Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1013 109. Dear Friend, Please Take My Money Out Of Your Pocket, Please?

Chapter 1013 109. Dear friend, please take my money out of your pocket, please?

"Ah, I slept really well last night."

At eight o'clock in the morning, the desert has become scorching hot.

Fenna, who was riding between the humps of the chewing white camel, became full of energy again.

While moving her body on the saddle, she followed the sound of the camel's bell and looked towards the desert city Gadgetzan in front of her. Those goblins got up early.

Early in the morning, a group of green leather caravans were preparing to set off from Gadgetzan to deliver goods to Steamwheedle Port.

Goblin merchants on their noisy and distinctive goblin turbo trikes and yawning ogre guards urging their loads, all gearing up to make a fortune today.

But the business world of goblins is brutal.

It is doomed that only a few goblins can make a lot of money as they wish, and other small merchants are just drinking soup in the huge commercial system of the South China Sea trade route.

Money is the source of power for goblins.

Their pursuit of wealth is not weaker than that of warriors' pursuit of power, even worse.

"The goblin lottery we bought last time seems to be drawn this morning. Hurry up, let's go to the city. I don't know how lucky that idiot Little Xingxing is? We bought a hundred tickets in one go."

When approaching the low walls of Gadgetzan's iconic desert town, Fenna in the wind and sand suddenly remembered something, immediately became excited, and urged Bu Laike, who was not in a hurry, to speed up.

When the pirate heard Fenner's words, he immediately snorted.

Still buy goblin lottery tickets?

Still counting on winning?

What are you kidding?

This is not a society ruled by law.

It's so strange that the goblins who got into the eyes of money can win the big prize for strangers like you. In the past, those people still had to show some face, and they can still look forward to the third prize.

But with the money-grubbing style of the goblins, Xiao Xingxing and Fenner jointly bought a hundred goblin lottery tickets, and winning the bottom prize is already pretty good.

Even the little murloc sitting in the camel's saddle croaked and laughed at Fenner's stupidity.

Look, even the murlocs know that the goblin lottery is just for fools.

But the goblins are so shameless, don't they care?

The answer is yes, of course no one cares.

Gadgetzan is not a big city like Booty Bay with other forces involved.

This commercial city in the desert is completely a goblin city monopolized by the Steamwheedle Consortium. As far as Braike knows, the filthy gangsters in Gadgetzan City are rampant, and those vile bosses are thugs supported by the Steamwheedle Consortium. .

The goblin merchants who rule the city have a way of making the complainers disappear into the desert.


The pirate looked at the noisy city in front of him that was constantly spewing dirty black smoke into the sky, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"These guys who are open to money are probably going to be unlucky today."

Bu Laike patted the head of the little murloc in the horse pocket, and said:

"If there is trouble in a while, remember to keep your eyes bright, and get something good to go back. For the sake of your contribution, we will be six or four."


The little murloc's cute big eyes lit up immediately, and he was gearing up immediately.

The Proudmoore siblings entered the city very low-key. The goblin guards guarding the gate didn't even check their identities carefully. They were blinded by the silver coins thrown by Braike, and easily let an extremely dangerous person into their room. city.

But the goblins are not completely defenseless.

There are a lot of vicious ogre guards patrolling this desert city. These guys are hired by the goblins. The little greenskins like this kind of clumsy, capable, and easy-to-fudge thugs to serve them.

Moreover, Bu Laike could easily tell that there should be at least two legendary spellcasters sitting in this city through the magic net flowing under the desert.

There should be another colleague here.

After all, there have never been many scumbags who sold their power for money in the South China Sea, and after the downfall of Ravenholdt, the life of the third-rate assassins in the eastern continent was not easy.

People always have to have food when they live.

Besides, the money the goblins gave for their lives was quite generous.

But as soon as the pirate brothers and sisters entered the city, they heard the noise from the city center, and Laike even keenly heard the yelling of the little star mixed with the noise, which was extra conspicuous.


Bu Laike winked at Fenner, the stupid warrior immediately understood, followed the pirates and rushed towards the chaotic place.

Sure enough, it was the idiot Little Xingxing who clashed with the goblins, surrounded by a group of onlookers, but no one dared to get close to the pretty and elegantly dressed Little Xingxing Princess.

Not only because Little Xingxing stood next to a female elf knight wearing blue armor, who was not easy to mess with at first sight, but also a tall tauren with a totem and a halberd on his back.

Good guy!

Why is Kane here?

This simple and honest old cow is also a victim of goblin lottery?

You have learned badly, Kane!

You've never been interested in such heresy before.

"Why don't you change it for me?"

Little Xingxing ferociously slapped a few goblin lottery tickets on the table at the exchange place. With her hips on her hips, she screamed at the sweaty goblin employee in formal attire:

"One special prize, one first prize, and three second prizes. I'll exchange them for me right now! Don't make any excuses! I still have more than a dozen third prizes that I haven't counted with you."

As soon as Xiao Xingxing said this, the surrounding crowd suddenly went into an uproar.

Lucky for the blue-haired chick!

Some people think so.

Someone else was whispering the funny idea, and Bo Laike, who was hiding in the crowd, shrugged and showed a helpless expression.

He can be sure that Little Xingxing has "cheated".

No matter how lucky a person is, it is impossible to win so many prizes at once.

This wave of truth is not the fault of the goblins, it is the Blue Dragon Princess who is a bit bullying.

But Xiao Xingxing's method is too rough, what's the difference between this and Ming Qiang?

Fenner next to her was also a little embarrassed.

Indeed, when she and Xiao Xingxing bought goblin lottery tickets together, Xiao Xingxing said that some "technical" methods should be used. At that time, she thought that little star had some mysterious magic to change luck.

I didn't expect it to be so simple and rude, and she can do it for her. Uh, no, she can't do it yet, she can't see through the magic seal on those lottery tickets.

The goblin lottery draw is somewhat similar to scratch-offs.

However, in the magic world, the winning patterns are all sealed with magic, and high-level mages can't see through the magic effect set by this special person.

But playing this in front of a blue dragon is purely self-made.

"Ma'am, it's not that we don't honor the prize."

It was also the first time for the goblin employee to meet such an opponent who "didn't talk about martial arts". Seeing more and more people gathered around him, he was also a little dumbfounded.

The goblin employees who have always been eloquent stuttered a little.

As a native of Gadgetzan, he is well aware of how many people the goblin lottery has cheated by relying on internal operations over the years, and how bad its reputation is. The locals hate this thing deeply.

If this incident happens today, if it is not handled well, it will be a riot in an instant.

And as the unlucky guy who caused the riot, he will definitely be dispatched by the trade prince to some dilapidated island in the South China Sea to spend the rest of his life.

It doesn't matter whether you die or not, what matters is that you won't be able to make money in the future.

For the goblins, it was more uncomfortable than death.

Standing on the table, he stammered and explained:

"This is a small technical adjustment! That's right, everyone, don't worry, the prize will be redeemed today. We are inviting the legendary mage who is in charge of issuing goblin lottery tickets to verify the prize tickets!

This is a normal process, and the locals know it, and we have the best reputation.

Everyone understands. "

As soon as he finished speaking, boos came from around him.

Fortunately, the goblin has a thick skin and doesn't care about it.

He would be complaining in his heart about what the leader of the local filthy party did!

Obviously, it has been done many times before, and everyone has a mature business model. After the lottery, the money of the dirty hands will be returned in full, and the money of the fools will be divided into 70%.

This business has been in business for so many years, why did something go wrong today?

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

While waiting more and more anxiously, a group of burly men suddenly rushed over, all of them were dressed in tattered suits, and their races were very mixed.

There are orcs, there are ogres, and there are goblin punks, a group of Sandfury troll thugs.

The leader was a rare two-headed ogre, and he pretended to put a wide-brimmed hat on the two heads. He rushed over aggressively, causing the crowd to hide for a while, and also made the embarrassing goblin employees shine.

Good thing the dirty hands come fast, just get the blue-haired chick out of here

Wait, this chick is pretty, and she's an elf, so she'll be tied up and sold to the Zandalari troll nobles, and she'll definitely fetch a good price!

The goblin employee had another twisted idea in his mind.

But before his delusional fantasies were over, the filthy gangsters rushing over there fell to the ground one after another, screaming in pain, making the surrounding people dumbfounded.

A slender elf warrior, holding a black epee to block from the crowd, will come and chop one by one, no matter what race you are, no matter what strength you have, you will be merciless.

Even the strongest two-headed ogre was cut down with a single sword.

"You bastards! Didn't you see you hit my brother?"

Fenner yelled while cutting people:

"My younger brother is sick. Look, he's vomiting blood! Bastard, lose money! If you don't get a hundred thousand gold coins today, no one is allowed to leave!"

At Fenner's feet, Bo Laike was curled up on the ground in pain.

The stinky pirate moaned and vomited blood, looking miserable.

Fenner possessed a playful spirit, cut down the last ogre, knelt down on the ground, hugged her younger brother and called his name affectionately.

It seemed as if Bo Laike was going to die in the next moment, and the troll thugs in the dirty hand party were scared out of their wits one by one.

Uh, they won't be frightened by blood after eating this bowl of rice.

What they were afraid of was the great black sword in Fenner's hand.

"Flogger! That's Suzas!"

A bleak voice shouted:

"Excalibur has reappeared! Loa, why is it being held by an elf! Sandfury is about to end, run, the end of Sandfury is coming.

The gods have sent disaster, and we are doomed. "

This group of Sandfury thugs scattered with shouts, leaving only a group of local bosses lying in a pool of blood. The headed two-headed ogre was beheaded by Fenner's sword, but his tenacious vitality still remained. Did not die immediately.

Fenner stepped on him with a sword and yelled at him to lose money.

The ogres wailed in pain, knowing that they had kicked a piece of iron plate forged from Titan Iron today. In the past, they were the only ones who bullied others, but today they got their retribution.

He could only howl for his subordinates who could still move to withdraw the money.

100,000 gold coins, not a cent less, otherwise the dirty hand party that has dominated Gadgetzan for several years will be wiped out today.

The goblin employees who watched this scene broke out in cold sweat, which made Little Xingxing even more proud.

If she had a tail, this would have definitely wagged out afterimages.

"Exchange or not?"

Little Xingxing patted the table again, and shouted arrogantly.

The goblin looked back, and saw the legendary dwarf mage hired by the Steamwheedle Consortium at a high price was hiding aside with a strange turban, gesturing vigorously at him.

The goblin employee panicked. Is this an enemy that even the famous Lord Millhouse Manastorm can't deal with?

He groaned inwardly.


Today is doomed to lose money, and last year was for nothing.

The goblin employee sighed, suddenly lost all his strength, and slumped on the chair. He wiped the sweat from his face weakly, put away a few coupons from Little Star, and said:

"The gold coins will be brought to you soon."

"Wait, there's another one."

Bu Laike, who was vomiting blood just now, wiped the corner of his mouth with a handkerchief, walked gracefully to the old cow wagging its tail, and picked up the lottery ticket in Kane's hand.

Without looking at it, he slapped it on the table and handed it to the goblin employee, saying:

"Hey, look at how lucky we are, another special prize."

"No, I didn't win the lottery."

The simple and honest old cow flicked his tail in embarrassment and said something in a low voice.

Bu Laike said without looking back:

"No, you won, it's the grand prize, it's just that you got it wrong."

He stared at the goblin employee in front of him and asked:

"Are you right, professional?"

The goblin employee swallowed.

He clearly recognized who the man in front of him was, and looked back with a stiff neck. The dwarf legendary mage who was gesturing to him just now had disappeared.

The poor little green skin looked down at the ticket in his hand which obviously didn't win the lottery, and then looked at the "kind and amiable" eyes of Bu Laike, and he wailed again in his heart.


Encountering this evil star, I have done nothing for most of this year.

Soon, a goblin tricycle delivered several large boxes of gold coins.

The winning amount of the goblin lottery is very average, even the special prize is not much. But this kind of joy of reaping something for nothing still filled Laike's face with joy, especially since Fenner also received "compensation".

"Thirty to seven points."

Bo Laike counted the boxes and turned to Kane to say something.

The old cow was so happy at this moment, he looked at the yellow and orange gold coins, and said very politely:

"No problem, 70% will be delivered to the ship in a while."


The stinky pirate took another look at Little Xingxing, whose eyes were curled up, and said:

"Six or four points for you."

"Give me six points!"

Little Xingxing stretched out his hand in front of the box like a hen protecting its cubs, and said something fiercely. The pirate was about to refute, but he saw Little Xingxing approached him, kissed him hard on the cheek, and said with a blushing face:

"This is your compensation, isn't it enough?"


Bu Laike really wants to say that your kiss is worth tens of thousands of gold coins?

But looking at the little Xingxing who had started to grind his teeth, he didn't say those words in the end.

And just when the pirates were about to leave with the money, a goblin dressed as a servant suddenly ran over and whispered to Bo Laike:

"Your Excellency 'Sea Wolf', the trade prince invites you to be a guest. We have important news to convey to you. The money is our sincerity."


The pirate instantly put on a straight face and said:

"Obviously I earned all this money by my ability! What do you mean by your kindness? Do you not need to pay for carriages and horses when you invite someone with status to visit you? Is your prince so ignorant of the rules?"

The goblin servant was taken aback by Bo Laike's brazenness.

He even froze for a few seconds before reacting, and while he said in his heart that he had learned it, he explained more respectfully:

"This matter is related to the Bloodsail Pirates, and it is really urgent."

"Well, that's it."

Rubbing his chin, Bo Laike said:

"Then tell me earlier, lead the way. Also, do you have an alchemist named Marlin Nosenfogg here?"

(end of this chapter)

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