Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1024 120. Poke Your Big Eyes--Happy Lantern Festival [1/3]

Chapter 1024 120. Poke your big eyes--Happy Lantern Festival [13]

"I have found traces of Emmoreel. The good news is that she is still alive and has left many traces to guide the way."

In the intricate tunnels under Zora's Nest in the central and western part of the Silithus Desert, Ryan Wolfwalker, who was maintaining a "natural camouflage" state, came to Windrunner's mother with the help of the darkness of the tunnels.

She vigilantly sensed her surroundings and whispered:

"The bad news is that judging from the traces left behind, she was brought into the deepest part of the nest by the bugs. It should be the 'hatching chamber' full of bug eggs that the druids said.

According to the druid's map, to enter there, one must pass through the bugs' barracks.

The slow-moving sappers aren't a problem, but the hive guardians that fly around the nest are a nuisance. They are very vigilant and will spot us if they are not careful. "

"What about the druids?"

Mother Windrunner was silent for a moment, then said:

"Can they meet at the entrance of the nest?"

"They have been there, but they are unwilling to go deep into this place. They call it a dark place and do not welcome all the forces of order.

Ma'am, if we just rush in like this we will startle all the bugs and be torn apart here. "

Wolfwalker looked around, and she said:

"Why don't I go, if I'm sure that Emeril is still alive, I'll bring her back."

"Don't think it's going well, Ryan!"

Beside Windrunner's mother, on the other side of the tunnel depression, the silent orc Rexxar crouched there touched the ax at his waist, and said:

"Look at the situation here, these bugs look like a well-organized legion to me, they captured Emriel instead of killing her right away, it's very likely that they were traps set by the bugs.

Or maybe something terrible is going to be done to Emril.

If we want to take our companions away, we must go through a fight. The environment here limits your performance as a hunter. If you go alone, you can only add food to the bugs.

I will go. "

Rexxar glanced forward, the orc hunter wearing a black wolf fur helmet narrowed his eyes, and said in a low voice:

"You, Ms. Windrunner, and other companions have set up a line of defense at the entrance, ready to meet me, and Misha, Hofer, and I can work together to fight out.

But we must evacuate immediately after we save Emmaril.

Bugs don't give up easily. "

"Are you underestimating the power of the Kaldorei?"

Lion Wolfwalker snorted and said to Rexxar:

"I'm a veteran, I fought in the quicksand war, I know more about bugs than you, I'm more suitable for this kind of stealth than you, I"

"stop fighting!"

Mother Windrunner waved her hand, and Ryan Wolfrunner immediately fell silent.

It can be seen that Liresa has become the temporary leader of these good hunters after Immorel Shadowguard, the leader of the Hidden Path, was "kidnapped" by bugs under special circumstances.

Although Mother Windrunner was not a member of the Hidden Path, she overwhelmed these hunters with her actions and strength.

"I go!"

Liresa carried the longbow of the spirit string behind her back, and wrapped the chain of water in the dark sea around her wrist. She pulled up the hood of the elf cloak behind her and covered her head. Her burning eyes looked back at Ryan and Lei. Kesa, says:

"The two of you lead the others to the entrance and set up the line of defense. I am the one who is most likely to lead Emmaril to evacuate here after rescuing Emeril.

I'm also the one most likely to come back alive if things go wrong.

It was I who advised Emeril to use all means to find the traces left by Lin Ge. It was I who pushed her too fast. It was my mistake to suggest that the Shadow Guard be sent to such a situation.

it's my fault.

I have to make it up.

No more arguing, just do it. "

After finishing speaking, Mother Windrunner walked forward, and the natural aura surrounding her body merged her figure with the environment around the worm nest tunnel, like a chameleon, if you don't look carefully, you can't see that someone is sneaking.

This ability of natural camouflage is very similar to the stealth of an assassin, but both have their own characteristics and cannot be generalized.

However, in the hands of a hunter like Windrunner's mother, the effect of camouflage is not much worse than stealth.

She passed through the tunnel full of engineer bugs at a calm and uniform speed, maintaining a safe distance from being perceived by the alien bugs, and even in thinking, she maintained the perception and judgment that a top ranger should have, and soon became complicated. In the tunnels, I found the traces left by Emmoreel when he was captured.

The clever shadow guard left marks indicating the direction on the wall covered with strange substances. After walking along those marks all the way to the depths for more than ten minutes, the increasingly narrow insect nest in front of the mother of Windrunner suddenly opened up. .

"found it."

Under natural camouflage, General Liresa hid in the shadow of the tunnel, looking ahead at the hatching room like the "palace" at the bottom of the worm nest.

This huge cave is by no means naturally formed, and it is full of traces of excavation everywhere.

The empty hatching room is full of eggs of various colors, like a fixed beehive. Among them, a specially reserved stone pillar hangs from the highest mountain wall.

There are weird flesh cysts growing on it, shining a weird yellow light.

Those lights made the temperature here very high, and created an environment with extremely high humidity, which is rare in the desert. Every minute and every second, larvae broke out of their eggs.

Healthy larvae will enter other areas of the nest along the densely packed holes in the cave, while those larvae with physical defects will be directly killed by flying insects patrolling the hatching room, and their corpses will be absorbed by the creep on the ground as nourishment.

This represents the ruthless law of the swarm.

Defective genes cannot continue, and each birth must ensure that the swarm will continue to grow stronger in the future.

Watching this scene, the undead mother of Windrunner felt a little uncomfortable.

She looked away and looked around in the hatching room. Soon, she found Emmoreel Shadowguard, who had been captured by the bugs before.

The leader of the Hidden Passage was not abused.

The chain armor on her body and the war bow behind her are both intact, but her current form is very strange.

Like an elf kneeling down to the moon god, she knelt down under the stone pillar in the center of the hatching room.

Maintaining a praying posture, but not saying a word, if it weren't for the rising and falling of her chest to indicate that she was still breathing, Mother Windrunner would think that what existed there was just a shell.

But even so, Liresa also felt that something was wrong.

shadow guard this pose

No matter how you look at it, it seems to be bewitched, but besides the advantages of quantity and quality, do the swarms have the ability to attack the mind? The evolution of these bugs is a bit too omnipotent, right?

"Damn it!"

The mother of the windrunner who was hiding outside the hatching room was caught in a dilemma.

No matter whether she chooses to forcibly take away the shadow guard or wake her up first, the elite bugs patrolling in the hatching room will be alarmed, and a battle is inevitable.

Or, she could turn around and leave as if she didn't see everything in front of her, and then go back and tell her companions on the Hidden Path that Emmoreel is dead.

No one would doubt her.

The attack of the swarm that came suddenly that night was too sudden, and it was normal for Emmoreel who was captured to die in battle under such circumstances.

But not everyone has the same grim thinking as the Stinky Pirate.

The shadow guard can still be saved.

Without hesitating for a long time, Windrunner's mother made a decision. She picked up the spiritstring longbow behind her, put an arrow on it, took a deep breath, and aimed forward.

"Hit the one that can fly."

A familiar voice sounded behind her, Windrunner's mother nodded, she thought the same way, she had to kill the flying ones first, so that...


Who was talking just now?

Liresa glanced back.

Beside her, Braike, who came out of the shadow gate shaped by the blood-red streamer, was fully armed, holding two raven crossbows in his hands, and took a step forward, forming a standard double with Mother Windrunner Sniper formation.

"I thought you all rushed into the wall of beetles and killed yourself."

Bu Laike half-kneeled on the other side of the hatching room entrance, raised the crossbow in his hand, and said to the mentor next to him:

"I didn't expect you to be so inefficient. A group of top hunters has been forming a team for almost a month, and they haven't even opened the seal of the Beetle Wall."

"Yeah, I'm sorry to disappoint you, after all, we can't ask an elemental monarch to help."

Windrunner's mother calmed down all of a sudden, she maintained her ready-to-shoot action, looked left and right, and said:

"Why did you come here alone? Where are your elite soldiers and generals?"

"They are still trudging in the desert to eat sand. I run fast and come first. Isn't this because I am worried that my powerful and cold mentor will be in danger."

Bu Laike chuckled and said:

"You'd better pull out your sword like me, mentor, these bugs are not stupid, but unfortunately they can understand only one language."

"What the hell is that floating around you?"

Mother Windrunner exclaimed in a subdued voice. She saw the Saramani sword hanging from Bu Laike's shoulder and said:

"Is this some evil dark trick again?"


Bu Laike made a silent gesture and said:

"Don't say that, she has a bad temper, maybe she will attack you first before killing the bugs."

"Your sword is as distinctive as your person, my disciple."

Mother Windrunner grinned, and the next moment she let go of her fingers, the void spikes that flew out soundlessly moved forward, right in the middle of the head of the flying elite flying insect in the hatching room.

With a pop, the uncomfortable triangular worm's head burst open.

Almost at the same time, two magic arrows also pierced the air and inserted into the compound eyes of the patrolling soldiers on the ground. The high-speed rotating arrows smashed their walnut-like brains to pieces.

The rest of the worm was about to scream in alarm, but the vengeful spirit of the shadow shuttle appeared on it, and shaved the guy's skull off with a shadowy strike with a pirate sword and dagger.

The last patrol bug was the worst.

Like a harpoon, it was brought up from the spot by the flying Salamani, and inserted into the wall of the hatching room, smashing three or four eggs, causing disgusting juice to splash everywhere.

The elite bugs guarding the hatching room were completely annihilated in a single encounter, a perfect silent assassination, and General Liresa was relieved that the enemy failed to send out a message until their death.

She stood up and glanced at Bo Laike.

Her disciple hung the crossbow at his waist, leaned over and made a "please" gesture pretendingly.

I killed one just now, and when I caught the second arrow, the remaining four were killed by Bu Laike in an instant. My disciples are really extraordinary.

I trained him well.

General Liresa was satisfied, and walked into the incubation room with a sense of pride. She did not forget Bu Laike's reminder, and took out the war sword that had not been used for a long time from the luggage.

The two-handed sword named Tianqi began to hum violently when it was taken out, like an annoying bear child, probably because it was very dissatisfied with the restrained sword bearer for not using it to kill all directions.

It is an evil blade, and it desires to kill.

But soon, Magic Blade Apocalypse sensed an interesting soul, right in front! Its sword-bearer hasn't noticed this soul problem yet, but Tianqi feels it.

The bad-tempered Demon Blade didn't tell Liresa, as if he was planning to give his master a small "surprise".

"Shadow Guard? Are you okay?"

General Liresa, carrying the apocalypse on her back and holding a war bow, slowly stepped forward. She looked at Emmoreel who was silent in front of her, and asked softly.

"I am fine"

Emmarel Shadowguard, who fought alongside Bu Laike in Kul Tiras, heard the inquiry, and whispered:

"It's never been so good now, I can hear it talking to me, showing me that future."

This strange answer made Liresa frown, and she pulled out the war sword behind her backhand, while Bu Laike stood at the entrance and glanced out.

The ground was shaking, and a large number of summoned bugs were rushing towards the hatching room.

"Ms. Shadow Guard, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm curious to ask."

Bu Laike flicked his fingers, and the suspended Saramani split into two blades and flew out of the hatching room. The pirate wearing the Luna armor asked in a low voice:

"Is there a place for me in the future your new loyal master has shown you?"

"About your fate, you can ask it yourself, Bu Laike Shaw, you are a special guest, please forgive our poor hospitality, this trap is not prepared for you.

We never thought that a person like you would come to this remote place. "

Emmoreel Shadowguard, who stood up, let out a weird laugh, as if something else had taken the elf's body and hidden it in her soul.

She opened her mouth, and in the sharp, high-pitched and abnormal scream, the cold void power erupted in the hatching room like an explosion.

Windrunner's mother took a few steps back while clutching her forehead, while her disciple stood there, motionless.

In the changing vision in front of Laike's eyes, white light implying corruption and destruction surged, and a huge eyeball was looking down at him.

In the tumbling khaki eyes, the purple pupils reflected the shadow of Bo Laike.

The gaze from the Thousand-Eyed Demon C'Thun is enough to drive a tenacious soul crazy, but for the "kind" who originate from the void, this kind of impact directly on the soul is not so powerful.

Coupled with the "remote casting" again, Laike's mind was calm and there was no wave.

He looked at the huge eyeball in front of him through the black owl helmet, and the accompanying empty whispers could not affect his sanity.

Or have long been used to it.

"I have a question, Your Excellency C'Thun."

Bu Laike looked at the big eyeball in front of him, stretched out a finger, and asked in this vision aimed at him:

"Why do you and N'Zoth always like to use eyeballs as your own symbols? Always use them to scare people? Is your elementary biology taught by your physical education teacher?


But very delicate and fragile organs!

If you are accidentally poked by a bad guy, it will hurt for a long time, such as this! "


The shards of the polluter wrapped in void power were thrown out by the pirates in a shadow attack technique, turning into a black light and hitting the phantom's eyeballs in front of them.

Although no blood flowed out, with a furious roar, the illusions in the white light dissipated piece by piece in front of Bu Laike like shattered glass.

This bad guy hurts the Eye of C'Thun here!

But what did the innocent C'Thun do wrong? The enthusiastic ancient god just wants to come to greet the distinguished guests in person and show his demeanor as the host!

Is this also wrong?

Ah, this is really a world full of malice.

(end of this chapter)

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