Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1016 112. Drake's Love Debt Visit?

Chapter 1016 112. Drake's love debt visit?

The chaos in Sunset Cape came without warning.

The Nagfar's advantage in sneaking and raiding is simply perfect. It is like a predator on the bottom of the sea, quietly approaching the target before carrying out deadly prey.

The sea water of the Tidal Stone blocks the surface of the sea. Even if there are characters like the Corrupted Haixian in the bay, it is difficult to react in a short time. It is not possible for a few Haixians alone to break a legendary tide. .


Before the raid took place, the sea sages here did not respond to their calls to the power of the Corruptor.

They seem to have really been abandoned!

"Rush, kill!"

The bloodthirsty Shieldmaids have just fought a great battle in Zul'Farrak, but their belligerence has not been satisfied at all, and they will land from the coast to the cape still like wolves and tigers.

When I rushed to the beach and saw the bloodsail pirates fleeing in chaos, a row of throwing axes and javelins flew out, creating a carnage in an instant.

But the pirates are too messy.

Even if the captain is trying to command, it is difficult for them to fight back quickly. Such chaotic opponents make the shield maidens feel like they are hunting after chaotic herds.

Not challenging at all.

The Supreme Shield Maiden didn't even bother to show up.

She led a few dragoons and rode a storm dragon across the battlefield, and let her ride spew storm thunder downwards, igniting the wooden houses on the cape, causing even greater chaos.

She figured it out.

These pirates are a mob.

There is no honor to challenge such opponents, and bullying them will dirty your weapons. This also represents the thinking of most shield girls, so soon, the belligerent shield girls also became less interested.

They fight but don't kill. Facing unchallenging opponents, the shield maidens change from offense to defense.

Or called blocking hunting.

They quickly occupied the cave exit off the cape, and any pirates who tried to escape would be hit head-on.

As for the task of slaughtering these cultist pirates, it was handed over to the large number of sea wraiths on the Naglfar. These ghost sailors living on the Naglfar are considered equal opponents to the Bloodsail Pirates.

It's actually quite interesting to see them both fighting desperately and pecking at each other.

However, Cape Sunset is a good natural harbor after all. In addition to the sea surface and the cave that enters and exits this semi-enclosed bay, there is also an exit to escape from this place on the beach on the other side.

Seeing that the shield maidens captured the cave, the cunning pirates began to move to the other side.

But there is still only despair waiting for them there.

"Don't say in private that I use you as cannon fodder, the era of cannon fodder is over"

On the other side of the beach, Bo Laike was smoking a pipe, pushed his black pirate hat, and said to the contract demons summoned in front of him:

"I also know that you are very tired playing games with my baby during this time, so today is a reward for you.

right here! "

The smelly pirate stretched out his hand and swiped across the entire beach. He said:

"This place belongs to you today, and all the souls you have hunted belong to you. My old man told me yesterday that the healthy growth of demons still needs fresh flesh and blood.

Huh, it makes me sick to say it.

But if this is a must, then pick the 'ingredients' yourself. "

Bu Laike turned around, exhaled a smoke ring, waved his hand and said:

"If you regard the flesh and blood of these heretics as delicious, then don't waste it, clean up after eating, I will use this place in the future.

Don't make it too disgusting. "

"Roar! Long live the mighty and generous master!"

Sharp Clin Fran got permission to slaughter.

This huge armored and ferocious angry guard raised his demonic sword and shook his barbed tail. It stared at the pirates who had already rushed in front of it, and the disgusting saliva began to drip from the corner of its mouth.

After following the stinky pirates for so long, it's finally time to "open up".

"Hahaha, my little ghosts will be full today!"

The cunning fel imp Daglop rode on the back of his elite demon dog, waving the "mace" made of demon bone in his hand like an imp commander.

While laughing cruelly, it yelled to summon more brats to come and "have fun" together, woo hoo, it's going to burn through everyone's knees today!

One hundred must be burned!

And the big-eyed Glazer hanging above the heads of the two demons is more "gentleman". It turned its seven eyeballs, looked at the panic-stricken lives in front of it, and said in a deep tone of a demon scholar:

"Their flesh is yours, their brains are mine, and I long to see more"

"I came from the void"

Finally, there is the simple and honest blue fat man, that is, Zuramat the Obliterator, the magic guard of Bu Laike.

This ethereal lord with strong defense but not good at talking doesn't have much desire for flesh and blood.

After all, it said it itself, it came from the Void, not the Twisting Nether, it was just regarded as a demon, but it actually belonged to the dark elemental creature.

But it also has its own desires.

Originated from the common desire of all blue fat people.

There was a deep longing for pain and inflicting pain in those dark red eyes, which was their characteristic of darkness.

Bu Laike's four-headed demons really can't keep up with his power growth, but from the perspective of a warlock, pirates actually "raise" their demons well.

Each of them has rare elite templates.

If the stinky pirates are more careful, maybe there will be a leader template in the future. For the immortal demon, it is equivalent to holding the key to the powerful.

But it's a pity that the stinky pirate has too many power choices now, and he doesn't have so much energy for raising demons.

"Maybe I should find a warlock to help me raise demons? Just find something for the trio to do."

The pirate turned his back to the beach where the massacre had started behind him. He was smoking a pipe, looking at the endless sea and sky scenery in front of him, and those ugly screams and insults were automatically filtered out of his ears.

Let the world in front of him remain beautiful and peaceful.

He could feel that the Saramani sisters were shuttling back and forth on the Cape battlefield to reap life. Sharator was better, every time he defeated the enemy with one blow, never delaying.

But the bad-tempered Black Sword Eremeni is much worse.

That sword girl is simply a sadist, she has found a fun opponent, and she won't stop until she pokes a dozen bloody holes out of the opponent.

While torturing her opponent, she was still screaming some very second-hand slogans with the sound of her sword, such as "blood makes me excited" and other bastard words.

An out-and-out middle school girl.

This kind of killing is necessary. For living sharp blades, their birth is just the beginning, and they have to "feed" themselves through continuous fighting.

Those harvested anima strengthen living blades, making them deadlier, sharper, and wiser.

For example, the bloodthirsty sharp blade Remonia in the hands of Emperor Denathius also grew to such a powerful state after experiencing countless battles in the past countless times.

Compared with her, the current Saramani sisters are like the babies in front of titan.


When the stinky pirate was thinking about life, he suddenly felt the rhythm of the nearby shadows, which made the pirate turn his head and look at the shadows under a sandy beach hill.

When Bo Laike looked over, the female pirate Jesse Farrewell, who was hiding in the shadows, felt chills all over her body for a moment.

She is trying to escape through these shadows.

She knew things were in trouble when the bastards of the undead fleet entered Cape Sunset, and the third captain of the Bloodsail pirates wasted no time trying to fight back.

She packed the treasure in the cape and slipped here while taking advantage of the chaos.

From escaping from this coast that is destined to be stained red with blood today, the only thing left is the beach in front of him. As long as he crosses over, he can escape from this beach shrouded in death.

As a woman who grew up with her father on a boat, she had already prepared a boat in a hidden cape outside the bay in advance.

That was survival wisdom she had learned from her father.

But now, she felt that things were troublesome.

Although there was only one person in front of her, in Jessie's perception, this guy was like a wall blocking the exit of the beach, and it was almost impossible for her to climb over.

Boo Laike Shaw!

No, no, it should be Drake Proudmoore!

Jessie, the female pirate in the shadows, clenched her pirate sword embellished with skulls. She looked at the face of the man in front of her, especially his eyes that were no longer covered.

She knows this man.

They are about the same age.

His father started to manage the family business for the Proudmoore family when he was young, and was favored by Dailin all the way to the highest position that Kul Tiras sea merchants could reach.

For a long time in the past, the Farrewell family had the right to speak in the upper and lower classes of Kul Tiras.

Her father was revered as "The Duke".

Of course it wasn't a real title, it was a nickname given to Farrewell by Dailin once when he was drunk. Everyone liked this nickname, including Jesse himself.

That made this girl who had a bad life as a child feel like a big shot.

She goes in and out of any high-class place in Boralus at will, no one dares to despise her and her family, those arrogant nobles want to bow down to her, and the little puppies beside her want to get close to her day and night not leave.

Ah, the good old days of luxury and luxury, but it all came to an end when my father decided to rebel.

Jessie didn't understand why her father had to abandon such a large family business and run to sea as a pirate under the threat of being regarded as an enemy by Dai Lin. She even once complained about her father's recklessness.

But during the period when the Bloodsail Pirates dominated the South China Sea, Jesse did feel freer and more powerful than the illusory nobility before.

She began to devote herself wholeheartedly to the family's new business.

Then, the failure of the thunderbolt made the young girl completely hopeless.

This is fate.

It's just so unfair.

Jesse Farrewell held the skull sword in the shadows, and she stared fiercely at Drake in front of her. She used to call him His Royal Highness, and tried to capture his heart.

But this guy is dismissive of himself!

His crisp refusal made him realize for the first time the difference between false power and real power.

When she heard that Prince Drake died in battle, Jessie got drunk and spent a good night with her male favorites. She thought she could finally win it back.

But now, fate has brought a ruthless sentence.

Drake had power when he was a prince, and he became a blockbuster when he became a pirate.

But why?

Everyone has slipped from the pinnacle to the profession of pirates.

Why did I work so hard, but still couldn't even catch up with the shadow of the man in front of me. In this world, is there really such a story as "The Son of Destiny"?

"I feel hatred in your eyes, girl. I don't need to listen to know that you are in a complicated mood. In addition to hatred, there is also anger, a little despair, and a trace of compassion that makes me very puzzled."

The smelly pirate turned around and looked at the empty shadow in front of him. His eyes passed through the shadow and saw the complex eyes of Jesse Farrewell.

He showed a puzzled expression and said:

"Have we met before? Are you one of the 'love debts' I left behind when I was a young prince? No way? I remember that I was always clean.

I still remember a noble and pure girl who wanted to give herself completely to me on her eighteenth birthday, but faced with such a temptation, I politely refused. "

"You call that night's refusal polite?"

Bu Laike's words completely ignited the anger in the female pirate's heart.

She didn't hide anymore, she walked out of the shadows boldly, clasped the skull sword in her hand, and screamed at the stinky pirate:

"I give you my dignity, my love, my purity and my fidelity, and you throw it under your feet and crush it!

On that day, I was reduced from a noble lady to a ridiculous slut who ignorantly flattered me but was ruthlessly rejected in the eyes of others!

It was you who ruined my life!

Derek Proudmoore, after you ruined my life, you're going to ruin my career! "

"If it's really because of me that you got where you are, then I apologize, although I doubt it's reasonable for you to blame everything on me.

But people, when they fail, they always have to find a target to take the blame for themselves.

I'm used to it. "

Boo Laike shrugged, took down his pipe, looked up and down the short, petite Jesse Farrewell, and said:

"I used to be immature, and I always didn't know how to make the best use of valuable things, but now I have changed, and I am willing to accept help from others.

So, drop the knife, and I can give you another chance at allegiance, Miss Jessie.

What you hold in your left hand can't save you, don't do stupid things. "

"Don't think about it!"

Jessie took a step back with a sneer, and threw out the elemental stone in her hand. As the daughter of the Bloodsail pirates, she would naturally carry the strange things made by the fallen sea sages with her.

The elemental stone fell to the ground with a roar, and shattered on the beach, and an astonishingly large raging water elemental was summoned.

This thing was captured by the Haixians at sea, but it has been disobedient to the command. It will attack everything around it angrily. Jesse has used it to kill many difficult opponents in the past month or so.

The moment the female pirate threw the elemental stone, she turned around and ran towards the beach behind her.

She didn't want to fight Bo Laike Shaw here.

However, before Jesse Farrewell ran out a few steps, she turned around and saw a scene that she would never forget.

The instant the water elemental monsters that were supposed to frantically attack everything around them were released, they respectfully bowed to Laike in front of him.

The stinky pirate stretched out his hand, and patted the big head of the water elemental bent over, splashing water everywhere.

Like encouraging subordinates.


Can you still play like this?

It took less than a second for his hole card to be thrown out, and it was 25 on the spot?

Hey, why don't you take a formality!

I'm embarrassed by what you did.

But it doesn't matter, the female pirate will soon have no embarrassment.

A white light flew from behind like lightning, pierced through Jesse Farrewell's back under Laike's slightly regretful gaze, and then spun out from the heart.

The female pirate, who was still maintaining her shadow step jumping posture, raised her head, her red hair fluttering in the wind, as if she had a chic and wildness frozen in time.

However, in the next second, the tattered doll's body fell violently on the beach with the blood splattering.

At this time, she was only a few steps away from the beach visible to the naked eye, and the gold coins on her body were scattered everywhere, but until the end, she was still alone.

"Looks like a pretty girl, why didn't you know how to cherish it back then?"

Bu Laike patted his face and said to himself:

"I'm serious, if a strange woman comes to me with a baby in her arms, I will definitely throw them all into the sea. I will do what I say, so you better pray!"

(end of this chapter)

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