demon beast. 】

[3: You watched the beast tide in Cuiyun Mountain yesterday and received information that a pair of male and female demon rabbits deep in Cuiyun Mountain are about to break through to the third level. 】

[4: The trap you set caused a great beast tide in Cuiyun Mountain. We have obtained information that your enemy Zhao Haifeng was originally going to have an exciting outdoor battle with his mistress Liu Lan in Cuiyun Mountain, but the beast tide you brought ruined his plan. Zhao Haifeng was suddenly frightened and became incapacitated from then on, losing the ability to continue to fight. ]

[5: The trap you set caused a great beast tide in Cuiyun Mountain. We have obtained information that your enemy Zhao Haifeng was originally going to have an exciting outdoor battle with his mistress Liu Lan in Cuiyun Mountain. Zhao Haifeng escaped in a panic, and his mistress Liu Lan died from the kiss of the demon snake because Zhao Haifeng did not help her. No trace of her body was left. ]

[6: The trap you set caused a great beast tide in Cuiyun Mountain. We have obtained information that in the past, if a demon beast in Cuiyun Mountain broke through the third level, it would lead its own demon beasts to attack Xiaodan Mountain Market. Zixia Zhenren, who guarded Xiaodan Mountain Market, has been guarding Xiaodan Mountain for fifteen years. He just wants to prevent a large-scale beast tide from attacking Xiaodan Mountain in the next five years. ]

[7: You saw the Red Sun Divine Art in your storage bag yesterday. You got information that the thief Li Qiye was on the edge of the beast tide of Cuiyun Mountain. He was frightened by the beast tide and fled. He accidentally entered the mysterious cave and obtained the inheritance. His strength will advance by leaps and bounds. ]

[8: The trap you set yesterday caused a large beast tide in Cuiyun Mountain. You got information that Tang Jianzhong, the leader of the Demon Slayer Alliance, was seriously injured and hid underground to save his life. ]

[9: The trap you set yesterday caused a large beast tide in Cuiyun Mountain. You got information that Yan Honghao, a casual cultivator, was hit and seriously injured by a rhinoceros monster. He accidentally integrated the opportunities he had obtained and used mysterious skills to absorb a large amount of monster blood. His physical strength soared and he successfully escaped. ]

[10: You accidentally made Zhao Haifeng a person with "yang decline" yesterday. You got information that Zhao Haifeng will seek help from Dai Pengfei, one of the two great alchemists of the Alchemy Alliance, in the near future to seek medicine for strengthening sperm. 】

"Jin Shifeng is finally dead!"


Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information, with surprise in his eyes.

With the death of Jin Shifeng, he finally got rid of this opponent.

"Will the 'Sniffing Spirit Gu' incarnated by Gu Zun merge with the black wild boar demon?"

"It will become a wild boar demon in the end?"

Qin Wang looked at the second piece of information, with surprise in his eyes.

This Gu Zun was a powerful demon of the generation, and he was reborn from the Nirvana. I'm afraid he didn't expect that the final result would be like this, right?

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