Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1034 130. Since We Are Friends, This Bottle Of Love Potion Is Sold To You At A Low Price

Chapter 1034 130. Since we are friends, this bottle of love potion is sold to you at a low price

Bu Laike re-signed an elemental contract with the Genie.

Not at the level of strength, but using the power of the contract to pull the relationship between the two parties into a closer cooperation system,

But it is not so easy for them to release Prince Sunderland from the captive skull and let him return to the throne of Prince of Air Elemental.

The mighty prince of the elements has been imprisoned for millions of years, its frailty etched into its core.

The first step is to give it back its power.

"I will collect enough essence of wind in the wall of the sky as soon as possible, and this bottle of resurrection is prepared for it."

The lamp god looked at the bottle of resurrection in his hand, and then at the corpse of the cultist lying in a pool of blood at his feet.

It said disdainfully:

"These greedy mortals are also trying to control the mighty power of the elements, but they have learned the lessons they deserve because they are overconfident. Some powers are simply beyond their reach."

"How are you going to collect it?"

Bu Laike asked:

"Is it to hunt down those servants who are loyal to the Lord of the Four Winds to absorb their elemental essence?"

"Well, that's what I thought."

The Djinn did not conceal his grim intentions, saying:

"The Wind Rider has ignored his own domain governance since he was sealed in the sky wall, and the power of the sky kingdom was given to its Lord of the Four Winds.

But those four guys were only fighting for power, and they were arguing with each other, making the sky wall a mess.

In the battle of masters, the defeat of His Royal Highness Sunderland was directly related to their inaction and conspiracy. I must weaken them, starting with cutting off their servants. "

"That's not necessary, my friend, as I said just now, what His Highness Sunderland needs is the respect and love of his subjects, not fear. As a loyal subject of His Highness, you also need to maintain a positive image.

After all, after His Royal Highness Sunderland is crowned as the Wind God, you have to come forward to rule the kingdom of the sky for it. "

Bu Laike waved his hands and said:

"This kind of fratricidal thing will destroy your dignity. I have a better idea. Right now, a gang of vicious stinky pirates is sailing here.

Their purpose is to unseal the wall of the sky, just as I unsealed the Maw of the Abyss.

They intend to imitate my way to win the favor of the elemental monarch, and they have a relic from the sky wall in their hands, which will allow them to complete their arrogant ideas.

You know, people who have a strong purpose and will not stop until they get there are the ones who are the easiest to take advantage of.

You just need to show them a little bit of kindness, and they can become a knife in your hand. You may not be good at this, but I can help you.

My dear friend, it is very simple. "

The pirate told his thoughts to the Genie, and the latter nodded, thinking that Bo Laike's plan was indeed reasonable and that it was much easier than going into battle himself.

After finishing the matter of the Essence of Wind, there was a second problem waiting for them.

"His Royal Highness Sunderland's elemental body has been destroyed by the Fire Lord. The essence of wind can reshape its body, but its will must be awakened temporarily by other carriers."

The lamp god swayed his body and said:

"In the wall of the sky, every wind lord has his own elemental sacred artifact, which is the condensation of their powerful power and the means by which they control the authority of the wind.

The elemental sword of His Royal Highness the Windchaser has long been lost in the abyss, and we need to reforge a holy object for it.

I come to find materials, you go to find artisans. "

"This is easy."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said:

"I have a friend who is very good at making these things, and I can also find my magical little mother and ask her to use the Sunwell of Quel'Thalas as a melting place for elemental sacred objects.

As long as the materials are ready, it can be done within ten days.

But I have a request! "

The pirate pushed Fenner, the idiot who was whistling beside him, to the eyes of the lamp god, and said:

"My elder sister is a warrior. She hopes to receive the gift of His Highness the Wind Chaser and share the power of the Wind Chaser. While forging the elemental holy blade for His Highness, I will also forge a holy blade for my sister.

His Highness wants to give her the power of his wind.

This is my promise to her. I think that as a person who helped His Highness the Windchaser to conquer the sky wall, I should also be paid reasonably as a loyal servant. "

"Your Highness is definitely willing, it is a wise and generous ruler."

The lamp god looked Fenner up and down with a scrutinizing gaze, and said:

"But I doubt whether your sister can withstand the power bestowed by His Highness. The power of the Wind Chaser in its heyday is by no means comparable to that of ordinary demigods. It is the strongest wind element under the Wind Rider and our god of war." !"

"Who are you looking down on?"

Fenner put her arms around her waist and said:

"I'm very good, okay? I'm... oops!"

Before he finished speaking, the idiot soldier held his forehead and let out a headache.

The curse of sin was in effect on her, for the sin of pride.

"Be humble, idiot."

Bo Laike thumped Fenner on the head and said:

"Have you learned it yet?"

"I was wrong, it's all your fault!"

The miserable Fenna covered her face and wailed, hiding in her younger brother's arms and rubbing her head crying.

This excessive intimacy made Deng Shendu a little surprised, but the element demigod didn't care about it, it said:

"Then let's split up and complete this matter as soon as possible. His Highness the Windchaser has been absent from the changes in this world for too long, and he can't miss the next era."

"Don't worry!"

Bu Laike blocks to:

"You don't intend to revive the Wind Chaser immediately, do you? Once the sky wall is opened, it will take time for the Wind Chaser to destroy and occupy the material world.

It also takes time for it to attract the hatred of the material world due to the uncertain weather, and the accumulation and counterattack of those hatreds also need to be brewed.

Now that we have a plan, let's act on it, my friend.

A story about killing a father and becoming a king is hardly more shocking than a prince returning to his homeland with hope in a precarious age.

The subjects of the Sky Wall need to feel despair and chaos first, and then they will give absolute support and anticipation to the return of the Windchaser.

do you understand me?

It needs to complete its "Return of the King" according to the script we wrote for it! This may not conform to the tradition of your elemental creatures, but believe me, for His Royal Highness Sunderland, there is absolutely no harm in this. "

The Djinn was persuaded.

In terms of intrigue and trickery, a hundred of them would not be enough to lift the boots of a pirate. After finishing the business, Bu Laike remembered another thing, and he said to the lamp god:

"Are you still involved in Dellano's affairs? I heard that the Shadowmoon orcs over there are rediscovering the way of elements. Although Dellano's elemental spirit has not yet been awakened, Ner'zhul's recent actions more and more abnormal.

Did he come to an agreement with you? "

"Well, my trader in another world is very generous! He is as good as you."

Mentioning this matter, the lamp god immediately became happy.

It seemed very satisfied with the deal between itself and Ner'zhul, took out a dark energy shard, showed it to Bu Laike and said:

"Look, this is the trade item he gave me, a fragment of a dark naaru, full of power, an excellent dark evil. My trader from another world is ready.

He changed the core of four element lords from me to strengthen the power of the weak elements in his world, so that my weak compatriots have the ability to heal the world and stabilize the world.

But this job is very difficult.

Especially since the elements of their little world had gathered into angry vengeful spirits that had not been quelled, and the old orc was planning to release the sealed angry elements.

Because of the contract, I can't tell you what he thinks.

I can only say that it was a very creative plan, which surprised elements like me. It is indeed the most powerful shaman in that world.

His understanding of the relationship between shaman and elements is too thorough.

Unfortunately, the sudden arrival of demons interrupts his plans, and he might need a little help. "

"Well, yes, it sounds like he really needs a hero who happens to pass by and doesn't want to disclose his name."

Bo Laike stroked his chin and said something.

He didn't say much more to the Genie.

Both guys are very strong in execution. After the time was agreed, the lamp god went to work.

Bu Laike also left the cave with Fenner who kept asking.

Soon, under the double washing of the breath of ice falling from the sky and the breath of the shadow flame dragon, the entire filthy Crystal Valley was covered in front of this purifying power.

It may take a long time to recover to a clean posture, but what happened here today is destined not to be known by too many people.

As for the Twilight's Hammer

They may continue to exist, but without Cho'gall, these cultists will become a mess, and it will not be as easy as before to regroup and make big troubles.

Half an hour later, Muradin Bronzebeard, who was in charge of the excavation work in the Uldaman ruins in the barren land on the far eastern continent, was about to find a fish in his spare time.

But just as the dwarf prince took out his flagon, he heard a noise behind him.

He looked back warily.

A strange slender jawed dragon with a red hood and a phantom body is jumping out of a pile of garbage.

The fellow looked Muradin Bronzebeard up and down with quick eyes, finally confirming that his beard was exactly what Bo Laike had described.

So, Old Ghani's spirit clone took out a letter from his worn-out rucksack, threw it to the fishing dwarf, and maliciously farted in this small space.

With a happy and vicious laugh, he disappeared into the mist of the garbage dump.

Muradin screamed and rushed out of the stench.

The dwarf angrily opened the letter in his hand, unfolded it and found that it was a very peculiar weapon design drawing, and there were specific requirements and parameters under the drawing.

On the back of the letter is a message left to him by Bou Laike.

"Asshole! What does this take me for?"

Muradin gulped down his wine, staring at the weapon blueprint in his hand, cursing and saying:

"I'm a very powerful warrior. Forging is just my hobby. I'm still busy now. How can I have time to go to the elves to forge two more elemental holy blades?

What a jerk, he didn't even agree on the salary in advance.

Hehe, do you really think I'll give you a job in vain? "

"Muradin! Where are you? Come here, we found a secret room that we didn't find before, and there are some interesting things in it, come here!"

A burly voice sounded from beneath the dimly lit excavation site, calling for Muradin to help.

The dwarf prince drank the wine in his hand in one gulp, hiccupped, and shouted behind him:

"I have something urgent to go to Quel'Thalas. You should be busy first. I will be back in a week at most. Don't rush to open those secret rooms before I come back.

I've heard that there is something dangerous in this ruin.

Did you hear that? "


On the Naglfar, in Khadgar's cabin.

The black-robed ship doctor Natalie was treating the unconscious Garona. The female orc assassin's injury was so serious that it took Natalie a long time to stop her loss of vitality.

Behind Natalie, Khadgar looked at his beloved female orc worriedly.

The concern and warmth in his eyes cannot be faked, and Natalie, who was packing the medicine box, also shook her head. Under the current relationship between orcs and humans, Khadgar's love is destined not to be blessed by others.

But she didn't say much, just gave a few words of advice, and left here with the medicine box.

Khadgar sat on the edge of the bed, stroking Garona's cheeks that had regained some color. He recalled his encounter with this female orc in his mind. When the two met for the first time, he was almost pierced by Garona. heart.

Back then the orcs were very violent.

She was under Gul'dan's manipulation and was not an easy person to deal with.

The two lived together in Medivh's mage tower, faced the threat of moody astral mages together, sometimes got beaten together, and endured the dark titan's evil experiment when he took over Medivh's body.

It was at that time that strange feelings were developed.

They are people from two worlds, but they came together because of the push of fate.

The female orc on the bed coughed a few times, she probably wanted to drink water, Khadgar immediately got up to find a water cup for her, and went outside to get some hot water, but when the mage came back, there was another The guy took his original seat.

"What are you doing here?"

Khadgar said in a dissatisfied tone:

"She needs to rest."

"Tsk tsk, I haven't confirmed the relationship yet, so I just spoke in the tone of a boyfriend. He is really a man with a strong desire for exclusivity. Do you not allow other men to approach your wild girlfriend?"

The stinky pirate raised his head and teased in a strange tone, making Khadgar lose his temper at all.

But then, Laike took out a delicate little bottle from his hand, which contained some strange pink liquid, and the stinky pirate squeezed his eyes and said to Khadgar:

"We're friends, aren't we? Look, I've come here specially to sell you this good thing. It's called a love potion. Just by the name, you'll know what it's for.

For the sake of our good friendship, I decided to sell it to you cheaply.

Ten thousand gold coins, and it's yours. "

"I don't want such an evil thing!"

Khadgar refused with a stern expression on his face:

"I'm an upright person, I don't bother to use such things, and I don't want to destroy the past and our relationship between Garona and me.

Don't pollute me with your evil thoughts, you evil pirate! "

"Well, if you don't want it, then don't, why are you still scolding people?"

Bu Laike stood up unhappily, put the love potion on the bedside, he walked out of the cabin with a pipe in his mouth, and turned back to Khadgar and said:

"But you don't want it, it's already opened, so you can't return it! You don't want to know, who did I feed the small half bottle of medicine to?

Hehehe, you still want to fight with me?

If you can still walk tomorrow morning, just obediently bring the money!

Did you hear that? "

With a bang, the hatch closed.

Khadgar sensed that something was wrong, but before he could turn around, a pair of strong green arms hugged his waist from behind.

Then there was a warm breath coming from behind the ear.

"Garona, lie down, you are still wounded."

The mage gritted his teeth and said something.

As for the savage female orc, she responded tersely, biting the mage's ear and muttering:

"Khadgar, you never know how much I miss you."


His proud rationality completely collapsed in front of this sentence.


After all, it is impossible to fight against oneself.

(end of this chapter)

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