Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 94: The sixth level of Qi Refining Stage! A drop of kindness will be repaid with a spring of

"Uncle Yunhai, I'm Qin Wang."

Qin Wang looked at Li Yunhai, walked forward, held his hand, and a stream of magic power poured into him, and his brows frowned slightly.

He found that there was a cold internal force in Li Yunhai's body, which was the culprit for his physical weakness!

Qin Wang's current strength of the fifth level of Qi Refining Stage made it easy for him to expel this cold internal force.

Not long after.

Li Yunhai recovered a lot of his spirit.

"Wangzi, is it really you!?"

Li Yunhai felt much better, he sat up, looked at Qin Wang, and said anxiously. "Go quickly, the Demon Suppression General is looking for you everywhere! Hurry! It's too late!"

"Huh? The Demon Suppression General?"

Hearing Li Yunhai's words, Qin Wang was immediately confused.

"It's Zheng Kecheng's son, Zheng Lingyun. He served under the King of Jin and became a demon-suppressing general. He came to Qingniuji half a month ago and said that you killed the Chen family and committed a heinous crime. He also came to my house to ask me, and told me to report you if I saw you, and there would be a big reward!"

"Wangzi, let's go, the farther the better, and don't come back!"

Li Yunhai's face showed anxiety.

"Zheng Lingyun?"

"Uncle Yunhai, it seems that the cold and cold internal force in your body was plotted by Zheng Lingyun!"

Qin Wang looked at Li Yunhai and said in a deep voice.

"Ah? Zheng Lingyun plotted against me?"

Li Yunhai was shocked and murmured. "He patted my shoulder that day, and I fell ill on the third day."

"Don't worry, Uncle Yunhai, I will completely solve Zheng Lingyun."

"I came back to see you this time. Your injuries have healed. If you have time, go to the firewood pile under my kitchen and dig it up. I'll leave those things to you. I will always remember your kindness in giving me brown rice and fish!"

"Only you can know the things I give you, otherwise it will attract people's covetousness and bring about a fatal disaster. I'm leaving."

After Qin Wang finished speaking, his figure flashed and he left without a trace.

"Wangzi! Take care!"

Li Yunhai chased to the door, but there was no trace of Qin Wang's back?

"Ah? This is silver? So much!"

Li Yunhai suddenly turned around and saw a pile of silver ingots on the bed, among which there were two books. He was shocked.

He had never seen so much silver in his life!

"God, you must protect Wangzi from being hunted down by the demon-suppressing general!"

Li Yunhai looked out the window and murmured. At this moment, footsteps were heard outside. Li Yunhai's expression changed and he immediately pulled up the quilt to cover the silver.

He just wanted to keep the fact that Qin Wang had come to him to himself.


Back hall.

There were no patients today. Bai Mingliang was in the back hall, teasing his loyal dog Wangcai.

"Grandpa Bai!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in the room. Bai Mingliang followed the voice and saw a tall and handsome young man standing at the door.

"You are Xiao Qin?"

"When did you come back?"

Bai Mingliang looked at Qin Wang, stood up suddenly, with a look of surprise in his eyes, walked forward, grabbed Qin Wang's hands, and murmured. "I haven't seen you for such a long time. You have grown stronger. Your pulse is stable and good!"

"I am very happy that you can come back to see me. However, Zheng Kecheng's son is trying to catch you everywhere. You have to be careful!"

Bai Mingliang said in a low voice with a worried look in his eyes, and closed the door to the front hall.

"Grandpa Bai, I came back to see you this time. By the way, why can't I see Sister Fenghuan?"

Qin Wang asked after a glance.

According to Bai Fenghuan's temperament, she must be the first to run out to see him when he came.

"Fenghuan's father Lingfeng is back and took her to find her mother. I can't leave Qingniuji with my old bones, so I stay here alone."

Bai Mingliang laughed loudly, full of energy.

Qin Wang found that this time when he came back, Doctor Bai's face was ruddy and his spirit was better than before.


"So that's it!"

Qin Wang nodded, didn't ask any more questions, and chatted with Doctor Bai for a while, then left, following the scent of Qianli Zhuihunxiang, chasing Zhao Xuanzhen.

Half a month later

Da Cang Kingdom, Yizhou.

Tianshui County.

Late at night, in an inn, Qin Wang sat cross-legged on the bed, spread his palms, and the two spiritual stones in his hands turned into ashes.

"Finally, I have reached the sixth level of Qi Refining!"

Qin Wang looked at the panel, and a hint of joy appeared in his eyes.

[Realm: Sixth level of Qi Refining (1/6000)]

"With the strength of the sixth level of Qi Refining, I have a better chance of dealing with Zhao Xuanzhen!"

Qin Wang was in a good mood.

After leaving Doctor Bai's Baicao Hall, he went to kill Zheng Lingyun and directly chased Zhao Xuanzhen.

[1: You tracked Zhao Xuanzhen for thousands of miles and obtained information that Zhao Xuanzhen is a member of the Demon Slayer Alliance. He and Tang Jianzhong and more than 50 other members of the Demon Slayer Alliance went to Qingyun Fairy City. ]

[2: You tracked Zhao Xuanzhen for thousands of miles and obtained information that Zhao Xuanzhen will go to Tianyong City, Yuzhou, Da Cang Kingdom, and explore the way for Tang Jianzhong. ]

[3: You recently used the Soul Gathering Bowl and successfully refined the second level of the restriction. You have obtained information and consumed your spiritual consciousness. Using the Soul Gathering Bowl, you can cast a soul gathering vortex. A cultivator at the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage will be unconscious for a moment if they are hit by the vortex. The lower the cultivation level, the longer the unconscious time. ]

[4: You touched the black broken sword and obtained information. The previous owner of the broken sword, Chuan Ying, is a foundation-building master of the Taiyi Sword Sect's 'Hidden Sword Lineage'. ]

[5: The destination of your trip is Qingyun Fairy City. According to the information, Qingyun Fairy City is a great fairy city composed of four Jindan families. 】

[6: The destination of your trip is Qingyun Fairy City. We have received information that there is a fragment in Qingyun Fairy City that has the same origin as the mysterious fragment you are wearing. 】

[7: You escaped from Xiaodanshanfang City to avoid being torn apart by five third-level monsters. You obtained information that Xiaodanshan Zixia Zhenren had fled to Qingyun Fairy City and hid under a pseudonym. 】

[8: You escaped from Xiaodanshanfang City and obtained information. Zhao Yulong, the foreign affairs elder of Xiaodanshan, was brought back to the elixir sect by Zhang Panpan, who came to pick up his disciples. Zhao Yulong’s family member Zhao Haifeng and Taoist monk Mo Yunyan are heading to Qingyun Fairy City. on the way. 】

[9: You escaped from Xiaodanshanfang City and received information that Li Qiye and Yan Honghao, whom you had met once before, were on their way to Qingyun Fairy City. 】

[10: You escaped from Xiaodanshanfang City to avoid being torn apart by five monsters, and obtained information that Xiaodanshanfang City has been occupied by the awakening arm of the demonic power and has completely become a demonic realm. 】

"Will Zhao Xuanzhen take the first step and explore the way for Tang Jianzhong?"

"Finally, it's time for you to leave the Demon Slayer Alliance!"

Seeing the second piece of information, Qin Wang secretly thought that the opportunity had come.

As far as Qin Wang knows.

Zhao Xuanzhen is at the sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage. If he is with Tang Jianzhong, it is not easy for him to take action. If he is alone, it will be easier.

"The second level of restrictions in the refining soul-gathering bowl can actually create a soul-gathering vortex?"

Qin Wang looked at the third piece of information with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Soul-gathering vortex: Consume spiritual consciousness and use the soul-gathering bowl to create a soul-gathering vortex. If a ninth-level monk in the Qi refining period is caught in the vortex, he will lose consciousness for a breath of time. The lower the cultivation level, the longer the period of soul-gathering vortex.

"Zhenzhen Zixia also fled to Qingyun Fairy City?"

Qin Wang looked at the seventh piece of information and narrowed his eyes.

This old guy blocked the formation and was almost killed by him. I can't swallow this breath without killing him!

"Xiaodanshanfang City is occupied by the demon arm?"

"Completely reduced to a demonic realm?"

Qin Wang was shocked when he saw the 10th piece of information.

Fortunately, I escaped. If it had been too late, I might have died!

Qing Niu Ji.

"Wangzi, Uncle Hai only gave you a little brown rice and a fish, but you gave Uncle Hai more money than he could spend in several lifetimes."

Li Yunhai stood in the kitchen of Qin Wang's house, looking at the pile of silver on the ground with a grateful expression.

Qingyun Fairy City is a huge fairy city located between the three kingdoms of Da Cang, Da Wei, and Da Chu.

This fairy city.

It gathered powerful immortals, casual cultivators, and families from the three major countries and surrounding dynasties.

Yuzhou, Tianyong City, is located on the border of Da Cang Kingdom, close to Qingyun Fairy City.

Three months later.

Qin Wang stood in Room 3 of the Golden Dragon Inn in the east of Tianyong City.

Room 18 is the inn where Zhao Xuanzhen is staying.

As far as Qin Wang knew, the news that Zhao Xuanzhen came to inquire about the Immortal City on the orders of Tang Jianzhong was sent back, and other members of the Demon Slayer Alliance were on the way.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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