Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1008 104. The Game Console Was Confiscated? It Doesn't Matter! It Would Be Nice To Have

Chapter 1008 104. The game console was confiscated? It doesn't matter! Just make another big toy - Jia Geng【1010】

Sandfury's story ends at dawn tonight.

The death of Sandtop Chieftain and Warlord Antusul represented the end of the old era of Sandfury, and when the body of Sandwalker Sur was found, it meant that the city's beliefs would also be turned upside down.

Bwonsamdi, the hateful and treacherous god of death, announced his right to rule Zul'Farrak at dawn with great fanfare, and also chose his new priest on the spot.

Some conservative Ghazrella believers expressed their dissatisfaction on the spot.

Bwonsamdi's solution to this was crude and simple.

You don't want to believe in me?

Very good, then you can go.

It is really "walking" in the physical sense.

Crowds of Ghazrella's followers were brutally driven out of Zul'Farrak, and the city was sealed off by Bwonsamdi's resurrected dead from last night's battle.

Old Bwonsamdy knew it well.

He declared that he would build this deserted desert city into his own underworld, and all Sandfury trolls would participate in this great cause. Those who are unwilling to pay for Bwonsamdi will be executed, and then resurrected as zombies to collect ashes to build houses.

That's what it's like to work for a god of death.

Whether you live or die, he has a way to make you give everything.

As for those exiled Gazrella believers, it is not that they have nowhere to go. The loyal water mage Veresa announced to them that the holy beast will return to the sea today, and these believers will also return to the endless sea. for home.

Those who are willing to be pirates can become pirates, and those who are not willing to follow Veresa to join the Tidal Cult on the spot.

Bu Laike has sent a message to Kojo, the high priest of the Order of Tides, and Kojo learned that Gazrilla is willing to join the order to become the second saint after the first saint Baku, and the shell of the turtle man must be Laughed off.

He is rushing over to the Tanaris Desert to receive this group of new members himself.

He also presided over Gazrilla's initiation ceremony, and a demigod wanted to join. Although it was very weak, it was enough to invite His Majesty the Tidehunter, who was in a good mood recently, to show up and bless him in person.

Bo Laike, who came back victorious, declined Little Star's suggestion to invite him to Gadgetzan to watch the goblin lottery draw, and rushed back to the Naglfar with Finner.

He has gained a lot this trip, he has gained a lot of new knowledge, and he is about to hurry up and verify it.

And Fenna, who got the troll sword, was also very excited. Hearing from my stinky brother that the next stop is going to the Great Desert of Silithus, there may be a battle to be fought, so I should hurry up and get acquainted with the power of the newly acquired Suzas the Lager .

But this Troll Excalibur is more troublesome than other weapons.

It can't be used for daily practice, because Suthus' blade is covered with ancient voodoo, which can easily cause death or injury if triggered.

Although the Supreme Shield Maiden Heya has repeatedly expressed her contempt for the weak voodoo of trolls, she feels that her pure and powerful body is not afraid of voodoo at all.

But Fenner, who was warned by Bu Laike, was unwilling to let her good friend go to danger.

She went to Pascal, the third officer and quartermaster of the ghost ship, and asked him to make a few training dummies for himself, and practiced swordsmanship in the cabin.

As for Bu Laike.

As soon as the guy came back, he called the first mate Sefiel.

The two hid in the captain's cabin and closed the cabin door, not knowing what they were doing.

This once made Chuanling Nagfar very dissatisfied.

She felt that since her parents had an intimate relationship, she became more and more indifferent to her, and the baby was jealous, but she couldn't ask for an explanation.

Because her studies are far from over.

Khadgar is a very strict instructor. He lectures at a very high level and has high demands on Naglfar, so that the ship spirit has no time to play.

Most of the time every day is spent in the sea of ​​questions.

Moreover, the Hellfire Orb was taken away by Mama Sefiel. Even in her spare time during the course, Miss Nagfar had no other entertainment to do. She could only hide among the murlocs and watch them fight snails with the mechanical gnomes.

But it will get boring if you look at it too much.

It was almost midnight tonight, and I just finished listening to an introduction to the transformation school in the school of magic from Khadgar. It is said that that school can allow spellcasters to intervene in the power of space and time. Other courses are more obscure and complex.

Miss Chuanling's head hurts when she heard it.

Khadgar also seemed to know this, so he generously didn't leave homework tonight, and let Nagfar go to rest early to prepare for the more complicated study tomorrow.

The ship spirit dragged its tired body on the deck.

She was no longer angry with the pirate father.

She finally understood the heaviness brought by knowledge by herself, which made her very tired now, and she didn't even have the strength to get angry.

"quack quack"

When Naglfar felt sorry for himself and sighed, she heard the excited cry of the murlocs.

Then he raised his head and looked forward, and saw the little murloc wearing a suit of warrior armor standing on the figurehead of the ghost ship Gorm, holding a small telescope and looking forward.

It seemed to be very excited, and it let out a croaking exclamation while watching it.

This got Nagfar interested.

The little murloc is a very peculiar murloc, it can hunt for treasure, it can be funny, and it can be funny. Apart from having a murloc body, this little guy is smarter than most people.

Things that can make it feel happy and joyful must not be simple.

The boat spirit suddenly appeared beside the little murloc. She sat cross-legged beside Benbo Erba, looking in the direction the little murloc was looking at. But in the moonless darkness tonight, she could only see a shadow Blocks of desert.

Moreover, there was a rare torrential rain in the Tanaris Great Desert tonight, which made the visibility much lower.

"What are you looking at? So happy."

Chuan Ling turned his head and asked the little murloc, who waved his paws and made a "huge" movement, but felt that he was not clear, so he handed the binoculars in his hand to Chuan Ling, and pointed to the front .

Seeing the joy and anticipation in the little murloc's wide eyes, Chuan Ling muttered softly, took the binoculars and looked forward, then stood up abruptly.

The little murloc's telescope is obviously enhanced by magic, and it can see far and clearly.

As Naglfar watched with a telescope, she saw a huge figure moving towards the sea bit by bit on the extremely wet and solidified sand dunes under the heavy rain in the Tanaris Great Desert.

Although the vision was not particularly clear due to the heavy rain, the ship spirit still saw that the height of the thing was like a hill when it was advancing, and it had three heads!

The most exaggerated thing is that as it advances towards the sea in the rainstorm, there will always be streaks of thunder in the rain.

Those thunderbolts were not intended to attack the giant beast, but wrapped around its body like a return, shaping the thunderbolt's coat.


The boat spirit let out an exclamation, pointed to the front, then turned to look at the little murloc, and said:

"What is that huge thing? It looks so majestic."

"quack quack"

The little murloc shrugged, and bowed and prayed towards the sky again, showing that it knew it was a loa, which it overheard when the idiot Fenner and the shield maidens were drinking and bragging.

He also told Miss Chuanling all the other news he overheard.

But the problem is that the ship spirit is not Laike, and Nagfar has only recently started to learn the murloc language. She can't understand the little murloc's description very well, so she can only guess.

But even if it's just what I heard, it's enough for Miss Nagfar to get excited.

"You said, is that the loa tamed by Dad? Will he move with the fleet in the future?"

An ecstatic smile appeared on Chuan Ling's pretty face.

She raised the binoculars again, carefully admiring the ancient Loagazrilla that was about to reach the coast, and said:

"I have been learning from my father. I want to be a warlock who summons demons, and I also want to be a hunter who tames wild animals. Who said that a ship cannot have its own pet?

I've been looking for the right warbeast for myself.

Little idiot, you are also a hunter, tell me, isn't Gazrilla very suitable to be my beast of war? "


When the little murloc heard Miss Chuanling's words, the whole murloc was dumbfounded.

It was a rare high-level murloc hunter, but just because it was a hunter, it knew that taming wild beasts required skill and emotion.

Even the mighty owner Bu Laike dare not try to tame the loa, how can you have the courage for a little ship spirit?

Gazrella is indeed weak, and even the power of a demigod cannot be preserved, but no matter how weak it is, it is still a real loa, the spirit of the wilderness in the mouth of druids.

If Bu Laike does not come forward, it is not impossible for it to destroy the Nagfar in the sea.

"quack quack"

The little murloc carefully prepared his words, which meant to persuade his eldest lady not to be so "high-minded", and maybe she should study traditions.

For example, find a handsome great white shark or a big crab in the sea to tame it first, accumulate some experience, and wait until you have enough experience, it is not too late to try again.

"You don't have to persuade me, little idiot, I've made up my mind!"

The ship spirit waved her hands, and she stood on the figurehead composed of three heads of Gao Mu with her hips akimbo, looking confidently at the huge waves splashing in the sea under the rain curtain in front of her.

It was the storm that Ghazrella made when he entered the sea.

She looked at the huge water splash extending from the sea under the heavy rain towards the ghost ship, and moved her fingers and said:

"It's coming, I'm going to start taming it, what should I do first? Talk to it?"


The little murloc's eyes widened.

Good guy, isn't it a little too late for you to rush to learn animal taming skills before you decide to tame animals? I will teach you now, can you learn it?

All right, miss, let's stop making trouble, let's withdraw.

In its cry, the little murloc dragged the boat spirit's trouser legs to pull her off the figurehead.

Gazrella is approaching at a high speed. If Miss Chuanling provokes her at this time, she might launch an attack directly. This idiot lady will also be punished again because of her recklessness that ruined the relationship between Bo Laike and Gazrella.

"Hey! Big Loa, come out! I want to tame you."

The ship spirit stood on the figurehead, put his hands to his mouth and called out to the sea in front of him.

The little murloc snapped and covered his eyes with his paws.

It's over.

Did not stop.

There is no skill in this wave of beast taming offensive, it is all emotion

The little murloc seemed to have seen a bad future, did he somehow become an accomplice? If something happens, it will be troublesome, maybe I should pack up and run now?


Amidst the deep whimpering and the sound of the giant beast swallowing water, Gazrella's three snake-like heads parted from the water.

In the background of the slanting rainstorm and the surge of thunder, it slowly lifted up from the sea water, divided into three directions and roared into the sky, and the deep voice shook the entire sea surface undulating endlessly.

The dragon-shaped head bent down again under the intertwined thunder and lightning, and looked at Miss Chuanling standing on the figurehead in front of her from three directions.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

In the tumbling tide, Gazrella's already huge body swelled up again.

Maybe it's "shrunk" because it's dry in the desert all year round, and then returned to the sea and returned to a fully relaxed posture?

In short, even for a special life like Miss Nagfar, the giant beast in front of her stared at her condescendingly, and the posture of the sea water flowing down its scales and bone plates was still captivating.

Especially the six pairs of ruthless eyes watching at the same time made the eldest lady retreat in her heart.

But soon, Nagfar regained his courage.

I am the baby egg of the great pirate Bu Laike Shaw. I am a ship born in the legend of Hell. I am a strange thing that can travel between the material world and the shadow world.

In the future, I will seek revenge on that bad woman Hela!

I want to become a horror legend in the endless sea with my father!

If he couldn't even deal with the big snake in front of him, how could he pursue a greater legend?


Miss Chuan Ling tried her best to straighten her back, letting her long black hair fly around in the wind and rain. She raised her head, stared at Gazrella in front of her, and shouted:

"I want you to be the pet of the legendary pirate ship Naglfar!"


Gazrella's six eyes flashed in astonishment. This was probably the first time in his long time as a loa that he had heard such an impolite, such a bold request.

The little murloc was also afraid to look at the giant beast in the storm. It pulled Ranagfar's trouser leg and croaked a few words in a low voice as a reminder.

Chuan Ling also found that she used the wrong words, so she immediately changed her words and said:

"No, I mean, partner! It's not the kind of pet you understand. I don't mean to humiliate you. I just want a partner who can fight together, be strong together, and travel the world together."

"I, and Bo Laike, agreed."

Of course, Gazrilla was not convinced by Ship Spirit's clumsy explanation.

But it's lived too long.

Because of this, it will not feel angry at this spirit body that has an adult body and mind but is like a child.

It said in its signature three-part voice:

"I will follow this ship and go to Silithus to fight the insects again. This may be the company you hope for."

"No, that's an agreement between you and the captain's father, that's a deal between you."

Nagfar shook her head in the rain, she said:

"It's not the kind of relationship I want, I hear, haven't you been kicked out of your own home? I can open up my boat to you as a new home.

Just like everyone else on board.

They live with me, I protect them, and they protect me.

can you get smaller

You're welcome, let's get on the boat and have a look, my house is quite big, you will definitely like it here, and then you will be my pet. Uh, partner! "

"Heh, heh, heh"

Ghazraela laughed at Nagfar's remarks.

It raised its head and looked at the black ghost ship standing motionless in the storm. It looked at the various decorations on the ship and its dark night-like aura.

After a long silence, the three-headed snake god shook his huge head and said to Nagfar:

"Maybe I'll call it home in the future, but not now, sweet little girl, don't worry."

Little by little, Gazrilla's huge head sank into the sea, and it said:

"I will protect you as much as the little guys on your boat, but that doesn't mean I want to make this home, we need time to get to know each other but I don't hate you."

"Then we've agreed."

Seeing that Gazrilla sank into the sea and was not angry, Nagfar stood on the figurehead and shouted condescendingly:

"After you get to know me, you will become my partner!"

The seawater under the torrential rain was churning, and the low, surging sound seemed to represent Loa's response.

The proud eldest lady turned her head to look at the little murloc, and said:

"Look, I succeeded. I am indeed a genius hunter."

The little murloc rolled his eyes, thinking to himself where are you just now.

But your self-confidence is quite strong, and it does resemble the arrogant attitude of the stinky pirate in his memory when he was weak and arrogant. It is worthy of the fetters of father and daughter.

But share your unfounded self-confidence with me, okay?


This time, there are no skills, it’s all about emotions. The new year is over, readers, like me, clean up your mood and start the new year’s work!

Roll up your sleeves and work hard! Come on in 2022! Awesome!

(end of this chapter)

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