Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 93: The formation is broken! Back to Qingniuji! Li Laocai, I am here to fulfill my promise!

at this time.

Mu Zhen saw the vast plain outside Xiaodan Mountain.

Two giant black rabbit monsters as big as calves were running towards me!

Flying in the sky was a firefinch as big as ten feet!

Beside him, there were two golden-backed eagles about ten feet tall!

Five terrifying and sinister auras swept over him!

If there were two or three third-level monsters, he could still rely on the Xiaodan Mountain Mountain Guard Formation to resist them, but this time there were five of them!

Especially the leading firebird has the strongest aura, and its aura is comparable to that of the later stage of foundation building!

"Oh my god! How can we block this?"

Mu Zhen looked at these five third-level demonic beasts that were comparable to those in the foundation-building stage and felt chills all over. The demonic beasts were already much stronger than monks of the same level. How could they resist these five demonic beasts when they came?

Even if there is a mountain-protecting formation, I'm afraid it won't be able to withstand this!

There are so many third-level monsters coming out of the depths of Cuiyun Mountain!

This has never happened before!

Five third-level monsters appeared together.

Xiaodanshanfang City is bound to be destroyed!


At this moment, Master Zixia only has this thought in her mind!

If he doesn't escape, he will definitely die!

As for returning?

That is impossible.

After losing Xiaodanshanfang City, he couldn't imagine the sect's punishment. From now on, he could only remain anonymous and become a casual cultivator.

Master Zixia's eyes showed determination. He waved his hand and touched the storage bag, and a cyan formation flag flew out. Then he pinched his finger and fired a magic formula. The formation flag rose ten feet in the wind and shot into the mountain. Xiaodan Mountain was shaken. The formation seemed to be more solid.

next moment.

Master Zixia controlled the flying sword and took out a black card. The black card approached the light screen of the formation and tore out a portal. Master Zixia walked out of the formation and galloped southeast of Xiaodan Mountain before disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Uncle Mu"

Zhao Yulong looked at Mu Zhen who sealed off the formation and left with flying swords without saying a word. His scalp suddenly went numb and he desperately headed towards the entrance of Xiaodan Mountain.

"Mu Zhen, this piece of shit is fucking crazy!"

At this moment, Zhao Yulong cursed in his heart.

He knew it.

Just now, Mu Zhenna completely blocked the formation, hoping that everyone in the city would attract the attention of the monster and buy him time to escape!

That bitch knows that he will be severely punished if he returns to the sect, so he has no plans to go back!


The tide of monsters on the plain outside Xiaodan Mountain, as well as the five terrifying third-level monsters, have already attracted the attention of many monks.

"Five third-level monsters besieged the Xiaodanshan formation! Oh my god!"

"Where is Master Zixia who is guarding Xiaodan Mountain? Why is there no movement?"

"It's over. Five third-level monsters are besieging the Xiaodanshan formation. Once the formation is broken, we are doomed! Run away!"


At this time, many casual cultivators in Xiaodanshanfang City fled in all directions, screaming in surprise and heading towards the entrance of Xiaodanshan.

Qin Wang, Gao Yuan and Gao Wenjing were standing not far from the entrance of Xiaodan Mountain in advance.

"Xiao Qin, you really guessed it!"

"The third-level monster really attacked Xiaodan Mountain. Oh my God!"

Gao Yuan held a long knife in his hand and watched the mountain guarding formation in the sky trembling with deep worry in his eyes.

"Uncle Gao, I also made a random guess. I didn't expect that I was right."

Qin Wang's heart was beating wildly at this moment, and he stared closely at the protective array mask in the sky. Master Zixia blocked the array and prevented anyone from getting out. He could only wait for the moment when the array was broken by the five monsters, and immediately Xiaodan Escaped from the mountain entrance.

Gao Wenjing was on the side, looking nervous.




At this moment, the entrance to Xiaodan Mountain was crowded with monks who had reached the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage. They all bombarded the entrance of the formation, hoping to open a hole to escape.

Qin Wang also found out.

There are many familiar faces, including Li Qiye, Yan Honghao, Tang Jianzhong, Zhao Haifeng, Zhao Yulong, Zhang Lingbu, Hu Shihan, Ding Feng, and the spiritual farmer Yu Qingfeng among them.

More and more monks crowded towards the entrance.

The entrance was crowded.

"Eh? Zhao Xuanzhen!"

Suddenly, Qin Wang looked at a figure crowded in the crowd in the distance, and his eyes narrowed.

That person is Zhao Xuanzhen!

Qin Wang suddenly thought that the spirit of the broken sword was still on his body!

After the formation is broken and he rushes out, he must find an opportunity to plant Qianli Soul Chasing Incense on his body and find an opportunity to kill him.



Qin Wang noticed that there was a shocking vibration in Xiaodan Mountain. The cover on the sky that looked like an upside-down bowl shattered and turned into spiritual energy that impacted in all directions!

at the same time.

The wall of light that blocked many casual cultivators suddenly dissipated!

"The protective formation was broken by the monster! Leave quickly!"

"Hurry, hurry! If you don't leave, it'll be too late!"


The moment the mountain-protecting formation was shattered, the monks from Fangshi who were crowded at the entrance scattered and ran away.

Qin Wang followed Gao Yuan as many monks galloped down the Yunwu Mountains.

at this time.

The Xiaodanshan formation was broken, and some monks who had no time to escape were torn to pieces by the monsters that rushed in. Five third-level monsters rushed into Fang City, wreaking havoc. The beast tide passed by, and the original Fang City became a ruin!

Qin Wang deployed his wind control technique and rushed out of the Tianwu Mountains. What he didn't expect was that Zhao Xuanzhen was heading in the same direction as him.

While Qin Wang was galloping, he conveniently got the Qianli Soul Chasing Fragrance Powder on Zhao Xuanzhen's body, and then he galloped away towards the secular world.

Qin Wang didn't dare to look back. He galloped for more than three hours before looking back.

Xiaodan Mountain in the distance has disappeared.

Unconsciously, he found that he and Gao Yuan and others had been separated.

"Fortunately, Uncle Gao left the Thousand Miles Chasing Soul Incense on him, so we can catch up with him."

Qin Wang's nose twitched. Following the tracking method of the Thousand Miles Chasing Soul Incense, he found that Gao Yuan, Zhao Xuanzhen and others were all heading southeast. He immediately spread his body and chased them southeast.

Three days later.

More than ten miles away from Xiaodan Mountain.

"Xiaodan Mountain Market, was it really destroyed by a monster beast!?"

A woman wearing a white fairy dress and with a pretty face, like a beautiful girl from a small family, stood on a gray flying boat, looking at the Xiaodan Mountain Market, which had become a ruin in the distance, and frowned deeply.

Zhang Panpan stepped into the foundation building stage. Just as he stabilized his realm, he was sent here to receive the disciples recruited by Xiaodan Mountain Market.

But he didn't expect.

To see such a scene.

At this time, there was no monster beast in Xiaodan Mountain Market.

Above it, however, there was a terrifying black light of evil spirits rising to the sky, as if it were a Jedi of the Demon Realm, emitting waves of terrifying pressure!

"Junior Brother Zhao, are you sure you saw Senior Brother Mu abandon Xiaodan Mountain and flee?"

Zhang Panpan looked at the evil spirits rising to the sky, and did not dare to rashly enter the ruins of Xiaodan Mountain. He immediately looked at a green-robed monk behind him and asked.

"Yes, Uncle Zhang"

Zhao Yulong glanced at Zhang Panpan, with mixed feelings in his heart.

The person who he had tried so hard to get back then has now become his uncle. Now, if he wants to get Zhang Panpan's favor, he has to build a foundation, otherwise, he will not be in her eyes!

"Xiaodan Mountain has been destroyed, follow me back to the sect to report!"

Zhang Panpan sighed, controlled the flying boat, slowly took off, and rushed away.

Flying in the sky.

Zhang Panpan took a deep look at Xiaodan Mountain, her eyes dimmed. She was a cultivator who walked out of Xiaodan Mountain, and this place carried too many of her memories.

Five days later

Qin Wang used the wind control technique to hurry along the way, following the Qianli Chasing Soul Incense to pursue Gao Yuan, Zhao Xuanzhen and other cultivators, but he didn't expect to return to his hometown.

"Yanyun County."

Qin Wang looked at the familiar county in front of him, feeling a lot of emotion.

This is his birthplace.

Here, he destroyed Li Laocai, killed Zheng Kecheng, overthrew Li Hongfei, fought against the Chen family, and slowly developed.

"On the way, let's go to Qingniu Market!"

Qin Wang saw that the direction was not wrong, and made up his mind to go to Qingniu Market to take a look. He had promised Bai Fenghuan before, and he would go to see her when he came back. In addition, Doctor Bai had done him a favor, so he should go and see him.

Also, his neighbor Li Yunhai once gave him brown rice and fish when he was down and out.

Qin Wang used the wind control technique, like a wind shadow.

He didn't walk, but passed through the treetops in a straight line and headed straight for Qingniu Market.

In less than a quarter of an hour, he appeared in front of a rather imposing tomb in the back mountain of Qingniuji. This is the ancestral tomb of the people of Qingniuji. In front of Qin Wang is Li Laocai's tomb!

The moment Qin Wang landed, he took out a black bowl, which was the Soul Gathering Bowl.

His consciousness moved, and a faint shadow appeared beside him.

"Li Laocai, I'm here to fulfill my promise."

"Dig up the grave and whip the corpse, grind the bones and spread the ashes!"

Qin Wang looked at Li Laocai's soul shadow, waved the Soul Shocking Knife, and the red knife light swept over a foot. Li Laocai's tomb was immediately split into two, revealing the coffin inside!

Qin Wang flew out with an explosive flame technique.

Suddenly, the coffin burned.


Seeing his own grave being dug up and burned, Li Laocai's soul shadow was immediately bloodshot, and wanted to rush up to Qin Wang to fight. Qin Wang waved his hand and put Li Laocai's soul shadow into the Soul Gathering Bowl. He slapped it with one palm, and the energy exploded.

Li Laocai's grave has become a big pit.


"Cough cough cough cough"

Li Yunhai's home.

A haggard man with patches on his gray clothes lies on the bed, coughing constantly.

"Boss, drink some!"

A woman wearing an apron, holding a bowl of Chinese medicine, scooped it up with a spoon, blew it until it was not hot, and sent it to the man's mouth, saying. "Yunhai, drink this medicine, you will get better soon. You are the pillar of our family, you can't be in trouble!"

Li Yunhai propped himself up, drank the Chinese medicine, and said to Xiao Yan. "Yan'er, don't worry, this is an old problem, I will be fine after two days of rest."


Xiao Yan nodded, put down the medicine bowl, and said to Li Yunhai. "I'll go to the well to fetch some water and make some porridge for you. You can rest for a while."

"Yeah, you've worked hard, carry less at a time, cough cough cough."

Li Yunhai just opened his mouth and started coughing again.

Xiao Yan patted Li Yunhai's back quickly until he stopped coughing, then she went out with the bucket.

"Uncle Yunhai, are you okay?"

Li Yunhai felt confused, and suddenly heard a familiar voice. He opened his eyes, but saw a familiar young man in blue standing in the room. He immediately propped himself up and said. "You are..."

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