Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1015 111. Ah, It's Back To The Pleasant Old Time Of Fighting Monsters And Upgrading

Chapter 1015 111. Ah, It's Back to the Pleasant Old Time of Fighting Monsters and Upgrading

"It's done, the Steamwheedle Consortium is willing to provide a batch of old weapons and armor to your people for free, and they will also undertake all the supplies of the Bloodhoof Clan in the Centaur War.

My old cow, you don't need to grovel to those druids for help anymore. "

When Bu Laike returned to the Nagfar, the ghost ship immediately set sail. It dived into the deep sea and galloped towards the southern bay of the Great Desert, almost taking off at the bottom of the sea.

On the deck, while moving his shoulders, Bu Laike said to the old bull beside him amidst the roars of the assembled shield maidens:

"My men have already received warriors from the Warsong Clan and are on their way to Kalimdor, and the Gaoling Clan has also prepared the Holy Hammer to expel the Earth Princess.

After fighting that damned war, you're free to go to Moonglade and ask the Lord of the Forest for justice. "

"Thank you for everything you do for Bloodhoof, Bo Laike."

The old cow flicked his tail sincerely and said:

"I really don't know how to repay your generous help."

"Uh, as long as you don't look at me like that when you look at me in the future."

The stinky pirate made a joke, which made Lao Niu laugh too.

Indeed, there was a time when Kane thought Boo Laike was the worst kind of guy, all the malice and cunning in the world.

But people change.

Especially when a person does things with a strong purpose, he is easily infected by some things.

Stances are always based on something under your ass. Now Kane still thinks that Bo Laike is a villain, but this villain belongs to him, so this kind of evil is not unacceptable.

"I have something to tell you."

Bo Laike shook the almost bottomed flagon in his hand, and said to Cairne Bloodhoof:

"The goblins hope that the tauren will migrate to the east coast of the Barrens after finishing beating the centaurs, establish a city and a neutral port on the red soil peninsula, and open up commercial connections between the north and south-central of Kalimdor. The influence of the Golden Sea Route extends to the interior of this continent.

The vitality of that place in Desolation was too much drawn by the Earth Princess.

It couldn't be brought back to life for at least thirty years, and that's when the druids tried their best to save it.

Without the threat of the centaur, the Bloodhoof clan can completely keep some people there to guard the ancestral land. Your old, weak, women and children are all on the golden plain of Mulgore.

But the area of ​​the plain is too small, even for the sparsely populated Bloodhoof clan, there is not enough to supply your entire clan, you must find another place to build a city.

The red soil peninsula is very suitable. "

"It does fit right there."

Cairne Bloodhoof thought for a moment, then said:

"Our ancestors have been there when they traveled across the continent of Kalimdor. It is a combination of swamp and wasteland. The products are not rich, and the only advantage is that it is close to the sea.

It would be great if a port was built there.

But we tauren are not good at sailing, let alone doing business. "

"I didn't let you do business. My small business can't stand the trouble of you honest people."

Bu Laike patted Kane on the shoulder and said:

"You are only responsible for building the city and defending it. I have professional subordinates who will personally sit there. After the port is completed, 10% of the annual profits will be shared with you.

According to my estimate, as long as the money is saved for ten years, it will be enough for the whole bloodhoof clan to live leisurely on endless sweet potatoes for several lifetimes.

Your number is really too small, and it is too easy to feed.

If you think that fighting will kill people, invite Grom's Warsong clan to go there with you. Dellano world also has oceans, and orcs can also sail.

They were just so busy destroying that they forgot about this skill.

But if you adopt my suggestion, you will face the attacks of wild boars and pirates who are flooding in the barren land. From your thinking, it is difficult to understand what it means to have a neutral port in that place.

But the influence of the tauren will spread to the whole world through that port that must prosper.

And in the future, when my goal of completely connecting the North Sea and South China Sea routes to create a commercial route around Azeroth is achieved, all civilizations in the entire world will be completely connected through such a route.

No one will remain isolated.

All will realize that they belong to the same world."

Bu Laike smiled contentedly and said:

"Everyone will be shrouded in the same shadow and live in the same fear. Dai Lin's dream of conquering the sea is nothing more than that. The sea is just my tool.

and what i want to conquer

It's the whole world! "

The bold words that had never been uttered made the eyes of the old cow next to him widen. After a few seconds, Kane stared at his bull's eyes, and said humbly:

"I couldn't understand it, but I was shocked."

"I didn't tell you that either."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said:

"I'm talking to this sea, I hope it won't teach me because I use it as a tool. Well, the Cape of the Sunset is just around the corner, and it will arrive in thirty minutes at most.

If you really want to thank me, go back and talk to your think tank Hamuul about my thoughts, that smart brown cow should be able to understand my thoughts.

Also, don't be lenient when fighting the Bloodsail pirates, we have few people, and I don't want those scourges to escape. "

The smelly pirate stroked Salameni on his waist, and said:

"The worst bastard in this world deserves a second chance, and I'm not such a cold-blooded guy, but only those guys who have anything to do with the Old Gods.

They are dead today.

This is my tribute to Lady Elune.

Only then will she know that her attention to me is not a waste of time. "

Cairne Bloodhoof nodded.

There was also a cold killing intent in the old cow's eyes, not because he was tamed by Bu Laike, but because he had also heard stories about the Old Gods from other people.

He hadn't faced that evil head on.

But he believes that something that can be hated by everyone is definitely not a good thing, eh, except for Bo Laike Shaw.

The pirates didn't know the slander in Lao Niu's heart.

He turned his head on the deck, looked at the five little orcs who were still wearing bandages, and seeing their five excited faces, Laike shook his head for a while.

But soon, the pirate saw his long-lost ship doctor.

He stepped forward quickly, and said to his black-robed ship doctor who had become more silent and low-key recently:

"Where did you go? I thought I lost you somewhere."

"Isn't this a normal thing?"

Ms. Natalie showed a royal sister's smile under the black hood that covered half of her face. She covered her mouth and said with a light smile:

"A handsome young man has found his spiritual home and gained two beautiful and hot lovers. How can he remember an old woman like me?"

"Don't be kidding me."

Bu Laike said solemnly:

"If you are fifteen years younger, believe me, I will chain you on the first day you board the ship, so that you will not escape the dark cage of the evil pirate as you wish.

You know, what a wicked person like me likes to defile holiness. "

"Well, it seems that I have to write to my young and beautiful nuns who are full of redemption ideas, warning them that the evil pirates have made them the targets of violence.

Especially a beautiful and simple girl like Partress, I think she must be very suitable for your taste. "

Natalie laughed, and seemed to feel that her posture was not in line with the stability that a priest should have, so she coughed a few times and explained in a more solemn voice:

"I've been researching the Holy Eye and the Eye of Shadow during this time, and thanks to the little star, I may have to finish making the Holy Wand of Blessing in the near future.

You might be able to give me a suggestion.

Also, Xal'atath is in a bad situation, you don't need to tell me, I feel it, she has never been so weak, even close to death to the void

You can choose to release her and return to her hometown to enjoy eternal peace.

Or, you can choose to save her. "

"She almost drove me crazy!"

Bu Laike said in a bitter tone:

"Do you think that I will let her go so mercifully? She can't think about it! Her trial is not over yet, and I am her prison officer! I said she must stay and suffer, so she can't run away."

"You want to save her?"

There was a hint of surprise in Natalie's tone, and then asked suspiciously:

"Is Xalatas's life so good? A night of warmth is enough to make you abandon your reason?"

"I think you need to be brainwashed by the Holy Light now, my filthy ship doctor!"

The smelly pirate pouted and said:

"Or, can I find a mature and stable partner for you? I think my friend Dathrohan is good. When he comes back from Dellano, do you want me to help?

The paladins didn't even say that marriage is not allowed.

You are such a filthy old woman, you should let the upright old man who has been single for many years purify you with the hot and passionate sword of holy light. "

"My God! How dare you utter such vulgar words in front of a clergyman?"

The lady doctor was shocked.

She waved her Perfect Healing Staff to hit Bu Laike, but was dodged several times by the pirates, and jumped to the rudder wheel of the poop again.

The commanders of Seifel, Little Xingxing and Fenner are all in place, and all of them have a look of fighting spirit on their faces.

Like Laike, they both have a bloody hatred for the Void.

Even Khadgar was ready for battle as a guest. As a member of the Council of Tirisfal, no one knew better than Khadgar the dire consequences of allowing the minions of the void to spread across the world.

The old mage has made up his mind to kill today, and also to prevent the bloodsail pirates from spreading their filthy beliefs, especially the fallen sea sages around them, they must all die!

And the watcher Sera Moonguard, who hated the void, couldn't be absent from such a battlefield.

"Dad, I want to fight with Gazrilla!"

Because of the battle, Nagfar's teaching class was also temporarily suspended.

Miss Chuan Ling came out swaggeringly with her three dog legs, and she even equipped herself with a ritual command sword, trying to disguise herself as a warrior.

She waved to Bo Laike and shouted:

"I just need to throw out the Eye of Invention! Then use the Flesh Purification Cannon to kill them all!"

"Don't make trouble."

Bu Laike patted his good daughter on the head, gently took out a test paper from the bag, stuffed it into the hands of the bewildered Chuan Ling, and said earnestly:

"This thing is not for their servants of the void, this thing will be reserved for Silithus, boy, go do your homework, and when you finish writing this set of big questions, the battle will almost be over.

Rather than worrying about those servants of the void, I think you should be more worried about today's temporary test.

If the score is less than 85 points.

Daddy will be very disappointed in you, cub. "

Nagfar looked up blankly at Mama Sefiel, who gave her a gentle smile and said:

"Don't be afraid, Mom will stay with you until you finish writing the last word. I won't go anywhere. My baby is the most important thing."

"You! You are all bad guys!"

Nagfar was extremely wronged, her big eyes were full of tears, she grabbed the paper and wiped her tears, and rushed back into the cabin whimpering.

If you don’t write, you can’t do it, what else can you do if you don’t write?

Throw Boo Laike and Sefiel out permanently?

She doesn't have that authority!

In the ghost ship's tantrum-like rapid ups and downs, Bu Laike grabbed the rudder wheel at hand, flicked it lightly, and spun it a few times to fine-tune the direction.

At the moment when the angry ghost ship viciously smashed into the hull of the departing Bloodsail pirate ship above with its underwater ram, Bu Laike turned around and kissed Sefiel's forehead amidst the violent vibration.

He said:

"Take care of her."

"Well, take it easy."

The first mate dragon took the steering wheel from the pirate's hand with a gentle face, and changed direction very gracefully.

Let the ghost ship break out of the sea against the smaller pirate ship, and tear the poor ship with a terrible hole in the center.

The sudden appearance of the Nagfal instantly caused chaos in the noisy Sunset Cape.

There are six Bloodsail pirate ships moored here, and one ship is temporarily stranded on the coast for repairs, but none of them can escape today.

Under the personal control of the old man Sakir, the tide stone triggered a legendary tide, which completely disturbed the sea water around Sunset Cape, just like sealing the last gate of the cage of trapped beasts.

Now all that remains are Commander Brad Laike's enhanced marines, and the Bloodsail remnants who survived the Battle of Westfall.

Fate had favored them escaping the devastation of a Proudmoore.

But today, in the face of the maliciousness of Proudmoore attacking again, fate can no longer disobey the death prophecy issued by the dark prophet.

"Hey, Bloodsail bastards!"

Bu Laike flew into the sky with the beating of the blue wings, waved his hand lightly, and the swords of the Salameni sisters flew towards the chaotic crowd below in the bloodthirsty roar of Eremeni, plowing out two streams of blood in an instant **gully.

The voice of the stinky pirate echoed in the sea breeze at Cape Sunset, full of irony and malice of fate.

"You may not know me, it doesn't matter, you threatened to completely destroy my little power and make me kneel under the fear of Blood Sail.

I'm here today to teach you a lesson.

Is no one listening?

You are really rude. "

The stinky pirate stopped, shrugged his shoulders, and raised his hands to create a normal version of the Shadow Cataclysm spell. Amid the surge of the tide and the high-spirited battle of the shield maidens, he said:

"Don't talk big! Don't claim things that you can't do! Good boys, if you mess with a big villain like me, the consequences will be very serious.

It's just like.

so! "

The gust of magic power blows, and the catastrophe magic power composed entirely of shadow magic power is thrown to the ground by Bu Laike.

Amidst the roar, the pirate ship that was being repaired on the beach was instantly engulfed by the shadow jagged mouth. This shocking scene did not cause more chaos, and the chaos here was already extreme.

"Well, no one is really listening, pirates are a bunch of bad guys with bad manners."

Bu Laike shrugged helplessly, blew a sharp whistle, called his precious egg Falcon, stroked the feathers on her head, and said in her ear:

"Go find Jesse Farrewell, a little red-haired little pirate. I'm going to have a chat with her about what she did with her father in the South Seas.

Not as great pirate Bo Laike Shaw.

Instead, as Drake Proudmoore.

After all, I, the pirate prince, have to make some contributions to my hometown. "


I recommend my brother's new book "My Wife is Huanlong".

This is a different kind of novel about cultivating immortals in the city.

What do you think about cultivating immortals: avoiding the outside world, meditating and practicing Qi, flying into the sky and escaping from the earth, and living forever?

The real way of cultivating immortals is: traveling around the world, cleaning up the filth, not seeking to be alone and transcendent, but hoping that the world will be clear.

The link is below, it seems that pushing this book on Valentine's Day seems a bit malicious, hahahaha, in short, happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! Recommended book link below

(end of this chapter)

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