Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1160: 3 without 1 point is not rare

   In fact, although Sharon didn't talk about it deliberately, she often said that she would mention some things before. It can be seen that the experience of the maid at the Ryanfort family is not only a bad past, but a happy memory cherished by the perfect maid.

   is indeed a bit interested in how such a perfect maid is cultivated. However, Levi wanted to know Sharon's past, but he didn't want to learn how the female president of the Ryan Forte family was how to train a killer into a super-servant and secretary with a family omnipotence and commercial ability. Considering the style of the moonlight Trojan that Sharon originally belonged to, maybe these skills were all trained by Sharon from an early age, and they were all proficient before becoming a maid. After all, the style of the killer organization is to pretend to be close to the target. For some targets in a high position or special status, the person performing the task must have special skills that can make the target eye-catching.

  In addition to various tasks in family affairs, he also has the ability to serve as the secretary of the chairman of a large group. Maybe some of the professional skills required by practitioners in all walks of life, except for those who have learned, have at least roughly learned some?

   It’s not just because Sharon’s housework is done well, and the management of the family is also well-organized. She feels that she must be a versatile person who can learn everything and get through in a while. For such a person, Levi has recently seen the little devil purple hair loli who loves to destroy all day long. Once a professional killer like Sharon, their organization must also have different divisions of labor for members with different expertise. It's impossible to get a task silly and no matter who it is, just pull a member and let someone perform it.

   What Sharon can see now is probably all she knows except combat. And when there are other skills in the organization that are convenient for approaching the infiltrating target, even if other people may not be as good as Sharon in actual combat, they will be delegated to more suitable members. It is impossible to insist on Sharon to pick up.

  It's just that before determining his own expertise, such an organization might let all the knowledge of all aspects let the members who were children at the time contact. After superficial learning and training, selecting the direction that everyone is good at and then conducting in-depth teaching is the reasonable way to guide talents like Sharon.

  Tian knows how much professional knowledge Sharon has learned before completely determining the training direction? And to what extent has she mastered those things?

  Some people are born to be good at learning to hone combat skills, while some people do not have the talent in this area, but they are faster and better at learning other skills. Let's say that the killer organization where Sharon was in the past, in their style of performing missions, may be a killer with amazing combat effectiveness. It is better to be a spy who has mastered various skills and has particularly good acting skills to complete the mission better.

   But when it comes to fighting strength, Levy heard that Sharon, who was only 13 or 14 years old, was already the second best player in their organization. Although what level Sharon is now, Levi has not really seen her full strength, but from the level of the year, it can be seen that she is indeed a wizard who can take care of many aspects.

But in the final analysis, for Sharon, Levi's most curious is how she grew up from a "three no girls" to the now "ordinary", even more than the "ordinary" woman .

   Although Xue Lun hadn't even touched Ling yet. However, from the information she collected, she can also intuitively analyze that at that time, Sharon was indeed a'crippled puppet' who had no personal thoughts and extremely lacked personal emotions. But after leaving the killer organization that cultivated her, Sharon gradually changed the personality she was shaped by brainwashing in the past more than a decade, and eventually became such a present in the McDowell family, even able to penetrate the girl Most of the girls in the family are very close to the'big sister'.

  Although some of Sharon's behaviors are also quite nasty, it is a headache. But such a temperament made her whole person more vivid. And even the "old monsters" like Ewen Jielin and Penglai Shanhui Ye thought that it was the true personality of the maidservant, instead of substituting herself as Sharon used to disguise when she was on a mission. The fictional personality deduced from the roles required for action.

  If you can learn about Sharon’s growth experience after leaving the killer group, can you find some ways to help Nagato Yuki also become more like a ‘person’? There is even the same as but it is actually the same as Ryoko Asakura who is more similar to Nagato Yuki.

   Turning Sharon into such a credit now is probably due to the rumored Ryan Fort family who only cares about work, regardless of family, and is also a cold and ruthless woman who only talks about interests at work. Despite the rumored image of the chairman of the Rinforth Group, it is difficult to reminisce a person who can cultivate a girl who has no emotion and lacks a'self' to develop a normal personality. It stands to reason that this kind of thing should be done by the kind, gentle, considerate and meticulous person. However, it is undeniable that it is indeed possible to be a restrained but sincere person. After the hidden feelings are discovered by Sharon, they are more able to touch her broken heart and awaken the resonance in her heart.

   Levi wouldn't think that once Sharon would be so dull. It is not the same thing that the self lacks emotions and is slow to respond to others' emotions. If she can't gain insight into what others are thinking, the so-called work of lurking undercover and ambushing around the target is impossible.

  The first thing you need for acting is perception and experience. Why, apart from a very few talents with extraordinary talents, most actors are older and their acting skills become more mature. It is the accumulated experience and experience over the years that help them hone their excellent skills.

  Xuelun's previous situation, although Levi and Ling haven't seen them, but from the information obtained, it seems that...just like the Asakura Ryoko that Levi had just met? Although it is similar to Nagato inwardly, the origin of many emotions for human beings is not understood. But it does not prevent the class leader from showing a normal and charming person in daily life. I am afraid that this situation should not be called acting, but it is more appropriate to use words like ‘simulation’.

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