Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1041 137. Ravencrest: It Is Really Painful For Me To Hear So Much Gossip Every Day

Chapter 1041 137. Ravencrest: It is really painful for me to hear so much gossip every day

"It was you who asked me to come, but you are unwilling to tell me your plans and your discoveries. I am beginning to think that you are wasting my precious time, Bo Laike."

In Cenarion Stronghold, the invited Lord Kutalos Ravencrest did not get a detailed battle plan from the pirates.

This made the ruthless death knight lord very dissatisfied.

But Bu Laike is also very helpless.

At this moment, he is sitting at a desk made of living wood and writing hard. While writing, he said without raising his head:

"It's not that I don't tell you, Lord Ravencrest, but that I'm sorting things out too. I know I can do almost anything before your eyes, but it's a powerful illusion.

I also need some time to slowly perfect a cool battle plan.

I need some time to revise my plans based on what I discovered during my previous field trip to the Wall of Beetles.

Please believe me, after two days at the most, I will give you a perfect plan, which will definitely ensure that the Black Crows will be fully "warmed up" in this battle to regain their status, and fight against the demons in the future. Hit the hand.

Understand that the Qiraji are not easy opponents.

Speaking of which, have the bone dragons of the Black Crows been made yet? "

Bu Laike asked.

Lord Ravencrest nodded, and glanced at the letter in the pirate's hand. He felt that what Bo Laike was writing was not a battle plan.

But he didn't care, saying:

"We are already testing our combat power. Black dragons are giant dragons with fire attributes. To be honest, they are not suitable to be perfect bone dragons. However, according to Ms. Alya Blue Moon's reminder, I have sent a team of forwards to the eastern continent. Deadwind Pass.

It is said that a strange ashen bone dragon lives in the dark tower there.

If we can figure out its production principle, then the combat effectiveness of the Bone Dragon of the Black Crow Chapter will be greatly improved. "


The stinky pirate curled his lips and complained:

"I almost forgot about it. I haven't heard much about it since the Battle of Dalaran. Did it actually go back to Karazhan? It's really a family-loving bone dragon.

But is Lord Ravencrest so familiar with my Blue Moon mentor? I wanted to ask last time, when you were both alive 10,000 years ago, was there something wrong between the two of you?

Cough cough, let me be straightforward.

In fact, some time ago, I found that Miss Elisanna's face shape was quite similar to that of our dean. Maybe it's not a coincidence? "

"No, it's just a coincidence."

Lord Ravencrest said in a bad tone:

"Don't think about those faux pas, Laike Shaw, Alya and I have been friends for many years, we used to serve Queen Azshara together, we don't have the dirty relationship you think.

She is an excellent spell caster.

I just asked her to be the Moon Guard Commander at Black Rook Hold but she declined.

Well, I'm tired of your thirst for knowledge. "

The death knight waved his hand and said in a cold tone:

"After three days, you'd better give me a battle plan that satisfies me, so that I won't waste time."

After speaking, Lord Ravencrest opened the door and walked out.

He planned to take advantage of these few days to familiarize himself with the topography of the Great Silithus Desert. In his era, this land was not yet a desert, and the insects were hidden in the dark underground and did not appear.

It can be said that he still doesn't know anything about his own battlefield.

This is something a good commander cannot tolerate, and he needs a guide.

And he soon got an excellent guide.

"Are you a descendant of the Windrunner family?"

Lord Ravencrest sat on his ghostly nightsaber saddle, looking at the dark ranger who offered to act as his guide, he quickly recognized the blood of Windrunner mother from the unique temperament of her.

Facing the legendary figure, Windrunner's mother also behaved very politely. She nodded to Lord Ravencrest from Minnie's saddle and said:

"Yes, I used to be the patriarch of the Windrunner family. I read stories about you in my ancestor's handbook. Lord Ravencrest, one of my ancestors had the honor to fight under your command when he was young."

"Well, I remember him."

Lord Ravencrest showed an indifferent smile and said:

"Taranas Windrunner, he was just a wild boy before he was a teenager, he ran away from home alone to Black Rook Hold, and asked to join my army to fight against demons.

Although he is young, he already has the talent of a powerful ranger. I concluded that he will be able to make a career in the future, and I gave him my war bow.

It's a pity that I died in the conspiracy very quickly, and I failed to see his future glory.

Tell me, Windrunner, has Taranas got his wish? "

"My ancestor Taranas was the first Ranger-General of Quel'Thalas, Your Excellency."

Windrunner's mother said in a respectful tone:

"He has been grateful for your teaching and expectations all his life. After his death, the war bow you gave him was buried with him as the only funeral.

He said that he does not need any honor to commemorate him after his death, because he has seen with his own eyes how humble a truly great man is, and he has always remembered your teachings.

He said in the letter that without your support and guidance, there would be no life for him, nor would there be a continuation of the Windrunner family in Quel'Thalas. "

"Let me just say, I'm pretty accurate at seeing people."

Lord Ravencrest laughed.

This time the smile came from the heart, and it was less cruel.

With the foundation of this relationship, the relationship between the two undead quickly became close. Under the leadership of Windrunner's mother, Lord Ravencrest personally inspected various strategic locations in the Silithus Desert.

But the more he observed in this desert, the more he frowned. As an excellent commander and strategist, he became more and more aware of why Laike was so cautious.

The desert terrain in this ghost place is too bad, which is good for the insects to move, but makes it difficult for the resistance army to move. If Laike isn't going to pull off a big fight, then he has to be smart enough to pull off a surprise attack.

It was a difficult war. No wonder the Kaldorei suffered heavy losses here a thousand years ago.

"Lord Ravencrest, I have a question, a personal question I want to ask you."

Just as the lord was thinking about the strategy, the windrunner's mother beside him suddenly said:

"This is why I am your guide today. Of course, I hope you can keep it a secret for me."

Damn, here we go again!

Lord Ravencrest sighed inwardly upon hearing this inquiry.

He didn't know if there was something wrong with his resurrection after ten thousand years. He was obviously a ruthless death knight now, but he could hear all kinds of gossip every day.

First there was the chaotic triangular relationship between Malfurion, Tyrande and Illidan, and then there seemed to be a little bit of intimacy between his daughter and that Maris Calamity.

On the way I ran to Silithus, I could still meet Shandris Feather Moon, and I thought of the scandal between her and Jarod Shadowsong and the last quiet breakup.

Before he knew it, Lord Ravencrest had filled his heart with many secrets that belonged to others.

Does he feel that he has the mysterious power of "gossip attractor"? Why do other people always leak these very personal things to him intentionally or unintentionally?

That is why ah?

But Liresa Windrunner is also her junior.

As an elder, he can't ignore the troubles of the younger generation. Although he is not very interested in this as an undead, he still nodded at this moment.


"Tell me, maybe I can give you some advice."

"It's actually about the 'obsession' of the undead."

Mother Windrunner whispered:

"I also heard about this concept from Ms. Alya Blue Moon and my disciple Bu Laike Xiao, and I didn't think it would have any impact on my existence.

But it turns out I was wrong.

Just one day ago, driven by that distorted will, I almost did something irreversible. "


Lord Ravencrest jerked the nightsaber's rein, causing the ghost beast under his crotch to stop in the sand. He looked back at Mother Windrunner with strange eyes.

That look made Liresa a little ashamed, she lowered her head without saying a word.

A few seconds later, the lord said in a strange tone:

"I heard your story from Lanyue, so I guess, your obsession is related to your disciple? What did you do? Did you try to possess him?"

"No! Not at all, not to that extent."

Windrunner's mother gritted her teeth and said:

"Not yet but it pains me, and I would like to ask someone as knowledgeable as you, is there a way to do it"

"Relief? Or total satisfaction?"

Lord Ravencrest shook his head, and said:

"The obsession of the undead cannot be satisfied, once it is satisfied, it means that the last reason for you to stay in this world as an undead will disappear.

Once you are completely cut off from the world, it is time for you to go to another world.

You are not an undead spawned by the orthodox power from the shadow world like us, I felt it when I met you just now.

Your presence was an accident.

That's why you have such a situation, the same situation as Blue Moon.

You don't know yet, do you?

My friend Alya Blue Moon has the same obsession with her disciple, your disciple Bu Laike Shaw, she told me this herself.

But she is different from you.

She found a way to rationally suppress her twisted desires.

She transformed her desire to possess Bu Laike Shaw into a kind of "expectation" promoted by herself, and she has made an oath to shape Bu Laike into an excellent and great creature.

She is strict with him.

As with her heirs and her sons, she turns her desires into nourishment, feeding her protégé, chastening him, spurring him, pushing him on a path to greatness.

As a result, her obsession will be reduced.

Every time she saw that Laike was better than before, that kind of satisfaction and relief was enough to soothe the twisted possession in her heart.

You, perhaps, can learn from her.

Obsession is not a bad thing, Liresa.

The living have aspirations called 'ideals' that drive their progress.

As for the dead, we who lack emotions can only use obsession to push ourselves forward, so as not to stay where we are and be swallowed by emptiness and pain. "

Lord Ravencrest waved his hand and said to Mother Windrunner:

"It's not your fault, and it's not shameful, to have some weird connection with Brad Laike Shaw, to have some weird feelings for him, and it doesn't mean you've betrayed your past lovers and your life that's over.

It's just how fate arranged it.

It may feel that you are too confused, so it gave you a little 'motivation'.

The real question is not what your obsession is, the question is how you will achieve it and use it. Just like me, like my soldiers, our obsession lies in fighting against the attacks of demons.

We must protect this world as we did ten thousand years ago, even if this world no longer welcomes us.

But that is the driving force shaped by hatred, pushing the death knights of the Black Rook Chapter to a stronger dawn. After the battle of Azeroth is over, we can still go to Dellano.

Wherever there are demons, there are us.

Therefore, our cursed life as undead will also find the meaning of walking in the world of the living.

It's not as ugly and nasty as you think, you just haven't figured out how to use it properly.

You can sneak into Boo Laike's room one night, satisfy your empty possessive desire with an ugly dirty sport, and end your undead life in empty pain.

You can also turn yourself into a ladder or a wing, carrying the cloth Laike Shaw that has special meaning to you.

Help him get better.

Help him set foot in the wider world.

You can treat his ideals as your own future, help him realize his wishes, and restore his distorted mind to normal. There is no need to avoid him deliberately, that will only make you more and more painful.

You can't escape! "

The lord's tone became low, and he said:

"As undead, we have no right to escape! You need to be braver and more strategic to deal with your challenges."


After listening to His Excellency's explanation, Windrunner's mother let out a sigh of relief like a living person.

She felt that the confusion in her heart dissipated in an instant, and the restlessness still existed, but she had already obtained the answer she needed from the wise lord.

She bowed down to Lord Ravencrest sincerely, saying:

"I know what to do, Your Excellency, thank you for your enlightenment. You are indeed as wise as the ancestors described. It is my honor to meet you.

I will encounter such a thing in the future, is it possible?"


Lord Ravencrest refused bluntly, and said with a straight face:

"Your own problem, you have to deal with it yourself!

You are no longer a child who can be easily shaken, you can do it when you know what to do, you are the patriarch of the Windrunner family, I believe you can handle your psychological problems well.

And I'm a soldier, I'm a grim warrior who came back from the dead, I have my obsessions to deal with, I have my wars to fight.

I don't have time to deal with the love between master and apprentice.

do you understand me? "

Windrunner's mother froze for a moment.

She wondered why Lord Ravencrest reacted so strongly, but she soon understood. In front of him is a great warrior who is obsessed with fighting against demons, and his behavior has indeed offended his will.

General Liresa immediately apologized, and professionally led the lord to continue to inspect the terrain of the battlefield.

But what she didn't know was that her troubles had deeply affected this ruthless death warrior, and Lord Ravencrest had been thinking about a strange question in his heart:

What kind of man is this Bu Laike Shaw?

His charm is so great!

When I was young, I pursued Alya Lanyue for more than ten years but failed to win the favor of a beauty. Now, Ms. Lanyue, who has become a lich, has the same strange obsession with the Windrunner patriarch in front of me.

And it all fell on that brat Bu Laike.

There are so many excellent ladies around Bu Laike all day long, tsk tsk, in a sense, this guy is a bit powerful, um, a little worse than when he was young.

He was the man who almost won the heart of Queen Azshara.

(end of this chapter)

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