Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1007 103. Brother, Look At My Great Sword! Handsome Or Not? ---Add More【9/10】

Chapter 1007 103. Brother, look at my great sword! handsome or not? ——Add more【910】

Gazrella appeared in front of the believers, reminding the Sandfury trolls who had forgotten its majesty the time when they were protected by holy beasts.

And although this God Loa has been so weak that he has fallen below the power level of a demigod, his huge body still has a shocking impact standing in front of the tumbling holy pool.

Coupled with the flattery and praise of the water accountants, as well as the coercion brought about by the Zul'Farrak war in the outside world, this weak Loa finally regained his dignity tonight.

Many trolls believe that Gaz'rella's power protects them, preventing foreign enemies from entering the area.

But in fact, the moment Gazrella was awakened, the loa was clear. It is weak enough to resist the menacing invaders tonight, and the twelve dragons alone are enough for it to drink a pot.

However, because of the appeasement of his loyal priests, Gazrella did not choose to hide or run away in disgrace. The water wizard Veresa assured it that the intruders entered Zul'Farrak tonight to "help it" .

"Every loa has a huge body to show its strength. I can understand the means of showing threats with body size, but I can't understand why you are so big?"

Bu Laike stood in front of the sacred pool, looking up at Ghazrella, who straightened his neck and was at least forty meters tall.

Even though he was very clear that the weak Loa in front of him was not even his opponent, but this huge body alone was enough to make the pirate feel a kind of "small".

Behind the pirates, the water masters who finished the ceremony are leading the believers to disperse and go to the city to pick up more compatriots in need. Although there are still some fanatics kneeling on the spot and refusing to leave, most of them are gone. left.

This gave Bo Laike a chance to talk to Gazrella.

He tossed the abyss crown in his hand up and down, and complained to the giant beast in front of him:

"Won't it cause you a lot of pressure to maintain such a huge body when you have been weak for thousands of years?"

"I, can, sleep."

A deep voice sounded in the pirate's heart, and with his "animal friend" ability to talk to wild beasts, he could fully understand the meaning of Gazrella's roar.

Of course, this guy's way of speaking is very peculiar. A sentence is divided into three parts, which are spoken successively by the three heads.

This seems to prove that although Gazrella has three heads, it does not have the fatal weakness of other multi-headed creatures. Its will is unified, and the three heads will not think chaotically, and naturally there will be no possibility of conflicting with each other.

As expected of the miraculous Loa, he easily did something that a shameful Lord Ghidorah couldn't do.

"When I'm asleep, I don't feel hungry."

The Sandfury Holy Beast seemed to be afraid that Bu Laike would not understand, so he specially explained it. But this action exposed its character traits, as expected, this guy should be a fool.

It will definitely have a common language with Akunda who is also naive.

Think about it too, as long as you are smarter, you will not stick to this Jedi for more than 10,000 years.

"I've always had a doubt."

Bu Laike looked at Gazrella standing like a mountain in front of him, and he asked:

"Relying on the Sandfury troll will definitely not be able to control you, all loa are free, I know you well, the belief of believers is also dispensable to you.

If you want to go, you can leave anytime.

Although you are weak and cannot cross the desert or go to the sea, but in the opposite direction, you only need one day to reach Un'Goro Crater.

Although the environment over there is not as suitable for your life as the sea, you will have a good time there.

Why don't you go?

You should know that it is very dangerous for a loa to become weak.

Evil trolls will find ways to kill you to seize your divine power. This kind of thing is an enduring scare joke in the circle of the Loa gods. Every now and then, some unlucky people will die under the knife of their priests, and they will fall inexplicably.

Isn't the experience of those unfortunates who died at the hands of their priests not enough to warn you? "

This question made the three-headed snake Loa silent for a moment.

Being out of the shelter of the water made it uncomfortable, so with Bo Laike watching, the simple-minded fellow retreated into the sacred pool, soaking his skin and lowering his three serpent-like heads.

Like a snake wrapping around its prey, wrap the cloth Laike in three directions.

Its six eyes were fixed on Bu Laike at the same time, and Gazrella said amidst the rushing sound of the water:

"I didn't stay in the desert because of these little creatures that would bring me food, I stayed here because of what I was called to do, what I got after fighting to the death with all my might in ancient times mission."

In the voice of the strange three-segment answer, the weak and old Loa did not hide the truth.

it says:

"I also fought as a vanguard in the war between the troll empire and the worms. I almost died in the never-ending raids of the dark zerg. It was the troll warriors who dragged me back from the mountain of corpses and blood.

Back then the desert wasn't a desert, back then this was where I lived and hunted, not just fighting for the trolls but fighting for myself.

I was not their loa, I was free, but the long war changed me.

Do you have a home? outsider. "

"Look at what you're asking, who doesn't have a home yet?

I suspect you're cornering me by calling me an orphan without a home, but since you're so frail and a slow-talking beast, I'll let it go. "

Bu Laike probably understood what Gazrella meant.

He reached out and tried to touch Gazrella's huge head in front of him, an act that was disrespectful for a loa.

But Gazrella didn't stop him.

Let the pirate's hand rest on the scales in front of its head. Relying on the legendary hunter's connection to nature, this contact allowed Laike to feel the emotions of the Sandfury beast more clearly.

"I have fought with brave trolls, and I have seen their terrible sacrifices to crush the bug people's empire. The blood is an oath that binds me to them.

I allow the trolls to set up Zul'Farrak as an outpost above my lair, I allow them to place a stele of the war dead here, and I allow them to live by my side and defend this land with me.

It was all good until the explosion that split the world apart and my home was gone. "

Gazrella's mood turned sad.

It whimpered like weeping, and said:

"I saw with my own eyes that the once green water and green mountains turned into a barren desert. I wanted to leave here and travel far away, but the trolls remembered the ancient oath and refused to give up.

I... I ended up staying, I'm a beast for no reason, but if this is where I was born then it's where I'm going to die.

I am very old, it is not time that has poisoned me, and only the last pond remains of the once beautiful lake.

I don't hate the malice of fate, it's just that staying here makes me feel at ease, maybe I still have a mission. The Bugs are at it again, and I feel them marching beneath the desert.

But this time, there is no troll empire and no Gazrella, how can you resist the disaster? "

"I don't need to worry about this."

The stinky pirate withdrew his fingers and threw the abyss crown in his hand, which landed in Gazrella's mouth.

The latter felt the power of the crown of the abyss, its six eyes widened, and said:

"what are you going to do?"

"Of course you're hired, weak Gazrella."

Bo Laike took out the dwarven pipe and put it in his mouth, and said to the huge loa:

"This necklace is the reward. It can restore some of your strength and help you cross the desert to the sea, where I have a ship that can serve as your guide.

Next stop I'm going to Silithus, to see the Scarab Wall, and see if I can take down C'Thun. Maybe you will be willing to go with me, of course you don't want to, but you will exist as part of the undead fleet for a long time.

In addition to my fleet, the future Queen of the Magic Legion also sent you an invitation. She will grant you the title of "Honorary Blue Dragon" and become a non-staff member of the Blue Dragon Legion.

In addition, I also know a force called Tidal Order.

They have been looking for powerful aquatic creatures to make a contract, and becoming their second saint is full of benefits and benefits. Behind those guys is the king of water elements, His Majesty Neptulon the Tidehunter, and one of the big men I am loyal to.

With the protection of His Majesty Neptulon, the entire Great Sea can be your new home. I mean, the Sandfury trolls are unreliable, and the city is about to become another loa's temple.

From what I know of him, that narrow-minded villain probably wouldn't like to share this place with other people. "

"This is my home!"

Gazrella was instantly enraged.

Dazzling thunderbolts flowed and rolled on the scales and head of the three-headed snake, covering it with a layer of thunder and lightning coat, which looked extraordinarily captivating.

it roared:

"I won't, give it to someone else!"

"Ah, then I have no choice but to invite the bad guy who has taken a fancy to your family to talk to you. The bad guy has run out of words, and it's time for the bad guy to come on stage.

I generally play the latter, but today I am the former. "

The pirate snorted a few times, took a few steps back, and casually took out the Bwonsamdi mask on his waist and threw it forward. The black mask circled around in the air, and finally hovered in front of Gazrella's eyes.

Amidst the surge of Death God's breath, the huge three-headed snake Loa seemed to be frightened, causing the entire sacred pool to start to ripple.

"Yo, look who this is, isn't this Gazrilla?"

Old Bwonsamdi's malicious and slippery voice sounded in front of the sacred pool. The bad guy hung in the air and sarcastically said:

"I haven't seen you for more than ten thousand years, how did you get into this? Look at your cowardly look, no wonder the Zandalari trolls want to remove your shrine, it's so shameful!

I just heard my bad friend Boo Laike talk to you about moving, but you turned him down?

what happened?

Are you still guarding this broken place and don't want to let go?

Well, well, let old Bwonsamdi persuade you, and explain to you my plan for this abandoned city by the way.

Have you heard of my Hades?

I plan to build the whole of Zul'Farrak into a bigger and more gorgeous Nether Palace. I want your pool, and I want to make it a gate to the other world.

Tsk tsk, are you interested in going to the other world with me?

My dear Gazrella, your soul is so weak I don't even need to tug on it"

Bo Laike didn't listen to old Bwonsamdi's threats to Gazrella, but he believed in Bwonsamdi's poisonous tongue and his ability.

Troll Reaper always gets what he wants.

What's more, Bo Laike has already paid the money. If Gazrella is really unwilling to help, then he can only find a way to send the hydra to Black Rook Castle.

The death knight brothers who want to come to the Black Crows will also be very happy to get a demigod body to make terrifying death monsters, right?

"Brother, look! I got it!"

While Bu Laike was meditating, Fenner's excited voice sounded from behind. The pirate looked back and saw the stupid warrior running towards him wielding two troll swords of the same style.

Behind Fina, many Sandfury trolls are walking towards this side carrying large boxes full of treasures. The water magician Veresa fulfilled her promise. She opened the treasure house of Chief Sandfury for Fina and Braike .

"How should these two swords be combined?"

Fenner looked at the two troll swords in her hands, but no matter how she tried, the two swords had no special power to pull and fuse with each other.

She looked at the stinky brother and asked:

"Do you want to chant some spell?"


Bo Laike also has some numb claws.

After all, the two swords in the game can be merged with just one click, but he really doesn't know how to operate them in reality.

"Bring them here, I'll help you."

While the pirates and Fenner were trying various things, Gazrella's low and discouraged voice sounded in the pirate's ears, and Laike looked back, and Bwonsamdi's "persuasion" seemed to have taken effect.

The weakened Loa is swallowing the Abyss Crown as a way of accepting Boo Laike's "employment".

Under the instructions of the pirates, Fenna walked up to the gigantic Gazrilla with two swords in hand, and with a sense of awe of mortals for the legendary beast, she took the counterattacker Sansas and the protector Ghazas two swords. The sword rested on the platform in front of Gazrilla's eyes.

The three-headed snake raised its head, and in the explosion of lightning, it simultaneously breathed out its breath of thunder and lightning with divine power towards the two swords, and the dazzling blue light instantly illuminated the night sky.

Amidst the piercing sounds of metal melting and peeling, the dazzling thunder and lightning dissipated, and the two troll swords were reshaped into a broad-bladed giant sword.

The two one-handed swords are off-white.

But after the fusion, it becomes a black blade with a whole body. Its size is larger than that of ordinary two-handed swords. The silver-white blade is perfectly integrated with the black blade.

The double-sided runes of the counterattacker and the protector are distinguished on both sides of the sword body. There is no obvious distinction between the hilt and the sword body. It is like forging in one piece, with purple inscriptions dotted on it, and there is no other decoration. .

With bright eyes, Fenna stretched out her hand to hold the two-in-one troll sword in her hand. As she lifted up the legendary Lasher Suzas, two green arcs of light rushed from the sword body on the left and right. Move, spin around the blade.

This cool special effect made the dumb warrior exclaim.

She could clearly see that the emblem of the skull formed by the two green lights seemed to represent the blood-sealed voodoo on the troll sword.

"Susas, the sword that became famous in the battle of Qiraji, was once held by the most valiant warrior of the troll empire."

The ancient loa god Gazrella said with a nostalgic tone:

"The Lasher's name is derived from the awe-inspiring cry of the Bugmen. It once killed the servants of darkness, but unfortunately even the trolls it sheltered feared it.

The weak fear its power and beg me to tear it apart. They see it as a symbol of power rather than a slashing blade. The day it splits, Sandfury will be dead.

Perhaps, perhaps, the place where I sleep is already a pile of rubble on the ruins, and there is really nothing worth caring about here. "


Fenner majesticly raised the black sword in her hand, against the light of lightning brought by Gazrella, the stupid warrior announced loudly:

"Now I hold Suthus! I am the Lasher! Conqueror of Sandfury!"

"No, no, it's not breezy enough."

The pirate stepped forward and whispered something in Finner's ear.

Seeing that Little Xingxing came to record this scene, Fenna coughed and adjusted her posture again. When Little Xingxing took a picture of her, Fenna shouted again:

"Desert, listen to my orders! Raise your gravel and block the sun's rays!"

"Wow! That's a cool line!"

Little Xingxing shouted with bright eyes:

"I want to record it on the title page of my story, and you are not allowed to grab it from me! Otherwise, I will bite you!"

(end of this chapter)

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