Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1161: No, Zi Ma is not easy to deal with

Well, that's right, it seems to be a blank sheet of paper that makes you'none'. Then, if necessary, you don't use smearing and painting, but directly cover with a piece of water-dried adhesive tape. A completely different person.

  However, the personality that Sharon has shown now is real and not deliberately disguised. At this point, she could deceive the goals of those previous missions, even Levi, and maybe even ‘older’ Ewen Jielin. But if there is only one person in McDowell’s family who cannot be deceived by Sharon, it’s the princess of the moon, the legendary story that has lived for at least thousands of years and experienced many changes. Hui Ye Ji spread.

  Maybe Levi will doubt and doubt what others say. However, Penglai Shanhui Ye’s attitude towards Sharon can be seen as she appreciates the apparently ‘problematic’ maid, not like treating a ‘spy’ disguised as someone else.

   Moreover, Levi and Hui Ye were not so troublesome. The two of them had actually talked about Sharon's question, and at that time the princess at the Ever Pavilion's house was squatting for a rare time, but she believed that Sharon must have no problem. It can be said that the host of the McDowell family, Levi, still trusts his new maidservant, which is really not easy.

   "Don't you ever go to school too? The lunch was given to them this time, and the one to help Naiye to give a book."

  When there were only three people in the family, because Luoying Tea and Pills had to go to Mafanliang Academy like Yiwen. Even Chacha Wan is more serious about her school than her master. If there is no unexpected situation, people will never be late or leave early, let alone truant from school.

At that time, Levi, if he went out in the morning and forgot to bring a lunch box, he could only go to the cafeteria and the welfare club at noon, or use the privileges of the teacher to take a lunch break and go outside to find a small restaurant for a meal— -It is a teacher's prerogative. In fact, only Levi can do this. The location of the second middle school cannot be said to be so remote, but the neighborhoods are all pure residential areas, that is, to go to the nearest family restaurant, but also to take a short walk. If you want to use the lunch break to have a meal, in addition to Levi, who can cheat with instantaneous movement, and also a sports teacher who is a part-time track and field coach, you can run as a workout.

Oh, right. There is also the rogue tribe who grew up and trained a strong rogue teacher Hidetsuka Onitsuka in order to fight. That guy may not be able to run a professionally trained sports teacher than the 100-meter race. But if it is more endurance than perseverance, the sports teacher who retired from professional athletes may not be able to fight the former leader of the raging tribe who can kill himself.

  However, since more and more tenants live at home, Levi no longer has to worry about forgetting what to bring.

Even before the family had not invited a new maid to replace the Luoying tea and tea pills, Levi forgot his lunch box and what he had to use in class. There were also Fett and Mengmeng who were idle at home every day. They scrambled to help them over. Since Sharon took office, these things have not happened to the girls who have transferred to the second middle school.

  However, it seems that Xue Lun is really serious about cultivating "successors". It is estimated that after the semester begins. If something similar happens again, it will become the twin maids of Ram and Reim by the time they deliver something to Levi?

   Well, it is estimated that most of Sharon will still send Ram to deliver. After all, this sister-in-law can't help much at home. Although I always feel that Ram is busy all day long. But efficiency and results are so much worse than sister Reim, let alone compare with Sharon. Anyway, there’s more than one, not much, and more than one, so let Ram send things to Levi, but can it be used as much as possible without wasting?

   "It was because I went to school and saw the lives of the students with my own eyes, so I realized how happy and fun it was."

   Xuelun is not kidding, it seems to be quite touching.

   "Oh? Then, let me tell the people in the school, why do you go to the school to be a teacher?"

  Levy found that Sharon seemed to really like the life in the school. Originally, she just said casually. In fact, if she really wants to, it is not difficult to help her with this little favor.

  Although Levi always feels that the new principal is not good at dealing with it. But in fact it is not as exaggerated as he said verbally. He is not really afraid or hates going to the principal's office. Otherwise, this man will not be so skilled as to call someone Mei Li. You must know that although this is what Mei Li himself requested, but from the top to the bottom in the school except Levi and Onitsuka Kinji ~ ~ others The teacher also called the headmaster Hearn, but there were more people who called her Meili directly.

  Levy said that Mellie was not easy to deal with, mainly because she always had a strange feeling in front of her. But that feeling became frequent as the two became familiar. Gradually, it may be used to it, or it may have been no big deal from the beginning. Until now, Levi has never felt something wrong, but just like to routinely like to talk about it. It always feels like loving the whole person and doing something. It is a headache. The new headmaster.

  Do not talk about those subjective problems, but actually talk about the "good talk" alone. Levi has something to do with the principal's help. Looking for Mellie now, it is obviously much more convenient than the old man who has no old-fashioned and inexplicable persistence despite the fact that he has no regard for things and takes a laissez-faire attitude.

   is like the transfer of girls at home. It is troublesome but in the end it is all done easily. The so-called exchange conditions... that is not a condition at all. It was not until the end of the semester that I transferred, and there were so many people as soon as I transferred, and each of them was a beautiful girl who easily distracted other students. It was so simple.

Compared with the major transfer events of those girls, Sharon really knows a lot about it. There are many things that can teach the students in the school to be a sub-department, or just a health teacher, a life teacher, etc. Levi really didn't think it would embarrass Melly at all. On the contrary, maybe the new principal who always likes to engage in novel and interesting things, sometimes makes people feel that they even have a common language with Haruhi Suzumiya, is also very happy to agree directly.

   "Being a teacher? Please don't joke, like me, but a maid, what can I teach the children in the school?"

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