Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1023 119. Although I Can't Understand What You Are Doing, I'm Sure You're Goi

Chapter 1023 119. Although I can't understand what you are doing, I'm sure you're going to do something bad again

"Attention everyone, we will enter the stormy sea ahead. The speed of the ship will be accelerated, accompanied by violent shaking and intermittent energy shocks. Please wait for everyone to clean the deck and enter their respective cabins."

Chief Mate Long Sefiel's voice echoed across the Naglfar like a whip on the ship's ghostly sailors.

The guys on duty and off duty rushed out from various places one after another, and began to gesture properly everywhere on the ghost ship under the orders of their respective chiefs.

The mechanical gnomes also rushed out from the second-floor cabin.

These little guys chirped and opened up the strange lightning rod-like devices at the front and back of the ship. This thing can absorb external energy shocks, convert part of the energy and store it in the high-energy charging pile behind the ship.

In the past, every day when the Naglfar encountered lightning and lightning on the sea was the busiest time for the mechanical gnomes.

They are the "science and technology officers" of the ship.

The Naglfar also generously let the mechanical gnomes conduct various experiments on their own ship.

The gnomes love this ship.

Especially when the overconfident ship spirit always loses when playing cards with them.

But after everyone evacuated the deck, Bu Laike, who was stuffed in the captain's cabin, walked slowly onto the empty deck.

He looked at the chaotic and tumbling sea in front of him, and then at the gloomy light reflected from the sea above his head. This sea is not normal, as any sailor with a little nautical experience can tell.

Obviously, when we left the sea area of ​​Tanaris Desert just now, the sky was still clear, but in less than ten minutes, the whole world seemed to suddenly explode into rage.

Low black clouds pressed down on the sky, and bright lightning continued to strike down. Amidst the roar, the entire sea area was swept up by the chaotic gust of wind.

The waves on this sea surface are more than ten meters high when they roll casually.

It's like the temple of the angry sea god, no mortal is allowed to set foot in it.

"There is no sea god in Azeroth, bastard! Even if there is, it should be a tide hunter."

The stinky pirate took out his skull jug and took a sip from the corner of his mouth. He curled his mouth and complained:

"But who would have thought that in the endless seas of the entire world, there is actually a piece of sea that is not a 'lawless place' ruled by the tide hunters.

Tsk tsk, this is the dark history of the water elemental monarch. "

"Brother! What are you doing outside! Come back quickly!"

Stupid Fenner poked her head out of the cabin, and shouted to Bo Laike who was happily watching the "scenery" on the deck:

"It's thundering, didn't you hear it? Didn't you see it? The waves are terrible. Come back quickly. If you accidentally get caught, I won't be able to catch you in the sea."

"What are you afraid of, you idiot."

The smelly pirate turned around and shouted:

"This place is designed to scare ignorant landlubbers like you, as long as you are bold, you will find that the seemingly chaotic sea storms here are actually operating regularly.

As long as we don't try to get close to the coast of this sea, those waves will only push us to the edge of the sea, instead of forming a vortex and destroying my ship.

Everything is arranged, understand?

The purpose is to cover up the secrets of this sea area and this land. "

"Huh? Is there such a saying?"

Stupid Fenner was immediately interested.

A few minutes later, she dragged the impatient little Xingxing to the deck.

The Blue Dragon Princess is currently writing code words to record her glorious story in Zul'Farrak, and she has no interest in any mysterious sea.

The first mate also flashed behind Bu Laike.

She looked at her captain with doubt in her eyes, as if wondering if Laike would reveal the secrets of this magical sea to others today.

"They'll know sooner or later anyway."

The smelly pirate took a sip of wine, glanced at Seifel, and said:

"Gaboa is already on the move. His ship will arrive here in a week at most. If everything goes well, the whole world will know the secret in at most 20 days."

"They will only know of the existence of Uldum and the Skywall."

Seifel stubbornly corrected:

"Most people don't know the real miracle buried under the desert of Uldum, and they shouldn't! Although I am a pirate now, I still remember my duty as a bronze dragon.

I want you to promise, you can't just spread that terrible news everywhere!

It doesn't do you any good either. "

"I promise, okay?"

Bu Laike blinked, put his finger on his forehead, and made a gesture of swearing, which caused Sefiel to cover his mouth and chuckle, and was pushed by Bu Laike on the waist again, saying:

"Help me get Kane here, I still owe him a promise."


The first mate turned to leave, and a few seconds later, he brought Cairne Bloodhoof to Bo Laike.

The old cow was still in a daze, he didn't know what the pirates brought him here for.

"Baby girl, come up to the surface!"

The stinky pirate yelled something towards the poop, and soon, the ghost ship, which was swaying in the chaotic current of the seabed, forcibly floated up under the command of the captain.

The black ghost ship jumped out of the chaotic sea, and a wave of more than ten meters high hit it head-on, threatening to overturn the Nagfar.

"What are you playing!"

The old man Sakir's scolding sound came from the lower cabin.

As the caster, he immediately activated the tide stone on the ship, and the legendary tide spread in all directions, forcibly stabilizing the chaotic sea water around him.

The huge waves that hit the head quickly dissipated in the roar, and when they hit the deck, they had become fine and small waves.

With the help of the power of the Titans, Laike forcibly created a "land of peace" around the Naglfar, which looked very strange in the surrounding cloudy scene and the violent waves.

"Look there!"

As the ghost ship sailed through the mysterious sea surrounded by lightning, storms and wild tides, Bo Laike raised his finger and pointed to the distant coast under the curtain of storm.

Due to the raging storm, the visibility was very low, and the little star with the best eyesight could only vaguely see the outline and prototype of a coast.

"Hey! There seems to be a harbor city there!"

Princess Blue Dragon exclaimed:

"Is there anyone living there? What kind of place is this? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"I've heard of it."

Leaning on his own totem, the old cow beat violently against the sea wind in front of him. He tried his best to open his eyes wide and looked at the distant coast, flicked his tail, and said in a low voice:

"According to the ancient legends of our tauren, in the southern part of Kalimdor, the land of shining stars, at the end of the vast desert, there is a holy land belonging to the gods.

It is said that only the lucky ones who are blessed can find the way to it.

It is said that it is the domain of the gods, and all the greatness in the world comes from it, and the horn of the world's destruction will also rise from there. The divine kingdom of Anshe, the sun god that our Tauren believe in, is in that gorgeous holy place . "

"Wow, Kingdom of God or something, sounds so exaggerated."

Stupid Fenner complained:

"This sounds like a myth. The location here should be between the Tanaris Desert and the Silithus Desert. If there really is a kingdom of God here, those hot sand goblins must be the first to know."

"That's it!"

Little Xingxing flicked her beautiful hair, and chimed in and said:

"The Nexus has a world map before the War of the Ancients, and I didn't find any gods' residences on it. Even if I had to find a gods' place, it should be at the end of the stormy cliffs in Northrend.

There is the land of creation!

It is the holiest place in the world. "

"I'm just saying I've heard of it."

Lao Niu was bullied by the two girls, he smiled honestly and said:

"I haven't seen that place either. To be honest, I don't really believe that the Land of the Gods really exists."

"You don't have to apologize, Kane."

Bu Laike was drinking, sitting on the side of the boat, feeling the violent sea breeze, and said in a strange tone:

"You're absolutely right, stupid Fenner and stupid little star are the fools in this conversation. The coast before us is the legendary land of the gods.

Well, the name is a bit pompous, but it's mostly true.

In that mysterious desert lived four "gods" that mortals called, including Anshe, the sun god you tauren believed in, and they did have their own temples.

There they guard the secrets of the World Forger, the desert called Uldum, a true land of wonders and the end of the world.

The legend of the tauren is probably correct. If this world is going to be destroyed, it must start from here, and the civilization of the next era will be ushered in here.

I promised you that if I had the chance, I would show you the path of pilgrimage to the Sun God, and now I have fulfilled my promise. "

The stinky pirate shrugged, looked at the stunned Kane, and said in a cheerful tone:

"However, you have also seen that this sacred land is shrouded in storms from the wall of the sky all year round. It cannot be approached by sea, and there is also a bad terrain surrounded by mountains on three sides by land.

If you want to make a pilgrimage, you may have to wait for a while.

At least until the seal of the sky wall is opened, then the road to Uldum should be opened. "

"No, are you playing for real?"

The impatient little Xingxing immediately stared round her eyes, and her big eyes flickered. She picked up her notebook, leaned close to Bu Laike, and asked in a low voice:

"Hurry up and tell me the secret about Uldum, I will be the 'number one revealer' of this secret! This will definitely become the brightest stroke in my autobiography.

I will gain many, many dragon fans again.

Oops, hurry up and say it. "

"Not yet."

Bu Laike pushed the little star, he pointed to the sky, and said:

"If you are really interested, then I will take you to see the opening of the seal of Uldum. Listen to what I mean. Naturally, you have to participate in such a big event to have a sense of substitution.

right? "

"Well, you're quite right."

Little Xingxing was convinced.

Princess Blue Dragon looked expectantly at the looming desert harbor beyond the storm, she rubbed her hands and said:

"That's where a noble princess like me should go. Why don't I go to Silithus? I'll wait for you at the border of the Tanaris Desert?"

"You think beautifully!"

Bu Laike refused, saying:

"Silithus you must go.

If you want to be the Queen of the Blue Dragon in the future, there is a person you must rescue with your own hands, so as to win the favor of the Spellweaver and other dragon kings.

After the Silithus business is complete, you will also have a legitimate opportunity to intervene in the desert affairs of Uldum.

Speaking of which, this is the duty of your dragons.

In the War of Quicksand a thousand years ago, the Guardian Dragon Legion threw their heads and blood for this mission. "


Fenner asked in a surprised tone:

"The War of Quicksand is still related to this isolated desert? Then why didn't the night elves discover this place a thousand years ago?"

"The elves should be thankful that Silithus is next to the mysterious Uldum desert. The existence here attracts C'Thun's attention, making the Thousand-Eyed Demon unwilling to take care of others.

Otherwise, the elves in the battle of quicksand thousands of years ago would not have been so easy to win. "

The pirate looked at the mysterious desert in the distance.

In a storytelling tone, he said to the people around him:

"The world is extolling the bravery and fearlessness of the Kaldorei warriors during the War of the Shifting Sands, as well as the sacrifices they made. But the fact is that even in the most difficult times of the Qiraji, there was no Kesu in their camp. The true power of Grace.

Although there is no evidence, I have always believed that the War of Quicksand was not actually inspired by the ancient gods. The tragic war a thousand years ago was most likely just the germination of the ambitions of the insect servants under C'Thun's command.

They arrogantly tried to regain the glory of the dark empire period, when the Aqir Zerg under the command of the ancient gods swept the world, so they recklessly fought against the elves to seize the land under the sun for their dark masters.

But C'Thun was less reckless.

Moreover, if it is determined to launch a war, the scale will not be limited to a small fight between two civilizations like the Quicksand War. "


The chief mate behind Bu Laike put on a rare serious posture of a witness to history, she added:

"Although I didn't participate in the Battle of Quicksand, I heard from Chromie, who personally participated in that battle, that at the end of the war, with the assistance of the dragon army, the elves could have entered the fallen temple underground. Expand the results, but Elune issued a warning to them.

Plus the qiraji were cornered, unleashing the dreaded Anubisath titan to wreak havoc on our dragons.

The elves carefully chose a truce.

The reason why our giant dragon set the seal is because we are afraid of disturbing the evil god of darkness behind the bugman. "

Chief Mate Long said in a serious tone:

"The guardian dragon army has always known the existence of the seal of the ancient gods, even though it is the domain managed by the guardians of the titans, we can only watch and not intervene.

The dragons did not disclose this news to any mortals, just because they were afraid of causing unnecessary panic.

For a thousand years, the bronze dragons on the edge of the Silithus and Tanaris deserts have only maintained a minimum of watch and inspection, and they don't want to stimulate the darkness in the status quo where the guardians are all hidden under the world. evil god.

The captain was right.

Even if C'Thun is still sealed in his own cage, its attention is not on the mortal creatures at all. The purpose of C'Thun's creation of the Qiraji is not to start a war.

It simply wanted to spread its dark power across the deserts of Uldum, to plunder the legacy of the titans, and to take into its own hands the greatest threat to the void that would engulf the world.

Its wish cannot come true!

Nor will we allow it to happen. "

Little Xingxing, who is also a dragon, heard this, although she still didn't understand what happened, but as a member of the guardian, she immediately felt a heavy responsibility.

With the ideal of making the blue dragon great again, Her Royal Highness puffed up her chest, letting the large medals on her chest shine brightly, and she said loudly:

"It sounds like a very serious situation. Do you need me, the dragon warrior, to call the guardian dragon army to help?"

"Being not!"

Bu Laike waved his hands, looked away from a distance, and said to Little Xingxing and Fenner:

"Silithus will be your 'stage', I will make a plan for you, and make you famous as before, you must perform well when the time comes.

Let's go, let's go, let's go to rest, we can go to Silithus tomorrow, let's bring back Windrunner's mother, she has been away from home for too long. "

At the urging of the pirates, the others were driven back to the cabin.

The chief mate accompanied Bu Laike and stood on the side of the ship. As the ghost ship slowly sank into the sea, Sefiel suddenly asked:

"Captain, why did you suddenly decide to fight C'Thun? This is not in your plan. Tell me honestly, what are you going to do?"

"Don't think too much, I just do what a man should do."

Bu Laike drank the last sip of wine, turned around and said to Sefiel with a smile:

"Save the world, that's what a good man should do, right?"

(end of this chapter)

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