Awakening the Eternal Heaven-Swallowing Art

Chapter 1763 Visitors from the Early Yuan Dynasty

"Now, are warriors from other countries rushing to Muzhou?"

Ling Yun said.


He Yanqing said in a deep voice: "Muzhou is now divided into two areas with Mucheng as the center line.

All cities in the north of Mucheng have been occupied by warriors from other countries.

In order to prevent those warriors from continuing to invade, the teacher had to lead the warriors from the Qiushui Alliance to sit on the outskirts of the north gate of Mucheng to prevent other warriors from entering. "

Ling Yun secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Yushan County is located in the south of Muzhou.

It seems that despite the turmoil in Muzhou, Bailu Mountain is still safe.

Of course, he wasn't completely relaxed.

If the Qiushui League cannot defend Mucheng, then Yushan County will not be spared in the end.

"Let's go take a look at the outskirts of Beimen."

Then Ling Yun said.

He wanted to see the actual situation with his own eyes.


He Yanqing nodded.

However, as soon as Ling Yun arrived at the Qiushui Mansion compound, he encountered something even more surprising.

In the courtyard of Qiushui Mansion, there was an ordinary-looking woman in Tsing Yi standing there.

She was obviously very mediocre in appearance, but she had an indescribable aura of nobility about her that seemed to be incompatible with this world.

The other warriors from the Qiushui Alliance around also looked in awe of her.

When Ling Yun and He Yanqing appeared, the woman looked over.

"Miss Yan Qing, who is this?"

The woman in green looked at Ling Yun curiously.

"Miss Gu, this is Mr. Ling Yunling."

He Yanqing's attitude towards this woman was also very polite, even respectful.

"It turns out to be Mr. Ling."

The woman in green smiled slightly, "I am Gu Yuheng."

"Miss Gu."

Ling Yun nodded slightly.

In his heart, he secretly asked He Yanqing with his thoughts: "Who is this Gu Yuheng?"

He Yanqing said with great solemnity: "She is not from the ancient world of Tianyun, but from the ancient world of the early Yuan Dynasty."

Ling Yun was suddenly startled: "Could it be that people from the ancient world of the early Yuan Dynasty can already enter the ancient world of Tianyun?"

If this is the case, the major forces in the Yuan Ancient Realm do not need to fight anymore on that day, and they can just wait for the Ancient Yuan Dynasty Realm to conquer.

"That's not true."

He Yanqing said: "Twenty days ago, a space crack appeared in the ancient world of Tianyun.

Of course, the Tianyun Ancient World has the will of the world, and even the warriors from the Ancient World in the early Yuan Dynasty cannot come directly.

But they have a strange method that can send a drop of blood essence to the ancient world of Tianyun after paying a certain price.

Fifteen days ago, a drop of blood essence came to the Muzhou area. This blood essence contained Miss Gu's consciousness, which was sensed by the teacher, and the two parties contacted her.

The teacher followed Miss Gu's instructions and used Miss Gu's essence and blood as the basis to create a temporary body for Miss Gu.

Miss Gu will help the teacher defend against the enemy, forming an alliance with the teacher. "

Ling Yun felt a wave of excitement in his heart.

He knew that this kind of thing must not be taken lightly.

What Gu Yuheng received was only a drop of essence and blood, but the body he created with it was actually in the realm of Nirvana.

One can imagine how tyrannical Gu Yuheng's cultivation level is.

What's more important is that the methods Gu Yuheng masters are definitely not comparable to those of warriors from the ancient world of Tianyun.

"Young Master Ling is so young, but his cultivation has reached the state of Nirvana. This is really very commendable."

Gu Yuheng praised.

"My level of cultivation must not be worth mentioning in the ancient world of the early Yuan Dynasty, right?"

Ling Yun said.

"Master Ling is too humble."

Gu Yuheng said: "Even in the ancient world of the early Yuan Dynasty, young Nirvana warriors like Mr. Ling were rare.

What's more, the cultivation environment in Tianyun Ancient World is so harsh. It's really admirable that Master Ling can achieve such achievements here. "

Although he came from the ancient world of the early Yuan Dynasty, Gu Yuheng didn't have any arrogance in him and seemed extremely gentle and polite.

Such praise made He Yanqing feel proud, as if Gu Yuheng was praising her.

She couldn't help but say: "Ling Yun is not only a martial arts genius, his attainments in alchemy are not inferior to martial arts at all."

Hearing this, Gu Yuheng's face showed a real look of surprise.

It can be seen that in the ancient world of the early Yuan Dynasty, there were definitely many Nirvana warriors under the age of twenty.

But people who have reached the level of nirvana in both alchemy and martial arts are rare even in the ancient world of the early Yuan Dynasty.

"If Mr. Ling has the opportunity to go to the ancient world of the early Yuan Dynasty in the future, I believe that Mr. Ling will definitely get a place."

Gu Yuheng said seriously.

Ling Yun did not dwell on this topic and said calmly: "We are going to the suburbs of Beimen City. Where is Miss Gu?"

This made Gu Yuheng look at Ling Yun even more differently.

For an ordinary young man, if he was praised like this by her, it would be difficult for him to remain calm, even if he was not in a state of elation, and he would feel somewhat proud.

But she couldn't see any pride on Ling Yun's face.

The other party was truly unmoved by her exaggeration.

Such a state of mind is really not bad.

Even in Gu Yuheng's heart, this state of mind is more precious than Ling Yun's talent.

"If Mr. Ling and Miss Yan Qing don't mind, I would be willing to go with you."

Gu Yuheng said.

"We don't want it, so why would we dislike it?"

He Yanqing said quickly.

Ling Yun couldn't help but feel helpless after hearing this.

It seemed that Gu Yuheng's charm was so great that even a woman like He Yanqing could not resist it.

But he also had to admit that talking to Gu Yuheng was indeed very comfortable.

She has an ordinary appearance but a very pleasant voice. In addition, she is gentle and polite, which makes people feel like spring breeze when she speaks.

Besides, judging from Gu Yuheng's temperament, her true appearance is probably extraordinary.

Ling Yun would never dislike such a woman even if he was still unfamiliar with her.

Ling Yun did not say much at that moment.

Not long after, the three of them arrived at the suburbs of Beimen.

This suburb of Beimen was really very lively.

Thousands of warriors gathered here.

At the same time, these warriors were divided into two distinct camps with the moat of Beimen as the boundary.

One side was the Qiushui League camp, and the other side was the coalition camp of major forces.

As soon as Ling Yun and the other two arrived here, they found that the atmosphere between the two sides was already tense.

"Leader of Lingguan."

A young warrior on the other side said, "I am a warrior from the ancient country of Huangtian. I am familiar with the name of Leader of Lingguan.

But as the saying goes, a man who knows the times is a hero, and those who go against the trend usually have a hard time ending up well.

The entry of warriors from various countries into Muzhou is an irresistible trend. Leader of Lingguan, you have been a famous figure for many years, so why do you have to do something against the trend?"

Hearing this, before Lingguan spoke, He Yanqing couldn't help but said angrily, "No matter how good my teacher is, you, a little-known person, can't evaluate him.

A person like you can be easily crushed to death by a finger of the teacher, and you are not qualified to complain here."

The young warrior rolled his eyes and sneered, "I admit that Leader of Lingguan is very strong, but I am also a Nirvana warrior.

You said that I can't even stop a finger of Leader of Lingguan. Isn't this an exaggeration?"

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