Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1128: Of course, the painting is now fully charged

   If you compare statistics and aesthetics with more personal things to make a chart. Of course, most people are still in the middle of the chart, and there are some deviations from each other, but overall they are not too far away. After all, everyone is the same species. Except for some basic differences caused by different countries, different regions and different races, the general tendency of most people should be similar.

   For example, most people in a certain country like a certain sport, and people in a certain country like a certain type of music. Although there are many people in these countries who don't like these'national quintessences', but those talents are a few extremely heterogeneous, and ordinary people like Takasaka Naoguo don't need to feel embarrassed for their ordinaryness. , And don’t need to change because they are “like others”.

   After all, not everyone is a secondary school teenager who always thinks he should be different. Naturally different is a personality, deliberately different from others, then what should it be called Secondary 2?

"But what's the point of those companies doing that? What people don't like, even if they see it every day, won't they like it? Maybe it will make people feel annoying, those companies always let artists who don't meet your preferences. The show and acting must have cost a lot of money, isn't it a waste?"

   Rin Xingkong tilted his head curiously and thought about it, but still didn't understand why those companies had to do that. Although as a young girl who has just entered the first grade of high school, she was not a woman who loved reading books and studying those philosophical issues. She couldn't say a deep term like "capitalist's essential pursuit". But the rich people and big companies do things for the simple reason of making money. Even if the stars are ignorant, they know something. This is also common sense and ‘rationality’ in ordinary people’s cognition. Naturally unreasonable things will be questioned by them.

"Because many people also have the habit of "becoming natural". Except for those who are disgusting at first glance, let's say those ordinary artists who make everyone feel that there is nothing special. If there are flowers behind The money has helped them to appear in various places every day. For a long time, they are used to their existence. This will probably make them successful and gain the support of some people?"

  Yazawa Nicole said that he was a little unsure. It can be seen that she doesn't really agree with this modern media's theory of exposure and'flow'.

A person who doesn't like it very much, just because everyone appears in front of everyone every day, can let anyone who likes or dislikes remember his name and knows what he did, and he will definitely be able to get this kind of "fame" Was it converted into the reward needed by the hands behind the scenes?

   is not so maverick. In fact, Yazawa Nicole, who is just an ordinary girl in her heart, has always doubted this popular argument. Although she often suspects that this kind of hype is not effective for herself, as a senior idol house, Yazawa Nicole does not rely solely on her own "feel" like other occasional chase stars, but also I often research and even summarize various data and theories myself.

   Perhaps it is because after all, he is just an outsider. How can I read it all over the Internet, and I still see the false information that ‘big guys’ want ordinary people to see? When Yazawa Nicole thought this way, Levi, who seemed to have little knowledge of these things, came out unexpectedly to help her.

   "Actually what you said, I still know a little bit."

   Levi glanced at the phone. When I hung up the phone just now, in fact, Yuna said that he would wait for the next news. Since there is nothing too urgent here, Levis simply waited to see and tell the group of girls the definite news for the first time, so that they wouldn't feel pressured by thinking too much. After all, it was on TV, and this was in a foreign country where none of them were familiar and had no knowledge of language. Thinking too much and too much pressure, Levi is also afraid of what psychological problems these girls will have. He, the most aware of the teenage boys and girls who are teachers, can be strong at the same time and vulnerable at certain times.

   "The idea that by relying on the exposure to swipe the screen, the topic and the flow can win a single person, and then in turn bring benefits to the company, in fact, it seems that some media and some performing arts companies are relatively early attempts."

   Levi himself is certainly impossible to understand these things. He can know this, and naturally he heard it from others. After all, his family has a "popular" and besides his family, acquaintances around him are also all over "all walks of life", which can be said to have everything. Speaking of being well-informed and rich in information sources, I am afraid that even the heads of intelligence agencies in some small countries may not have abundant resources around him.

"In the past few years, smartphones have become popular because this way of using mobile phones to access the Internet is so convenient, which directly increases the number of people who will use the Internet every day. In this sudden, it seems that everyone in the world has become a network. In the context of users, some emerging online media and social networking companies have followed suit, and the number of users they have in their hands has made many people in traditional industries look very jealous."

   "This is indeed the case. In fact, I haven't used the Internet very often before switching to a smartphone."

   Xunxie Eri took out her mobile phone and said with some emotion. It can be seen that this is a ‘traditional’ female high school student. It is more common in the past few years. In addition to learning and extracurricular activities, the rest of the time is to chat with classmates after class and talk to each other about things around them. I watch TV, magazines and other books in my free time. On weekends, I spend about three or five friends shopping together to go to the mall.

Girls like Xuan Lai Eri can be regarded as the standard'fresh charge' in their mouths of Quan Jifang and Penglai Shanhui Ye...Oh, no, because there is no boyfriend and no long-term stable love relationship. It is necessary to deduct points for the student president of Yinno Musaka College, so that she can't become a "complete body" to make some dead friends who have no friends envy to die.

However, even if there is no boy, or a female high school student like Xunxie Eri, in the past, even if a computer was purchased at home, it would rarely be online for a long time, at most learning, and sometimes check something. Turn on the computer to go online.

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