Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1135: Witches are still good

   "Okay! There were some words in the car that I haven't finished yet!"

  The starry sky star who was whispering to Koizumi Huayang behind her jumped over and waved hard. This little boyish girl did chat with Levi quite a bit in the car just now. She also said happily that she had not had such a casual chat with an "adult" before. Not to mention that this adult is still a teacher.

   After listening to her, it is estimated that Ogino Musaka College should have no teachers like Levi, or Onitsuka. However, it is true that the two of them belong to a very small number of heterogeneities. Even in the second middle school, in addition to these two, the student in their class who will talk to their own class on weekends and holidays The teacher Kuroi Nai who stayed overnight in online games is more prominent.

  Innogisaka Academy tells the truth. The situation is not exaggerated now, and the teachers in the school probably don’t care how friendly and kindly they are with the students.

   Seriously, I just want to take this last session well, and the more flexible ones have already begun to think about their next job, and even have already found a ‘next home’ to find a suitable time to switch jobs in advance.

   However, in general, the teachers of Onogi Ban School are still more dedicated. At least once when Levy asked Shinoda Asada how she felt about the teachers in the class, from the answer of the internet addicted girl, she could hear that she was quite satisfied with the teachers in the class.

  Although students like Shinoda Asada certainly did not consider the matter of further studies in the future, her requirements for teachers must be different from those of top students who are committed to entering a good university. However, Yoshino Musaka College itself is not a high school to go to. Except for a few people with special circumstances, most students do not care much about whether the teacher can help them enter which famous university.

   But when it comes to entering a university, although the number of students at Innogisaka College is already very small, the nine girls in Muse seem to have gathered a handful of top students in their schools who have plans to go on to study.

   Of course, Levi also did not know exactly what the test scores of these girls were. But judging by the eyes and experience of his professional teacher, he felt that among these young girls, the third grade Yuri Eri, Tojo Nozomi, the second grade Sonoda Hayao, the southern bird, and the first grade Nishimu Zhen Ji, most of the five girls should have good academic performance. Even if you don’t say which famous school you are admitted to, you should have no problem in getting into college normally.

  And among the five girls, three of them: Xunxie Eri, Yuantian Haiwei, and Nishiki Maki, Levi felt that most of them should go to school as normal as most top students. After all, Xun Xieli and Yuan Tianhai didn't feel like people who were more compliant. Such people wouldn't have to make too special choices to make themselves different. And Shinaki Nishino, even though she likes classical music no matter how well she plays the piano, the family who runs the hospital is unlikely to make her give up her studies and focus on music. Even though it was definitely her parents who cultivated the music love of Naki Kino at the beginning, maybe her parents had forced her to learn piano when she was young. But that's just the way many famous and wealthy families are used to cultivating sentiments and cultivating qualities for their offspring. Except for a few second and third generations who are rebellious and ruined, how many children who are in a good family environment are more or less ‘extraordinary’ than children in ordinary families? However, how many children of these families will eventually use their specialties that are envied by ordinary families for their future careers?

   wore a custom-made dress and expensive jewelry to attend a luxury dinner, but because he did not understand the art and lack of taste, he could not talk with other guests, and even accidentally said the wrong thing, which attracted the scorn of others. The so-called avoidance of becoming an upstart who has been sarcastic by high society has not been the same. Isn't it the same thing that those rich families train the next generation?

  Do not say anything must be so feudal as to inherit the father's business. Levi dared to pack the ticket. If Maki Nishino told her parents that she did not plan to go to college after graduating from high school, she hoped to sign a brokerage company with her friends and officially debut as an idol. This arrogant little girl does not It was a strange thing to be locked up by her family to make her reflect.

   is Minami Niao and Higashi Tojo, although their family conditions are certainly not bad. After all, Levi has learned from Rin Xingkong's "two five cubs" mouth, Nan Xiaoniao's mother is the current chairman of Innogisaka College-although Innogisaka College is in this depends on The students went to be idols to save, and it seems that Nan Xiaoniao's mother did not have a good wrist as an operator or manager. However, the suspension of the school does not mean that their family will also go bankrupt. In any case, Nan Xiaoniao's family conditions are definitely very good.

As Tojo, the **** of the shrine, I don’t know if it’s a daughter or a granddaughter... Levi also knew by chance that the people who were working as monks and “workers” at the shrine were all well-paid high-income groups. The ideal object in the minds of many unmarried girls.

   I heard that Tojo Hei now often conducts ‘witch internships’ in shrines during his free time. Unlike the two twin classmates in Izumi, I only work part-time when I am busy on holidays. It is estimated that this girl, who looks very lively and bold, will'work' directly at the shrine at home after graduation?

  It is a child of Nan Xiao bird, who is regarded as an educator's family. Parents are likely to encourage children to follow their own interests and hobbies instead of having to follow the rules to go to school honestly. After all, judging from the school spirit of Yinno Musaka College, it can be seen that Nan Xiaoniao's mother, who is the chairman of the board, must be a very enlightened person who respects the autonomy and hobbies of students and children and pays attention to comprehensive education rather than exam-oriented education. Presumably, as long as Nan Xiao bird has what she wants to do in the future, her mother will fully support her daughter to go bravely, right?

   As for those muse members other than these girls, Takasaka Nono, who is completely a foolish man, need not mention it. I heard that this young girl's family runs a Japanese fruit shop. Maybe if she doesn't continue to be an idol in the future, she will be the one who will return to her father's career after graduation? In the third grade, Yazawa Nicole, Xing Kong Rin, and Koizumi Huayang are not the types who can't see the results well.

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