Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1122: Of course, the protagonist

  Not only for the development of literary entertainment and art, the London government encourages various street performances, and there must be considerations to attract tourists to boost tourism consumption. In fact, street performances in London, and even the speech corners of Hyde Park, which are not art at all but political debates, have long been an important selling point for the city to attract tourists.

  However, Levi also heard that London is not completely laissez-faire to street performers. He remembers not knowing when he read the article, which stated how many hundred street entertainers in London now hold formal licenses. The implication is not to say that people who have not obtained a license from the official registration are illegal street vendors.

  Although Elavi swayed around the city on a daily basis, the impressions he obtained were certainly not enough to be a data discussion. He always felt that the street performers in this city must be more than the few hundred officially registered. He feels that even if it is not registered, as long as it does not interfere with the normal life of other people, it is estimated that the police will not take care of it occasionally. But like the nine girls in Muse's mode... It's really too much movement. Even if no one reports a complaint, it's not easy for the police patrolling the street to notice.

"But I think that since Yuna said that you can try to appear on the show, most of the things she has considered in that regard. That star does not look so much like her appearance... er... well, it should be said that The appearance looks more mature, and the work is very careful and serious. These problems will definitely be managed in advance."

   Levi did always feel that Yuna was very mature, but it was only when she remembered that the actual age of the girl might not be much older than the nine girls.

  Although Levy doesn’t remember asking the actual age of the big star, does it seem that the media article mentioned that she was only about 20 years old? Seen in this way, Yuna has more than Xunxie and Tojo in the third grade of high school... Well, Yazawa Nicole, Yuna is not much bigger than the three of them.

   But in fact this kind of ‘great predecessor’ who is not very young or even younger, should be quite common in the entertainment industry. After all, no matter whether it is a singer, an actor, a funny entertainer, an idol, etc., these industries in the entertainment industry do not stipulate how many years old can enter the industry. Even the prevalent law that minors are not allowed to perform full-time work is somewhat of a false meaning in the entertainment industry.

Those idols and child stars who started in their teens or even younger are still nominally students, but most of those who want to develop seriously in this industry are actually taking the "communication system teaching" approach. Ordinary people graduate from so-called correspondence middle schools and high schools that are unlikely to find any good jobs. Even in such a school, they may not actually get a graduation certificate in the end. It is only that they cannot violate the law in name, and they must register themselves as a student in such a school.

   Those idols and child stars who started their careers in their teens, in front of the ‘newcomers’ who normally completed college in their twenties or even worked in other industries for a period of time, are naturally seniors in the circle. Just like the host of a variety show that Levi often sees, although he is already a top brand in the industry, because he has done many careers, he finally did not enter the industry until nearly thirty years. Those who are of the same age and even younger but need to rely on him are all nominally his predecessors.

   Despite the so-called senior relationship, except for the appearance of etiquette to make the media and passers-by audiences defamatory, in fact, it has no meaning at all. However, the seniority in the entertainment industry really cannot be determined by one's age. Especially women idols who have participated in various selections for a long time. Among them, there are too many young people who have many years or even more than ten years of experience in the circle.

   "Sure enough to be a big star, Miss Yuna helped us think so much in such a short time..."

  Is Koizumi Huayang saying that it’s not pure Yuna fans? How long does it seem to mean'entrance'?

I have to say that big stars are really too different in front of ordinary girls. Even those politicians and wealthy businessmen who actually have more power and higher status can appear when they appear in front of these young girls. The sensation is definitely far less powerful than a small star that can be seen from time to time on TV.

Even many people who actually say that they hate a certain star, or who always publish all kinds of derogatory sarcasm on the Internet, really let them meet the stars who are quite despised by And instead of passing by in a hurry, they also "committed to hand over". I am afraid that few of these so-called "spots" can take their usual "fighting" momentum and come face-to-face like the statements they have made. 'Lesson' of their nasty stars.

   The so-called reputation is indeed such a special thing. Why do so many boys and girls insist on drilling into this line even if they seem to earn nothing, the word "name" is so able to evoke the desires of others.

   "So... what should we prepare for now?"

No matter whether the captain of Takasaka Naoko is just "nominal", she will not speak on behalf of everyone at this time. After all, others are Xie Lai, but the student president of the school, even if only talking about "communicating with adults" This kind of thing is obviously also the capable young girl with blond hair and ponytail.

   As for the option of ‘reject’... obviously it didn’t exist from the beginning. If the purpose of this group of girls to become idols in the school is simply to look forward to idols, then they still have a little chance to refuse to ‘go on TV’ and also ‘the same show as a big star like Yuna’.

  Well, yes, the reason is probably ‘I don’t want to use other people’s power, I want to prove myself with my own efforts’. This sounds like a line that the protagonist of the **** young manga will call out?

  Don’t mention it, it’s the kind of person who looks silly and muscular, with a natural energy and a very strong sense of action and perseverance. If you don’t consider gender, then it is simply a standard template for the protagonist of a **** young manga.

  However, the reason why these girls became idols in the school, and at least the reasons for their initial members, is by no means what they want to be idols that shine on the stage and make people follow and worship.

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