Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 787: Detective guess, that's the fact

  If you set it up in advance and then act when it’s time, then giving the impression is more like trying to make some intentional action to attract others’ attention than other purposes. This is essentially the same principle that some terrorist organizations have agreed to carry out terrorist attacks in different places at the same time. But the various behaviors of that organization were finally covered up better, so that even Levi, who reads the news almost every day, did not find clues from the reporter’s report, which shows that the “perpetrator” did not want Instead of attracting attention, they are trying to hide their tracks. The reason why he is still caught by Hei Tonggan and the mortals in this area. In addition to the fact that Hei Tong's talents are really outstanding, I am afraid that the organization's actions are too impatient. There are reasons why they must be able to achieve their goals in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, if it is something that can be found slowly, they will lengthen the time interval of each action and try to make the time point of the news appear normal. I am afraid that Hei Tong will eventually be able to find it, which is also a long time later. Too.

   So if these things are done by a few or even one person. Well, as Levi knows, I am afraid that the most suitable candidates are the two alien girls who come from the thought of information integration. Nagato has Nobuko and Asakura Ryoko, and no one is more suitable for this form of "criminalization" than their abilities. But Levi could also be sure that it was definitely not the two of them. After all, even if they were able to hide Levi with both of their abilities, the problem was that neither Hexi nor Ryoko had any reason to do these things. The purpose of the two of them is too clear, and there is no word "must" for anything other than the purpose. Just because this kind of thing might make a big noise and attract the attention of some people who like eccentricity, Levi believes that even the radical Ryoko will not do this.

   Having said that, Levi had just received the call from Haruhi Suzumiya the day before yesterday, and the leader, who was not willing to be quiet on vacation, said that he had made an appointment with everyone in the SOS group for a holiday. At that time Levi listened to her tone as if she had discovered something interesting. Maybe it’s exactly the same thing that Hei Tong found in Liang Palace? With the meticulousness of the young girl who would go to the rumored ghost spot in the middle of the night to'catch ghosts', maybe it might be possible to think of it with the expert Hei Tong.

"And specifically why I think these things are all from the same organization, which is a bit funny, but in fact, it is only based on the news reports and some details I found that I think the "manipulation methods" of these things are very similar. Just guess so."

  Hei Tonggan also scratched his head and smiled a little embarrassedly.

   "The way of committing crimes? Do you mean to pretend to be "natural disaster"?"

   Levi thought about it, but besides this he could not find other similarities. What kind of skyfall meteorite, deep pit collapse, and spherical lightning just entered the window and burned the building or something. Speaking of which, these are indeed natural disasters. But compared to common natural disasters, the probability of these incidents is particularly low, and the probability of being struck by lightning on the road is very low, but it is particularly noticeable.

   "Yes, they all pretend to be natural disasters, and they are all those disasters that are very eye-catching and rarely happen to people."

   "Why should they be so conspicuous and easily noticed?"

   Alice, who had been silent for a while, suddenly opened her mouth. She had always been listening to the two seriously. Levi just talked about it and didn't pay attention. I almost forgot to bring her with me today.

   "This is what Miss Alice said, which is what I couldn't figure out the most."

  Hei Tong pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, his tone was also full of doubts.

"From the perspective of the style of work, this organization gives the impression that the internal organization is more coordinated and orderly, and it tends to act in a concealed manner. And actions that are too frequent should be forced to achieve their goals in a short period of time due to certain unknown reasons. Of course, it may also be that their own desire to achieve their goals is too urgent, and they have already seen some hope, so they can’t wait for it.”

   If it is a group of people from different worlds, their desperate hope should be to go back to where they lived in the past? Despite Levi's several contacts, he did not find those people with particularly serious homesickness. But it may also be that they are used to hiding their identities and living among unsuspecting people, each of whom is too concealing themselves. If this is the case, on the contrary, the speculation behind Hei Tong, who seems to think that he may not be too big, is closer to the There is also a possibility...They may want to use these actions to a certain person, or some Some people send out some messages? The criminal committed the case, and some people found out the message they wanted to convey through media reports. Things like this have happened in the past. "

  Hei Tonggan also picked up a newspaper from the table. The newspaper has been a long time ago, and more than ten years have passed since then, but it was unexpectedly well preserved, and it looks no different from the new one.

   "This newspaper was turned out from the warehouse of the printing house. Because the printing house had some special printing work, its own warehouse was specially designed to be more rigorous, and the contents inside were kept relatively well."

  Listen to Hei Tong's meaning, probably that the printing plant, besides printing in ordinary publications, does some similar printing work that requires various difficult anti-counterfeiting technologies? Just looking at the newspaper's well-preserved appearance, Levi initially wondered if it was Hei Tong who he bought back from someone with a hobby of collecting old newspapers. However, if it is a collector's collection, it should not be this ordinary look without any special treatment. At least wrap a film, make a plastic or something. Real lovers will definitely try their best to protect their beloved things.

   "Is this case in the lower right corner of the front page?"

   The front page headline of the newspaper is nothing special, but it is a small tofu block in the lower right corner that is not particularly eye-catching, which Levi noticed at a glance. However, Levi can notice a report here, mainly because there are some texts estimated to be speculated by Hei Tonggan, and a few simple patterns are drawn on the other side.

   "Yes, this is the case, in fact, the case itself is quite simple, the murderer was quickly caught, but at the time also caused some social impact."

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