Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1134: 9 people are the muse

"Some older people do become stubborn easily. At this time, they should be treated with more patience, just like children. But there are some things that don’t make sense to elders. In such a situation, if you don’t If they have any bad influence on them, then they will go with them whatever they want, and there is no need to let them know what is true or not, right or wrong. People who always love reasoning with those around them, that But I’m tired and it’s easy to get in trouble."

   Hearing Levi's words, Tojo immediately giggled and reached out to poke Xunze Eri's waist, causing their student president to embarrassedly hide there with blush. And when Tojo was so troubled, everyone also found out that it seemed that they were the student president, what did they seem to be like before? No wonder I used to think that although the student president was very disciplined and reasonable in his work, how did it all make people feel a little...not like it.

   "I haven't acknowledged the mistakes with everyone, and I have been working hard to correct them... Hope! Don't make trouble anymore!"

   Xunze Eri was poked by Tojo Nozomi. Seeing such slapsticks among girls, one can't help but sigh that different lives and different goals can indeed make such a big change. Even Asada Shino, who never paid attention to the things in school before, almost regarded herself as “closed” in the online world. It can be said that what happened to her class was always the last person she only knew about before. Some of the rumors of the student president of Seteri were heard. It can be seen that this student president, the impression among the students in the school is really not very good.

  However, in fact, being a student president in a school is basically not much different from the common principle of managing a group. The ultimate goal required is for members of the group to achieve the group's goals. Among these methods, some advocate allowing members of the group to play freely, while others advocate allowing everyone to obey orders strictly.

   The two advocate two routes, in fact, it is not good or bad. From the perspective of managers and managers, it is natural that there is no problem as long as they can achieve their goals. As for which one to choose, it depends on which one has the lower cost, and it will never involve too many so-called ‘human factors’ factors.

   But after all, at least the members of the student union are far from managers or administrators. At most, they are only elected by students, and they help organize a group of recognized top students in some student affairs. However, there are indeed many people who are always implementing the theories of philosophers in the past, as if to prove the reason why those great men are great men, once they gain power, they are easy to forget. And such people... will naturally be disgusted by the students.

   Xunxie Euri is certainly not the kind of person who is unscrupulous in holding power, but in the past, she was too tough because of the rigidity of the past and the pressure on her due to the school situation. It is precisely because everything she did was for the continuation of the school, and many of her classmates who were dissatisfied with her behavior did not condemn the student president who they chose themselves.

Since acknowledging the existence of the muse and joining it,    has undergone tremendous changes in Xunxie's body. Asada Shino said that she couldn't imagine it, and now Xunze Eri is always the same as the student president who was a little nervous when she just started school.

  At least from the case of Xunxie Eri, even the high school that is going to college still does not completely cancel extracurricular activities, and it does have a positive meaning.

"Because you really did like that before, Sui Naoguo, did you say that? At the beginning of the semester, it seemed to you that villain is a villain boss, and you have to defeat her in the game to pass the level, Right?"

  Horijo Toshiba refused to let her serve as the vice president of ‘Assistant’, and also dragged the grinning Takasaka Sonago and her two sweet plums into the water. As for what everyone started talking about, what I was nervous about just now seems to have suddenly forgotten, and nobody cares about it anymore.

  The combination of these nine girls has been able to stick to the present, and has achieved good results. Probably because they have all kinds of talents, can you always find someone who can help everyone?

The original Kosaka Takano, who made everyone together, made a lot of cute costumes for the southern bird, and wrote the voice of the girl's voice Sonoda Haiwei, the first two members of the three muses, now undoubtedly Still the center of everyone. Kiri Tori, who can urge everyone not to relax, knows how to adjust the atmosphere, Tojo Nozomi, who has a lot of idol knowledge to help everyone, Yazawa seniors of the third grade are very good The land has played the role of leading everyone as a generation of seniors. In the first grade, there are the soul characters who wrote all the songs, Shinji Nishino, as well as the stars of Rin Xingkong and Hana Koizumi.

   The more time they spend with these nine girls, the more they find that they are now by no means lucky by chance.

   "Oh? seems a bit..."

  Takasaka Sui Noguo touched his head embarrassedly while smiling. Looking at her expressions and movements, everyone knows that Tojo is definitely right.

   "How, why! We never felt that the painting was wrong! It was indeed that Mizuno was too chaotic!"

   "That's right, the little fruit at that time was rampant, we are actually very afraid that she messed up things. If there were later everyone joining, how could Muse be like this now."

   Sonoda and South Bird quickly came out to help the silly Takasaka Sinai round the field... Or maybe the two of them actually helped Xunze Eri round the field. After all, their stupid green plum and bamboo horses are just a little embarrassed. Xun Seti, a particularly responsible student president, seems to be really recalling the situation at that time and intends to review himself.

"Don't mention the past, wait for a day when you are free, if you have the opportunity to have a meal, have a celebration party or something, I would also like to hear what interesting things you have experienced during this time ."

   Levi interrupted the girls with clapping hands. Although he didn't have much important things after that, he couldn't stay here forever. In the temporary ‘home’ here, his meals are still waiting.

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