Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1026 122. The Cenarion Order Feels Cool Behind It - Happy Lantern Festival [3/3]

Chapter 1026 122. The Cenarion Order Feels Cool Behind It - Happy Lantern Festival [33]

The endless Silithus Desert is no longer what it used to be.

After the end of the Quicksand War a thousand years ago, the desert where countless souls were buried was quiet for a while, but soon, the darkness hidden under the desert emerged.

In the beginning, it was just some weird bugs digging tunnels in the desert to build nests, and then they emerged on a large scale, and it took hundreds of years to create three large "cities" belonging to them in the desert.

Anyone who has been to Silithus knows the names of these three large worm nests, Ash, Rego, and Zora, which were given to them by the elves stationed in Cenarion Fortress in the center of the desert.

Because the bugs don't use Elvish to call their home.

These three nests are located in the north, southeast, and midwest respectively. No one knows how many xenomorphs there are in the nests. They have different postures and are strange, and it is difficult to find two identical bugs.

However, unlike the large crack nests in the Tanaris Desert, the Silithus silithids are more "tolerant" to visitors.

According to the experience of the local elf guards, as long as you don't make dangerous moves, the bugs will allow you to get close to the edge of the nest, and they will just do their own thing and ignore you.

You're even allowed to tiptoe into a nest that extends underground.

This act proved a terrible thing.

That is to say, the bugs in Silithus are not mindless beasts. According to years of observation and conclusions by the local druids, these Qiraji from the Beetle Wall have certain intelligence and remarkable sociality.

Biologists believe they communicate, maintain hierarchies, perform occasional occult rituals, and even climb out of messengers to "trade" with neighboring hives.

Of course, outsiders are not allowed to observe their rituals.

If outsiders try to break this rule, those reckless guests will become "commodities" traded between hive and hive the next day.

This kind of thing has happened more than once in the Silithus Desert.

The only problem with the qiraji, and the silithids living in other regions of Azeroth, is that they can't speak, and apart from some veteran druids and high-level hunters, few people can communicate with them.

And it's not a good thing to communicate with them successfully, and basically the people who do it end up badly.

Either crazy.

or suicide.

Or, on a certain night, with dull eyes and muttering words, he disappeared into the desert.

Therefore, a long time ago, the Cenarion Order strictly prohibited the Druids from using natural magic to talk to the alien species.

This coercion is for protection.

It's a pity that if someone wants to find out the secrets of the bugs, or try to use the bugs to enter the wall of the beetle that has been sealed for a thousand years, they must break this rule.

Unfortunately, breaking the rules has always been costly.

such as now

Bu Laike sat under the parasol with a smile on his face, and the idiot Fenner and Little Xingxing stood behind him like Dharma protectors.

Next to it is a black dragon lady in pirate costume who specializes in serving tea and water.

It's actually a bronze dragon.

Although there is already a body, Sefiel still maintains the habit of being a ghost and is not very willing to be exposed to sunlight.

"I may have used a little strength just now, does it hurt?"

The stinky pirate asked softly.

Emmoreel Shadowguard, who was sitting cross-legged in front of him, covered his face and shook his head.

"I hope you understand that although my actions are a little rough, my heart is good. I really want to help you. My chief retainer doesn't want to see you die tragically in the worm nest, so I granted her request.

I didn't send you back to the World Tree first, and then helped you 'cure', you can't say that I don't respect women.

Although I am a heinous pirate, I also have my own bottom line. I will not do such things as beating women.

It's just that if I don't save you, your end will be very miserable. For the sake of your life, I have to break my rules, which makes me very painful.

Can you understand my difficulties? "

Bu Laike took a glass of wine from the plate Sefiel was holding, shook it in his hand, and asked again.

Emeril in front of him nodded silently.

"Very well, it seems that you are a sensible woman, so I am relieved."

Bu Laike laughed, took a sip of his wine and said:

"So, let's move on to the Q&A, my first question is, why do you think your own hunting lore is enough to help you conquer the qiraji?

You have also participated in the War of the Quicksand. As a top hunter, you should know that no one has ever done such a thing as conquering the will of the swarm. "

"No way! Someone called me! My parents have a lot of electricity!"

Emeril raised his head and retorted.

But the originally beautiful and cold elf girl's cheeks are as swollen as a big bun, and her speech is a bit leaky. Fortunately, the "tone change" in Salas language is not difficult to understand.

It's just that Emmoreel's speaking posture is really bad now, and it's a bit funny.

Let a group of villains around Bu Laike burst into laughter.

The laughter embarrasses the leader of the Hidden Passage, but you can't expect class from a bunch of stinky pirates, can you? What's more, they were the ones who saved Emmoreel, who was supposed to fall into corruption.

People should be grateful, and elves use it as a virtue.

So the embarrassed elf could only choose to grit his teeth and remain silent. But her words caused Bo Laike and the Bandaged Mother Windrunner to exchange glances.

The little murloc also lay down beside his bucket in doubt, looking at the embarrassing elf with a swollen face.

These three people were the only three hunters present, and the implication revealed by Emmoreel's words was especially important to the hunters, because it meant that the xenomorphs protected by the will of the huge swarm could also be tamed by the hunters!

To understand the value of this information, one must first understand the special concept of "Will of the Swarm".

Humanoid creatures, including elves, trolls, and tauren, all life wills are independent, and they only share a population at the level of civilization.

But the heterogeneous insects are different. All the heterogeneous insects in Azeroth originated from the servants of the ancient gods in the dark empire era. They drew power from the void and evolved a set of extremely special civilization forms.

To put it simply, although the heterogeneous insects can be regarded as independent lives in form, their will is unified. Every insect nest will have a swarm consciousness, which is the "mastermind" where countless heterogeneous insects are fused together.

Each worm nest can be regarded as a special life form, and the mastermind issues orders, and each individual worm is a "sibling".

Individually, they serve the collective will of the swarm.

And this is the reason why the qiraji have a certain kind of strict sociality in the eyes of outsiders.

Hunters cannot tame alien bugs, no matter how powerful a hunter is, because no matter how strong the will of a living body is, it cannot resist the master brain formed by the gathering of the wills of countless bugs.

This is a truth in the circle of high-ranking hunters in Azeroth.

And now, the famous saying "truth is made to break" has once again demonstrated its power in front of pirates.

"No wonder I said a joke before, and you really ran to risk your life to tame the xenomorphs in an attempt to find the secret passage to the wall of beetles."

Mother Windrunner stood up and walked to Bo Laike, looking at Emmoreel Shadowguard who was rubbing his face and twitching in front of her, she said seriously:

"You didn't run to your death because of my words! You saw someone tame the xenomorph before, so you decided to replicate the miracle of that year, you bad girl!

Made me feel uneasy thinking I nearly killed you.

Let me guess, the hunter who tamed the xenomorph was your mentor, my friend Namulia Linge? Is there any secret behind her death in the Quicksand War? "


Emeril Shadowguard lowered her head, and she didn't know whether it was because she was ashamed of concealing the truth, or because her face was swollen and she couldn't face others. She said in her leaky way of speaking:

"North Lane at Niusa Gacheon"

"Okay, okay, if you say that, we have to guess until next year."

Bu Laike reached out and interrupted the shadow guard's painful way of speaking.

He took the pen and paper from Seifel and handed it to the shadow guard. The latter heaved a sigh of relief, lowered his head and wrote quickly, and then handed the paper full of Salas language to Bu Laike.

Also emphasized:

"Jiejian-type puffing enzyme Xilanen! Nian Dailande green stone saves the streets!"

"We understand, don't worry."

Bu Laike took the paper and assured Emmoreel who was looking at him:

"You are not a person who can't tell the importance. Since you have kept this secret for a thousand years, I have reason to think it is very dangerous. Don't worry, I will guard this secret from now on."

After speaking, the pirate and windrunner mother turned around to look at the words on the paper, and the little murloc also jumped out of the barrel shaking his head, jumped onto Bo Laike's shoulder, and crawled there to look at it with his head.

There isn't much information on paper, but it's critical.

In the Battle of Quicksand a thousand years ago, the Sentinel General and the founder of the Hidden Passage, Ms. Namulia Linke, commanded the Sentinel Legion to participate in the battle.

During the brutal war, she realized that it was impossible for the elves to completely defeat the Qiraji, and she had to find another way.

So Ms. Lin Ge began to use her knowledge as a hunter to study the characteristics of the Zerg apart from her busy military affairs. At that time, the priests of the Elune Sisterhood had confirmed the existence of the will of the Zerg, but Lin Ge was not discouraged.

The veteran who fought the Battle of the Ancients, the Battle of Satyr, and guarded Kaldorei for more than 9,000 years even used some forbidden knowledge for this. On a certain day, she successfully tamed a variegated worm, and from herself learned of the existence of the "Queen" of the Qiraji from his pets.

Lin Ge realized that the queen was the source of the Qiraji and the ruler of all the will of the swarm.

As long as he can assassinate the queen, the swarm consciousness scattered in each worm nest will immediately lose its leader and fight on its own in chaos, and the destructive army that the Qiraji Empire is proud of will collapse in an instant.

But when Lin Ge discovered the queen, the queen also discovered her through the connection of the qiraji's swarm consciousness.

Time was running out, and facing the hunters sent by the queen, Ms. Lin Ge did not choose to run away but faced the terrifying opponent head-on.

Before she left, she told her only disciple, Emmoreel Shadowguard, whom she treated like her daughter, about her discovery.

Lin Ge told her that if she failed and failed to return from the Qiraji's dark temple, she should hide the news.

She didn't want to see other hunters die because of it.

As for the method of taming the Qiraji, Lin Ge recorded it in his handbook, but that handbook has been permanently left somewhere deep in the Qiraji Empire following the end of the Quicksand War.

"Let me just say, no matter how rebellious a disciple is, it is impossible for his mentor to expose his corpse to the wilderness for a thousand years."

After reading the information on the paper, Laike exchanged glances with Mother Windrunner, and said:

"It turns out that there is really a secret here. To be honest, I didn't plan to fight the Qiraji to the death, but now that I have this information in hand, I have to go around the Qiraji Empire."


Mother Windrunner nodded and said:

"If the precious knowledge left by Lin Ge is still there, we hunters will have a terrifying chance to strengthen our strength. If we can also tame the mighty Qiraji."

"Mentor, I have to criticize you now, you are so unimaginative!"

Bo Laike shook his head. He leaned into Windrunner's mother's ear and whispered:

"You can tame the alien bugs, why are you still thinking about just taming those ordinary bugs, why not just tame the 'queen'?

Bug people have their own empire.

They command the Qiraji to be invincible, but their power can also become ours, as long as we find the right way, and now, this way has been sent to us by fate. "

Mother Windrunner was stunned by the outrageous proposal.

But soon she realized that the whimsy of her disciples was not impossible.

In fact, it is very maneuverable, and the risks and benefits of this plan are crazy, making her a little short of breath as an undead at this moment.

"This is a feat that only hunters can accomplish, not even druids."

Windrunner's mother said something in a low voice, and Bu Laike patted the mentor's shoulder, and said in a low and arrogant tone:

"As long as our vote is made, druids? Bah! They are nothing! From now on, only hunters are worthy of calling themselves the children of nature.

Think about it, mentor.

There's a chance for greater immortality than being a Ranger General. The Windrunner House will rise again, and this time, it's Quel'Thalas' turn to be Windrunner proud. "

"I am your retainer, Your Highness."

General Liresa did not hesitate too much, she said:

"I obey your orders!"

"Very well, let me take a moment to plan."

Laike let out a deep laugh, and ignited a void fire, which burned the paper in his hand. He turned his head, and stretched out his hand to caress Emmeril's swollen face with a cheerful face, so that the lumps disappeared.

He said to the huntress:

"Go to rest, the secret has connected you and me, now we are on the same boat and I will help you, but the price is, you have to call me the captain!"

(end of this chapter)

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