Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1019 115. I Warn You, Don't Do Weird Things To Me! --【2/3】

Chapter 1019 115. I warn you, don't do weird things to me! --【twenty three】

Fenner was summoned and quickly rushed to the captain's room.

Seeing the way she was sweating in the warrior vest, she knew that the stupid warrior must have been practicing swordsmanship just now, but when she opened the door, she saw her stinky brother putting a stone on the table.

He also has some carving tools on hand.

Next to the table, there was a blood-red magic book floating. The book was very strange, the cover seemed to be made of rock, but there was no text on the thick cover.

"Why are you looking for me? Aren't you doing an experiment? Why did you start playing with rocks?"

Fenna didn't see her either, she took off her vest after closing the door, asked a question while taking out a towel to wipe off the sweat from her upper body. Spring was ahead, but the stinky pirate turned a blind eye and didn't even raise his head.

He looked at the words on the magic book that he could write with his heart, and said:

"This is not playing with stones. This is a very serious matter. I'm going to start carving your 'sin tablet'. You may suffer a little bit tonight."

"What the hell?"

Fenner, who was wiping her hair, stared round her eyes and said:

"Sin monument, what is that? Tombstone?"

"With your ability to understand, it's hard for me to explain this concept to you, but you can indeed simply understand it as a 'tombstone of the soul'."

The pirate glanced at the stupid sister and said:

"Get dressed and come help."

"whispering sound"

Seeing that the stinky brother's gaze didn't stay on her body for a second, Fenna curled her lips in displeasure, obviously she had planned to gain muscle these days, and she wasn't as thin as before.

It seems that the idiot brother said last time that he didn't like his too slender figure was a lie.

She swiftly took out a loose linen robe from her luggage and put it on, walked to the desk, glanced at the magic tome floating beside Bu Laike, and said suspiciously:

"No, there's not a single word in your book!"

"You don't understand that."

The smelly pirate snorted and said in a drawn out voice:

"Have you heard of the secret treasure of the Thaurissan family, the 'Emperor's Cloak'?"

"I've heard it. When I was a child, when my mother gave me magic lessons, she often used that cloak as an example!"

Finner blinked and said:

"It is said that only truly wise people can see that cloak, and fools cannot see it, so after putting on that cloak, it is tantamount to being invisible.

The magicians of Quel'Thalas have been studying the principle of the emperor's cloak, and they have been trying to replicate such a magical magic item. "

"That's it."

Bu Laike patted Fenner's head with a smile, and said lovingly:

"It's the same with my Sin Tablet Magic Tome, only smart people can read the words on it, idiots are"


Before the stinky pirate finished speaking, she was punched hard on the back of the waist. Fenna's eyes were already bloodshot, and she said in a tone of "you are going to die soon":

"Speak! Finish what you were about to say! How about a fool? And who is a fool?"

"Hey, it's just a joke, you can't take jokes anymore."

Bu Laike instantly switched to a serious expression. He lightly tapped the Sin Tablet Grimoire with the carving knife in his hand, and said:

"This is the magic theory written by the heart and the method of making the sin tablet. If you can see the heart, you can see them."

"So what exactly is mind energy?"

Fenner asked a little anxiously:

"Why have I never heard of such powers? How can I learn them?"

"This is easy!"

Bo Laike took the Defiler Shard from his waist, slapped it on Fenner's hand, and said:

"Use it to give yourself a knife. If you are lucky, you will be able to understand it in the next second. If you are unlucky, stab a few more times. This is the knowledge of the dead, just as the living cannot set foot on the path of the dead. Can't understand the text either.

I know you will ask next, why can I understand? "

The pirate shrugged, sighed and said:

"After all, I am a person who died once, do you understand that?"

"Oh, the Khaz Modan naval battle, right?"

Fenner nodded and stopped asking.

Now that her relationship with Bu Laike is getting closer, Fenner also regards that matter as a taboo, and she doesn't want to talk about that thing that will make Bu Laike sad.

She picked up the carving knife in her hand, looked at the carefully selected obsidian the size of a human head, and said:

"So, what to do?"

"First use your brute force to carve it into the shape of a tombstone. The specific shape doesn't matter, but you must follow the specific notch to outline the pattern on the edge of the tombstone.

Those seemingly decorative patterns are actually sin inscriptions, one of the most important components of the sin tablet. "

Bu Laike took out another piece of paper, drew a small tombstone on it, and outlined clear and twisted lines on the edge, and said to Fenner:

"It can't be wrong, but I believe in the precision of the legendary warrior's hands."

"You can do this too."

Fenna picked up the stone and began to slash the knife. Amidst the harsh chopping sound, she said:

"Your hands are much more stable than mine, why don't you do it yourself?"

"I'm lazy."

The pirate gave an answer that made Fenner roll her eyes.

He thought for a while, and added:

"This sin monument is for yourself, so try to make it as delicate as possible. You don't want your tombstone to be made weird and weird, right?"

"What's the meaning?"

Finner stopped the carving knife in her hand, looked at Bu Laike, and said:

"I'm going to carry this thing on my back?"

"You'd better carry it. No matter how many people want to carry it, there is no chance."

The pirate said solemnly:

"Once the sin monument is made, it is indestructible, and the destruction of the world cannot destroy the sin monument, at most it will shatter.

But as long as the sin monument is still there, your soul will not become a lonely ghost, nor will it cut off all ties with the world like ordinary wraiths.

It is the anchor of the soul.

It represents not only your sins, but also your existence. "

Fenner seemed to understand but half understood.

She always felt that the stinky brother didn't tell her some truths, and the sin tablet must have more than this purpose, maybe there are other evil uses in the hands of Bu Laike.

Bu Laike also ignored Fenner's suspicious eyes.

He wouldn't tell Fenner the true use of the sin tablet, he was afraid of scaring his pure sister.

In order to take care of her sister's mentality, not to add psychological burden to her, and to tell her these evil things, she will not think too much. From this point of view, Fenna is indeed a very simple person.

Several hours later, the stupid soldier put down the carving knife and wiped the sweat from his forehead, just like the proud expression of a primary school student after doing his handwork last night, he lifted up the delicate black tombstone in front of his eyes, and looked left and right.

She's clearly very pleased with her work.

Then he called out to Bu Laike, who was directing the clumsy Vengeful Spirit to complete a shadow raid. The pirate turned around and was embarrassed when he saw the sin tablet in Fenner's hand.

Look at the skull and roses on the stele, and the angels so delicately worked out around its edges.

What are you doing?

Want to go to the Tombstone Exhibition and win an award?

This idiot!

I want you to make it more delicate, not to turn it into a secondary work of art! This thing will be recited in the future! How do you have the face to see people like this?

how old are you

Do you want to give the sin monument another colorful Shamate hair?

"What's wrong? Doesn't it look good?"

Fenner rolled her eyes and said:

"I made it with reference to the sculpture in the mausoleum of the first Sun King. Which elf craftsman didn't agree with it?"

"Well, it's pretty."

Bu Laike praised against his will, he said:

"This size is very good, and the weight is also moderate. Okay, give me the carving knife and proceed to the next step."

"Pretty isn't it?"

Fenner laughed, rubbed her wrist with a sense of accomplishment, patted her brother on the shoulder, and said carelessly:

"Then you will give me the sculpture of the sin tablet in the future, and I promise to make it beautiful for you."

"Well, as long as you're happy."

Bu Laike accepted the carving knife from Fenner with his mouth curled up.

He turned back a page of the Sin Tablet Grimoire, referring to the sentence pattern above, and made Fenner stand still. He reached out and pulled out a faint sphere of anima from Fenner's shoulder, smashing it on the carving knife .

Fenner's expression twitched a little.

She didn't know what her brother had pulled out of her, but it felt bad, like a part of herself was lost forever.

But so uncomfortable, Fenner did not stop Bu Laike.

She believed that her brother would not harm her.

Before her eyes, Bu Laike wrote on the tombstone in Salas language with the carving knife shining with the light of anima:

"Fenna Golden Sword Proudmoore.

Her talents are unparalleled, her greatness is expected, and her enemies are heinous.

At least she believed so herself.

Fenna fulfilled the path chosen for her by someone she trusted, and was not ashamed of others' evaluations, and used 'courage' to excuse blind obedience called indulgence.

Pride had been her virtue of strength, and arrogance was about to be her teacher. "

That line was very strange.

Fenner could see the marks when the carving knife fell, but when Bu Laike finished writing a word, it would disappear before her eyes, just like magic.

After Bu Laike's explanation just now, Fenner knew that it was a text that could be written with the heart, and only the dead could understand it.

After finishing the last stroke, Fenner let out an exclamation.

In front of her eyes, the ordinary tombstone suddenly became mysterious.

It seemed that she had a strange connection with it. When she saw the exquisite tombstone, Fenna felt that the things in her past memory emerged one by one.

Her mood was disturbed, but she could still bear the replay of those memories.

But at the next moment, after Bu Laike turned to the last page of the Sin Tome and held Fenner's Sin Tablet and recited a spell in a language he had never heard before, Fenner was suddenly struck by lightning.

It was as if an invisible heavy hammer had slammed into her chaotic memory, and those beautiful memories were instantly shattered, leaving only some humiliating and dark memories that became more and more obvious.

The shadow of being bullied by nasty elf kids when she was a child, they said she was a half-breed and a bastard.

He was besieged by bobcats during his first battle. If Sir Thalorian hadn't arrived in time, Fenner might have become the prey of the bobcats of Magic Spring.

When I was living in Dalaran, I was cheated of all my money by a cunning dwarf liar, and was almost forced to work as a dancer in a tavern to earn a living.

My confusion when I saw Dai Lin for the first time, the shame when I was defeated by my stinky brother, the pain and loss when I was defeated by Dai Lin for the second time in Hell, and the debauchery when I seduced my brother in the Hall of Valor.

Those memories that were regarded as shame continued to flash back, making Fenner's defenses shattered in an instant.

This is not normal!

With Fenner's willpower and the blessing of Tyre's divine power, she can face the Corruptor's mental impact directly, but she cannot be immune to the chaos that is in effect at this time.

Prove that this power does not act on the soul, it is a part of the soul itself!

Therefore, willpower is fundamentally unable to take effect at this time.

Like a fear dice that ignores Will saves.

The stupid warrior began to tremble with the fear that surged from the depths of his soul, as if all the power had been stripped from his hammered body.

It was as if he had returned to his weak posture as a little girl, and when Laike took the sin tablet and walked towards her, the fear in his heart grew more and more.

What was called "sin" was actually more like shame, howling in her heart.

Finner was terrified.

She kept backing away, with tears in her eyes, her body trembling, and finally her feet went limp and fell to the ground. She curled up in a corner, holding her body with her hands.

In her eyes, Bu Laike, who was holding the sin tablet, seemed like a big devil with burning eyes, and she didn't have any courage to resist him at all, as if everything about her was in his hands.

"Don't come here, don't come here!"

Fenner screamed tremblingly:

"Please! Go away! Don't come near me! Woohoo, mother, save me!"

Seeing the terrified and crying elder sister in front of him, Bu Laike glanced helplessly at the sin tablet in his hand.

He knew that this thing was powerful, but he didn't expect that in the material world, the power of this thing would be magnified to such an extent that it almost instantly defeated Fenner's defense.


Bu Laike squatted down and stuffed the monument into Fenner's hands. The moment the monument was separated from Bu Laike's fingers, all the fear and confusion in Fenner's heart disappeared instantly.

The stupid soldier wiped away the tears on his face in a daze.

She looked at Bo Laike as if she had just had a dream.

In front of his eyes, the stinky brother was half kneeling there, reaching out to pat her on the head with a gentle smile, which was Laike's favorite action.

When he treated Fenna, he didn't treat his sister like he did, but more like a cute and cuddly child.

"Look, this is the power of the sin monument."

The pirate touched the head of the weeping pear blossom and rainy Fenna, and said:

"This is your spiritual weakness. I will give it to you with my own hands. You must protect it and carry it with you. I just cast the most basic sin tablet magic.

It can also be used in a variety of ways.

Destiny should be held in one's own hands, and so is weakness. "

Bu Laike rubbed Fenner's messy short hair, helped her wipe the tears from her face, glanced down again, and said:

"Go and change your pants. Next, let's make my sin monument."

After speaking, he got up to prepare his sin tablet carving.

But as soon as he stood up, Fenner pulled his trouser legs. The pirate looked back, and Fenner, who was still a little frightened, sniffed and handed him her sin tablet.

The stupid sister looked at the stinky brother, and she said with a tearful tone of being bullied:

"I can't protect it well, you know I'm always cheated, if it's my weakness, it should be kept by the most trusted person, right?

You keep it for me. "

"Didn't you understand just now?"

The pirate said to Fenner with a headache:

"This thing is an unsolvable 'cheater' in the material world, as long as you still have a soul, you cannot escape its attack.

If it falls into the hands of someone who is skilled in the magic of the Sin Tablet, such as I am, I can order you to do all the things I want to see for me.

No matter how evil, no matter how obscene.

Do you trust me that much?

I'm a big badass. "

"You really are a badass."

Fenner moved her waist uncomfortably, she lowered her head and said:

"But you can do this without a sin tablet, as long as you want me to do it, I will do it, as long as you are willing to be in the Hall of Valor, I have said it.

The one who doesn't understand is you.

You idiot! "

Bu Laike was taken aback for a moment, he thought Fenner was joking, but unexpectedly, she was serious.

"Okay then, I'll keep it for you."

The stinky pirate took Fina's stele, and the moment he touched the stele, Fenner's body began to shake again, and it wasn't until the black stele was put into the pirate's luggage that Fina returned to normal.

She jumped up, covered her wet trousers with her robe, and screamed at Bo Laike:

"I warn you! Smelly brother, you are not allowed to use it to do some weird things to me! Otherwise I will beat you, hear you! Then."

There was a smirk on Fenner's face, she rubbed her hands, and said to Bu Laike expectantly:

"Let's hurry up and make your sin monument, since I handed over mine to you, then your sin monument must also be handed over to me!

Fair trade, right? "

Hearing this, the pirate suddenly showed a strange expression. Faced with this obviously malicious request, he did not choose to refuse, but said in a drawn out voice:


"As long as you can move."

(end of this chapter)

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