Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1040 136. What Is A Golden Signboard?

Chapter 1040 136. What is a golden signboard?

"Another letter from Bo Laike? What is he asking us to do this time?"

In the chief's hall in Blackrock Mountain, the Saurfang brothers strode in with a very uncomfortable attitude. They were training at the lower level of the Blackrock Tower when they were suddenly summoned by Red.

After learning that it was Bu Laike Shaw who sent the message, the orc warrior's intuition told them that there was trouble again.

"This time it's a good thing!"

Facing the dissatisfaction of the Saurfang brothers, Chief Red was very happy.

He handed the letter in his hand to Va Locke and said:

"The captain is going to start a war on the continent of Kalimdor. He said that he needs powerful fighters, and he also asked you two to come to help. He said that this is a good opportunity to show the strength of the orcs to others. Race.

And most importantly, this matter is related to the enemy of Odin.

As two fighters favored by the Lord of War, it makes sense to be involved.

In addition, Kane Bloodhoof's clan is about to start a war with the centaur, and the letter from the captain warned that this matter has something to do with Deep Rock Continent, one of the elemental domains.

He hoped that the elder Drek'Thar would also participate, and hoped that the orc shamanism would be carried forward. After reading the letter, I think the captain's analysis is very reasonable.

It does us no harm, and we have absolutely no reason to decline the invitation. "

"Do you believe what Bu Laike says?"

Boo Rocks glared at the increasingly fat Red, and said:

"Isn't it bad enough for us to be trapped by him? It's not that I didn't tell you his plan. He trapped us in Blackstone Mountain to prevent future demons from invading."

"What's the matter? The demons have landed in Dellano. You have all read the news brought back by the messengers we sent. We will fight back to our hometown in the future, and we will also fight against the demons."

Chief Red didn't think so.

He leaned on his dark hand hammer, took another sip from the wine glass, and said in a casual tone:

"Furthermore, although Azeroth is big, it is not an option for us to run blindly. The demons will not let this world go, and they will not let us go.

Just as they tempted us to fall in Dellano, there is a battle between us and them.

Orcs and the Burning Legion also have grudges to settle.

Instead of fighting back when cornered, it would be better to follow the captain's plan and hold the devil on the Black Rock Mountain.

No matter how displeased humans are with us, they will still have to honestly support us when the time comes. Fighting alone has no future or hope. Only in this way can we win the war with the help of our companions.

Although I am a bit stupid, I still understand this simple truth. "

"It seems that you have been completely 'domesticated' by Bo Laike, Red."

Wat Locke was very dissatisfied and said:

"You are the great chief of the orthodox tribe. Any decision you make must be based on safeguarding the interests of the orc race, and not at the mercy of a black-hearted pirate."

"But the problem is, the captain's suggestion is really based on the interests of the orcs."

Reid rested his face on his hands, pointed to the letter in Locke's hand, and said:

"If you want to object, you have to come up with a reason, right? Do you think there is anything wrong with this plan? Let me hear it? If what you say makes sense, I will listen to you right away."


Locke was a little embarrassed by Reid's statement.

He's the smartest of the orcs, but how could Va Locke's ingenuity pick a problem out of a plan Laike Shaw had laid out?

He is a fighter.

It's not bad for an old and cunning shaman like Drek'Thar to do this fault-finding job.

"Look, you can't tell what the problem is."

The great chief snorted, patted the table and said:

"Since there is no problem, then we can execute it. If you think it is not good for the orthodox tribe to be manipulated by the captain, then you might as well think about it differently.

Think of Bo Laike Shaw as a paid "brainmaster" of the Orthodox tribe, and the letter in your hand is his advice for our development.

He has the right to make suggestions, but whether to adopt them or not is up to us.

Do you feel more comfortable thinking about it this way?

Hahaha, that's how I convinced myself, and the effect is outstanding.

Alright, the two warlords, the Nightborne spellcaster is already waiting in the teleportation hall, if there is no problem, pack up and get ready to go.

I will hand over the military training affairs of the two of you to Overseer Eitrigg. His ability is recognized by both of you. "

After finishing speaking, Reid waved his hand, indicating that they can leave.

The big chief ate a bit too much steak today, and he planned to take a small nap.

In the next room, there are already enthusiastic female orc "fans" of the war chief waiting to discuss the future of the orthodox tribe with the chief.

Watching Brother Saurfang leave, Red blinked and took out another letter from under the table.

This was specially written to him by Bu Laike, which explained clearly why Brother Saurfang must go to Silithus. Reid opened the letter and looked at it with a smile on his face.

At the end, he even slapped the table and let out howl like ghosts and wolves, it was like seeing the funniest joke.

"Ahahaha. It's really you, Captain Vrykul Shieldmaid and two old orcs. Hahaha. No, no, I can't stand just thinking about this picture. I really want to see the life and death of these two old things with my own eyes. Lovely look hahahahaha. It’s the simple happiness of a happy person.”

The great chief with bad character laughed wildly, stood up, and walked into his bedroom thinking something very impolite, and was thinking of a very strange question when he was served by two pretty female orcs.

What is the name of the child of an orc and a vrykul?

Vrykul orcs?

I heard that the magical herbs and reproductive rituals of the shield maidens have strange effects, and they will surely win the bid after one night. In other words, the Saurfang family will have to import more.

If it is a boy, it is better, and he will be sent back to his father to be raised.

Tsk tsk, when the time comes, I must name them myself, ah ah, the famous warrior family of the orcs will grow and grow again, what a beautiful thing it is.

As expected of the captain.

As expected of dark wisdom, Reid once again convinced.

While the great chief was doing these crooked ways, a ceremony of great importance was also going on in the Eastern Continent, in the Stratholme area of ​​northern Xinjiang, the Holy Land of the Church of the Holy Light, the Holy Light's Hope Chapel.

Today's Light's Hope Chapel is guarded by paladins and priests on the third and outer floors, and even the High Prosecutor Iselion, who is the Bishop of Kul Tiras, rushed back here in person.

The five first-generation knights of the church even gathered together. They each held weapons outside the deepest room of the chapel and did not allow anyone to approach.

In the room behind them, the scorching holy light condensed into a solid body, like the sun descending on the world, continuously radiating warmth and holiness outward.

But one can also hear the slightly painful groans of an old man, as if he was going through a punishment.

"Fordin! Can you really be sure about the safety of this ceremony?"

The great knight Uther leaned on the Silver Hand hammer and looked worriedly at the closed door behind him. On the wooden door, mysterious geometric patterns even emerged due to the impact of energy overload.

The power of that condensed pure holy light is so astonishing.

Under constant erosion, even this ordinary wooden door almost became a blessed "sacred object".

Such a grand scene should have made the believers of the Holy Light cheer, but when the power of justice was raised beyond the imagination of ordinary people, even the most sincere believers felt worried.

Facing Uther's twenty-eighth question from the morning to now, Old Fording also helplessly answered with the same words again.

The big knight who still looked a little dusty said in a deep voice:

"I can't guarantee its absolute safety. When the Draenei prophet handed me the knowledge of the Lightforging Ceremony, he also personally told me that the Lightforging Ceremony is risky.

This ritual is to strengthen the Holy Lightwalker both physically and spiritually. It requires those who accept the ritual to have pure faith and a tough physique, and not to be seduced by the darkness produced in the ritual.

What's more important is that after entering the illusion created by the ceremony called the 'forge of all ages', one must accept the trial from the holy light in it. "

Fording looked at the closed door behind him, and he said:

"I have no doubts about the will of the crown. The only thing I worry about is the body of the crown. He has been tortured a lot by the activated holy light. He may die because of his weakness."

"Will not!"

The youngest great knight Turalyon leaned on the big royal sword in his hand and said firmly:

"For a sincere person like Your Majesty, the fire of his will will be transformed into endless life to support him through this ceremony, and he will be reborn under the blessing of the Holy Light."

"If this ritual works."

The Grand Knight Gavinrad, who has been guarding Marshal Lothar at the Northshire Monastery in the Stormwind Kingdom, whispered:

"Maybe we can also arrange for Marshal Lothar."

"Marshal Lothar is not a paladin."

The silent Dathrohan sighed and said:

"Holy Light may favor such a great man, but it is difficult for it to bestow its power on him.

Fording went through untold hardships to bring back the knowledge of light casting. If His Majesty can confirm the gift of the Holy Light, perhaps the Knights of the Silver Hand will also gain new power.

The demons are about to move in Outland, and I feel that the storm is coming. The arrival of this knowledge is not only a promise, but perhaps a warning. "

"Mograine is here!"

Just as Uther was about to speak, he saw a muscular paladin striding into the chapel. Grand Duke Mograine had a serious face. He walked quickly and shouted to his companions:

"I think you are crazy! How dare you let Your Majesty try this kind of power of unknown origin? Do you know that once something happens to His Majesty, the Seven Kingdoms will immediately fall into chaos.


Open the door, we're going to end this ritual, and if we try, let someone else do it instead."

"This is what His Majesty requested, Mograine, calm down."

Fording discouraged:

"I wanted to try on His Majesty's behalf, but he stopped me. He was unwilling to put others at risk because of him. It was difficult for us to persuade him."

"Ah, holy light."

A painful cry came from the room behind, and the six great knights became tense at the same time, the call from His Majesty was filled with intense pain, as if he himself was about to be melted.

"Step aside!"

Grand Duke Mograine pushed Fording away in excitement, kicked the door in front of him, and smashed the wooden door stained with mysterious patterns.

As a noble paladin, Mograine understands the significance of Alonsus Faol to human civilization better than his simple companions.

He was very anxious, for fear that his majesty would "play with fire and set himself on fire" this time.

But at the moment when the great knight rushed into the room, an extremely bright, sacred and infinite beam of light bloomed head-on.

Its power was so strong that at the moment it erupted, it enveloped the entire Holy Light's Hope Chapel together with the surrounding guarding paladins and priests with a light curtain.

The believers of the Holy Light shrouded in it seemed to hear the reverberation of bright hymns at this moment.

They saw in the light a mystic and holy thing of swaying crystals.

The glorious illusion made these believers feel the warmth of the soul being comforted by the holy light. Some fanatics even shed tears on the spot, knelt down to pray and repent of their sins.

The most exciting thing is the absolute representative of the fanatics, the Chief Prosecutor of Iselion who shouted all day long to burn the heretics to death.

He stood blankly in the burst of holy light, as if he saw the most magnificent scene in his life.

In just a split second, tears of excitement flowed down, and the old pastor opened his arms, shouting the grace of the Holy Light in a heart-piercing voice.

He knew that His Majesty's light casting ceremony was a success.

He knows that from this moment on in human civilization, there will be a "Holy One", a living "Holy Spirit", who will walk on the earth, spread the bright faith all over the world, and illuminate those heretics and unbelievers Dark and sad heart.

This is enlightenment!

Undoubtedly, this is the enlightenment given to this world by the Holy Light!

This is the best compliment from the Holy Light to its sincere believers!

In the chapel, in front of the broken wooden door, the six paladins stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of them. Everything in the room was burned by the blazing fire of the holy light.

Only His Majesty Alonsus Faol stood in the tumbling golden flames, and his clothes were also burned, revealing a muscular and well-defined body like a young man.

What's even more strange is that on his skin, the light tattoos inscribed by the elven arcanists of Narsalas Academy have now turned into the innate light holy patterns, which are listed under the crown above the body.

With every breath he took, those holy patterns flickered on and off.

There is no deviance that any tattooer should have, but it gives people a sense of mystery and holiness from the heart. His Majesty maintained a half-kneeling standing posture, just like his actions when he prayed every night.

Waves of golden light mist rose around his body, and there were even faint phantoms of golden wings flapping.

This is the Lightcaster.

A noble title that can only be obtained by the official voters of the Holy Light among the stars.

"This is the will of the Holy Light."

His Majesty Faol said in a slightly weak tone amidst the burning golden flames:

"I have sensed the letter that Bu Laike sent here, I have sensed the will of the Holy Light, we must participate in the righteous battle against the fallen god!

Uther, Fording, Dathrohan, and Mograine, you must take the sacred objects and follow me to the Silithus Desert, where you will welcome the fateful moment of this world.

Turalyon and Gavinrad, return to your posts. A dark storm is about to blow in Azeroth, and we cannot live up to the expectations of the Holy Light. "

"Obey, Your Majesty!"

The six knights accepted the order at the same time. After they left, the crowned majesty, who had changed his clothes again, summoned Miss Partress, who had performed outstandingly recently and was promoted to a high-ranking priest.

A very strange order was passed to her.

"You'll come with us to Silithus, too, child, but you'll take that dark thing suppressed beneath Light's Hope Chapel."

His Majesty leaned on the holy staff and told Paltress:

"Don't tell anyone else about it, and don't ask for details about it. This is the promise of the Light, who has given us the weapons to defeat the demons through the hands of Templar Assassins and Pirate Prophets.

We have to make good use of it, for those good things that represent hope, we are not afraid to put our hands in the soil. "

(end of this chapter)

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