Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1044 140. Good Children Need To Sleep Well To Grow Taller

Chapter 1044 140. Good children need to sleep well to grow taller

"Gentlemen, I don't think Emmoreel Shadowguard would joke about this kind of thing.

In fact, during the previous few days of contact with the Twilight's Hammer cultists and silithids in the Hidden Passage, Emeril almost tamed a weak silithid with his own hands.

As it turns out, she did learn the art of taming the Zerg from her mentor.

But she didn't learn everything.

That taboo knowledge was permanently hidden behind the Beetle Wall when Ms. Lin Ge was besieged by bugmen a thousand years ago. Whether it is really easy to judge.

We only need to send vanguard soldiers to find the remains of Ms. Lin Ge and her letter in the dark territory of the Qiraji Empire to prove this point. "

The sharp-mouthed stinky pirate finally let go of Shandris, who was already pale with anger. He looked around at the people in front of him, put his hands on the table, and said emphatically:

"I think it is necessary to explain my plan to friends who are not very clear about hunting methods, and some third-rate hunters. If the hypothesis that hunters can indeed tame xenomorphs is true, then let's imagine it, everyone.

When a lucky hunter successfully tames the swarm lord in a certain hive with the help of external forces, he can completely command all the alien species in the entire hive indirectly by giving orders to pets through the soul link insect.

The erosion of the mind of the swarm is indeed a big problem.

But it is not unsolvable.

It is true that even the most powerful hunters cannot resist the combined will of all Qiraji, but for those top hunters who are blessed by the power of nature, they can directly try to challenge the high-level lords who tame those similarites.

Even the 'Queen of the Swarm' like Princess Haholan.

And if such an adventure can be realized, it means that the entire Qiraji swarm will be under our control from the very beginning!

The most terrifying weapon of the Qiraji Empire will become the sharpest sword in our hands in an instant! I think you've all heard some heart-rending gossip lately.

For example, demons are about to land in the world of Azeroth"

Bu Laike's words stopped here, but he had already got what he wanted, and the eyes of everyone in front of him were shining with inexplicable light.

He knew that he had convinced them.

It's always easy to convince a layman. You just need to present some obscure theories to make them feel that you are a professional.

But dealing with an insider is always difficult.

Like now, Shandris Feathermoon is throwing cold water on them when everyone else is already imagining that awesome future in Brau Laike's way.

she says:

"Taming the high-level lord of the Qiraji is an impossible task. During the Battle of Quicksand, I personally saw Princess Hahoran who was strengthened by the will of the swarm.

The strength of that terrifying female flying insect is likely to be close to that of a demigod!

What kind of hunter can accomplish such taming?

Not to mention, when the will of the swarm is fully concentrated, it can interfere with the release of any hunter's animal taming technique, which is not weaker than the impact of the demigod's will. "

"That's why we need to disperse the will of the swarm in advance!"

Bu Laike put his hands on his hips and said angrily:

"If this job was easy to do, I would have done it myself, so why call so many people together?

While some lucky guy runs off to tame the Queen, the rest of the group will simultaneously attack the three large hives in the Silithus Desert and the Zerg colony in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj.

We will do our best to disperse the swarm consciousness in different areas to ensure that the swarm lords do not get the will support of all the worms.

As for who can tame a swarm queen like Princess Harholan?

This is not nonsense! "

The smelly pirate folded his arms and looked at Shandris Feathermoon.

The latter froze for a moment, then explained:

"I'm not a hunter who specializes in beast kings. I walk the way of a knight-errant. I can't do it."

"I didn't mention you, Your Excellency General, you really don't have any self-knowledge. If I really needed you to take on such an important task, I wouldn't have spoken to you so rudely just now.

But to be honest, you really have a good temper, and I was ready to be beaten up by you. "

Bo Laike curled his lips and said in a drawn out voice:

"I just said that we need the most powerful hunter. Do you now know why I must ask you to participate in this meeting?"

Shandris narrowed her eyes. She realized who Bu Laike was talking about, and angrily pulled out the elven sword from her waist, and yelled at the pirate:

"You! Disrespectful! You want my Mindo to be in danger! What a presumptuous idea, maybe I should stab you here!"

"Believe me, I don't want to offend the High Priest of the Moon so much."

The stinky pirate glanced at everyone present, rolled his eyes, flicked his fingers lazily and said:

"But the problem is, in the current world of Azeroth, except for Ms. Tyrande Windtalker, I really can't think of any hunter who can withstand the impact of the swarm's will and complete the important task of taming the queen worm .

If even Lady Elune's Chosen can't do this, then we can only settle for the next best thing and kill all the Swarm Lords.

However, whether or not my plan to take the slant of the sword can be realized depends on whether we can find Ms. Lin Ge's handwriting and figure out how she can complete the taming of the insects without being affected by the will of the insect swarm.

Therefore, whether Ms. Tyrande is willing to contribute to the peace and stability of Azeroth is not the most important issue to think about now. "

"Bu Laike, don't use great principles to blackmail others, this is not the truth taught by the Holy Light."

Faol shook his head, and he said to the pirate:

"As you said, the most important thing is to find Ms. Namuria Linge's lost letter. We must first determine the feasibility of this battle plan.

Who are you going to send to find it?

Need help from the Church's Templar Assassins? "

"No, you don't need those second-rate stuff to add to the chaos."

Bo Laike grinned back, pointed to himself and said:

"It's enough for me to go by myself."

"me and you togather."

General Shandris Feather Moon stepped forward and said in a cold voice:

"It's about Mindo's safety and the invitation she's about to face. I have to do it myself to be at ease. Besides, even if your plan has a chance of success, it's just separating the qiraji from the qiraji.

Although the Qiraji are small in number, each of them is covered with dark glory and cannot be underestimated, especially the legendary twin emperors. Their strength has reached the level of fallen demigods.

After the twin emperors, there is also the terrifying fallen god C'Thun.

These are all questions you need to consider. "

"Of course I've thought about it, and I've got a solution."

Bu Laike opened his arms and held the shoulders of Lord Ravencrest and Pope Faol beside him, like "our brother three", he said casually:

"They are my solution! There are also two orc kings who are favored by the king of war and a terrifying lich who can set off a death storm at any time.

Isn't it C'Thun and its fallen minions.

calm down.

It's not like we haven't played against such opponents before, and we have rich experience in winning against the Old Gods. Of course, it would be even better if the druids were willing to help. "


"Mr. Bo Laike!"

After completing a successful "speech" and stabilizing the morale of the army, the stinky pirate walked out of the house, and heard little Jaina's call head-on.

Bu Laike grinned, reached out and touched the head of the little princess running in front of him.

This is his signature move.

"Hey, didn't Fenner say that you don't wear a mask anymore?"

Little Jaina looked suspiciously at Bu Laike in front of him, who was wearing a magic mask of the Nightborne, covering half of his face tightly.

And he wore a pirate hat very neatly today, covering his golden hair.

This made Jaina feel weird.

She blinked her big eyes and said to Bu Laike suspiciously:

"I always feel like you're hiding something from me."

"No, you suspicious little brat."

Bu Laike laughed and rubbed the head of little Gianna. He casually took the little girl's hand and walked out of the room. While walking, he pinched the bridge of her nose and said:

"You, don't play with Fenner, you will be infected if you stay with a fool for a long time, you can't become a fool."

"Fenner is not stupid!"

Jaina snorted, avoiding the pirate's hand, she whispered:

"Mr. Bo Laike, my big brother hasn't written to me recently, is he busy?"

"Oh, I forgot about that."

Laike patted his forehead with regret, and sat with Jaina on a heavily weathered stone bench outside the house. He reached out and took out several letters from the bag and stuffed them into the little princess' hands.

He said:

"He wrote it. I was too busy and didn't send it to you. Count me as wrong, okay? Come on, I'll give you this as an apology. Don't be angry."

The pirate rummaged through his pockets but found nothing good. He was a little embarrassed, but when he remembered the conversation with Khadgar before, his eyes lit up.

He took out a scroll and wrote on it, then rolled it up mysteriously and stuffed it into Jaina's hand.


"This is a really good thing. I bought it from Medivh's unsatisfied apprentice. Ahem, it is said to be a clue about the staff of the powerful guardian of Tirisfal, His Excellency Alodi.

I was going to keep it for myself.

But I heard from Merry Winterwind that our little Jaina is hardworking and deserves a reward, so I'm giving it to you. But you have to wait for you to pass the Dalaran Archmage title assessment before you can go find this 'Black Sandalwood Chill'. "

"Wow, is it so powerful?"

Little Jaina's eyes widened, and she put the scroll in her hand into her pocket very preciously, and said confidently, waving her fists:

"The title of Archmage, I will challenge it next month!"

"Hmm? So fast?"

Bu Laike blinked in surprise and said:

"You only became a high-level mage last year, right? Is the magic power increasing so fast? Will it not affect the foundation? Do you want to slow down?"

"Will not."

Jaina happily flipped through the big brother's letter and said:

"Mr. Meri was also worried about this, but I paid attention to laying a solid foundation. My current magical power is very solid, and many things have happened during this period.

I know Dad is very stressed and there are many things to deal with in the country.

The big brother must be under a lot of pressure, and his mother went to help him.

I can't hold them back.

I also want to grow up as soon as possible! "

Bu Laike didn't speak.

He carefully observed Jaina's face, which already had a hint of mature mage temperament, and after a few seconds, he reached out to touch the little princess' cheek, which made Jaina dodge for a while.

"do not move!"

The pirate said something, in a gentle but forceful tone, which made the little mage purse her lips and let Mr. Bo Laike's finger under her eyes.

"How long do you sleep in a day?"

Bo Laike stroked the heavy dark circles under the eyes of young Gianna, which was intentionally concealed by makeup, but still visible, and he asked.

The little princess twisted her body hesitantly and said in a low voice:

"That... must have had enough sleep."

"If you don't answer honestly, I'll ask Ellie. She lives with you, and she will definitely not lie to me."

Bu Laike threatened:

"You know, I'm going to tell you all this news, big brother?"

"Don't tell him, I don't want him to worry."

Little Jaina raised her head and begged:

"And I've replaced sleep with meditation, don't all mages do that?"

"That's what archmages who are busy studying high-level magic theories do that! And they don't meditate every day, and occasional sleep is necessary.

How old are you now?

How can you work so hard when you are growing up? "

Bu Laike said with emphasis:

"Merry is really too much! Is there anyone who taught his disciples like this? It seems that I have to talk to him about these things."

"The instructor also persuaded me, I just..."

The little princess tried to explain, but was forcefully interrupted by Laike, who said:

"No matter what the hell reason you have to become stronger, you can't use this method to go fishing to gain strength. You are consuming your own future, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Let's take a break and treat it as a vacation to Silithus this time. "

"But I'm not sleepy."

Jaina said stubbornly:

"Meditation can relieve my fatigue very well, I don't feel tired, I just want to study, I just want to"


Bo Laike put his finger up on his mouth and said:

"You're tired, girl, you just don't know it. Come, look me in the eyes."

He reached out and tapped on his magic mask.

In the next moment, Jaina's eyes reflected a cloud of dark purple light, and the moment it began to spin in a blur, an irresistible sleepiness flooded the little princess's heart.

She yawned loudly, rubbed her head again and said:

"I can't sleep. I still have a lot of books to read. Today's study plan. Mr. Bo Laike, you are a...bad person! I can't"

Before finishing speaking, the little princess closed her eyes and fell into Bu Laike's arms.

Soon there was a sweet low snore.

The stinky pirate hugged his sister and kicked the little murloc who was playing with the sand while whimpering under his feet. The latter immediately ran out knowingly, and soon came back with the idiot Fenner and little Xingxing.

"She needs three days of sleep to make up for her mental stress and exhaustion."

Bu Laike handed the little princess who was sleeping deeply in his arms to Fenner, and said:

"You stay with her these three days."


Fenner took the little sister's very light body, but found that Jaina's hand was tightly grabbing Laike's sleeve, and when she tried to untie it, she was too early to counterattack from the sleeping little princess.

Waving her hands like a kitten, she muttered like a dream:

"big brother. Your servant is a bad guy. He bullied me. You punish him"

"So, is this little Jaina smart or stupid?"

His Royal Highness Little Xingxing said in a strange tone:

"Even Fenner already knows your identity, she doesn't know, maybe she knows, but she doesn't want to believe that her big brother is a pirate?"

"It's not as complicated as you think."

Fenna hugged her sleeping little sister, and the stupid warrior also looked at Jaina's dark circles with distress. She glanced at Bu Laike and whispered:

"My sister, who inherited Proudmoore's incorrigible stubbornness, had a big brother of perfection, so perfect that she would never associate Drake with the notorious Boo Laike.

Even putting those two names together is a blasphemy against Drake.

Are you going to keep hiding it like this in the future?

The day she finds out who you are, she will definitely beat you up! Even in the future, I will never have any contact with you, as it is written in those novels. "

"Wow, that sounds so exciting!"

Little Xingxing rubbed her hands, with the curiosity and inquiry of a writer on her face, she said excitedly:

"I'm going to make it a poignant story."


The stinky pirate said to Little Xingxing with a wooden face:

"The day you finish writing, I will definitely send an enhanced version of the Homing Bomb to Coldarra as a gift. I'm not joking or scaring anyone. The mechanical gnomes have been copying the research results of Mechagon. Woolen cloth.

So, which lucky blue dragon princess can get such a 'gift'? "

"Hey, the stinky pirate who starts threatening people when he can't afford it is so disgusting, I want to record it in my story, and call on my young dragon fans to curse you together!

You bastard! "

(end of this chapter)

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