Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1020 116. Bu Laike Xiao! Count Your Sins! --【3/3】

Chapter 1020 116. Bu Laike Xiao! Count your sins! --【33】

(Lonely の plus more for lonely people ~ Happy Valentine's Day ~ Let Bu Laike accompany you on Valentine's Day if you don't have a girl!)

Fenner randomly chose a set of clothes in the smelly brother's closet and changed into them, and she even volunteered to help Laike clean up the place with a guilty conscience.

Thanks to the similar height of the siblings, Fenner is a little taller than Laike, so she can wear pirate clothes, and she has a special charm after wearing them.

After changing his clothes, the big-hearted stupid warrior became full of energy again, as if he forgot the bad thing just now, and enthusiastically devoted himself to the work of making the monument for Bu Laike.

Holding the carving knife excitedly, she said to the pirate:

"So, where are the stones used to make the sin monument? Let's start carving, and I will definitely make you a beautiful sin monument."

Alas, this idiot really can't hide his emotions.

Needless to say, the gleam in her eyes must be because she wanted to take revenge on the spot for the bad things Bu Laike did to her after she got the stele of Bu Laike's crime.

She was already looking forward to the sight of the stinky pirate pissing his pants in terror.

But Laike waved his hand and explained:

"It's not that easy. I can make a sin tablet for you immediately because I already know your sinful real name. This is actually the most difficult part of making a sin tablet.

Before you know the real name of a person's sin, the sin tablet you make indiscriminately is not binding. This thing must accurately describe a soul's name and his matching sin.

It also requires his telekinesis connection to take effect.

It's like doing a legal justice, the sentence structure can be free, but the content can't be wrong. It can be less, not more, and it can't be wrong. The more precise the description of the crime, the stronger the binding force of the crime monument.

So in order to make my sin monument, I must first understand my sins. "

"Is it so complicated?"

Fenner widened her eyes and said:

"Then what is my sinful real name?"

"Didn't I write everything just now? Didn't you see it?"

Bu Laike looked at his stupid sister in surprise and said:

"After the brain, are your eyes not working too well?"

"What nonsense, I saw it."

Finner emphasized:

"But I only saw a line of text describing me. I couldn't see the real name of the crime. You wrote that thing like a poem. Who can understand it if you are not an artist?

Can't it be more concise? "

"Artistically vague description to protect you, idiot!"

Bu Laike sighed, and rewrote Fenner's inscription on the paper in front of him.

He felt that there were no eavesdroppers around him, and ordered his inner demon to close his perception. Then he pointed to the few lines on the paper in a low voice, and analyzed to Fenner:

"'Her gifts are unmatched, her greatness is to be expected, and her enemies are heinous. At least she believes so.' This sentence represents your first sin.

That self-identified arrogance is also your main sin.

Since you were young, you believed that you would make a career. You are very self-centered and rarely listen to other people's advice. You gave up magic and chose the name of warrior as the best example. "

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Fenner retorted:

"Isn't that called assertiveness and determination?"

Bo Laike glanced at her and said:

"Then I can also understand it as 'arrogance' and 'stubbornness', I am not trying to argue with you, I just want to tell you, don't use mortal morality to get stuck with the punishment standard of the Shadow Realm.

That rigid set of dogmas is the coldest and most neutral verdict that can be made without adding any personal emotion, and it has nothing to do with who you think you are.

Don't argue, listen carefully! "


Finner closed her mouth, and Bo Laike pointed to the next sentence and said:

"'Following the path chosen for her by those she trusts, and not being ashamed of the judgment of others.' This speaks of your second sin, blind obedience.

Think for yourself.

After meeting me, how many times have you changed your mind?

Your judgments in all major matters are executed on the basis of my advice to you.

Let's put it mildly, you have become a sword in my hand, and what you said just now proves this, you take my will as yours.

I'm not saying it's bad, I like the way we get along.

I come up with a bad idea, you execute it, I am the evil mastermind, you are the black glove, the cooperation is perfect. But obviously from a neutral point of view, your behavior is a standard act of helping a tiger and being a precursor of evil.

Or you decide to do it yourself.

This is obviously also a sin. "

"Their requirements are really strict."

Finner complained, glanced at Bo Laike, and said:

"But I don't think there's anything wrong with it, and you won't harm me."

"Fine, keep thinking about it."

Bo Laike raised his head, smiled, patted Fenner on the face, and said:

"What a good boy."


Fenner laughed too.

"Then there is the last sin, 'excuse blind obedience called indulgence with 'courage'." It refers to your last characteristic, the pursuit of power.

Odin suggested that you challenge powerful enemies to gain the power of courage, and you are doing exactly that.

This sin might be better interpreted as 'greed'. "

The smelly pirate glanced at Fenner and said:

"You really want something you don't deserve, and you know it's wrong, but you want it anyway."

"I do not understand!"

Fenner scowled and said coldly:

"I don't feel that any of my desires are undeserved."


Bu Laike sneered, and put his hand on Fenner's waist, the cheeks of the stupid warrior turned red, but he didn't refuse the pirate's hand to continue down.

"See what I mean now?"

Brother Smelly withdrew his hand, tore off the note in his hand and burned it to ashes.

He said:

"You are still alive, which means that your life is still going on, and these sins can be corrected by you in your later life. If you get rid of these, it means that you will become a 'perfect soul' in the eyes of the arbiter of the shadow world '.

You may be able to join its "Destiny" organization and exist forever in the eternal city of Opolis, which is the best end point for all souls. "

"to not fix!"

The stupid soldier turned his face away, and said in an unhappy tone:

"Why change it? Do they think I am wrong if I am wrong? I think I am fine now, and am I still me after changing these things?

I don't want that kind of life like a wooden man.

As for what sin."

Fenner rolled her eyes, lowered her head and hugged Laike's shoulders, and whispered in his ear, saying:

"I will get what I desire, don't try to stop me. A fool like Sefiel can get what he wants, I don't believe I can't do it."

"Ahem, before you make any further moves, I want to warn you, little girl."

Bu Laike said with a drawn out voice:

"Your monument is in my hands, so you'd better be decent. Want another pair of pants?"


Fenner hit the pirate on the forehead with her fist, and she screamed angrily:

"You are too bad!"

"Okay, stop messing around, I came to you because I trust you, and let you count my sins for me."

Bu Laike took out the notebook he carried with him, handed it to Fenner, and said:

"I've written all my life since I was born. You first go through it roughly, and record the sins you think, and then I will count them again."

"Why should I come for such a thing?"

Fenna took the pirate diary, she said doubtfully:

"Shouldn't you find someone smarter? Like yourself, you should know the meaning of the so-called sin better than me?"

"There are three reasons."

The pirate stood up and walked towards the Vengeful Spirit in the corner of the cabin, ready to continue training.

While moving his fingers, he said:

"First, people can't judge their past neutrally. No matter how wise and calm I am, when I face my past, there will always be some subjective deviations, or I will deliberately omit some shameful black history.

So it's best to find someone else to do this job.

Second, it's a sin.

It is a loophole in the soul, a weakness in emotion, and a knife that can be exploited by the enemy! If you choose someone to help at random, it is equivalent to handing the knife into the hands of others.

So it has to be someone I trust.

Seifel can't do this job, she...she won't say anything bad about me, she will only help me beautify my past.

The third thing. "

Bu Laike glanced back at Fenner and said:

"I have your crime monument, and I can guarantee that you will not leak the secret, and we are siblings, so it doesn't matter if it's black history or something. You love reading third-rate novels so much, and your impressions and refined descriptions of characters are better than others. People are more precise."

"So I'm the one you trust the most?"

Stupid Fenner said with bright eyes:

"Am I so important to you?"

"What do you say?"

The pirate replaced the answer with a rhetorical question.

He knew that Fenner would make up an answer that would make her happy.

This idiot is beyond help.

"Hahaha, when you were young, you actually liked the maid who took care of you, and even kissed her secretly? You still recorded it in your diary? What kind of crime is this?

Lust? "

Fenna slapped the table and laughed wildly. Looking at the black history diary in front of her, she clutched her stomach and said:

"No, no, I want to tell Little Xingxing."


Bu Laike, who was training the Spirit of Vengeance, glanced at Fina quietly, and then took out the sin tablet from the bag. This action made Fina curl her lips and put away her smile.

she asked:

"What kind of crime is it?"

"Anything you think is bad counts, but only bad behavior that happens more than once and lasts a long time can be called a sin."

Bu Laike replied, but Fenner immediately frowned and asked:

"When does this have to be counted?"

"Just let you pick it out, I will go through it again later. And every soul that goes to the Shadow Realm has more or less problems, and a truly perfect soul does not exist.

Therefore, the sin accusers of Revendreth generally only choose the main sin of the soul, and don't pay attention to those details.

They don't like things like when I secretly kissed the maid when I was a child. "

The pirate commanded the monkey version of Vengeful Soul to flicker, but the guy bumped his head against the bookshelf. He rubbed his forehead and said:

"From this point of view, the punishment mechanism of the Shadow Realm is actually very flexible, and it does not deliberately pursue impossible perfection. It is not as rigid as you think.

continue. "


Finner nodded and continued to read Bo Laike's diary.

In fact, the pirate didn't tell her some things. The diary in Fenner's hand recorded events in Derek Proudmoore's life, and his own diary was on the table.

Fenner was brought in because the pirate didn't really want to relive Drake's short life.

He didn't want to be influenced by Drake.

Fenner quickly finished reading the diary with the standard given by the pirates, and she complained:

"Isn't your first nineteen years too perfect? ​​I'm going to be jealous. It's pure and flawless, and I can't find any bad things. Are you sure this is your real record?

I can't fault it other than the weak chicken. "

"Yeah, I almost forgot, I used to be a very nice and sunny person."

Bu Laike said without looking back:

"Continue to read the second book, that one is very 'predictable'."

"Let me see."

Fenner picked up the diary that recorded the life of Bu Laike, and just turned a few pages before exclaiming:

"Wow, this book is really expected!

In just two pages, you can see that you are not a good guy, and you actually kill murlocs to get shards of anima? Murlocs are so cute and stupid, how can you kill them?

You're a big villain, and coaxing Burba with moldy bread. "

Regarding Fenner's words, the pirate was too lazy to complain and continued to train Vengeful Spirit.

Fenner at the table looked more and more silent, and the smile on her face became less and less. After reading the heart journey recorded by Bu Laike, she became depressed.

She read the psychological activities of the pirates when making decisions, and felt the overflowing interest considerations between the lines, as well as the plans extended by those vicious thoughts.

This self-analysis of the wicked opened her eyes.

It's like reading a criminal's autobiography. Halfway through the reading, Fenna looked at Braike with a strange look, as if to say, why didn't such a bastard be caught in Tol Dago's black prison? stand up?

It's dangerous to let him out to run around, okay?

Then turning to the next page, Fenna was shocked.

Good guy, Bu Laike actually planned to be caught in a black prison and recruit "talents" there! I'm really glad that the latter plan was abandoned by himself.

She tried to bring into Bo Laike's mind-set, and gave up after a few minutes.

No, the brain that has not been used for a long time protested.

It can't keep up with this kind of global thinking at all, just like the old graphics card can't support 3A masterpieces, Fenner feels that his brain is about to smoke.

whispering sound.

It's not bold enough to think so much about just about anything! There is no sense of substitution at all! This Bu Laike's dark diary made her have no reading experience, bad review!

After seeing more than half of it, Fenna couldn't stand it anymore.

She felt that if the guy described in this diary was not her dear brother, she would definitely raise her sword and chop this evil guy herself.

Depressed, the stupid warrior raised his head and looked at Laike who was busy in front of him. She dropped the quill and said:

"Give me a few more sheets of paper, I can't write any more."

"Have you finished reading?"

Bu Laike asked, Fenner waved her hand and said:

"Not yet, I've only seen less than a third of it, but I've summed up your sins, come on, take a look."

The pirate stepped forward and saw that Fenner's hand had already been filled with three sheets of paper. He suddenly widened his eyes and said in a drawn out voice:

"No way, so many? Didn't I tell you not to deduct small details and only record the main crime?"

"It's true that I only record the major crimes! I didn't include such small things as Porcelain goblins stealing money, fathers being kind and sons filial, defrauding girls of their innocence, okay?"

Fenner complained:

"I feel that after reading your diary, I can at least write the same amount of things. Others have a little sin in their souls, but you have a soul in your sins, right?

No wonder you handed over your sin monument to me so boldly.

As long as one-tenth of these things are accurate, your sin tablet is probably at least as big as a mountain, and I can't memorize it.

Compared with you, I... No, the vast majority of people in this world are pure like saints, and those guys who claim to be big villains are completely righteous messengers who uphold justice and are willing to do good. "

Hearing Fenner's description, Bu Laike was not ashamed, but nodded proudly, admiring:

"As expected of me."

"Look at these black materials, who would dare to say that I am a good person?"

(end of this chapter)

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