Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1006 102. Are You Trolls Out Of Their Minds? --Add More【8/10】

Chapter 1006 102. Are you trolls out of their minds? ——Add more【810】


"No, get rid of it."

"what about this?"

"still none."

"Should I have this? He is a fighter who can make me feel a little tricky."

"Such things can make you feel tricky? Should I advise you not to be so indulgent, and quickly find your own strength? This is not the case either!"

"Is this thing so rare?"

In the sound of old man Sakir's angry complaints, the most elite Sandfury executioner was hit on the head by his soul fire.

The entire cheek and facial bones were melted, and he fell on the execution platform without saying a word.

Beside the old man, there are many elite warriors of the Sandfury troll lying here and there. They were all captured by the enlightener's demons and sent here for "experimentation".

As for what test to do?

Just look at Bu Laike, who is sitting next to him drinking on a rock, with a helpless and unhappy expression.

Of course it's an anima extraction test.

The old man Saqier personally experienced the magic of heart energy blessing, and immediately became very interested in this kind of knowledge of the dead.

Although the stinky pirate has repeatedly emphasized that other beings other than him cannot perceive, let alone capture heart energy, Sakir still does not give up.

As the most famous enlightener master of Argus, he believes that all powers have traces to follow, it's not that they can't be used, it's just that they haven't found a clue to research.

It's a pity that anima is as rare as old Bwonsamdi described. On the captured trolls, Bo Laike's magic eyes did not find any signs of anima.

He had to explain the cause of anima to Thakir again.

"I've said it all, it's a power similar to skill upgrading, and it's different from other powers that can be perceived and used in terms of composition.

That's more of a mental energy.

After you receive the 'quick sand core', you should be able to feel the sandwalker Sur's method of manipulating the desert and all the details of magic.

It was a cloud of memory. "

The stinky pirate took a sip of wine, and emphasized like a lecture:

"A group of memories that allow you to learn and make you stronger. It is true to say that it is the knowledge of the dead. Memory is very important to the undead.

Only they can read the memory of others to master the power that they have never touched.

Don't try it.

You can't understand its form unless you die once, but I think Dean Lanyue and Old Meili should be able to understand this, they are already dead spirits in essence. "

"I am also a necromancer! Although I am polluted by evil energy, your statement is really not magical at all!"

Thakir rested his skeletal chin with his fingers, staring at Bo Laike with the soul fire in his eyes, and said:

"You are a living life, why can you master it? Did you die once too?"

"Maybe this is talent?"

The pirate shrugged and said:

"You know that talent is something that others don't envy. Shh, someone is here, don't talk too much, I warn you, I don't want people to know about my magical ability."

"whispering sound"

The old man reached out and pulled his hood to cover his skeleton face.

Soon, the figure of Little Xingxing descended from the sky, and the elegant and beautiful blue body turned into a human form when it was about to touch the execution platform, and Fenner, who was still stained with blood, landed in front of Laike.

Both beautiful girls were very happy.

"Look what I found?"

Fenner happily waved a simple and weird one-handed sword in her hand, showing off to Bu Laike.

That thing is a typical troll-style sword. It doesn't have a blade in the traditional sense. It looks more like a wide machete with two blades, and there is a V-shaped gap in front of the blade for armor-piercing.

This unique shape makes this battle sword amazingly powerful when swung at close range.

Moreover, there are sacrificial runes of trolls on the ancient sword, which is very simple and elegant, adding a touch of mystery to this battle sword.

"I tried it just now."

Finner wiped the blood from her cheek and said to Bo Laike:

"The special power of this sword can be activated only by the blood. It is powerful, although it is a bit ugly. It took me a lot of effort to defeat the War Overseer of the Sandfury trolls.

That Antusul is so cunning, he tamed several golden desert lizards in his cave, and almost petrified me there. I was very angry at the time, so I used the enemy breaker sword technique.

Very useful!

With courage and supernatural power, he and his lizard were hacked to death with a few swords. "

"Very well, you've got Sansas the Counter."

Bu Laike admired the ancient troll sword in Fenner's hand, and he said:

"Chief Sandfury has died in my hands. You will be able to get another sword after Veresa, the water master, opens the treasure house of the chief for you. Today is destined to be your harvest day."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go find her quickly."

Fenna put the troll battle sword in her hand on the weapon buckle of her belt, and said excitedly:

"The powerful characters in Zul'Falakri have almost been cleaned up, and I want to see how powerful the Sandfury Holy Beast that Veresa has been singing about is so powerful.

Didn't that mean it was a loa? "

"Then you're probably going to be disappointed."

Bu Laike curled his lips and said:

"Gazrilla is not as majestic and powerful as you think. It can be regarded as the worst loa god in Azeroth. Old Ghani is much luckier than him."

After speaking, the pirate looked at Little Xingxing again.

Little Xing Xing is also in a good mood because tonight the thirst for majesty as a dragon is satisfied.

This will be standing on the high edge of the execution platform, holding the dwarf camera in his hand and snapping the night scene of the burning Zul'Farrak.

Bu Laike noticed that there was an exquisite thick leather book hanging on the waist of the little star, which should be the diary she used to record her "great adventure career".

"Then, I'm curious, how would His Royal Highness Little Xingxing describe his adventure tonight?"

The Stinky Pirate said in a strangely elongated voice:

"Is it the story of the wise and mighty Blue Dragon Princess commanding her powerful but handsome human servants, and the Vrykul shield girls who admire her majesty and voluntarily follow her into the city of evil trolls to preside over justice?"

"You didn't talk about the bravery of His Royal Highness Blue Dragon's loyal guards of the Storm Dragon! And the classic story of the Sandfury troll trying to use evil methods to shoot down His Royal Highness Little Star, but was seen through by his wise Highness."

Little Xingxing turned his head, waved his fingers proudly and satisfied, and said:

"But for the wisdom of human beings, it is also very good to be able to come up with such a story line. It seems that you are also very talented, my servant Laike, are you interested in creating epic adventure stories with His Highness? ?

I can generously allow you to be the second author of my adventure story. "

"Forget it, I can't do this, and I get a headache when I hear code words."

Bu Laike waved his hands and said:

"I am so rude, how dare I snatch the glory of His Royal Highness Xingxing? You shoot here first, let's go to see the deep pool of Sandfury trolls and their holy beasts."

"Of course we went together."

Little Xingxing grabbed Bu Laike's arm with a smile, and said:

"I haven't seen a living loa yet, this will definitely take two more for illustrations for my upcoming travel story, not counting old Garni!

That guy has no dignity as a loa. "

"What are you waiting for?"

Bu Laike scowled and said to Little Xingxing:

"Hurry up and turn into a giant dragon to carry us there, this city of Sandfury is so big, do you want to run there?"

"You think beautifully!"

His Royal Highness Blue Dragon suddenly became angry, she waved her fist and said:

"You don't want to ride me, the noble blue dragon will not allow lowly humans to ride on my head."

"Dan Fenner"

Just as Bu Laike was about to refute, he was interrupted fiercely by Little Xingxing. The latter pulled Fenner to his side, pointed at Fenner's staring eyes and said:

"She is different, she is my honorary dragon guard! When I become the Queen of Magic, I will let Fenna be my 'Hand of the Dragon King'.

She's a pure girl, unlike you, a dark-hearted bad guy, who knows what nasty things you'll do to me while I'm driving you? "

"My evil apprentice wants to do bad things, and I still need to wait until you pick him up?"

Grandpa Saqier, who had been watching Little Xing Xing's tricks, sneered, and he moved his burning jaw and said:

"Poor little dragon, it's better for you to stay away from him. With his level of evil and filth, even a brief handshake and touch is enough to make you conceive a baby dragon baby.

You are still a child. "

Hearing Sakir's malicious threat, Little Xingxing shook his hand, shook off Laike's hand and gave him a hard look, then pulled Finner and flew towards the holy beast area of ​​Zul'Farrak City.

The stinky pirate raised his middle finger at the laughing Sakir, and opened the Shadow Gate again after confirming the location.

The blood-red streamer spun around the cloth Laike, gathering the shadows to empty the space, and then burst into a bewitching blood curtain with the light, wrapping the pirates and disappearing in place.

Sakir didn't leave here.

The old man had no interest in weak holy beasts, and after Laike left, he summoned his carefully selected demons with a wave and gestured to them.

Soon, the sound of evil chewing echoed on the execution platform.

That fake warlock of Bu Laike doesn't know how to cultivate his own demons. In addition to the supply of souls, fresh and powerful flesh and blood are also necessary for the growth of demons.

Or maybe he knew, and just didn't want his demons to become raging cannibals.

But that doesn't really matter.

For the current Bu Laike, a few demon servants can play a very limited role in his battle. In other words, they can no longer keep up with this new version of the combat power system.

It's time for them to retire.

Maybe it will be sent to the hall of honor and treasured up for people to watch and collect tickets or something.

On the other side, beside the sacred pool of Zul'Farrak, followers of Ghazrilla, the holy beast of Sandfury, are kneeling and praying by the huge pool, led by Veresa, the water wizard, and several other water wizards. .

At the moment when the whole city was in chaos, only the area around the sacred pool remained peaceful and peaceful.

Whether it was the dragon, the shield girl, or the demons attacking the city, they deliberately avoided this place, causing the panicked Sandfury civilians to rush into this "safe zone".

The long-forgotten beliefs seem to be remembered again in the sudden fear of tonight, just like their ancestors, these Sandfury trolls began to sincerely pray to the holy beast to obtain its protection.

Seeing more and more people kneeling and worshiping, the water master Veresa couldn't hold back the tears for a while.

How many years!

Ghazrella's faith has been falling as its strength has weakened. It has been many years since such a grand prayer has been held! Even in the loa temples on Zandalar, there is no shrine to Ghazrella.

Loa, whom she believed in, was about to be expelled, but fortunately, as a loyal priest, she seized the last chance to come back.

Although the vicious betrayal cannot be praised, let the priests bear the sin, and the holy beast of Sandfury will surely rise again!

"let's start!"

The water master Veresa, who still had various scars on her body, wiped away her tears, and with red eyes, she gave a command to the aging but equally excited old priest behind her.

The latter tried his best to straighten his back, picked up an ancient black gavel from the servant's hand, and walked to the edge of the sacred pool amidst the louder calls of the believers.

There stands an ancient and incomplete metal giant gong, which is a traditional musical instrument used by trolls for sacrifices.

The old priest shouted Ghazrella's name, raised the gavel in his hand, and struck the giant gong with all his might. Amidst the echoing sound as low as the crashing of sea water, ripples echoed on the calm sacred pool.

Again came the humming of great beasts from under the water, as if an ancient sleeper had been awakened.

Amidst the exclamations of Little Xingxing and Fenner who were watching not far away, a huge blue and white head rose from the pool.

Just like a giant snake that resembles a dragon, it has a towering back plate and a forbidding mouth. There are lightning interlaced lights on the sharp teeth penetrating up and down in the opened mouth.

Huge bodies emerged from the pool bit by bit, and under Fina's wide-eyed gaze, Gazrilla's second head also emerged from the water, and then the third.

Three terrifying heads were juxtaposed, and in the turbulent water, six pairs of eyes looked around respectively, and then raised proudly in the lightning curtain that emerged from the blue thunder moving across the water.

The three heads let out a deep roar at the same time, causing the desert to fall with frost. The body covered with fine and delicate scales appeared from the water, and the two thick legs supported the giant beast.

And its big tail, which is as long as the neck of its body, also rolls up mist in the water.

Except for the absence of wings, the Gazrella who finally appeared almost completely coincides with a certain classic image in the mind of the stinky pirate, and even the attribute of strength is very consistent.

They both release lightning, right?

They both have three heads, right?

They all look a lot like dragons, right?

All three of their heads fight with each other. Well, that's not right, Gazrella's three heads don't fight, they're in harmony.

"I can't understand the strange thinking of these Sandfury trolls at all."

Bu Laike admired the majestic appearance of the Sandfury Holy Beast in front of him, and whispered to the two screaming beautiful girls beside him:

"This Gazrella is obviously a sea beast, but the Sandfury troll insists on keeping it in the desert for nearly ten thousand years. Can this power not weaken?"

"Stupid pirate, it's trapped!"

Little Xingxing, who was frantically taking pictures, turned around and corrected:

"I have seen the world before the War of the Ancients in the Nexus. The Tanaris Desert was originally an area near the sea, but it was turned into a desert by the shattering of the War of the Ancients.

Just look at its size, it can't go from here to the sea by itself, the desert can't bear its weight at all, and it can't fly. "

"You know everything, can I not know?"

The smelly pirate stretched out his hand and split Little Xingxing's head, and he said with a straight face:

"I'm just joking. If you don't laugh, it's fine. You have to tell me the science in reverse. Are you really stupid, or are you pretending to be stupid? Give me the crown of the abyss around your neck."

"What are you doing?"

Little Xingxing covered her beloved necklace vigilantly, she said:

"This thing is mine, you gave it to me! It's mine."

"Do you want the crown, or the rise of the Magic Legion?"

Bu Laike said with a straight face:

"Although Gazrella looks like a three-headed snake, in fact, it can be regarded as a sub-dragon just like Baku. Don't you want to expand the majesty of the magic army?

Do you want a demigod?

Although it is already weak, the foundation of the demigod is still there. Using the crown of the abyss can temporarily restore some strength to it, and I think it needs your help now.

What do you think? "

"Ha, so that's the case."

Little Xingxing immediately smiled and took off his precious necklace, threw it to the pirate, and said:

"Then hurry up!"

"You tired human servant, hurry up and serve the great cause of His Royal Highness the Star!"

(end of this chapter)

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