Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1025 121. It's Hopeless, Let's Bury It--Happy Lantern Festival [2/3]

Chapter 1025 121. It's hopeless, bury it--Happy Lantern Festival [23]

Everyone was disappointed that C'Thun didn't fully display his hospitality.

The big villain Braike Shaw who personally destroyed the Thousand-Eyed Demon's "Grand Debut" blinked his eyes. After he smashed the Eye of C'Thun that was about to take shape, Liresa Windrunner in the incubation room also recover from a sanity shock.

The Dark Ranger swung his sword and fought with the fallen Immorel in front of him.

To be honest, the two legs are long, the waist is thin, and the heroic sister Yu is actually pretty good at fighting. Behind the pirates who admired attentively, a large number of bugs rushed over screaming, and were chopped into pieces by the Salamaini sisters who blocked the door and danced.

"B Laike, don't come here!"

Windrunner's mother took the time to shout behind her during the fight:

"I know you are most afraid of trouble, you will definitely choose to kill her directly. Go deal with those bugs, I will capture her, buy me some time."

"You really know me too well, mentor."

Bu Laike, who was really aiming for a fatal blow, shrugged his shoulders, took the Defiler fragments from the cracked flesh wall next to him, waved out the Wolf's Edge, and rushed to the swarm behind him.

As he approached, the black and white swords slashed even more crazily and deadly.

It's like taking drugs and getting stronger.

It was only before that the pirates discovered that their "Leader of the Herd" enhancement was actually effective against the twin swords of the Salamaini sisters. This is really a ghost.

At the same time, at the entrance of the insect nest, Rexxar, who had already set up a trap line of defense, suddenly stood up.

The orc "Batman" with keen perception reached out to touch the wall of the tunnel next to him, and a second later, he pulled out the ax from his waist, and turned around and shouted to the others:

"There is a war ahead, and all the bugs are heading there! This is a trap for us!"

"Then we"

Just as an elf ranger was about to ask back, he saw Rexxar leading his bear and rushing deeper into the tunnel.

The steady voice of the orc came from the tunnel, and he said:

"Let's step into the trap and get our comrades out! Just fight like this and leave! I won't leave anyone behind, I swore before Hals!"

"Ms. Liresa and Ms. Shadowguard really need us!"

Ryan Wolfwalker also grabbed the halberd, called out his tiger and gray wolf, and rushed out after Rexxar. She scolded her companions:

"Take up your weapons and follow! Don't let the green skins see our elves' jokes."


The roar of the big bear Misha echoed in the pothole.

When Rexxar threw his twin axes and slashed, he summoned the powerful porcupine Hoffer. As soon as this legendary beast appeared, it let out a humming pig and started to gather strength on the spot.

Its muscular body is like a rampaging tank. It lowers its head while running, and the fangs bared from the corners of its mouth are invincible under the blessing of powerful kinetic energy.

Just like that, he crashed into the swarm of insects, and when the kinetic energy was exhausted, he rolled his fur and fired the poisonous barbs on his body in all directions, like arrows shooting at close range, hitting more than a dozen insects around him. Blood splattered everywhere.

Seeing that Hofer was about to be overwhelmed by the swarm of insects, Misha, who was following behind, roared and rushed out to fill his position, giving the porcupine time to recover.

Rexxar kept slashing with his twin axes.

The perfect coordination between the two beasts and their master is like an uninterrupted war machine. With them charging forward, the rangers who are behind the secret passage only need to be strong enough to attack the bugs that rush out from all directions.

Because the bugs were all attracted by the battle in the hatching room, the charge of the hidden passage was very smooth, and it only took a short time for them to get close to the hatching room.

Then, they saw the guy blocking the way of the swarm ahead.

"Bo Laike?"

Rexxar cut off the insect limbs that were attacking him with a sharp axe, and shouted in a surprised tone:

"Why are you here? Where did you come in? This nest has only one entrance!"

"I have supernatural powers, and a mere insect nest can't stop me."

The pirate waved three tied black bags to Rexxar, and he urged:

"Why are you running here to join in the fun? Hurry up and put the explosives on the support points of the worm nest, and then evacuate, don't get in the way here.

Of course, there is no need to worry.

Surrounded by a group of wolves like tigers, I think it's quite interesting to meet and chat with old friends when a piece of flesh may be torn off at any time.

What do you think? "

The orc hunter glanced at the bag in his hand. It was full of silver-gray ball bombs with timers. The countdown on those timers had been activated and was now jumping from the number 307 to 0.

The madman!

The countdown to the bomb he gave was only five minutes, and it would be too much time to run out of the worm nest with the intricate internal roads.

Not to mention there are bugs blocking the way.

"Take a few per person, scatter them in the worm nest, and go!"

When Rexxar saw the bomb in his hand, he understood the stinky pirate's plan. Without hesitation, he threw the bag in his hand to the hunters behind him, and rushed back with a pile of silver-gray explosives.

Looking at the stinky pirate's leisurely look, it was clear that he had no intention of leaving here before the explosion.

Rexxar also knew the ability of this mysterious pirate, he definitely had his own way to escape, there was no need for him to worry.

"Hey, Batman! The Shadow Guard's situation is a bit bad. I'll take him away for treatment first, and then meet at Cenarion Fortress. Wait patiently, it will be over in two days at most."

Bu Laike yelled at Rexxar, and while there was still some time before the explosion, he turned his head and took a closer look at the Qiraji that were hard to see in other places.

Each of them is as tall as a teenager.

Moving with spider-like limbs, sappers resemble oversized beetles, while combat insects are more like a cross between a praying mantis and a locust.

Not only do they have sharp pliers-like mouthparts, but also black barbs on the slender insect limbs, and the compound eyes on their heads are emotionless, scanning everything around them indifferently.

The battle bugs that walk on the ground have elytra wings, which are hidden under the gray-green or black horny carapace, which allows them to fly at close range and at an extremely fast speed.

But Laike is very aware of the combat mode of these xenomorphs in front of him.

Their ferocity in battle can snap off the arm of an unarmored reckless, or leave a horrific bite mark on solid armor.

Such combat bugs can basically exchange for one with elite human infantry, and if their highly poisonous blood is counted, under the frenzy of dying, a powerful bug can kill a group of soldiers.

Individual combat ability is very good.

Insects fighting on the ground are already terrifying, but this is still not the limit of the swarm. They also have "air force" flying in the air. Every insect nest has such a guy, whose size is like a wasp enlarged ten times.

Its six insect limbs are as sharp as knives, and the black spikes on the tail of a bee have barbs, which can even be fired at close range, powerful enough to pierce chain armor within ten yards.

The most troublesome thing about these flying insects is their dragonfly-like wings, which allow them to quickly sprint to any place in the Silithus Desert.

What's even more frightening is that bugs have a numerical advantage that humans and other civilizations do not have. They never fight the enemy one-on-one, and submerging everything with numbers is the swarm's tactic.

This combination of quantity and quality makes people who know the power of these bugs wary of this creature.

It is hard for others to imagine how many such insects live underground in the Insect Empire behind the Beetle Wall. Once they rush out of the wall, the entire southern part of Kalimdor will immediately fall into the flames of war.

"Mentor, are you alright? I didn't mean to urge you, but it's going to explode in about thirty seconds. I'm sure I can run."

The stinky pirate collected the large poison sacs of several elite bugs and turned around to shout.

The Windrunner mother in the incubation room didn't say a word, and at the cost of being pierced through the waist and abdomen by Emeril's war halberd, she hit Emeril's forehead with a powerful horizontal shot from Apocalypse.

The head of the legendary ranger captured by C'Thun raised his head, and his spine made an overwhelmed clicking sound.

Her whole body was suspended towards the sky, and after landing, General Liresa tied her up with a chain of water from the dark sea.


Windrunner's mother couldn't feel the pain in her waist and abdomen, so she pulled out the bloody war halberd and threw it aside. She covered her terrible wound and looked back at Bu Laike who had started to release the Shadow Gate and was about to run away.

Liresa screamed:

"Are you going to leave us behind?"

"Don't look at me like that, mentor, but this cool teleportation is for one player."

Bu Laike spread out his hands, calling back his twin swords.

He said in an evil tone:

"Maybe the death caused by the fire this time can give you a warning. As a retainer, you must maintain the necessary respect for my lord and be patient.

We will meet soon. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate disappeared in a haze of blood.

Windrunner's mother, who was carrying Emmoreel, shook her head helplessly. As a disciple, she is good at everything, but this bad character is really unbearable.

And the entrance of the hatching room, which was no longer blocked by anyone, gushed out a large number of bugs. They were already irritated by this damned surprise attack, and they were rushing towards the last intruder with their teeth and claws.

With a cold glint in their compound eyes, they vowed to tear the damn thing to pieces before feeding it to the larvae!

The majesty of the swarm cannot be challenged!

But in the next second, violent roars and brutal flames were used from behind in a way that engulfed everything. The gorgeous flames sent down divine punishment, threw the crazy bugs into the hell of flames, and shattered the entire insect nest extending in all directions. Potholes are completely destroyed.

Countless sand and gravel were thrown into the sky with loud noises, and a new sandstorm has formed in this desperate place amidst the muffled thunder.

The wind and sand that flew up to cover the sun represented the destruction of a large insect nest, and the mass of insects inside the nest were also killed.

But such victories have never counted as victories in Silithus.

In less than a week, a new, larger nest will appear in place again.

In the past countless years, the insects have used this method of destruction and reconstruction to silently and tenaciously fight against the entire world.

Cenarion Hold and Silverwing Sentinels tried most of the methods they could use, and the final result was that the entire Silithus Desert has become the kingdom of insects.

They are also replicating their victories in the Tanaris Desert, and the goblins and trolls are also helpless against such an invasion.

They are never in a hurry, they are down-to-earth, they do not give up bit by bit, they are like ruthless operation machines, and they play the role-playing game of Azeroth as an RTS strategy game.

Insect-human civilization is like the most silent, hardworking and warlike worker ants in large numbers, and they will eventually win a place in this world with their own hands.

No one can stop the rise of the insects.

Brutal killing may be able to deal with most problems, but there are still many things in this world that cannot be solved with swords, such as Qiraji.



At the same time when the worm nest exploded, in a temporary camp on the coast of Silithus, Princess Little Star, who was squatting by the campfire and cooking crab soup in a pot she carried, suddenly heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. sound.

His Royal Highness Xing Xing, who was wearing a sun visor hat, turned around suspiciously, and saw Windwalker's mother struggling to get up from the sandpit, clutching her stomach.

Beside her, there was a weird elf who was chained into an indecent position and gagged with a sock, struggling to crawl away like a caterpillar.

Zalak, the troll who hated elves the most in the warlock trio who had just completed the ritual stone summoning, swung the stick in his hand like a dog, and hit the crawling elf head and face.

Rather than preventing the escape, it is better to say that he is taking the opportunity to bully others.

The big villains in the camp turned a blind eye to this, and no one helped the poor guy. The terrible environment in Silithus made everyone very unhappy.

Even Fenner, the most energetic idiot, is now lazily lying under the shade of the parasol, waiting for Little Xingxing to prepare crab soup for her to taste.

There is also a small bucket at Fenner's feet, filled with water, and the little murloc is lying in it and sleeping.

"Huh? Liresa Aunt?"

Little Xingxing's eyes widened, and then she dropped the branch in her hand, and happily ran to Windrunner's mother. Since the incident in Kul Tiras, she hasn't seen Liresa for more than half a month.

Her relationship with Windrunner's mother is still very good.

"Wow, you have a hole in your stomach!"

Little Xingxing grabbed General Windrunner's arm and exclaimed:

"Hurry up and find Dr. Natalie to treat you, it looks really serious."

"I'm a ghoul, little girl."

Windrunner's mother shook her head and said nonchalantly:

"Find me a clean Netherweave bandage and wrap it in a few days. Where's Bo Laike? Is he back yet?"


As soon as Liresa finished speaking, a mass of blood appeared on the edge of the bunker.

Bu Laike, who came late, was holding his owl helmet, and there were two swords floating beside him to guard him. It looked like a big man in front of him.

"Yo, mentor, I mean we'll meet soon, right?"

The stinky pirate laughed and waved to the indifferent Windrunner mother, as if he had played a successful prank. He looked down at Emmoreel, who was being beaten by Zarak with a wooden stick, and waved Make the villainous warlock stop.

Zarak, who was still like a mad dog just now, immediately threw away the wooden stick and straightened his waist.

A "I am most loyal" expression.

The stinky pirate bent down, roughly grabbed Emmoreel's chin with his hands, raised her messy head, and looked directly into her eyes full of chaos, just like a doctor examining a patient.

After a few seconds, Bo Laike shook his head and said to the Windrunner mother who came over:

"It's hopeless, she has been invaded by C'Thun's disaster phantom, and someone has imposed a degenerate law on her to speed up her thinking transformation, and now her soul is in the shape of C'Thun.

Look at this bad expression on his face.

This is a serious plot of elves and tentacles#调教#evil fall. I suggest that instead of painstaking treatment, dig a hole in place and bury it.

She will be worth a lot in a thousand years. "

"Don't be kidding me."

Little Xingxing, who was supporting Windrunner's mother, pushed the hat and said:

"Sila Moonguard was rescued by you even though she was like that, this elf must be saved, Liresa Aunt, don't listen to him, the captain is the worst."

"Shut up! Be polite, okay?"

Bu Laike sternly scolded Little Xingxing:

"What is it called Aunt? There are no rules at all, and the mentor is only more than two thousand years older than you. It's called sister!"

Little Xingxing pouted and ignored him.

And Windrunner's mother glanced at the frantically struggling Emmoreel Shadowguard, she thought about it, and said to Bo Laike in a humble tone:

"Please save her! My Highness"

"Ah, ah, since my retainers have said so, how can I shirk it?"

Bu Laike shrugged, took off his gauntlets, and said to the warlock trio behind him:

"Hold her down! Take off the visor."

"Do you need to take off your clothes? Captain, this girl has a good figure."

Xieyan asked a doggy question, but was kicked hard by the expressionless Bu Laike.

Asshole, ask what the question is!

The evil eye guy.

It's really dumb.

The other two warlocks took pleasure in other's misfortunes, and summoned their respective demons deftly. They worked hard together and added the curse of weakness, which made it possible to hold down the struggling Legendary Hunter. In addition, the evil-looking Braike moved his wrists slowly. Go to Emeril.

This scene really looks like the dog legs are helping the evil young man to do bad things.

Huh~ It's really going downhill.

Sure enough, any place where stinky pirates haunt will become strange.

(end of this chapter)

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