Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 86 Everyone has the responsibility to protect the spirit formation, great harvest, Tang Jian

"Zhao Haifeng was so scared that he couldn't do anything?"

"This is good!"

Looking at the fourth and fifth pieces of information, Qin Wang's eyes showed satisfaction.

"Li Qiye?"

"He got another chance again?"

Qin Wang looked at the seventh piece of information and felt inexplicably shocked.

This Li Qiye is really unlucky. He met the fate of immortals last time, and he met the fate of immortals again this time. He received an inheritance, but I don’t know what kind of inheritance it is.

"Tomorrow, get some more demon-inducing psychedelic incense to lure away the monsters there, and then go get the Five Elements Divine Light Jar!"

Qin Wang thought to himself after reading the information.

The next day.

Before Qin Wang could go out, there was a knock on the door.

"It turns out to be Manager Zhang. What orders do you have?"

Qin Wang opened the door and found that standing at the door were Manager Zhang Lingbu and a strange monk who were in charge of registering in the Foreign Affairs Hall.

At this time, Manager Zhang held a book in his hand.

"It's like this. There have been frequent beast tides in Cuiyun Mountain recently. Master Zixia is worried that there may be third-level monsters deep in Cuiyun Mountain that will come back, and he is preparing to strengthen the mountain protection formation. Therefore, each monk charges 10 spiritual stones."

Zhang Lingbu said, unfolding the book in his hand and showing it to Qin Wang. "Look, these monks have all handed over. After all, everyone is responsible for protecting Xiaodan Mountain."

"makes sense."

Qin Wang nodded, rubbed his hands with a look of embarrassment on his face. "Manager Zhang, it's like this. I haven't been in Xiaodan Mountain for a long time, and the spiritual grains I planted haven't been harvested yet. Think about it, how about waiting for my spiritual grains to be harvested before making up for it?"

"It's true that you've been here not long ago. How about you go find someone to borrow some? Think of a way?"

"I also obey orders. If I don't hand over the spirit stone, I must be driven away from Xiaodan Mountain."

Zhang Lingbu looked at the time Qin Wang came in the book and frowned. The new monk was indeed poor.


"Manager Zhang, if not, I'll borrow some and bring them to you later."

Qin Wang thought for a moment and said.

There are indeed hundreds of spiritual stones in his storage bag, but this cannot be taken out.

It’s hard to explain at first!

Secondly, be cautious and it is still necessary to pretend to be poor.

"Well, you must borrow it, otherwise the patrolling monks of Xiaodan Mountain will expel the monks who did not deliver the spiritual stones."

Zhang Lingbu closed the book and led the strange monk behind him to knock on the high door next door.

"This Master Zixia uses this guise to collect spiritual stones."

"If there hadn't been a real beast wave, this spirit stone would have been a huge profit for him."

Qin Wang looked thoughtful.

Zixia Zhenren, who is collecting spiritual stones, has the potential to be a profiteer.

These 10 spirit stones still have to be handed in, but it cannot be made so easy for Master Zixia!

"First prepare the medicinal ingredients for the psychedelic incense that lures demons and trigger the live latch, and then come back and hand over these 10 spiritual stones."

Qin Wang made up his mind and went out.

Morning, 10 o'clock.

Qin Wang arranged a trigger movable bolt on a cliff between Xiaodan Mountain and Cuiyun Mountain, and also made an hourglass above the movable bolt. As long as the sand leaks down, the weight is enough to trigger the movable bolt and ignite the demon-baiting fan. Fantasy fragrance.

The time in the hourglass was enough for him to escape and make a big turn to the location of the Five Elements Divine Light Jar.

What he wants is to lure away the massive monsters near the Five Elements Divine Light Tank.

Then take the opportunity to get the treasure.

"It should be almost done."

Qin Wang stood on a peak twenty miles away from Cuiyun Mountain, looking at a cliff in the distance, waiting silently.





Waves of shaking of the earth and roars of monster beasts were heard, and then, densely packed monster beasts rushed toward a small cliff between Cuiyun Mountain and Xiaodan Mountain, almost as if they were going crazy!

"It's done!"

Qin Wang's eyes flashed, and he launched the Wind Control Technique that he had just started to learn, and immediately galloped in the direction of Kengjin Shifeng.

"Why is there another riot among beasts? Oh my god?! What happened recently?"

"Monsters have been rioting frequently recently. It seems that there is no doubt that a third-level monster will appear in Cuiyun Mountain!"

"Quick, quick, quick, the mountain protection formation is about to open, let's hide in quickly!"

"It's over. Fellow Daoist Niu went to Cuiyun Mountain today and couldn't enter the formation."


At this time, at the edge of Xiaodan Mountain, the large formation had been opened, forming a khaki-colored light shield, tightly protecting Xiaodan Mountain.

Many demon-hunting teams that were preparing to enter the mountain, including the Demon-Slaying Alliance and the Dan Alliance, all retreated to the mountain-protecting formation. They looked at the tide of beasts in the distance and were inexplicably shocked, and there were many discussions.

“I hope it’s just a monster riot and not attack Xiaodan Mountain!”

At the highest point of Xiaodan Mountain, outside a cave, the real Zixia in Zixia robe was worried.

Five more years to go.

He can return to the Spiritual Medicine Sect to practice peacefully, successfully complete the guarding mission, and receive rewards from the sect!

But there are waves of beasts appearing one after another.

Although we haven’t attacked the mountain-protecting formation yet, who can guarantee that we won’t attack the mountain-protecting formation next time?

Cuiyun Mountain.

Under a cliff.

A young man in a green robe, holding a cold magic weapon sword, was hiding in the cracks of the cliff, watching the monster beasts all over the mountains and plains receding like the tide, with surprise and surprise in his eyes.

"Master, the monsters have retreated!"

He looked outside cautiously and whispered to a ring hanging on a rope on his chest.

"Well, we've all retreated for the time being. Go back to Fangshi quickly. It's too dangerous here."

An old voice actually came from the ring.

"Yes, Master!"

Tang Jianzhong looked respectful and immediately jumped out of the crack with his sword.

The master's spiritual consciousness can see further.

"Disciple, my master's spirit has been seriously damaged and I cannot spy for too long. You should get that opportunity as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, don't give it up. Go to Qingyun Fairy City. This Xiaodan Mountain is too small and lacks resources."

"It's not conducive to your growth, nor is it conducive to your teacher's recovery."

The old voice came again.

"Yes, Master!"

Tang Jianzhong responded respectfully, spread out his body, and galloped towards Xiaodan Mountain.

Cuiyun Mountain.

Under a mountain peak on the edge.

Under a green pine, there is a hidden cave.

"The tide of monsters has receded?"

"It seems that I am really the darling of luck. I avoided the impact of the monster wave and unexpectedly entered a foundation-building cave!"

A thin, slovenly-looking young man with sinister features walked out of the cave and looked at the scorching sun outside with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

A few months ago.

He was still hanging around in the secular world, but in the blink of an eye, he was getting opportunities one after another and embarked on the path of cultivating immortals!

"Go back to Xiaodan Mountain first!"

Li Qiye looked around and found no monster nearby, so he immediately galloped away in the direction of Xiaodan Mountain.

Deep in Cuiyun Mountain.


"Why are all the monsters running away?"

"I haven't had enough!"

A tall, mighty and burly young man looked at the demonic beast receding like a tide, showing doubts. The mummified rhinoceros demon in his hand fell to the ground.

Yan Honghao frowned deeply.

This time he was seriously injured by the rhinoceros demon, and unexpectedly fused with the immortality he had obtained. He could absorb the essence and blood of the demon beast and strengthen his body. Before he could fully recover from his injuries, he did not expect that the demon beasts had run away.

"Could it be that a third-level demon appears?"

Yan Honghao felt a chill in his heart and immediately galloped away into the distance.

He knew it very well.

Although he can absorb the essence and blood of monsters to strengthen himself, he can only absorb monsters that are weaker than himself. When he encounters a third-level monster, he cannot resist it.

"Oh My God"

"Where do you start to find this?"

Qin Wang came to the place where Jin Shifeng was trapped, looked at the mess in front of him, and frowned deeply.

He remembers.

There used to be a remote stone wall here, but now, all the stone walls have been flattened, covering a ten-mile radius. Not to mention trees, even stones have been crushed.

The ground was covered with blood, mud, plasma, and the broken bones and flesh of monsters.

Not to mention finding the Five Elements Divine Light Jar.


“There’s actually an unexpected gain!”

"This is happening!"

Qin Wang searched for the demon-inducing psychedelic incense within a ten-mile radius, but could not find the jar. However, he found many dying black boar demons, rabbit demons, snake demons, and spider demons ten miles away!

Qin Wang understood after looking at it for a while.

These monsters are dying.

It was all due to the tide of beasts caused by the psychedelic incense that lured monsters, causing them to be trampled and injured and on the verge of death!

The second wave of monsters he arranged attracted all the monsters, and those who were not injured chased the monster-baiting psychedelic incense.

Some people with missing arms or injured legs couldn't resist the fragrance, so they chased the demon-baiting psychedelic incense even if they were crawling on the ground, but they crawled slowly.


Qin Wang was still regretting that he had spent nearly a hundred spiritual stones to arrange the psychedelic incense to lure demons. Now, seeing so many dying demon boars, rabbits, and pythons, he felt relieved.

If you take these back and sell them to the Demon Slayer Workshop, how many spiritual stones can you earn?

Thinking of this, Qin Wang immediately held a magical sword and walked towards a rhinoceros monster with only three legs. He stabbed it in the neck with a sword and the rhinoceros monster died on the spot.

Qin Wang waved his hand and put the rhinoceros demon into his storage bag.

The intelligence showed that the Five Elements Divine Light Jar was stepped into the underground mud ten feet deep by monsters. It was unrealistic to dig out all the ten miles around. Qin Wang decided to stay here for one night and wait for the information to be refreshed. He would harvest something first. .

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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