Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1033 129. I Just Said Why Do We Hit Each Other So Well? So You Old Boy Is Also A Sophomore

Chapter 1033 129. I just said why do we hit each other so well? So you old boy is also a sophomore

The work of clearing the evil remnants of Crystal Valley went very smoothly. The whole battle has entered the final process. After Cho'gall was tried and died, these cultists lost their leader, and it was difficult to fight against the wolf-like invaders.

After seeing the remains of the blood sacrifice pit and the evil ritual of calling the void held by the cultists in Crystal Valley, the pile of bones of the victims of various races that were randomly discarded made simple and honest people like Kane Bloodhoof Out of anger.

If he was hesitant about the necessity and justice of killing the Bloodsail pirates before, now, in the Crystal Valley where corpses are strewn all over the place, Kane is no longer at a loss.

In order for other people in this wonderful world to enjoy life safely, the scum who worships the fallen god must die!

What exists here is not the kind of evil that can be tolerated by Bou Laike that will bring about the right result.

Evil here is not acceptable!

Speaking of which, it seems that Magatha Wildtotem, the old war crone of the Bloodhoof Clan, sent away several shamans every month in the past, saying that they were traveling and studying, but no one came back, could it be...

Kane frowned tightly.

He had some bad guesses in his mind.

Once he decided to return to Desolace, he began to investigate whether Magatha had any connection with these Twilight's Hammer cultists.

If there is, then Magatha's behavior has exceeded the limit he can tolerate!

She was leading the whole clan to the fire pit.

You must prepare yourself in advance.

Kane has some sense of justice and the real world, but Laike is embarrassed because the precious "trophies" he brought back this time are not wanted by anyone.

"I don't want this thing! It's too ugly. Do you want to make the enemy die laughing when you take this thing out to fight?"

Fenner, the idiot who always likes to collect all kinds of weapons, sneered at the purple-black Twilight's Hammer in Braike's hand. She felt that it was uncomfortable to look at, and its shape was too weird to be used for combat. .

Little Xingxing also hid aside and nodded repeatedly.

Princess Blue Dragon's aesthetics are very high-profile, and it is difficult for her to like evil things like Twilight's Hammer.

And to be honest, the weapon that Cugall forged for himself is indeed a bit "non-mainstream" in terms of appearance.

Not to mention the huge and bloated head of the war hammer, there are also strange metal circles on the handle of the hammer, which are surrounded by spikes, so that the user's skin will bleed if they are not careful.

Besides the warhammer, there is a ring of spikes made of silver-gray metal. The metal hammer head even has sharp thorns extending out, which makes this weapon look weird.

It is more like a sacrificial item than a melee weapon.

"Don't be ignorant."

Bo Laike held the Twilight's Hammer, like an auctioneer introducing an auction item, and said to others:

"This warhammer is made of rare source quality steel mixed with the power of elements. When Cho'gall made it, he must have added some magic to manipulate elements.

Although it looks strange, it is an elemental weapon like the Doomhammer in the legend of the orcs. Using it can control the elements.

This thing is much rarer than ordinary magic weapons, and because it is infused with void, the holder can have resistance to void power.

I said, if you don't want it, I'll take it.

Don't say I don't give you good things in the future. "

"Don't lie to me!"

Fenner yawned and said:

"I also learned some forging techniques in Ironforge. The warhammer is obviously a semi-finished product, the embryo of an evil thing. It is very risky to get it, so I won't use it as cannon fodder for your experiment."

"whispering sound"

Bu Laike's small plan was exposed, and the stinky pirate snorted disdainfully, as if he was too lazy to talk to this group of ignorant girls.

Kane, who was resting next to him, was a little interested in this warhammer that could manipulate elements, but after hearing Fenner say that it was an evil thing, Lao Niu immediately waved his hand.

Indicating that the Bloodhoof clan is very weak and can't afford this thing.

"Forget it, hum."

The stinky pirate turned and left, winked at Sefiel again, the first mate quickly followed, and in a corner of Crystal Valley, Bo Laike, who was smoking a pipe, handed her the Twilight's Hammer in his hand.

He exhorted in a low voice:

"I transferred Xal'atath to this hammer of elements tonight, and the void infused it, so that it can temporarily become the carrier of the essence of the void, just like the blade of the dark empire.

After entering the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, you can't bring Xalatas with you, her breath will be noticed by C'Thun.

You carry this hammer with you, and send it over when all is done.

Don't startle other people when the time comes. "

"But without the protection of Xal'atath's void power, you can face the ancient gods directly, will you?"

Seifel asked with some concern, Bu Laike shook his head, exhaled a smoke ring, and said:

"I have stepped into the void, and I am no longer afraid of the erosion of the void without the protection of Xal'atath, not to mention, I will not be reckless enough to challenge C'Thun in person.

Don't worry, I have my own plans.

I don't feel relieved to hand over the situation of Xalatas to anyone now, so I can only take care of it for you. "

"You want to save her?"

Chief Mate Long stroked the evil war hammer in her hand, she said:

"No wonder you made up your mind to fight the ancient god, so it was because of her? Is she so important to you? Will you do it for me?"

"I can."

Bu Laike looked Sefiel in the eyes and said:

"But would you let me take such a risk?"


Sefiel snorted, stretched out his hand and flicked the pirate's forehead, and said:

"I'm not the same as Xal'atath, who only causes trouble. I never make such moths. I know what to do to make you remember me.

I am much smarter than she is. "

"Then let me tell you, I didn't do this just for Xalatath."

Bo Laike smoked his pipe and said seriously:

"The ancient gods must be 'visited' one by one. This is a problem that must be faced sooner or later. I will do this with or without Xal'atath."

"No need to explain, I understand."

Seifel made a pause and said:

"I have never regarded Xal'atath as an opponent. She is the weakest of the three of us. She is more like your pet than your lover. I am more worried about Maiev.

I can feel that you and her are not over yet, and even this relationship is not even the beginning.

But you don't have to worry about that either.

This is a women's war, and you, a big man, can't intervene, so put your mind on the business, I won't hold you back, I promise. "

"Well, I don't believe the promise of language alone."

The pirate squinted and said:

"How about some substance?"

"So, tonight"

Sefiel's cheeks were flushed and he just started to start, when he heard a noise behind him. The murlocs were chattering and chattering, as if they were in trouble.

Soon, Old Blind ran over dragging his Naga Spear, danced and yelled at Bu Laike, then turned and ran back. The stinky pirate's eyes lit up, and he took Sefiel's hand and disappeared in place with a flicker.

The magical little murloc found something good again!

Braike soon came to the cave surrounded by murloc pirates. The murlocs outside the cave were very nervous. They clenched all kinds of weapons in their hands and looked into the cave vigilantly, making all kinds of strange noises constantly. .

After seeing Bo Laike approaching, these nervous murlocs suddenly seemed to have found their backbone, and they croaked to make way for the pirates.

Bu Laike probably knew the problem when he saw a wind barrier covering the entrance of the cave.

He nodded to Seifel, motioned her to wait outside, adjusted his clothes, and strode into the dark cave. As soon as he entered, he saw the cotton candy-like body of the lamp god, and the little murloc was holding a weird jar on the other side.

When the little murloc saw the pirates approaching, he immediately ran over and stuffed the jar in his hand into Laike's hand. It acted like a shopkeeper, wiping away the sweat that didn't exist, and then Shaking his body, he walked out of the cave.

Apparently the murloc didn't intend to take part in the conversation between Laike and the Djinn.

It already felt that the matter was important from the strange attitude of the lamp god, and it didn't seem like a murloc could participate.

"I heard that you've been very busy recently, doing business in the entire world of Azeroth, and even the barbaric vrykul people in Northrend began to spread rumors about the god of light and air coins. legend."

Bo Laike played with the weird bottle in his hand, and first greeted the rare genie who appeared on his own initiative.

The latter is shaking a body like cotton candy, and the turban hat on his head is still as exotic as before, which makes people feel strange.

Faced with Bu Laike's greetings, the Genie coughed a few times, and said in his tone like the wind blowing Shan Lin:

"I have to be like this, the priesthood of trading requires me to run among different traders, bring the best service to my customers, and then complete each transaction with a clearly marked price.

Just like my relationship with you, my number one trader.

I know you have magical powers, and I don't expect to keep the secret of the Vial of Resurrection from you, but I do need it, though that's rare.

But I am willing to leave the pricing power to you.


How much do I have to pay to get the spoils in your hand? "

"It's not a matter of price, my friend."

Bu Laike looked at the bottle in his hand that was shining with orange light and some of the essence of wind that had been collected in it. He tossed the bottle up and down, watching the gaze of the lamp god rise and fall with the bottle.

He drew his voice and said:

"I can even give it to you for free, or I can refuse your transaction request, my attitude depends on your attitude, my dear lamp god.

Yes, I know the effect of the bottle of resurrection.

I know that this thing is used to resurrect some powerful elemental creatures, and its crafting method dates back to the time of the Dark Empire. I thought this kind of knowledge had long been lost in history, but I didn't expect that there are still people in this era who can make it.

So tell me, friend.

Who are you going to resurrect with it?

What is your plan? "

Faced with Bu Laike's inquiry, the Genie obviously hesitated. The wind around it was beating, which represented its uneasy mood. After a few seconds, it said like a breeze:

"I broke away from the sky wall at the end of the battle of masters and became a free wind elemental, but the reason was not just that I longed for freedom or foresaw that the elementals would inevitably fail under the Titan Guardian's offensive.

This is just the appearance.

I'm very disappointed with Skywall.

The uncertain nature of the Wind Rider meant that it was unable to lead the wind elemental to win even a trivial victory, and the infighting among the wind lords also ruined the monarch I was loyal to.

I was once an aspirational elemental too, my friend.

But with the death of the monarch, all my ideals were in vain. Millions of years after breaking away from the Li Tian wall, I have given up my previous ambitions.

After sensing the Vial of Resurrection, I realized that there might be hope for my lost dreams and my withered allegiances.

I want to revive it!

I want to resurrect the master of all wind elements, I want to resurrect the guy who can lead the sky wall to become great again, its name is"

"Sunderland the Windchaser?"

Bu Laike suddenly said the name, making the Djinn silent for a moment.

It sighed, then nodded.

"Ha ha ha ha"

The stinky pirate covered his stomach and let out a series of loud laughs, as if he had heard something funny, he laughed backwards and forwards, and the lamp god looked speechless.

"Is there anything funny about my story?"

The lamp god asked in a dissatisfied tone.

Bu Laike waved his hand and said:

"No, no, no, I'm not laughing at your loyalty, my friend, I'm just feeling that fate is so impermanent, and I love you and me so much.

Wait a moment, let me show you something that may subvert your perception.

Seifel, call Fenner over here! "

The pirate yelled out of the cave.

Not long after, the idiot Fenner walked over slowly blowing the pirate whistle, and at the request of the pirate, took out the things she had always cherished from her luggage.

When the Djinn saw the intact Skull of the Windchaser in Bo Laike's hand, it let out a roar of shock and joy, and then laughed like Bo Laike.

"Your lord never died, my friend Thunderan the Windchaser, imprisoned by the evil Lord of Fire for millions of years and never surrendered.

Now that we have the Vial of Resurrection, it's only a matter of time before the Windchaser reigns over the Skywall again.

But I think now is not a good time. "

Bu Laike threw the head of imprisonment in his hand, and said to the lamp god in front of him:

"We need to make a good plan, and I happen to be promoting a matter related to the wall of the sky. Now that we have shared each other's secrets, I think we should establish a deeper and more trustworthy cooperative relationship than traders. .

What do you think? "

"Well, I have always had faith in your dark wisdom, my evil friend Bo Laike."

The djinn shook its fluffy body, glanced at the imprisoned head in the pirate's hand, and said:

"Then, let's sign a contract. I am willing to form an alliance with you, but I have one requirement. The Wind Chaser must replace the Wind Rider, and the fallen Sky Wall must be great again!"

"Of course, friend, that's why I rescued His Royal Highness Sunderland from the evil Lord of Fire."

Bu Laike nodded approvingly.

He held out his hand to the lamp god and said:

"I am willing to contribute my wisdom and strength to the rise of Prince Sunderland, and I also believe that my dedication and loyalty will be rewarded as they should be.

However, I don't think we need to do it ourselves to overthrow the tyranny of Al'Akir.

What Prince Sunderland needs is the respect and love of his subjects, not hatred. We can leave this kind of dirty hands to other people to do.

I'll arrange it. "

(end of this chapter)

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