Awakening the Eternal Heaven-Swallowing Art

Chapter 1764: Gathering of experts

"Something like sitting in a well and looking at the sky..."

He Yanqing became even more angry.

"Back off."

Lingguan waved his hand to He Yanqing, "Since you know he is a nobody, why bother talking to him so much."

As she said that, she looked at the young warrior and said, "Come on, I'll raise a finger. If you can block it, my spirit watcher will admit defeat to you in public. How about that?"

In this sentence, you can see the character of Ling Guan.

She is generally peaceful.

But this kind of peace is not weak, but like the vast ocean, there is domineering power in peace.

"Haha, then let me show you the strength of the Leader of Lingguan."

The young warrior laughed.

He is far from stupid.

He does this because he feels that even if he is not a spiritual opponent, he will still be able to resist a move.

Second, he saw this as an opportunity.

As long as he can withstand Ling Guan's move and make Ling Guan admit defeat in public, his name will be famous all over the world.

While talking, the young warrior took the initiative to attack the spiritual view.

He is very cautious. Although his cultivation is immortal, he wears a set of immortal armor and the sword in his hand is also immortal.

next moment.

The other people's swords merged into one and turned into a sword light that shot towards Ling Guan.

Lingguan stood there.

Facing the attacking young warrior, she just lightly stretched out her right index finger.


The space in front of the young warrior sank, revealing a transparent finger print.

Immediately afterwards, the young warrior's figure paused in mid-air, and the immortal armor on his chest made a crisp sound.


The young warrior flew out and crashed to where he originally stood.

It looked as if he had never moved.

But the next moment.


The young warrior opened his mouth and vomited blood.

The immortal armor on his body was completely shattered.

Looking at his chest again, it was completely sunken.


He fell backwards and fell unconscious on the spot.

He is not dead, but his cultivation has been abolished.

Obviously, Ling Guan kept his hand.

But this shows the power of spiritual contemplation.

Sometimes, it's harder to stay alive than to kill.

This shows that spiritual contemplation is completely at ease.

Many warriors on the opposite side were frightened when they saw this.

It is normal for Spiritual Observation to defeat a Nirvana warrior.

But it can be easily defeated with one finger, which many high-level immortal warriors cannot do.

"If you want to become famous by challenging me, that's okay, but the premise is that you'd better weigh how much you weigh."

Ling Guan sneered.

With her wisdom, how could she not see the little thoughts of the young warrior.

"Ling Guan, don't you think it's too much to do such a cruel thing to a junior?"

A middle-aged warrior flew out.

This middle-aged warrior is clearly an immortal and powerful man.

"This is a small one, here comes the big one?"

Ling Guan said coldly: "But Xing Yangrong, I think you are becoming more and more useless. If it were me, if I had trained such a useless disciple, I would not have the shame to let others know."

"You were once a master of Huangtian Ancient Kingdom. Logically speaking, my disciple can be considered your junior, but you don't even show any kindness. How cold-blooded."

Xing Yangrong said angrily.

"If I didn't show mercy, he would already be a corpse, not the most useless one."

Lingguan said: "As for saying that he is my junior? Forgive me, I disagree. For me, Lingguan, anyone who dares to attack me is an enemy. Do you, Xing Yangrong, want to try it too?"

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Xing Yangrong's eyes were cold, "It just so happens that when you defected to Huangtian Ancient Kingdom, you were too fast and I didn't have time to hunt you down. Today is just the right time to eliminate harm for the country."

As he spoke, he took out a strange scale.

True Gang was injected into the scales, and the scales immediately changed.

In the blink of an eye, the scales differentiated into countless scales, densely covering Xing Yangrong's body.

It looked like Xing Yangrong was wearing a piece of scale armor.

"Scale armor?"

Lingguan raised his eyebrows and said, "As far as I know, Huangtian Ancient Kingdom does not have such technology. Is it the descendant's method?

No wonder you are so confident and dare to take action against me. It turns out you have someone to rely on. "

This situation caused the expressions of many Qiushui Alliance warriors to change.

The Adventer's method?

Recently, it is no longer a secret that warriors from the ancient world of the early Yuan Dynasty came to the ancient world of Tianyun.

The ancient world in the early Yuan Dynasty was a world that was more powerful than the Huangtian ancient world in its heyday.

The methods of this world are scary to think about.

"No matter what method it is, it is a good method if it can kill the enemy and win. Are you afraid of Lingguan?"

Xing Yangrong sneered.

"I hope you can still say this when I tear these scales off your body."

Ling Guan's face remained indifferent.


As he spoke, Xing Yangrong's true energy exploded, and it was obvious that he was planning to take action officially.

"Brother Xing, why are you so anxious?"

A voice came again, "Today's matter is not your fault alone, and it is not your turn to be the protagonist in this big drama."

After the words fell, a white-haired man arrived.

This man was somewhat similar to Feng Hanlie, but he was more majestic than Feng Hanlie.

"Feng Tianxiao, you don't have to pretend here. You and I have fought each other no less than ten times, and you have been defeated miserably every time."

Lingguan said disdainfully: "Of course, it's not just you. In my eyes, your so-called coalition forces are just a group of people who are being used as pawns without knowing it."

Behind, Ling Yun was really impressed by Ling Guan.

He knew Ling Guan was somewhat domineering, but he didn't expect that Ling Guan would be so domineering.

This kind of demeanor that regards the heroes of the world as nothing makes people feel that she is just like a female emperor.

"Ling Guan, don't you think you are too arrogant?"

Feng Tianxiao's face sank, "Or do you really think that you can go against the trend and resist so many of our masters by yourself?

I advise you not to struggle in vain here. If you retreat, you can still keep your life, but if you really want to resist here, you will definitely die."

"Brother Feng is right."

Another Shura Empire master flew out.

He is the general of the Shura Empire.

Although he is not immortal, he is also half-immortal and the top emperor of the Shura Empire.

He looked at Lingguan and said, "Muzhou is destined to become a free land. No one can stop it. Whoever stops it will die."

"It's ridiculous. Muzhou is the territory of my Qiushui League."

Qiushui League's second elder Xue Poye sneered, "You guys with wolfish ambitions are destined to fail."

"You dare to speak like a rubbish?"

The Shura Empire's general's eyes turned cold.


He attacked Xue Poye directly.

In an instant, a blood-colored spear appeared in his hand, and he threw it at Xue Poye from a distance.

The blood-colored spear broke through the air.

No one expected this situation.

On the Qiushui League side, no one else had time to stop it.

After all, there were thousands of Qiushui League warriors here, and Lingguan couldn't take care of everyone.

Xue Poye tried his best to resist.

But he was only at the peak of Nirvana, how could he stop the half-step immortal Shura.

In an instant, his true energy was pierced, and his body was pierced by the blood-colored spear, leaving a blood hole.

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