Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1127: You don’t understand anything yet

  Although it is not behind-the-scenes transactions of those large brokerage companies and the media, Yuna greets them. The muses can be regarded as a group of interviewees in the program that the program group needs to specially ``pull''.

I know that when an artist is popular in the industry, most of the peers and media people will give them some face, because this is a circle that pays attention to reputation and exposure. The so-called mutual support is to use each other's reputation. , Reputation and image, to improve yourself accordingly.

   The popularity of a big-name star is not only your own wealth, but also a tool to help others gain their wealth status. In particular, Yuna’s reputation is at its peak. Both her image and her personal talents are quite outstanding. In addition, she is still young enough to be a supernova with ‘unlimited future’. Even with the experience of those who have been immersed in the circle for many years, they can also predict how long a talent like Yuna can continue to gain popularity in the circle as long as there are no special accidents.

   Any star who has the opportunity to maintain a high popularity and good reputation in the circle for a long time is the object of the major entertainment companies. It is important to know that for those capitalists who are behind the scenes to make money and make money at the same time, what personal preferences and personal relationships are secondary matters. Being able to help them earn money and allow their assets to steadily increase in value is what these capitalists care about most.

  And what's more, Yuna is obviously a good-natured person with a gentle temperament, under normal circumstances no one will hate. Even if there is no direct behind-the-scenes transaction, why would those insiders sell her face? The so-called mutual support is not so simple when it is available. Many things, even the so-called "inside story" in society, do not need to be too complicated at all. It is often that those who are not in the circle look at flowers in the fog, and they will more and more complicated and mysterious some simple things.

"Relax, don’t forget that we were introduced to the show by that big star. Such a big star is already a rare opportunity for them to be on their show. Those who are attached to us like this must also be regarded as It's an'additional condition.' Even if people don't strive for excellence in flattery, at least they won't be perfunctory."

Nicole Yazawa is getting more and more like a senior. When it comes to these things, it seems that they are not only the seniors in the first and second grade girls' schools, but they can still point to their social experience outside the school. 'Senior in life'.

  No, not only the first- and second-year juniors, even Xunxie Eri and Tojo Nozomi listened to Yazawa Nicole seriously. Although these two girls are both members of the Student Union, it is said that they often communicate and cooperate with people from other schools, and they have more contacts than ordinary students. However, after all, the student union is still the organization of students, and no matter how they communicate with the outside world, they are still limited to those things related to students in the school. Even if occasionally some work requires cooperation with others who are neither students nor teachers, the end is to do things related to students, which is not the same as the real social experience that Yazawa Nicole said.

"So what we need to pay attention to is that first of all, don’t have the idea that you are a "relation household" and you can do whatever you want. You have to know that there are many newcomers from large companies and various second-generation elders who are very powerful. The reason why they can’t succeed in the circle is that, in addition to the fact that they themselves may not have enough strength, they are also one of the most important reasons for acting in a random manner based on their background."

   found that even the chairman and deputy presidents of the two student unions, Xiexie Xie and Tojo Nozomi, listened to themselves carefully, and it seemed that Yazawa Nicole had never been so pretentious. She had a taller chest, so she couldn't help but step on the stool and stand on the table. That was called a majestic, confident, and probably this is the first time she should have experienced the president of a normal extracurricular activity club. That feeling.

  It's also very pitiful to think about it. It has always been that I'm alone, "Yu Shoukong", but Yazawa Nicole is not a special case of Nagato Yuki who can be alone in the background. Presumably, before Takasaka Naoguo had picked up this muse, this twin ponytail was a petite girl who did not resemble her predecessor. She stayed alone in the big activity room after school every day, so she must be quite lonely and embarrassed. .

  Although in the team of Muse, Yazawa Nicole has never felt the ‘respect’ of being a senior. But with such a group of tentatively like-minded little friends, they are working together for the same goal every day, how can this girl who has been working alone for so long not feel real happiness?

"After all, even if you have a very deep Others can't clearly target you and hinder you, but in fact, you don't need to secretly use too many means, everyone doesn't take the initiative to cooperate, do what you do, those It is difficult for people who are lacking in their own talents to become popular with the advantages of resources."

"The kind of examples Nicole Sauce said are those who look so ordinary, do not perform well, do not sing and have no other specialties, but can always play the protagonist and always appear in important events and programs. Artists in this segment. For such artists, what they are popular with is the company behind them who are desperately pushing at any cost."

   Koizumi Huayang was afraid that although his group had become a school idol, in fact, the little friends who did not know much about this circle could not understand it, and helped explain like an assistant on the side.

"Is this the case? It's no wonder sometimes why people who are weird can always appear on TV. I used to think it was just my dislike, but there may be many other people who like that kind of person... "

"This is the same reason as those restaurants just mentioned. You don’t always think that your taste and aesthetic are unique. Most people are similar, you feel strange artists, most people should look the same. I feel very strange."

   Sayaka Takasaka, who was said by Yazawa Nicole, scratched his head for a while and smirked. In fact, everyone can see that people like Takasaka Sinao probably represent the most basic and most normal aesthetic and taste of the general public.

  Like what everyone likes, others think they look good. This kind of thing that seems to be quite "unstyled" by people of a certain age or a certain mentality, in fact, it does not necessarily have to be categorized into a herd mentality, which sounds not very good words. go with.

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