Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1021 117. Are You Still Counting Things Now?

Chapter 1021 117. Are you still counting things now?

"Well, let's go over Mr. Boo Laike Shaw's criminal history briefly."

In the captain's cabin, stupid Fenner picked up the paper in hand, and cast a glance at Laike, the same gaze as looking at a scumbag who must be dragged to be shot for his crimes.

She cleared her throat and said:

"Without going into detail, the entries of iniquity extracted by this pirate court from Mr. Laike Shaw's own diary include:

The first major sin is belligerence.

Interpreted as: spreading hatred, creating conflicts, sparking wars.

Notable examples include, but are not limited to, pitting the bronze dragon Sefir against Deathwing, resulting in the tragic death of an innocent bronze dragon, who, by the way, was already a devoted lover to Lord Bo Laike.

Thus the example about her would also be used in the sin entries of 'fraud', 'seduction' and 'lust'.

The second example is leading Suramar to attack the Isle of Watch, thereby freeing the Dark Walker Demon Hunters.

The third example is very obvious that he personally planned the Dalaran War that shocked the world, causing the Black Dragon Legion to be almost wiped out, and the magnificent magic city turned into ruins.

The fourth example is the deliberate release of Neptulon, the ruler of the water element, to provoke a war between the water element and the Naga Empire, and the planned release of the ruler of the wind element and the stone mother, so as to provoke the war of elements.

The recent frequent conflicts of the Dwarf Three Hammers clan are also written by Mr. Bo Laike.

Similar examples include the current tension between the Black Rookhold death knights and Suramar, and the possible future Bloodhoof tauren chieftain taking on the Forest Lord.

More examples will not be described, because this paper is not enough! "

Fenna curled her lips, glanced at the expressionless stinky brother, and continued with a drawn out voice:

"The second major sin is greed.

Interpreted as: eager for money, power and strength, and will not hesitate to use all means for this.

Notable examples include the looting of Zem'lan Treasures, the looting of the Naglfar, the looting of the Tidestone, and the looting of Thal'kiel's Skull.

Bewitched the Pope of the Holy Light to establish an assassin organization based on faith categories, tricked Emperor Denathrius into obtaining knowledge of the mind, and established an undead pirate fleet that ran rampant in the seas of Khaz Modan and the frozen sea, becoming the 'benchmark' of the maritime criminal world to seize Lots of prestige.

According to reliable information from the Uncrowned Organization, in some villages in the inland areas of the Eastern Continent, the name of His Excellency Laike Shaw has become the most fashionable intimidation method for many parents to solve the "family education problem".

Those children who were terrified are now reported to be emotionally stable.

More examples will not be described.

Because he is committing robbery or fraud almost every day or planning robbery and fraud, the speed at which this court collects evidence cannot keep up with the speed at which he commits crimes.

This guy is so bad, this Pirate Court recommends immediate humane destruction! "

"Hey, hey, where are you going?"

Bu Laike sat on the edge of the desk, knocked on the table and said dissatisfiedly:

"Can you be more serious when describing someone's 'great achievements'? Read it as soon as you want! Speaking of it, hearing you talk about my crimes really feels like a heinous criminal returning to the scene of the crime to join in the fun."

"It's not that I don't miss it, or that I don't want to record it."

Fenner had a headache, and said with some confusion:

"There are still many more to come. I can only briefly say this. This is the second major crime. Do you know that I have concluded that there are as many as seventeen sins, and this is still only one-third of the time. A diary.

You want to admire your dark masterpiece, why not read the diary yourself? "

"All right, all right."

Bu Laike waved his hand and stopped being harsh. He turned around and took out a few bottles of wine and a glass from the wine cabinet. After thinking about it, he put the glass back, and directly raised his head to blow on the bottle, and said:

"Keep reading, I'll drink some wine to cheer you up."

"You crazy!"

Even if the idiot elder sister has always "tolerated" the younger brother, it is a bit unbearable to see the stinky pirates playing wild.

She patted the table and said:

"Be serious, okay? I'm reading your incriminating evidence!"

"I know, listening to others talk about the great things they have done from a third-party perspective always makes people excited."

The pirate wobbled backwards with the wine bottle in hand.

The monkey version of Vengeful Spirit standing behind him immediately offered a chair, just in time to catch the fallen pirate, and Bo Laike leaned back on the chair in a lazy posture.

He sipped his wine and said:

"Go ahead, let me also take a moment to reflect on the past eventful years."

"Don't use that old man's tone, you are much younger than me, where did you just read? It's all your fault for interrupting me."

The stupid soldier complained, looked down at the paper, coughed a few more times, and continued to read:

"The next one is a bit much, I have to read it quickly."

"His Excellency Braike Shaw's third major crime, and the crime that this Pirate Court believes has the most far-reaching impact, is fraud! It is full of lies, and it is also actively engaged in large-scale production in the world of Azeroth." Systematic fraud.

Notable examples include deceiving orcs to form a legitimate tribe, deceiving Hela, the queen of hell, to gain power, deceiving the troll Bwonsamdi and Hela to make a profit, deceiving Pope Faol to borrow power to clear the darkness of Tirisfal Glades, deceiving Duke Ravenholdt died, planted spies in the human kingdom and other civilizations to influence the politics of various races

Hoo hoo, let me catch my breath, this is too much. "

Fenner read it for several minutes at a stretch, and even with the lung capacity of a legendary warrior, she couldn't bear it.

She stopped and hooked her fingers towards her stinky brother, Bu Laike knowingly threw a bottle of wine, which was caught by Fenner.

The stupid soldier bit off the cork and gulped a few swigs, took a breath of relief, and planned to continue reading, but was stopped by the drunken pirate.

He said:

"There is no need to read the crime of fraud. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that I am indeed deceiving people every day. This is already my passive skill. There is nothing to say.

And as a fraudster, if people know that I have a habit of lying, then my "career prospects" will be affected.

So, next! "

"Uh, fine."

Fenner glanced at the remaining records on the first sheet of paper in her hand, and she also felt that it was meaningless to read the rest.

It's not a matter of honor after all.

Although the guys who can be deceived by Bo Laike are the legendary assassin leaders at the lowest level, but compared to Bo Laike's other felonies, this thing is really not enough.

"Blaike Shaw's fourth main sin is defilement! Cooperate with chaotic creatures and do chaotic things! Including but not limited to large-scale indiscriminate and bottomless use of fel energy and void power.

Summoned a large number of demons into Azeroth many times, used the power of the void to interfere with the world order many times, and sacrificed a plane world to the will of the void.

In addition to the chaotic power attributes, criminals from all walks of life are also recruited to form undead pirates in the mortal world. The most "integrity" of their subordinates carry official rewards from at least two human kingdoms.

Its base on Tol Barad includes not only undead, demons, and void creatures, but also fallen wardens who are explicitly imprisoned by the kaldorei kingdom.

Uh, I need to add more here. According to the personal verification of His Excellency Bu Laike Shaw's diary, Bu Laike admitted that he had an affair with the essence of the void, and the degree of his depravity is shockingly obvious.

This statement also applies to the thirteenth crime of lust! "

"Walking with evil, calling it the vanguard of destruction, the herald of darkness, well, it's a very good crime. I guess I'm going to experience the feeling of being grilled at the stake."

The drinking stinky pirate laughed out loud when he heard Fenner say that he was guilty of filth.

What a crime.

It's not a big problem to have an affair with the void and evil energy. In essence, he is truly a "creature from another world".

If you really want to talk about the profound mystery of the history, the Void Lord and the Eternals have to stand aside.

His origin has surpassed the worldview of this group of stars.

He was very happy to hear it, as if he was listening to Fenner's stand-up comedy. In joy, he smashed the wine bottle in his hand under his feet. In the accompaniment of the broken sound, the slightly drunk pirate waved his hand and said:


"The next major sin is massacre"

"You don't need to read this."

Bu Laike immediately shook his head and said without interest:

"What kind of skill is killing people? I don't like hearing those dry numbers. I don't have any sense of accomplishment. Next one!"


Fenner glanced at the content on the second sheet, then shook her head and put down the second sheet that she had read less than a third of the time.

The simple action of the light paper falling on the desk represented a terrible and heavy blood feud being wiped away.

Bo Laike leaned back in his chair, looking up at the chandelier above his head, which was shaking slightly from the movement of the boat.

In his eyes, the light seemed to be dyed red little by little, as if the rain of blood rained down and soaked every part of the chandelier, and even the sweet smell of blood could be smelled in his nostrils.

The wailing and wailing of the dead souls who died under his hands also sounded in his ears. This kind of real experience was not the effect of dreams or drunkenness.

"Can't you give me a day off?"

The stinky pirate complained without red eyes.

Stretching out his hand and pressing on his forehead and temple, the power of the void gushed out from his fingers, and with a light collision, the illusion brought about by contact with the void consciousness dissipated in an instant.

Look at his familiar movements, this is certainly not the first time.

"Really, it's not worrying at all."

He whispered something and closed his eyes again.

Fenner read it again.

"Blaike Shaw's fifth cardinal sin is to seduce corruption and pollute the mind. Its victims include."

The dumb warrior glanced at Bo Laike and said emphatically:

"Alonsus Faol, Lyresa Windrunner, Alya Blue Moon, Farondis, Mathias Shaw, Nathanos Maris, Bronze Dragon Sefiel, Stellagosa the blue dragon, Maiev Shadowsong, the leader of the Wardens, and Finna the golden sword Proudmoore!

The rest include but are not limited to the captains of the Undead Pirate Fleet, the fallen watchmen, and most of the people who have come into contact with Brad Laike Shaw.

This person is the moving darkness, and any intelligent life covered by it will shift to the chaotic side at the level of mental thinking. "

"Why did you include your own name?"

The stinky pirate with his eyes closed calmly listened to Fenner's "accusation", and he said in a suspicious and strange light tone:

"Forget about the others, I admit that I used them, but you Fenner, you just said it yourself, you don't think I'm leading you down.

So, either you didn't record it carefully, or you just lied.

Well, the least deceitful member of the Proudmoore family has also learned to lie?

The world is going down. "

"No, what I said just now is that I trust you, and I can accept you to think for me and do everything you wish for you."

Fenner pouted, patted the table and said dissatisfiedly:

"But it doesn't mean that I don't have any thoughts about being dragged into the dark world by you, what a righteous and sunny elf girl I was once!

Look at me now, I am polluted by you.

Not clean anymore. "

At this the pirate turned his head, opened one eye to the angry Fenner, and said:

"If you think it's not good here, you can leave at any time, and I haven't restricted your freedom."

"Are you serious?"

Fenner propped her chin with her hand and asked back.

Bo Laike shrugged, silence instead of answer.

"Tch, hypocritical coward."

The stupid warrior rolled his eyes and was about to continue reading, but was stopped by Bu Laike, who said:

"That's enough. Let's compare and evaluate these with your inscription on the stele of sin. If I write my sin

Do you conservatively estimate how big my sin monument should be? "

This question made Fenner hesitate.

She glanced at the three densely written papers in her hand, and then at the diary that she had only read a third of. Finally, she scratched her hair and thought hard for a long time.

Then, with some uncertainty, she said:

"I have never been to the holy mountain of Kaldorei, Mount Hyjal. I heard that the mountain is towering into the sky. But I am very familiar with the Eagle's Nest Mountain of the Wildhammer dwarves, as well as the nearly thousand-meter-high Heroic Spirit's Gate built by Odin. Door.

I think, if you write down every one of your sins, the height of the sin monument should not be shorter than Eagle's Nest Mountain, and as for its width and weight, it will definitely not be lighter or narrower than the Gate of Heroes, right?

Are you really going to make your own sin monument?

I'm afraid that even if you have the most terrifying contacts in the whole world, it will be difficult to find a mountain that meets your requirements, unless you can ask the stone mother for help.

She may be able to create for you a mountain of sin in the physical world that bears all your sins. "

"How can you carry such a big crime tablet with you? You idiot."

Bu Laike stood up staggeringly, walked to the desk, grabbed the "evidence" that Fenner worked so hard to collect, and called out the fire of the void in front of the stupid warrior, and ashes flew in the dark purple flame burning.

The flickering fire in front of his eyes illuminated the smiling eyes of the smelly pirate. He watched the beautiful ashes falling in his hands, clapped his hands, and said to Fenner:

"The sin monument can be large, but it can also be small. The only difference is whether it can accurately describe the sins I have committed, are committing and will commit in my life.

Your ability to sum up is still not good enough, my dear idiot sister.

You used nearly 10,000 words to describe my darkness, but I couldn't feel the creepy aura that I should have. You should read more books. "

"Tch, I'm sorry you can't refine the description more accurately than I can."

Finner leaned against Bo Laike's captain's chair with her arms folded, and she complained:

"That's something I've worked so hard to write for a long time."

"Don't be angry, I'll make it up to you, I've always been generous."

The proud stinky pirate reached for the quill, and under Fenner's gaze, wrote a simple description on the paper in front of him, and pushed it back to the stupid soldier.

When the latter took it in his hand, his expression immediately became dull.

She glanced at the brief description in her hand, and then at Laike who was staggering towards the bed to rest. After a few seconds, she said hesitantly:

"Although I admit that you are very bad. After reading your diary, I think you are simply a peerless villain, but these four words are used to describe you. Isn't it a bit exaggerated?"

"Indeed, to be worthy of this title, I am far from enough."

Bu Laike fell on his back on the bed and rubbed his own pillow. He stretched his body and said in a heroic tone of ideals:

"But I will work hard in the future, and I will finally let them call me the evil of this world willingly! This title sounds majestic enough.


There was someone else's smell on the pillow tonight too, but I'm too lazy to pursue it. "

Not long after, Bu Laike snored lowly. Fenner glanced at the paper in her hand, shook her head, twisted it into a ball and tore it to pieces.

She went to the pirate's bed and looked at her sleeping brother.

She looked around, leaned down like a thief and kissed Laike on the forehead, patted his hair, and whispered:

"I know you're pretending to be asleep, but since you don't want to talk anymore. So, good night, hopeless stinky brother, watch my crime monument."

(end of this chapter)

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