Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1011 107. I Declare, Fenna Jinjian, You Are Guilty Of Being A Fool!

Chapter 1011 107. I declare, Fenna Jinjian, you are guilty of being a fool!

When Bo Laike found Fenner after midnight, the dumb warrior was still sweating in the bilge.

Fenner holds the troll sword Suzas, and swings the sword towards the carefully crafted training dummy in front of her. She uses the enemy-breaker sword technique, and the voodoo power of the troll sword is mixed with the frequently triggered voodoo power between opening and closing. With Fenner's slender and petite body, it looks extremely impactful.

Behind the idiot sister, there are several training dummies that have been chopped up in a haphazard manner.

From the scars on the dummy made of steel, it can be seen that Fenna has not rested since returning to the ship, and has been training her sword skills here.

This job is pretty boring.

A tired guy like Bu Laike never chooses to practice like this. He prefers the practice mode of real people PK compared to dummies who have no counterattack awareness.

But Fenner is content with frequent swinging the sword thousands of times.

According to her, every day after she decided to give up her career as a spellcaster under great pressure, she spent a lot of time practicing swordsmanship.

If Fenner didn't brag, then she really paid a lot for improving the strength of the warrior profession.

At least paid the sweat.

This thing may not be able to reverse the gap caused by talent, but with the same talent, people who sweat more are obviously more likely to climb to high places.


After Fenna slashed forward three times in a row, the last advanced training dummy made by the three robots Pascal was severed with the sound of metal tearing.

If it had life, it would have celebrated the end of its "suffering" with a wail.

Panting, Fenna put away her sword and picked up a towel to wipe off the sweat on her body.

She was wearing a warrior vest. After exercising, she had short blond hair hanging loose, and the scars on her waist were exposed, which gave her the wild beauty of a warrior.

"I said, didn't you turn berserk? Why did you start practicing the skills of a weapon master again?"

Bu Laike, who was sitting on the cabin steps, threw a bottle of wine, and Fenner took it in her hand without looking back. The bold female warrior bit off the cork and took a few gulps.

The taste is sweet and the wine taste is very light.

Apparently, it was the stinky brother who took care of her pathetic drinking capacity and chose the fruit wine specially for her.

The pirate himself took out a bottle of golden rum and drank a few swigs, when Fenner tossed her hair and replied:

"I chose the path of a violent warrior, but it doesn't mean I have to give up the path of a weapon master. I learned something from the battle with the stinky old man in Hell.

A good fighter should not be limited to fighting styles. Recently, I learned the fighting style of shield fighters with Heya.

Although I am not as powerful as you, and I can cross the three roads of strength to improve myself, but I can't be too far behind you. After all, it will make our great pirate feel that there is such a thing as a weak sister. To the dull face.

Right? "

"well said!"

Bu Laike gave a thumbs up and said in admiration:

"If little Jaina and Tenred have your ambitions, it will be enough for them to do great things. I wanted to ask you to learn swordsmanship, and I will show you a big baby by the way.

But now that you're so tired, go and rest, we'll talk tomorrow. "

"Huh? You want to compete with me?"

Fenna turned her head all of a sudden, drank the fruit wine in her hand with glowing eyes, rubbed her hands together and said:

"Why did you change your temper today? You always ignore me when you take the initiative to find you."

"Isn't there something special about a hard-working fool?"

Bu Laike waved his hand and said in a very unbeatable way:

"It's hard for a genius like me to understand the meaning of hard work, so every time I see your clumsy practice, I wonder what it feels like?

You have worked so hard, you should be very strong, right? "

"You just deserve a beating, don't you?"

Fenner put on a straight face, pulled out the troll sword behind her back, and said:

"I'm going to slash you with this thing! I mean it."

"Then go."

The smelly pirate stood up, waved his hands, and said:

"It can't be used here, I don't want to damage my precious ship. The storm outside has stopped, let's go to the beach, and wait until tomorrow morning to go to Gadgetzan.

I heard Cairne Bloodhoof was there too, and that old bull was going to get slashed by goblins, which is not what I want to see. "

"Are you trying to win him over?"

Fenner carried the troll sword and followed the footsteps of the smelly brother. While walking in the cabin, while asking, Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"It's not win-win, it's cooperation."

"Oh, I want to cheat him, I understand that."

The clever Fenna snapped her fingers and expressed her understanding, which made the pirate very helpless.

Bu Laike turned his head and said:

"This time I didn't cheat him, but really wanted to cooperate.

My fleet also needs a home port on the Kalimdor continent. I originally wanted to set it up in the Tanaris Desert, but I suddenly discovered that this might not be a good place.

I decided to change places.

The Bloodhoof tauren can help us. Although they have no tradition of exploring the sea, they can defend our property on land. This is called a win-win situation. "

"I don't understand these things, you can call me if you need to kill someone."

Fenna shook her hair, and on the deck helped the smelly brother to throw a small boat into the water. This job didn't need her to do it, and Nagfar would be able to finish it quickly.

But Miss Chuan Ling is still studying.

Bu Laike didn't want to give his baby a reason to avoid studying.

Learning knowledge is such a beautiful thing.

He and Fenner jumped off the boat, each holding an oar, as if admiring the scenery, gliding towards the distant coast of the great desert under the calm sea after the storm and the moonlight.

The two were chatting and laughing. When they approached the beach, Bu Laike glanced at Fenner, took out the heart of anger from the bag, threw it to her, and said:

"You'll use this later. I'm afraid you'll lose too badly, and you'll have some hellish psychological shadow."

"Hey, who do you look down on?"

Fenner said angrily:

"I can't beat you, but I'm not to the point of being crushed by you, right? Don't look down on people like this."

"It was indeed before last night."

The pirate sighed, and said with the sadness of Versailles:

"But a friend of mine gave me something very powerful. If I fight with all my strength, you, Fenna, will probably be defeated within ten moves."

"I do not believe!"

Fenner snorted and said:

"Isn't it the void? Others are afraid, but I'm not afraid. Your void magic comes at will!"

"That's what you said."

Bu Laike breathed a sigh of relief at the blood-red seal on his finger, picked up the handkerchief and wiped it, and said in a drawn-out voice:

"Don't cry when you lose in a while."


Fenner didn't answer either.

He just took out Quel Sela and Ashbringer from the bag and put it on his back, and held the troll sword Suzas in his hand. She had already made up her mind, and when Bo Laike dared to use void magic, she would use the Ashbringer to stab him severely.

The Ashbringer is as restrained as a natural enemy to these evil forces!

Hila couldn't escape such restraint.

Merely Laike, huh, huh.

Soon, the boat docked at the coast, and the two walked on the wet sand to the beach under the moonlight. Bu Laike did not bully Fenner with the moonlight enhancement of the watcher.

He wasn't even wearing the Luna armor.

It's still far from a full body posture.

Salamaini kept his sheath around his waist, so he just raised his left hand and hooked his fingers to Fenner, who was twenty steps away, signaling the start of the battle.

Fenner was also polite, and raised Suzas with a wave of her hand to launch an angry charge.

Dumb warriors are not what they used to be.

Proudmoore's bloodline near the sea was activated, and the fury of the sea tide lingered and blew the sea surface and made waves, covering her body with a thick layer of anger armor, and her pair of furious eyes looked very attractive.

Bu Laike asked her to attack with all her strength, but she didn't hold back at all, and her heart of anger was also activated, allowing Fenner to activate all her destructive power at the moment of charging.

It is no exaggeration to say that Grom already has a bit of demeanor.

The charge as if the flames cleared the way came in the blink of an eye. Under Susas' slash with voodoo power, the pirate waved and threw a voided Shadow Fury. Na's super kinetic energy forced her to stop.

"Ha, fooled!"

At the moment of the bombardment of the void power, the stupid warrior's Tyr divine power was activated, completely exempting the void's mental impact.

Suzas in his hand was replaced by a shatter throw and thrown at almost zero distance. The Burning Ashbringer was also held in his hand, and the blade storm was activated in an instant.

The prison of Shadowfury was broken, and the howling Suthus also shattered the shadow apparition left in place by the pirates.

Bu Laike appeared ten steps away, and Fenner slashed at him with Ashbringer's Burning Storm, leaving him with at most one second to react.

But enough is enough.

"The magic just now wasn't just void, stupid Fenner."

Bo Laike chuckled.

In his eyes, Fenna had already been branded with a bright sign of sin, and Venthyr's Warlock Anima Enhancement gave Fenna a near-permanent curse of sin.

This is not the point.

The point is that the appearance of the sin sign means that the pirates can "play around" with the fighters in front of them, and Fenner doesn't know that she has fallen into a trap.

She saw Bu Laike take out the war crossbow and aim at her, which made Fenner angry again.

Who do you look down on?

With such a weak attack?


A magic-breaking arrow popped out of the crossbow arm, and Fenner did not dodge at all. Under the high-speed spinning blade storm, such a weak attack could not hurt at all.


A loud noise interrupted all of Fenner's thoughts.

In the blood-red energy explosion, a sudden burst of pain at the spiritual level, ignoring the protection effect of Tyr's divine power, caused the stupid warrior to lose all his strength in an instant.

She knelt down on the ground with a dull face, her whole body twitching.

She didn't know what knocked her down at all, she was obviously not aware of any danger, and her warrior instinct didn't give her any reminder.

She wasn't even bleeding.

But she failed.

"Who would have thought that a girl warrior so full of vigor would have sins? But I know, it's definitely not because you committed the crime called 'stupid'.

Otherwise, the destructive power should not be so small. "

Bu Laike put down his crossbow, watching the two dissipated blood-red sins erupt on Fenner's body in front of him.

He said helplessly:

"Arrogance and blind obedience. That's you. If another elf were here, just the detonation of this 'sin of arrogance' would be enough to make him unconscious instantly."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Finner thought Boo Laike was taunting her, but it wasn't.

There was still a hint of worry in the pirate's eyes.

Judging from the power of the detonation of the Sin Shot just now, according to the punishment standard of the Venthyrs, a soul like Fenna will definitely have an unpleasant time after death, until she pays off her sin of arrogance and blind obedience .

The good news is that there are not many sins of arrogance.

The bad news is that Efina's crime of blind obedience is huge enough for her to be sent to Revendreth by the arbitrator and spend no less than a hundred years there.

Fenner probably didn't think of herself as arrogant at all, nor did Bo Laike think the dumb warrior was a haughty idiot.

But therein lies the problem.

The standards for judging crimes in the Shadow Realm are different from those of ordinary people, and this standard of conviction was set by the firstborn of the world of the dead. Even Laike couldn't appeal to the arbitrators of the Shadow Realm.

Complete overlord clause, no matter how unhappy you can only endure it.

"What kind of power is that? Is it some kind of strange magic?"

The sharp pain came and went quickly, and it took a few seconds for the stupid soldier to recover some energy. She stood up leaning on her sword, and looked at the smelly brother with an unhappy expression.

This guy can always do some weird things.

"I'll explain it to you later, but then you have to listen to my advice and change your life style."

Bu Laike shrugged and exhorted:

"This is a small wake-up call. I don't want you to be approached by those annoying vampires one day."

"What vampire? Sa Rhine?"

Fenna felt that the stinky brother tonight was very strange, and kept saying things she couldn't understand.

But when she saw that Braike was coming to help her, a mischievous light flashed in Fenner's eyes. When Braike stretched out her hand, she pretended to be powerless to hold it and burst out with strength. superior.

"Don't hurt her!"

Before Fenna, who was riding on the stinky pirate, declared victory, she heard a scolding from her stinky brother. She thought it was meant for her, but it wasn't.

The next moment, amidst the sound of the sharp blades being unsheathed, she was held against her neck by the black and white swords that were raised one after the other.

The deadly coldness made Fenna calm down all of a sudden.

The white sword shining with moonlight in front is okay, it just rests on the neck symbolically, but the black sword behind it is outrageous.

She had already cut Fenner's skin.

If it wasn't for the timely scolding from the pirates, Fenna would have had a third of her neck chopped off. With her legendary warrior's physical fitness, her neck would definitely not be cut off easily.

But that meant more pain for her.

That's it, Hei Jian is not satisfied yet.

Fenna could feel the black sword behind her eagerly wanting to continue cutting into her flesh and blood, but because of Brother Smelly's order not to hurt her.

For ordinary people, they would have been terrified in this situation.

But is Fenna Jinjian an ordinary person?

Regardless of her neck injury, she just looked at the twin swords floating in front of her and behind her with bright eyes. They could kill the enemy independently without anyone holding them.

And so destructive?

Can actually cut through his anger armor?

Fenna lowered her head, on the moonlit beach, she licked her lips, looked at her brother's gentle eyes, raised her left hand, clenched her fist and waved it in front of Bo Laike.

threatened to say:

"This is so cool!"

"Teach me quickly! Otherwise, I will beat you."

(end of this chapter)

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