Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1009 105. The Good News Is That We Also Have Sword Girls!

Chapter 1009 105. The good news is that we also have sword girls!

"Your precious daughter is provoking Gazrella. I thought Gazrella would teach her a lesson. Speaking of which, that Loa has a really good temper."

Under the violent storm from the outside world, in the captain's cabin with the cabin door closed, the first mate was busy cleaning up Laike's desk, and at the same time arranged all kinds of magic materials needed by pirates on it.

While swaying, she said to the stinky pirate who was studying the blood spar in front of her:

"A loa was provoked by a little girl to keep it as a pet, but it was not annoyed. The Akunda I saw in the Wharton Desert was not as stupid as it."

"It's not that Gazrilla is good-tempered, it's just that he's too weak."

Bu Laike closed his eyes to feel the knowledge and wisdom in the blood spar, and said calmly:

"If you change to the Gazriel who was at the height of his strength ten thousand years ago, if my baby dares to speak like that, the deck will definitely be washed by the three-headed snake with a lightning storm, and the ship may be overturned in the sea Woolen cloth.

It has only experienced the trough for thousands of years, and has learned to be helpless and tolerant. It knows that this ship has the power to kill it easily, so it chooses to be humble and gentle.

But you are also right.

Gazrilla does not have the bad habits of the loa on Zandalar Island, probably because it has been guarding the Tanaris desert and is relatively simple because it does not contact the outside world? "

"Is there still such a saying?"

Seifel blinked suspiciously, and guessed that the captain was probably joking when he saw that Laike didn't answer any more.

She shrugged her shoulders and didn't bother with this question anymore, she took out a few cans of viscous blood with a pungent smell from the box next to her, and placed it in front of Laike.


"Everything is ready, but you keep secretively not saying what you are going to do? Why do you want to take dragon blood from Onyxia's body again?

Want to cast something again? "

"No, this time it's a strengthening."

Bu Laike opened his eyes, threw the blood spar in his palm, threw it to Sefiel, and said:

"I got this from a friend, and it's very interesting, so I plan to try it out. As for the dragon's blood, that's the material. In Venthyr's culture, blood represents the carrier of power."

"this is."

The chief mate took the blood spar and held it in his hand.

This thing looks cool, but it's actually no different from the Philosopher's Stone used by other spellcasters to store information.

You only need to use mental perception to see the knowledge stored inside, and its restrictions have been unlocked by pirates, and Sefiel can also watch the information in it.

The first scene she saw when she closed her eyes was a tall figure facing her back on the blood-red balcony of a huge palace that was so gorgeous that it didn't look like a real-world building.

The fellow wore black armor with blood-red trim, ornate and sombre spikes, and burgundy gemstones.

He was dotted with a blood-red cloak, leaning against the railing of the balcony, and holding a glass of bright red liquid flamboyantly.

From the back, this guy has long white hair and a hulking posture that is quite majestic. There are two black horns on his forehead, which are somewhat different from devil horns.

Judging by the environment in which he exists and his aura, one can tell that this is a big man.

But the strangest thing was that beside him was a blood-colored giant sword suspended in the air like a living thing without any support.

Its blade is slender and sharp, full of a simple aesthetic feeling, and the shape of bat wings is embellished on the sword frame, and there is a huge pearl embellishment on the tail of the sword.

It was on the balcony with its owner, and under Seifel's gaze, the mysterious big man chatted with his sword from time to time.

It's like talking to a living creature.

Then the screen flashed, and under the horrified gaze of the Chief Mate Dragon, the suspended living blade was killing enemies and beheading generals without any command on the battlefield. Sit in the gorgeous castle and watch the scenery.

Just when she was wondering, the screen turned for the third time. This time, a group of guys with strange clothes and strange appearance were using magic to forge some gorgeous weapons.

As Seifel watched, she could see that the weapons that had been prepared could levitate and kill enemies autonomously. It seems that this kind of self-aware weapon is not a special creation, it should be a kind of "standard equipment" in that strange country.

The next picture is to show in detail every link of making a living blade.

It was even clear enough for Sefiel to see the blood and sin inscriptions on the blades clearly, but the chief mate was not an alchemist, and she was not good at using weapons, so she quickly chose to end watching.

When putting down the blood spar, Sefiel rubbed his eyes, and saw that Bu Laike took Salamaini out of the bag and placed it on the desk in front of him.

Obviously, the pirate intends to use the elven sword to make his own living blade, or soul blade.

The first mate dragon said to his captain:

"Your 'friend' is really generous. He gave you such a special gift when we met for the first time. Taking this thing out to dwarf craftsmen or elf mages will drive them crazy."

"The Living Blade is the proud work of the Venthyrs of Revendreth, and the group of guys who maximize the sense of ritual are very good at making such things.

Not only can it maximize the destructive power of a weapon, but it can also give the weapon a unique connection with the user.

Strong is indeed powerful.

But it's hard to say how valuable this knowledge is. "

Bu Laike picked up the gold-pointing rod used in alchemy, curled his lips and said:

"As you have seen, the Venthyr Punishers each have their own living blade, and this knowledge is not a secret in Revendreth.

That Denathrius the Great was a ruler well versed in the human heart. I told Mal'Ganis that I admired the sword in his hand, so he gave me this knowledge as a gift.

Not only won favor, but also had face.

From this alone, it can be seen that that guy is not easy to deal with. "

Having said that, the pirate glanced at Sefiel, pouted his lips, and motioned for her to come over to help draw the inscription, then stroked the cold sword of Salamani in front of him, and said:

"I don't expect that I can get a bloodthirsty blade as powerful as Remonia in his hands like Emperor Denathius, but the living blade I made by myself must at least show my unique strength. strength.

After personally strengthening Salamani, this weapon can also become a nightmare for my enemies.

It has been longing for wholeness.

This is the first step. "

"I think if it's something about alchemy, you'd better ask Dean Lanyue to help."

Sefiel shook the alchemy solution in his hand, and cautiously said to Bu Laike:

"Salamani is a rare weapon, if you do not study well and break it, I don't think anyone in this world can help you repair it.

It is safer to seek help from a master alchemist for this kind of thing. "

"I want it too."

Bu Laike rubbed his forehead and said helplessly:

"But the most important step of the living blade is to establish a soul connection between the weapon and the user. This process cannot be done by others. I must complete it by myself.

Besides, I have also been quietly learning alchemy. Although I am definitely not as good as Dean Lanyue, I still have to take the first step.

With your help, I can at least try a few more times. "


Hearing this, Seifel suddenly widened his eyes.

She looked at Boo Laike cautiously and said:

"You know?"

"Do you think Naglfar will hide from her father what she knows?"

The smelly pirate glanced at his first mate, reached out and patted her face lightly, and said:

"It's not a shame that you can use time magic on the ghost ship. Why do you keep hiding it from me?"

"I'm afraid of causing you trouble."

Seifel's cheeks were a little red, and she said softly:

"After all, don't you already know that there is a bronze dragon traitor on Nefarian's side? Although the future of this timeline has been messed up, there will still be traces left at a certain point in time.

You are busy with important things now, I just don't want to bring you some more because of me. Ya! "

Before she finished speaking, she felt a heavy blow to her buttocks, and she covered it and jumped out to stare at the stinky pirate. The latter lowered his head as if nothing happened, and began to carve sin inscriptions on Saramani's sword. pattern.

And said:

"Hurry up and help me. I will tell you to turn back the time immediately. I don't know how many times it will take to carve a perfect inscription, but I guess you are destined to be very tired tonight."

"whispering sound."

Sefiel snorted, rubbed his face and walked forward, and whispered again:

"I was so tired that night, didn't I make it through?"


The pirate asked a question, and the first mate Long quickly changed the subject and said:

"It's nothing, let's get started, I'm going to supervise Nagfar's self-study at midnight, that child has been studying very seriously these days, I have to make sure she doesn't waste time.

The ship spirit doesn't need to rest. "

Her positive attitude made the pirate blink, and Laike said suspiciously:

"Tell me honestly, is it a personal grievance that you care so much about Nagfar's punishment study?"

This question made Seifel very dissatisfied.

Chief Mate Long explained seriously:

"What are you talking about? Captain, I'm her Sapphire mother. How can I have personal grudges against my baby? If you don't believe me, look at my eyes, how sincere, how can I speak?"

Bu Laike looked at Seifel's big shining eyes, he nodded and said:

"Well, it seems that there is indeed one. She really messed with you. It's so miserable."

It soon became clear that working while chatting and gossiping was not acceptable. This kind of fishing attitude quickly brought trouble to the pirates. broken.

But in the next second, a khaki-yellow stream of time shrouded the Salamani blade, causing it to go back one second in time.

The pirate shook his head, looked at the engraving knife in his hand, curled his lips, and began to complete the inscription more seriously.

Beside him, Sefiel also watched the process seriously.

Whenever there is a mistake, the time will immediately go back to the second before the mistake. Through such cooperation, after an hour, Laike finally completed the strengthening of the inscription on the double-sided sword of Salameni.

This is just the first step.

But it's basic.

This process was completed perfectly, making the subsequent series of processes much smoother.

When the time was close to midnight, Salamani in front of the pirates had completed all the strengthening steps, and there were many faint golden-red lines on the silver-gray blade.

This did not destroy the cold temperament of this weapon, on the contrary, it also brought it a bit of incomplete beauty unique to unfinished works.

"And then, the last item."

The pirate rubbed his hands together, admiring his masterpiece, took a deep breath, and placed his left hand on his chest, in front of his beating heart.

"Your action always makes me feel that you are going to take out your heart."

The very tired Sefiel whispered beside him:

"I look at the knowledge in the blood spar. The Venthyrs will quench the living blade with anima. They have a special anima forge, but we don't have one here. How can we replace it?"

"That's not quenching.

It is a kind of energy infusion that makes the blade have magical powers, but my Salamani is a powerful magic blade, and it does not need the infusion of power.

What it needs is to complete the connection and resonance of the soul. "

Bu Laike explained:

"Although it is a connection of souls, it sounds dangerous, but considering that the knowledge to strengthen it comes from the shadow world, so I guess, the truth of this emotional description is actually


I will share my anima with it to complete the initial awakening of Soulblade.

It is said that all legendary weapons have their own personalities, and I am already very much looking forward to hearing the first cry of my Salamani in this world.

Perhaps it will address me as master in a tone that pleases me. "

"But it could also jump up and kill you."

Seifel watched the process with her eyes wide open, and she whispered:

"You made seventeen mistakes when strengthening it just now, which is equivalent to you stabbing it with seventeen more knives, rounding it up and cutting it into pieces is no different.

I guess it must hurt, you know what I mean? "

"no, I can not!"

The stinky pirate confidently pulled out a lump of his heart from his heart.

The process was a bit painful, making Bo Laike grin, but he still stubbornly believed that his weapon would be loyal.

Bu Laike placed the anima in his palm on the cold Saramani sword, and his anima was very different from the one he extracted from the troll before.

It's not a single color, although most of them are wrapped in the dazzling purple light, but some of them present a mixture of bright moonlight and deep purple void.

Anima, the pirate explained very clearly to the old man Sakir before that this is the embodiment of personal skills after being promoted. Its appearance is not the manifestation of conventional power, but a reward for superb skills.

Considering that Bu Laike's various skills have basically been honed to the master level, it is not surprising that his heart can show such a purple epic streamer.

The heart energy touched Salamaini's sword and disappeared as if melting into it, and then the sharp sword began to vibrate.

Bu Laike and Seifer took a quick step back, watching the changes in front of them, the chief mate held onto Bu Laike's arm, as if he was really afraid of the sharp sword in front of him and jumped up to hit them.

It turns out that Seifel was overthinking it.


Under Bu Laike's surprised and distressed gaze, the elven sword that "swallowed" the anima bounced off the desk with a whoosh, spinning and hovering in the air as if it had life, and easily cut through the desk and the captain's cabin. Collection cabinet, knock those skulls that Laike has carefully collected to the ground.

It made the surrounding books fly all over the sky, and in the mess, it slowly calmed down, and approached the pirate again under the wrap of the light of the heart energy, hanging in front of him.

Seems to be scrutinizing him.

A few seconds later, a timid voice sounded in the silent captain's cabin:

"Are you... my master? Sorry, I seem to have broken a lot of things."


Seifel's eyes suddenly became strange, she stared at Bu Laike fiercely, as if she was asking:

Why is your sword a lady?

The pirate spread his hands innocently and shrugged, meaning:

The bad news is, I have no idea what it will be Ms.

But the good news is that from now on, I, Laike Xiao, will also be a great pirate with a sword girl!

Yo, stinky pirates, what a face!

(end of this chapter)

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