Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1042 138. Come On, Everyone, Look At Me! I Make An Announcement

Chapter 1042 138. Come on, everyone, look at me! I make an announcement

For the next two days, the Cenarion Hold in the center of the Silithus Desert was very lively.

This is a war zone, and the transportation of materials is very difficult. They even have to rely on unscrupulous goblin traders to deliver supplies. In fact, the fortress itself was built on the ruins of an elf empire.

Its biggest use is to station troops.

And when necessary, use this fortress as the center to deploy a line of defense against the insects with strongholds near the insect nest. Taking on such a mission determines that the living conditions of Cenarion Fortress are definitely not good.

The druids and sentries stationed here haven't received any official visits from outsiders in the past thousand years, so they can be regarded as very busy in the face of the incoming big shots.

Especially when it was heard that the Pope of the Church of the Holy Light would come in person, the whole fortress immediately became tense.

The commander of the fortress also suggested to General Shandris Feathermoon, who had just arrived here, whether to place the leaders' meeting in Feralas, which is safer.

It is really that Silithus is too close to the core area of ​​the Qiraji Empire.

Although the scarab wall is still strong, now that the silithids can sneak out to build their nests, the Buchiraji will arrange for assassins to raid Cenarion Hold.

In case of personal injury, the problem will be serious.

No one understands the bugger threat better than these soldiers who have been stationed in the desert for thousands of years.

Shandris also carefully considered this question, but when she sent to contact the initiator of this meeting, the notorious big pirate Bu Laike Shaw, she got an answer that did not change.

The pirate seemed confident in his arrangements.

And according to Shandris Feathermoon's rich war experience, she doubts that what Bo Laike wants to launch is not an all-out war against the insects.

Because the forces he was trying to muster were a little less.

Apart from the two orc warriors who came to fight to make up the numbers, the real forces were Kaldorei, Black Rook Castle, and the Church of the Holy Light, and at most there was a mysterious organization called the Council of Tirisfal on the human side.

Although the Silver Wing Sentinel and the Church of the Holy Light have a large amount of military power, it is impossible to complete a large-scale assembly in a short period of time. Judging from the leisurely look of Laike these days, he does not seem to want to go to war.

So Shandris guessed that the tactic chosen by Laike should be a small group of surprise beheading operations.

This made Shandris, who had fought the War of Quicksand, very curious. How could that legendary pirate have any way to deal with the Qiraji Empire's sea of ​​insects tactics that made one's scalp tingle even thinking about it?

On the third day after Bu Laike sent the news, the members of the Church of the Holy Light finally appeared belatedly.

Right in the core area of ​​Cenarion Fortress, a portal that was opened by Meri Winterwind swirled open, and several mysterious people wearing white cloaks came out of it.

The number of people was very small, not more than thirty people including the accompanying guard knights and priests.

But the quality is high.

The old man Faol led the team himself. Four great knights commanded two teams of high-level paladins, plus a team of high-level priests.

Such a team of holy light power is completely enough to purify a demigod.

Not to mention that besides the paladins and priests, there was also a lich accompanying his disciples, and little Jaina, who hadn't seen him for a long time, was also brought here.

The little girl was just growing up, but she hadn't seen her for more than a month, and her height had jumped up.

As soon as I came out of the portal, I remembered to take a look at the desert scenery before I came, and I was embraced by enthusiastic arms, hugged me and swung around on the spot, making the little princess scream loudly.

"Put me down, Fenner! My dress! You idiot!"

Jaina screamed a few times before letting Sister Fenner put her down. Although she was a little frightened, the little girl threw herself into her sister's arms with a smile after finishing her clothes.

The relationship between the two of them is very good.

However, the meeting between the two groups of people on the other side was a bit awkward. When the people from the Church of the Holy Light came over, it was just in time for the death knights' tour to end today.

As soon as a group of people using the power of light walked out of the hall, they saw a group of ghosts riding ghost leopards passing by in front of them, just like Neptulon went out to visit, and just opened the door and saw a Lager standing in front of them Same as Narrows.


Grand Duke Mograine subconsciously raised his real silver holy sword, and several younger paladins and priests also showed expressions of resistance and disgust.

However, in the face of their hostility, the Crow Knights turned a blind eye. They seemed to not care about these Holy Light Walkers at all, and continued to patrol the entire fortress in silence as ice.

The cold ones are the same as the soulless puppet.

"Where did these resurrected elves come from?"

Mograine glanced at Meri Dongfeng beside him. The Lich didn't answer, but just distinguished the badge on the Black Crow Knight. After a few seconds, he said:

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the badge of nobility from the time of the Elven Empire. The last time I met my friend Alya, she told me that her disciples formed a death force in an area outside civilization.

It should be these people in front of them.

They call themselves death knights, and like a lich like me, they are the embodiment of one of the six forces of death in the material world. They are well-trained, Grand Dukes.

We are in the territory of the elves again, suppress your inner desire for purification, and don't act rashly. "

"I am sincere and not stupid, Master."

Mograine shook his head and said:

"As long as the dead don't come to provoke, as long as they don't enter our human territory, I won't take the initiative to provoke trouble until I defeat the fallen god."

"Why don't you see Bu Laike?"

Old Fording looked around, and found no familiar person among the elves going back and forth around him. He whispered:

"Isn't this the meeting he called?"

"He's up ahead."

His Majesty Faol, who was leaning on the priest's staff, suddenly replied:

"I felt his aura, right in the room ahead. Well, he really went farther and farther on that dark road, let's go, Dathrohan and Fording follow me to meet him.

Uther and Mograine took our companions to settle down first, and the elves should have prepared a resting place for us. "

Faol Mianxia became younger after the light casting, but his posture and tone of speech are still as gentle as before, which makes people feel good, but there are some changes.

For example, as soon as Faol opened his mouth, a golden light appeared around him. This scene made some elves carrying things around scream out in surprise, and also made His Majesty feel a little helpless.

He doesn't want to be so high-profile.

However, after the Light Forging Ceremony is completed, there is an adaptation process. Before the soaring power of the Holy Light is completely smoothed out, such a vision is beyond his control.

This little commotion immediately attracted the attention of others.

General Shandris Yuyue personally went to the door of the reception room to greet Faol. She put away her arrogance as the leader of the Silver Wing Sentinel and greeted Faol gently.

she says:

"Hello, Your Majesty Faol, your contribution to banishing the darkness in Kul Tiras has spread throughout the Luna Kingdom along with our rescued compatriots.

The Sisters of Elune appreciate your noble deeds, and my Mindor has been looking forward to meeting you.

Although the moon god and the holy light are different beliefs, we believe that sincere people like you can give us more insights by interpreting the beliefs. "

"There is no need to be so polite, Your Excellency Shandris, I also felt very honored when I received a letter from Her Majesty Tyrande."

The old man Fao gently drew a symbol on his chest and said:

"I have been trying my best to facilitate the contact between the Church of the Holy Light and the Church of the Moon God, and I also welcome the priests of the Elune Sisters to travel to the human kingdom.

I heard that His Majesty Tyrande is also paying attention to this operation? "


Shandris looked at Faol and replied:

"But Mindo is busy with affairs. Although she is very interested in Lord Bu Laike's proposal, Mindo will not participate too much until I confirm that Lord Pirate's plan is feasible.

This is not Mindo being arrogant or rude.

It's just that our Kaldorei are very aware of the power and threat of the Qiraji. I personally participated in the battle of the quicksand a thousand years ago.

I don't think that relying on some strategies can change the power ratio between the two sides.

The bug-man problem is not yet resolved, and even if it is to be resolved, it will take a protracted and large-scale war to end this dark story. "

"Then maybe Boo Laike's whimsy will change your mind."

Faol blinked, chuckled softly and said:

"We also thought that the affairs of Kul Tiras must be put into battle to see the results, but the facts have proved that some wonderful wisdom reached thousands of troops at certain times.

Bu Laike is such an amazing person, that's why we call him 'The Prophet'. "

"Would you believe in sayings like 'prophets' when you lead the faith like this?"

Shandris frowned and said:

"I thought you'd be more realistic."

"I am very realistic, Ms. Shandris, I am very clear that most things in this world must be done in a down-to-earth manner to see results, especially matters related to faith.

We must choose carefully. "

Old Faol walked into the house and said to Shandris:

"But I'm being realistic and it doesn't conflict with my faith in some people.

The reason why miracles are called miracles is that they are difficult to achieve, but this does not affect our expectation of miracles when we hear bad news.

let's go.

Let's see what wonderful ideas Boo Laike brings us. "

General Yuyue nodded.

Although she didn't believe that the stinky pirate was as magical as it was said in the legend, the words of the old man Fao in front of her seemed to have a kind of magical power. suggestion.

When the two came to the second floor of the house, there were already several people sitting here.

Lord Crotas Ravencrest sat at the front, and when he saw Faol approaching, the lord frowned indistinctly. Obviously, the holy light on Faol made him very uncomfortable.

But the etiquette of the high elves and nobles is absolutely top-notch.

With a reserved and gentle smile that did not lose distance, he nodded to Faol.

The two orcs sitting behind Lord Ravencrest were not so polite. Brother Saurfang pretended not to see old man Faol, and His Holiness the Pope also snorted at the two green skins.

It is true that he desires peace.

But he will not forget the sins that the orcs committed when they invaded the human kingdom.

Old Fording and Dathrohan who followed behind the pope were even more straightforward. They glared at the orc warriors, and as long as the latter showed a little disrespect, they were willing to teach these two bastards a lesson with their weapons.

After Faol was seated, a beam of teleportation light lit up in the room, and Meri Dongfeng appeared beside Faol with the Staff of the Guardian, and the two old men sat together and whispered a few words.

And Lord Ravencrest also noticed the unique power of Merry Dongfeng, and the eyes of the Grand Master of the Black Crow Chapter immediately showed interest.

There are currently only two liches in Azeroth.

One Alya Blue Moon, one Meri Winterwind.

Dean Lanyue wants to manage the Nazaras Academy, and has no time to help the Black Crows build an army. If he can win the human lich in front of him into his camp, the Black Crows will definitely become stronger soon.

"Everyone, are you all here?"

After the lich also entered the house, Laike Shi Shiran appeared on the front steps. The stinky pirate was wearing a classic pirate outfit, looking at everyone in front of him with his hips akimbo.

He said with regret:

"Thank you for coming here, I found that my appeal is actually not bad, although there are still many people pretending not to receive my letter.

For example, Rastakhan, the golden king of Zandalar, Elisande, the great magister of Suramar, and His Majesty Anasterian, the sun king of Quel'Thalas.

But it doesn't matter.

Even without them, we could have fought the war against the Rags on our own in the great desert of Silithus.

The premise is that you must follow my guidance.

cough cough. "

Bu Laike coughed a few times, pretending not to see Shandris Feather Moon's questioning eyes, he took out a piece of paper from his arms, waved it in the air to let it unfold, and picked up a stick that he picked up just now.

It refers to the bottom of the map, where there is a red circle.

The stinky pirate looked at the crowd below, and the moment he opened his mouth, there was heavy news:

"I know that you all have more or less access to the information about the War of Quicksand, even if you haven't heard it before, after receiving my letter, you must find some information to read.

You should all know that at the end of the War of Quicksand a thousand years ago, the great Aspect Dragon sacrificed himself and built the seal of the Beetle Wall, making the Bug people unable to break through the blockade of Silithus.

As long as the Wall of Beetles remains, the Bugs cannot wage war.

And one day when the outside world is ready, use the quicksand scepter left by the dragons to reopen the Beetle Wall and wipe out the Insect Empire in one fell swoop.

Very nice plan.

But the only problem is, the damn wall can't be opened now. "

Bu Laike spread his hands and told the bad news to the people below with different faces.

He said:

"My subordinates went to the Cavern of Time to confirm, and I regret to tell you that the bronze dragons evacuated this timeline very thoroughly, and they packed all their belongings away.

Among them is the quicksand scepter that was smashed by Fandral Staghelmet in anger, which is part of the custody of the bronze dragon.

Therefore, in the current world, we can no longer recast the scepter, so we naturally don't want to open the wall of beetles through normal methods. "


Shandris Yuyue, who had experienced the Battle of Quicksand, stood up abruptly, her eyes widened, and she asked in a voice:

"If we can't turn it on, doesn't that mean"

"The seal is broken."

The smelly pirate said calmly:

"From the day the Bronze Dragon evacuated the timeline, that is, more than a year ago, the seal of the Quicksand Empire had already begun to fail, and the seal would be completely broken in a few years or more.

The situation now is that the Bug people have started preparing for war, but you are completely unaware of it.

But it's okay, you still have me.

So don't despair.

Come on guys, take this bad news for a few seconds, collect yourselves, and let the amazing Boo Laike Shaw tell you what to do next.

I already have a great plan.

As long as you follow orders and don't mess around, and with a little bit of luck, we won't need a large army to fight at all, and we can solve the trouble caused by the Qiraji once and for all.

If you have doubts in your heart, don’t say it now, I will leave time for inquiries later.

Are you ready? everyone.

I'm going to start. "

(end of this chapter)

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