Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1012 108. Be Careful, Someone Is Greedy For You

Chapter 1012 108. Be careful, someone is greedy for you

"So, after we die, our souls pass through a veil to a world of the dead.

All the life in the whole star will gather there in death, and be assigned to different kingdoms by a strange-sounding guy?

And I will be assigned to a group of vampires who feed on 'sin', just because I am a proud and unwilling to use my brain? "

By the late-night bonfire in Tanaris, Fenna wiped her sword while listening to the story told by her stinky brother.

She had heard many stories from Bo Laike, but never one that had made her frown as tightly as tonight.

she says:

"Are those vampires sick? How could I be a proud person? Although I grew up in the kingdom of elves, I have always been very humble. My mother never let me and those arrogant elves learn their bad habits.

As for not wanting to make your own decisions.

With you by my side, do I still need to use my own brain? You make the decision and I will execute it. Anyway, you won't harm me, so how can this be regarded as blind obedience? "

"I think so."

Laike looked at the dancing flames in front of his eyes, and at the Saramani sisters who were "fencing" on the beach in the distance. Two black and white swords danced under the moonlight, which looked very agile and mysterious.

But this situation can only make the stinky pirate feel very tired.

He put his eyes on the burning bonfire in front of him, took a sip of wine, and said in a melancholy tone:

"Judging by the standards of the elves, you are simply a humble saint, but there is no way. The sin shooting just now and the sin curse on you have proved that you are indeed guilty by the standards of the Shadow Realm."

"So, you made friends with those crazy people?"

Fenna glanced at the gorgeous blood-red seal on the pirate's finger, she hugged her shoulders angrily and said:

"You really should revise your standards for making friends, they are not normal no matter what."

"But they were generous, and you have to admit that."

The pirate laughed, stroked his seal, and said:

"If I were Emperor Denathrius, I would never be so generous to give my beloved to a friend I just met. This kind of generosity is enough for me to serve him wholeheartedly for a period of time.

Now it's not my problem, it's yours, Fenner, my sister.

The curse of sin on you is permanent, it will take effect over time, and every time you commit your corresponding sin, you will feel pain.

You want to avoid making such moves, which will make it invalid little by little.

Be humble.

Usually use your brain more, try not to ask me to make decisions about your life.

When they dissipate, you don't have to worry about the Shadow Realm. Even if you go there, you will be assigned to a good place with an innocent body.

For example, the final sanctuary of the warriors, Maldraxxus, is much more exciting than Odin's Hall of Valor, where all the outstanding warriors, assassins, and hunters in the entire constellation will be gathered there.

Becoming a Necrolord who guards the order of the Shadowlands is the highest reward for being a warrior. "

"I said, haven't you considered it?"

Fenner glared at Bo Laike who didn't care, and said in a worried tone:

"If those vampires hold the power of sin, then with your reputation and behavior style, I can't imagine how you will be treated if you fall into their hands.

Haven't you ever thought that that great emperor is actually trying to squeeze out your last value, and then turn you into his "sinful collection"? "

"He thinks beautifully."

Bu Laike snorted, looked up at the starlight above his head, and said in a leisurely tone:

"For a guy like me, even if I go to the Shadow Realm, I won't fall into a little Revendreth. I will be sent to the Maw Abyss the moment I meet the Arbiter.

I will earn for myself a throne of 'Sinner' in that hell where the most wicked and most irredeemable souls of the stars gather.

In this regard, I have always been accurate in my assessment of myself. "

"You can still laugh!"

Finner yelled:

"If I were you, if I knew that I was destined to go to hell after death, I wouldn't be able to laugh."

"Is it okay if you don't die?"

The pirate snorted, drank his wine, and said:

"You guys always think too complicated about things, don't worry, I'm covered by big bosses, the Shadow Realm won't open the door to me, that world won't tolerate me.

In short, this issue is discussed here.

Don't tell others about my new power, I'm still waiting to give them a surprise, I can teach you the technique of activating the sharp blade. "

Bo Laike wiped his mouth and said:

"But you have to do me a favor first. In a few days, accompany me to do a small experiment. If it succeeds, I can help you make a soul blade.

But choose your weapon ahead of time.

No matter how powerful a person is, he can only have an activated sharp blade. That thing is connected to your heart energy, and it is not a problem that can be solved by the strength of the soul.

Hello! You two, stop fighting!

Come back and rest. "


In the call of the pirates, the Salamaini sisters returned to Bu Laike in the form of streamers, and then merged into two-handed swords, which were automatically worn on the sword belts behind the pirates.

Fenna looked at this scene very hotly, she glanced at the three swords in her hand.

Troll Excalibur was the first to be eliminated.

Although this thing is powerful, she, an elf, would not allow herself to use a troll's sword as a soul blade.

Ashbringer was second out.

After all, it doesn't perfectly match her own power, and only Quel Serra is left, but soon, Fenna's eyes became strange, she thought for a while, and said:

"Quel Sera and Quel Della are sister swords with a mystical connection, and perhaps like Salamani, they can also be considered as one weapon.

you say

Can you."

"I do not know."

Bu Laike spread his hands and said:

"You will only know if you try it yourself. It seems that this work will have to be postponed until after you inherit Quil Della from Sir Thalorian."

"Well, good food is never afraid of being late."

Fenner was big-hearted, and quickly agreed to the extension.

She glanced at the darkening night sky above her head, which was the deep darkness before dawn, stretched out her hand and yawned again, and said to Bo Laike:

"I'll sleep for a while, wake me up when you're going to Gadgetzan, and I warn you, don't take advantage of me while I'm sleeping."


Bu Laike on the opposite side has already picked up the Enlightenment Mark returned by the old man Saqier, and is ready to learn magic.

Seeing the stinky brother's appearance, Fenner knew that he would definitely not have time to "harass" herself. Smelly brother is good at everything, but once you start studying, you must concentrate on it.


Why do I feel a little disappointed in my heart?

Fenner shook her head, putting this strange thought behind her.

He took out the sleeping bag from the bag, and didn't care about Laike taking off his coat beside him, and got into the sleeping bag in his underwear, rubbing the pillow comfortably.

According to her good schedule, she will soon fall asleep lying there.

But tonight, I couldn’t fall asleep because of tossing and turning. After a few minutes, the restless Fenner got her head out of her sleeping bag. She looked at Bu Laike on the opposite side of the campfire, thought for a while, and suddenly whispered:

"I'll tell you a secret, don't tell anyone else."

"If you promised someone to keep it a secret, then you shouldn't just tell it to anyone else."

Bu Laike held the seal of enlightenment, closed his eyes and said without looking back:

"I would rather you not tell me the secret in the first place than that I should not tell others. Confidentiality is a heavy trust and a duty to a friend.

And you are now throwing your responsibility on me.

Fenner, Fenner, you're a little wretch. "

"Stop talking nonsense, do you want to listen?"

Fenner said impatiently:

"It's about you."


Bu Laike opened his eyes and said:

"Secrets related to me? Interesting, it can be hidden by your wisdom. I'm starting to be interested."

"If you turn a corner and say I'm stupid, I won't tell you."

Fenner said angrily:

"My stupidity depends on who I compare myself with!"

"Yes, yes, compared to those real fools, my Fenner is the smartest."

The smelly pirate reached out and poked the bonfire. Amid the crackling and burning sound, he said:

"But compared to the little murloc, you're a bit unattractive, right? Okay, I won't talk about it, okay, go ahead, I'm waiting to hear your secret."

Fenner snorted, closed her eyes and lay down on the pillow, whispering:

"Anyway, don't be frightened.

My good friend Heya has kept me from telling you, but she approached you for a purpose, her... Well, it is said that it is the ancestor, asking her to find a way to complete the reproduction ceremony with you. "


At this moment, the well-informed stinky pirate was stunned by the news.

The Enlightenment Seal in his hand almost fell to the ground, and he looked at Fenner with strange eyes, and said:

"Heya's ancestor is Queen Eddie Hill?"

"Well, yes, that's the name!"

Fenner moved her body, yawned like a cat, and asked in a gossip tone:

"You know her?"

"It's not as simple as knowing her."

Bu Laike sighed, glanced at the sky, and said:

"I helped her before, and I didn't offend that woman. Why did you hurt me so much? With Heyana's size and weight, plus the strength of the Vrykul shield girl, I would have to give my waist to sit down." she sits broken

This is really a horrible torture, there is no beauty at all. "

"Will not."

Fenner hid under the blanket and shook her head, saying:

"The vrykul have magical herbs, and I heard that drinking them will make them smaller and last overnight, which is just enough for them to complete the reproductive ritual.

I tell you, don't tell others.

Each of the thirty shield girls on board this time had at least one pack of herbs in their bags. They weren't just here to fight, they were also here to find their one-night stand husbands.

However, you don't have to worry too much, I have been insinuating Heya's tone these two days.

The supreme shield girl doesn't like you at all. "


The pirate who was shocked just now would suddenly feel dissatisfied, and he said angrily:

"I'm handsome too, okay?

There is a crazy and stupid sister in my family who wants to do bad things to me when she is drunk. Your personality and that crazy sister must be compatible. You should get to know each other. "

"I think you deserve a beating!"

Fenner straightened her face and gave the pirate a fierce look. A few seconds later, she closed her eyes again and said:

"Shield girls like Heya and the others don't have any requirements for a man's appearance, as long as they are not disfigured, they will accept it. You have dealt with them before, and you should know that what they admire is strength.

I heard a few shield girls get drunk and say that their targets this time include Grom and Old Bu Rocks, but I don’t know if they will meet them. "

"That is sure to meet, don't worry!"

Bu Laike immediately became interested when he heard this, whistled, patted his chest and said:

"I didn't intend to let them come, but now that there is such a good thing, I naturally want the beauty of an adult. Don't worry, no one who has won the Supreme Warrior Competition will even try to escape!

Whoever my shield girl sisters like, I will get him here, not only prepare a big bed room, but also give a pack of super powerful love potion, to make them satisfied! "

"What bad things are you talking about!"

The idiot soldier's tone became excited, but he coughed a few more times, and said solemnly:

"It's all fate. What I mean is, don't do it too deliberately. It's not good to be discovered."


Bu Laike snapped his fingers and asked again:

"You haven't said why He Ya doesn't like me? I don't really need the love of a shield girl. Having too many women is troublesome. I just want to know, what else can I improve?"

"Because you are too strong."

Fenner rolled her eyes, and simply got out of the sleeping bag, threw the sleeping bag beside Bu Laike, stretched her waist and got in again, letting herself lean on the flat knee of the stinky brother.

As if feeling reassured, she quickly yawned.

And went on to say:

"The shield girls are not brainless and only like to fight. When the difference in combat power is too large, they will feel discouraged. They are not stupid and will not take the initiative to hit the iron plate.

Heya was originally the Supreme Shield Maiden, with high eyes, but unfortunately, in the battle for the Supreme Warrior, even with the blessing of the rune wizard, she performed worse than me.

She must be feeling uncomfortable. Later, when she saw you talking and laughing with Odin, the King of War, Heya knew that she probably wouldn't be able to defeat you in this life.

If it was another woman, maybe she would follow.

But Heya was not reconciled to being conquered by a man. The education she received since she was a child made her feel that it was a shame, and it would even hinder her from entering the Hall of Valor.

So she decided to look for a new target.

But her ancestors' request was there, and she couldn't just find someone to make do with, anyway, it was very painful. "

"That's it."

Bu Laike stroked his chin thoughtfully, and after ten seconds, he said:

"When the matters of Kalimdor and Pandaria are settled, we will go to the Eastern Continent. At that time, I put Heya down and let her go on a journey alone.

There are still many powerful guys in the Eastern Continent, maybe she can find the man she likes.

But I didn't expect it.

Being too strong is also a sin. "

Having said that, the pirate touched the blood-red seal on his left hand, and was about to exhort Fennado about the curse of sin on her body, when he turned his head and found that the stupid soldier had fallen asleep on his lap.

She was also snoring slightly, and her sleeping appearance was really bad.

Bu Laike glanced at the sky, Li Tian was at most an hour away, Fenna wouldn't be able to sleep for a long time, how about shaking her awake and fighting again?

The vicious stinky pirate really wanted to grab Fenner's pointed ears and shouted "Don't fall asleep hi", but when he saw Fenner's bad sleeping appearance, he suddenly smiled again.

Shaking her head silently, flicking on the bridge of Fenner's nose, she picked up the Enlightenment Seal again, and closed her eyes to browse the knowledge left by Archimonde.

It's a good feeling to be relied upon.

Well, my legs are a little tired.


Ten minutes later, Laike turned his head to silence the little murloc who was yelling on the beach and ran over.

The little idiot immediately covered his mouth knowingly, and covered his eyes by the way. He didn't know what impolite things this little idiot was thinking, but whatever.

A murloc will not run out and talk nonsense.

Let the stupid warrior rest.

When we go to Silithus, we will have no chance to rest.

(end of this chapter)

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