Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1121: Too many girls are trouble

A good person who easily believes that others do not doubt others is likely to be the best target in the eyes of scammers who feel that'stupid is not enough' - if possible, Levi really hopes to protect students from having this innocence, or just pure People. But even if he is a teacher, it is because he is only a teacher. Even if he can be distracted and use the students in the high school for three years as a flower in the greenhouse? After all, these students have to leave middle school, enter university or even directly into society. No matter the society is good or bad, eventually they will experience it time and time again.

  Rather than let the students be hit by the cruel reality after entering the society, it is better to let them accept the baptism of honour in advance now. This is the idea of ​​some of Levi’s colleagues who pursue Spartan education. I have to admit that they did make sense.

  However, if Levi can choose, he still hopes that students can enjoy the innocence that most of them will never enjoy in the only age where they can still feel innocence. Although this may not be of great benefit to their generals... When thinking of these, Levi occasionally feels that people like super ringtones who want to change the world’s thinking are actually not so difficult. People understand people.

"It's true that a lot of things are now using this kind of propaganda. But the show that might make you appear is not that complicated. After all, you are here to travel, and it will only appear in the show at most once. And you are both tourists and students, and the performance methods and contents are quite different from what is popular in this country. From these aspects, for the program group, it is quite novel and interesting to broadcast your content. An episode."

Levi said that even if Yuna didn’t contribute, as long as the film crew of the show met the nine girls of Muse during the filming, they would most likely take the initiative to interview them and take relevant information about them. The clip is broadcast on the official program. After all, the variety show is not a novel and interesting thing. Only by this can it attract the audience to watch.

   "These programs originally wanted to shoot strange things to attract the audience's attention. Girls from the East like us, it is quite strange to appear in this country. They will of course be willing to shoot."

  Mae Nishino also knows the "selling point" of her group of girls here. But obviously she did not like this selling point. If she is allowed to be a professional idol who has officially signed a contract with a brokerage company, I am afraid that she will position herself as an orthodox idol of the glorious era that is proficient in singing and dancing exercises. This girl is obviously not quite able to stand up to the idols who have no power but become popular through hype gimmicks. This is also the general view of "outsiders" about those things in the idol house circle.

   "Can't say that."

   Xunze Eri said, but she seemed to express a different meaning from Shinaki Nishiki.

   "Although school idols like us are very special in this country, of course I know that most of them will not like it. At most, it is interesting to look at the strange mindset like "Acrobatics"."

   The words at first glance seem like a self-deprecating helpless former ballet dancer who committed herself to the idol circle. In fact, Xun Lai was very clear about the positioning and audience of these girls.

  Xunase Eri, since she has been running as an idol, even if she once tried to stop Takasaka Sugino from their activities, it at least shows that she is not "look down" at the high-end school idols in many people's eyes.

   believe that no matter how an ordinary girl does not want to abandon the school, it will only try to work within its acceptable range. It is unlikely to do something disgusting just because of this. This is not a savior myth that saves the world. That school was not the ancestral property that she had to maintain. Even if there are memories and perseverance, there is really no way, that is, there is no way to let yourself sacrifice too much to save others' ‘industry’?

   "But without Miss Yuna's help, we wouldn't have much chance to let the location crew of the show see us at first."

   It turned out that Xunxie was worried that others would take this rare opportunity as a matter of course after listening to the words of Shinji Nishino. But apparently looking at the expressions of other girls, this group of girls is not the kind of superficial guy who does not know gratitude.

   "Let's say we don't know when and where the program crew is going to shoot, even if we know, our group mode of nine people is not just casually running ahead of the show to attract people."

"Nine people... is it really difficult? Most of the street performers are all alone holding musical South Bird is probably thinking of the narrow roads on most streets in London. Nine people can't stand at all. Yes, there is really no way for them to play in places that are impossible to perform.

   "Compared to the common street performers, your lineup is indeed slightly larger, especially if you have to dance."

   Levi looked at their nine girls with a smile. Even in some spacious places, it is true that occasionally I can see several people with small and large instruments to form a small orchestra performance, but others are either standing or sitting "fixed" type performances, the venue is not too much. Big. But the performance of these nine girls is a standard female idol-style live, which requires a lot of space for them to dance. Only suitable for them in this case are some squares, or the wider banks of the Thames.

   "And if a show like ours takes up a lot of space, is it possible to apply to which department in advance?"

   has always been a student president of Xunze Ei, and the issues considered are much deeper than other girls who are just ordinary students and have little contact with society. Especially for a young lady like Shinki Nishino, where have you ever thought about what you want to do and what is allowed?

On the contrary, Takasaka Naoguo didn't seem to understand anything, but because the muse had just been'targeted' by Hirase Eri using various school rules in the school, he actually became a more experienced'expert' 'Again.

"Your worry makes sense. Although the London government actually encourages various types of street performances, it is under the premise of not affecting the daily traffic and order. If any performance affects others, it may still be There are policemen who are in charge."

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