Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1043 139. Although I Am Very Reluctant, I Must Thank Dean Lanyue For Those Papers...

Chapter 1043 139. Although I am very reluctant, I must thank Dean Lanyue for those papers.

"The failure of the seal of the Beetle Wall is actually not necessarily a bad thing, that wall still maintains its last strength, and the bugmen cannot break through during this period.

This means that if we find a way, we can deliver a fatal blow to the La Empire within their borders. "

In the second-floor house, Laike spread his hands and described his plan.

He said in a relaxed tone:

"This is also the reason why I didn't summon more forces to come here. We don't need a large army to help us fight, and we don't have the strength to send a large number of troops to the territory of the Qiraji Empire before the Beetle Wall collapsed.

Therefore, this time is destined to be a small-scale elite battle.

According to my calculations, as long as the people in front of us work together, the chances of winning are quite high. Of course, we need to forget about the previous rigid war mode and conduct a special war.

And before I explain my battle plan, I need to describe to you a concept that everyone has been confusing. "

In this slightly dimly lit house, the great pirate seemed to have changed suddenly, from an ambitious strategist to a research scholar.

He changed the tone of an instructor in class and said:

"Although all the gods that exist behind the wall are collectively referred to as 'Qiraji', when we face the servants of the fallen god C'Thun, we need to separate the buggers from the xenomorphs.

The former was blessed by the ancient gods and got rid of the fallen life transformed into the alien worm, while the latter still maintained the unnaturally born beast form.

Insect people are still ferocious in appearance, but their intelligence and physiology are not much different from humanoid life.

Not so with the Qiraji. "

In order to express what he said more intuitively, Laike even placed a dissected Qiraji remains in front of everyone.

This guy was an unlucky guy who died of an unknown AOE when he killed Cho'gall.

Judging from its posture, it should be regarded as a low-level bugman, with obvious insect claw marks on its claws and feet. Except for the two eyes on its head, the mouth is completely the mouthparts of insects.

At first glance, it is a defective product that has not yet "completely evolved".

Except for Shandris Yuyue, who fought in the Quicksand War, everyone present saw a real bugman for the first time, and they all came together to see this degenerate life.

Even Old Man Faol and Merry Winterwind were interested.

Seeing the old lich gearing up and his eyes shining, he probably intends to capture a few living samples and bring them back to his mage tower to study slowly.

Bu Laike's dissection skills are not bad. He took off the vital organs of the qiraji and put them in several glass bottles to show others.

By the way, express your opinion on this thing.

The whole scene looked weird, and if Laike was wearing a white coat, it would look like a medical student in an anatomy class.

This unlucky insect is naturally the "general" teacher who made his C debut in this class.

"I won't take out the samples of Qiraji, they are everywhere in the desert, if you are interested, you can grab one and bring it back for dissection.

Let's get to the point. "

Bo Laike grabbed the twig he found at hand and pointed to the jarred qiraji brain that had been removed whole next to the dissected sample.

As if he was a scholar, he put out his research notes and said:

"Look at the shape of this brain, look at its folds and size.

I can clearly tell you that the brains of bugmen are 80% similar to human brains, and 90% similar to the brains of elves and trolls!

This is enough to prove that when C'Thun blessed the Qiraji, he should have used the life samples of trolls or elves."

"Hey! Smelly pirate!"

As soon as Bu Laike finished speaking, General Shandris Feather Moon asked in a very unhappy manner:

"You put trolls and elves together, is it a metaphor for some vicious rumors? I warn you, if you spread this groundless thing again."

"It's you who think too much."

The stinky pirate rolled his eyes, and interrupted the sensitive elf's unreasonable threat very rudely. He said in a sarcastic tone of a researcher:

"Of course I know that elves and trolls are two different species. I have personally slaughtered many trolls and bullied some elves. I know that you have slightly different appearances.

As for why the distribution of viscera, brain and vitality between your two races is more than 98.5% similar, why the 53 syllables of the ancient Salas language and the 57 syllables of the ancient troll language are similar.

I think these must be coincidences.

Anything can happen in the miraculous nature, don't overthink it, General Shandris. "

Braike's snarky words made everyone else smile in confusion, even the two orcs grinned. They have only been in Azeroth for a short time, but they also know the complicated relationship between elves and trolls. resentment.

"Don't say such boring words again!"

In addition to Shandris trembling with anger, Lord Ravencrest's expression was not very good. The Death Lord slapped the table, glared at Laike, and said:

"Keep on to the point and don't waste my time."

"Okay, okay, I'll continue, but don't interrupt me anymore, it's not so easy to pick up when your thoughts are interrupted."

Laike rolled his eyes, pointed at the soaked brain in the jar with a wooden stick, and pulled out another jar from his hand as if by magic, and placed it next to the brain sample.

The second jar also contained a brain sample.

But the comparison between the two is the same as apples and dates, not only in different sizes, but also in different shapes.

"This cerebellum comes from the Qiraji I dissected myself, and it is said to be the smartest lair guard among the xenomorphs. Putting the two together should illustrate my point even more.

Even though the Qiraji originated from xenomorphs, the two are now out-and-out races. "

Bu Laike spread his hands and said to the crowd:

"Although they still share a name, their social forms are different from each other, and the xenomorphs still maintain the original will of the swarm, treating the individual as a part of the whole.

However, the Qiraji have entered the feudal system under the intervention of C'Thun.

With the twin emperors as the leader, the worm-human prophet as the prime minister of the empire, and the commander-in-chief like General Rajax in charge of the battle, they have extremely distinct identity characteristics, and their internal social forms have shown professional differentiation. "

When the stinky pirate said this, he noticed that the others were listening with gusto, but the eyes of the two orcs had already begun to become dazed.

This made Bu Laike shake his head. He suppressed the part of his soul that belonged to the researcher, and said in more concise language:

"I can cite more examples, but to save time, let me just say the conclusion. I think that C'Thun's excessive interference with the Qiraji has caused the 'split' of the swarm's civilization system.

Despite the large number, the qiraji with low intelligence are still diligent and diligent as the foundation of the existence of the bug-man empire and dedicate their loyalty to the upper-level bug people, even though the bugs can't even understand the concept of'loyalty'.

But the worms didn't realize that the split between the upper and lower layers of civilization had flawed their invincible power.

The evolutionary direction of bugmen and xenomorphs deviated.

This is where we can differentiate their weaknesses. "

"Differentiation. I admit that this idea is very good, the only problem is that it was proposed a thousand years ago!"

General Shandris folded his arms and interrupted Laike with a cold tone.

she says:

"Before the War of Quicksand began, the druids did research on pulling bugs, and they also tried to appease those evil bugs with the power of nature, but with little success.

You mentioned something like the 'Will of the Swarm' just now, so you should know how troublesome it is.

The invisible body of consciousness formed by the gathering of countless worms' thinking makes each xenogeneic worm very closely connected with the Qiraji civilization.

The life forms of the two sides are indeed different, but they are the same civilization in the true sense.

As long as the will of the swarm still exists, no matter how the appearance of the worms and worms changes, it is impossible for them to be differentiated by external forces, at least we can't do it.

As a human who has realized the crux of the matter in such a short time with the qiraji, I admit that you are indeed a very good strategist.

But Bu Laike Shaw, unfortunately, your idea cannot be realized. "

"Wrong! Big mistake!"

Faced with doubts, Bu Laike sneered and said to Shandris:

"You are too superstitious about the power of druids, while ignoring the power of us hunters. No wonder you want to leave the hidden passage, you are a hunter and a priest, but now it seems that you prefer to become a moon god priest.

You're also better suited to be a priest, your intellect isn't enough to make you a good hunter.

so good.

You have chosen the path that suits you best. This world has one less third-rate hunter and one more first-rate priest. The world and I are very happy for your choice.

But you're underestimating me a little too much.

If my plan had reached this point, I would never have gathered so many big figures with confidence. After all, I am also a person who wants to save face, and I have been trying my best to avoid such things as social death. "

Shandris Yuyue narrowed her eyes at the pungent taunt of the smelly pirate, but the Sentinel General was not offended. She realized that the pirate would probably continue his theoretical description, so she made a "please" gesture.

Bo Laike shrugged, coughed, and continued:

"Admittedly, as General Shandris pointed out, if the 'differentiation' tactics are to be implemented, the will of the swarm is indeed a big problem, but fortunately, I have found a solution.

As I just explained to you, the bugmen in human form have the wisdom bestowed by C'Thun. They know how to think about pros and cons, which also makes it difficult for their brains to bear the blessing of the original will of the swarm.

This can be judged from the fact that the leaders of the three large worm nests in the Silithus Great Desert are all alien worms rather than worms. Ordinary worms choose to embrace wisdom.

As a price, they no longer have the ability to directly lead the xenomorphs.

The worms have their own language, which also causes problems in communication between them and the xenomorphs.

In order to solve this problem, they specially cultivated some special species of worms.

Like Princess Haholan.

I believe that the Sentinel Legion is familiar with this name. In the Battle of Quicksand thousands of years ago, the elite vanguard of the Xenomorph under the direct command of Princess Haholan killed at least 4,000 Sentinel soldiers.

Like Princess Haholan, who not only occupies a noble status in the insect-human system, but also possesses wisdom, but still maintains the appearance of alien insects and can withstand the will of the alien swarm. The leader of the alien is extremely special.

I call them 'lords of the swarm'.

They are the 'central' for the worms to command the alien army. They are responsible for the communication between the high-level worms and the lower-level worms. They are more like the 'shepherds' that the noble worms use to control the ignorant swarms.

They are an indispensable part of the war system of the Insect Empire, and also the most vulnerable link of the Insect Empire.

Their existence is our opportunity!

As long as these swarm lords who maintain their beastly posture are killed, the Qiraji will no longer be able to control a large number of swarms well, which means that they will become chaotic first. "

In the eyes of everyone, the stinky pirate opened his arms and said with emphasis:

"True qiraji are so few in number that they are nothing compared to the number of silithids that can drown every grain of sand.

Ordinary bugs don't think.

They are just a herd of beasts, and without the dark orders of the qiraji, the silithid would be easily defeated even if united.

There are a lot of them, but it's still a bit far from truly 'overwhelming everything'. So, as long as we can stop the zerg from connecting with the swarm, we've won 80% of the qiraji problem!

Most importantly, I'm not just talking shit, folks. "

As he spoke, the stinky pirate took out a statement written by Emmoreel himself, and handed it to Lord Ravencrest.

He said:

"I should have received accurate information to support all the strategies I have planned! I am confident that it will be executed to perfection. All I need now is your support."

The death lord looked down at the explanation in his hand, his eyes widened immediately, he glanced at Bu Laike, and handed the letter to Faol beside him.

After the old pope glanced at it, his face quickly became serious.

The whole house was silent.

Lord Ravencrest looked at Bo Laike with admiration.

As expected of a disciple taught by Lan Yue, this pirate used very academic research to propose a tactical plan that was at least logically correct.

The style of finding out the enemy's weakness and killing with one blow also satisfied the death knight lord very much.

In this way, the letter was circulated in the hands of everyone, and finally it was sent to Shandris.

The Silver Wing Sentinel General who was ridiculed by Laike will feel upset, but as an excellent soldier and commander, she can completely suppress her emotions and keep herself the calmest.

"This is impossible!"

After reading the letter in her hand, Yuyue let out an exclamation.

She stared at the letter in her hand, then looked up at the stinky pirate with a calm face, as if she had finished a performance and was waiting for the audience to applaud, she said:

"On the day that Ms. Namuria Linge died in battle, I was her direct superior. At that time, I was also the hunting master of the hidden passage. If what this letter said was true, I couldn't help Know!"

"But the truth is you really don't know."

Bu Laike shrugged, lowered his head and picked up the dwarven pipe, and said hypocritically:

"I know that feeling of frustration, and realizing that you're not the answer to everything, always hurts, but that's growth.

You must first realize your own failure and restrain your arrogance before you can learn something from others.

I was as confident as you back then.

But guess what?

Later I found out that I really have the capital of self-confidence. "

The pirate raised his head the next moment, exhaled a puff of smoke, and said to Shandris Feathermoon:

"You look at me like this, do you have any different opinions? Tell me, a proud and critical general, my mentor has trained me to be a sensible person who knows how to accept criticism.

So if you are right, I will definitely change it.

But if you can't put forward any constructive opinions, then you have to follow my way of doing things. "

(end of this chapter)

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