Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 788: What's wrong with the beautiful girl's death


  Although it is only a short report, the location is not conspicuous, and there is no picture. However, it can only be posted on the front page of such a large-scale "big newspaper" that it is certainly possible to have an event with a certain degree of social attention.

   Levi carefully read the short report, which was basically an incident in which a high school student poisoned a child in a neighbor's kindergarten. The motive of the murderer's self-reporting in the report was because of the anxiety of preparing for the test, and the child next door was noisy all day long, which eventually made the high school student's mental breakdown make heinous acts.

   at first glance is a typical statement of a typical murderer. In addition to feeling that the walls of the high school students' rooms are too thin, if the conditions in the home are better, changing to a high-end house will probably not take the risk of being noisy by the neighbors, and there is nothing else worth watching. To say that this case was able to arouse a certain degree of social attention at the time was estimated to be mainly because the murderer was a minor with excellent academic performance, and the victim was a cute and lovely little girl in the eyes of others. It is precisely because the identity of the two and the content of the case are too contrasting that the viewers have expressed similar emotions. If the murderer is replaced by a poor adult man who is engaged in manual labor, the victim is like a bunch of fox friends who come to the house to party and play with the unemployed vagrant, then most of the reports about this news must not be on the front page. , Maybe you may not be able to find a suitable position in this newspaper.

   "Are these all written by yourself?"

   Levi pointed to some of the general text and graphics that he hadn't quite understood after reading the report. This is definitely a ‘note’ ​​made by Hei Tonggan, but Lewis can’t see what it means.

   "At that time, I accidentally found some places in the report that were not quite right, I read them a few times, and then recorded some doubts."

  Hei Tong pointed to the reporter and the murderer in the report a few short questions and answers. In Levi's view, it was a common way of interviewing criminals. It's nothing more than asking who the prisoner is, how old he is, why he committed the crime, what kind of psychology it was at the time, and whether he has confessed or regretted it afterwards. As for the male high school student who is the murderer, his answer is also quite standard, hoping to get some sympathy and get a light sentence for self-maintenance. Such as expressing that he was just impulsive at the time, regretting and blaming himself, and then politely revealing that the other party actually made mistakes, etc. If there is anything suspicious, it may be that the young man who turned himself in is surrendering too drip-proof and too routine, giving people the feeling that it is like a reporter who wrote a report and wrote it again after summing it up.

   "At that time, the murderer actually accepted a video interview from the media. I have watched that video many times. This report is all about the original words he answered the reporter."

  It turned out to be so, it really made people wonder about the murderer's mentality at that time. But for Levi, who has been a teacher for many years and a variety of students have been in contact with it, he doesn't think that such a performance is necessarily abnormal. The article wrote that the young man who committed the murder case was a very smart student with excellent grades. He often created some inventions and won many prestigious awards.

  Although geniuses with high IQs are not as ordinary people imagine, there are all kinds of weird places or habits of some quirks. In short, those geniuses are imagined as strange guys who are not like ordinary people. The most common image of public imagination is the kind of clumsy appearance that has a high IQ but a very low EQ. Even the basic way of communicating with people is not very good. But in fact most geniuses or normal people look the same, or at a glance he can be seen as superior to others. There are very few extremely deformed images of mortal brain supplements to comfort themselves to find a psychological balance for themselves. Among so many students who have come into contact with Levi, there are indeed people who are stranger in character because they are smarter than others.

   The most typical of these people is that they are not in groups and do not like to deal with others. Secondly, things like looking down on people are also common. However, Levi always feels that these various indifferent personality traits are not necessarily because they are self-confident and they disdain mortals. Maybe their character is a type that is easily annoying, but it just happens to have a good mind?

  The murderer teenager in this report revealed a rather indifferent taste in treating others from the lines. That’s right, although he said his regrets in the confession, Levi’s feeling is that he regrets not the death of the poor little but his own destiny . However, combining the details of some words and the clarity of the structure of the rhetoric, it makes people wonder whether he really regrets that he was "a momentary mistake" was found evidence that he had to surrender himself.

  ...... It seems that it doesn't matter, even a little proud?

   "Mr. Levi, do you see that too? Just looking at the text description, it makes people think that this teenager's confession is very "false", and even what he said is completely opposite to what he wants to express in his heart."

This is exactly the same as Levi’s feeling, but Alice, who has just walked over and looked at it, heard Hei Tonggan say the same, and saw Levi’s sympathetic appearance again, and re-read the article Reported articles, still do not understand what these two men have achieved a sense of identity.

   Alice blinked at the two men who were puzzled, and wanted to ask what they were talking about, and there was something uncomfortable in the dim sum like what she had lost. Anyway, the two of them will definitely say it later, and Alice twisted her head a bit, and whispered quietly. Levi, who made his ears particularly sharp, heard something baffling.

   In the final analysis, Alice is still too much. She always dodges herself to practice when she hasn't been to Fantasy Township, and only occasionally walks into the human village when she comes to Fantasy Township. Even the other monsters in Fantasy Township, those girls who are considered Alice's "like", she rarely take the initiative to interact with them. Even if there are occasions where parties are held for something, Alice will most often go on time. But in the meeting place, she almost never drinks alcohol, and doesn't say much. She just sat quietly and watched the girls with extraordinary powers.

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